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Aitchison I.J.R. — An Informal Introduction to Gauge Field Theories |
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particles 119 121
-function 162—163
decay 155
mass 155
scattering 110—112
scattering, inelastic 120
decay 148—155
-model 94—95 114
lepton 121
parameter 38 121
't Hooft gauge fixing term(s) 66 99 104
Action principle 10
Adler — Weissberger relation 95 147
Algebra Lie of charges 24 92 95
Algebra Lie of currents 24 95
Algebra Lie of generators of group 20 34
Algebra Lie, matrix representation of 20 92
And departures from scaling 163
Anomalous dimension 158 162
Anomaly 16 126 148 153 160
Anomaly and mass 155
Anomaly and renormalisation 154
Anomaly and scale invariance 155—163
Anomaly and U(1) problems 155
Anomaly, 148—155 160
Anomaly, cancellation 155
Anomaly, cancellation in GSW theory 154—155
asymptotic freedom 2 122 162
Auxiliary field 45—47 56
Axial vector, charge 92
Axial vector, current 92 94
Axial vector, current and anomalies 148—155
Axial vector, current and Ward — Takahashi identities 146—147
Axial vector, current, non-conservation of 94 146
Axial vector, current, partial conservation of (PCAC) 94
Baryon, decay 123
Baryon, number conservation 124
Becchi — Rouet — Stora (BRS) transformation, Abelian 54—55
Becchi — Rouet — Stora (BRS) transformation, non-Abelian 54—56 147
Bogoliubov, quasiparticle operators 80—81
Bogoliubov, superfluid 79—83
Bogoliubov, transformation 82
Born graphs, high energy behaviour of 63—64 68 99 106
Bose condensate 79 82 83
BSC theory of superconductivity 83
Cabibbo, angle 115 144
Cabibbo, angle, generalised 121
Cabibbo, mixing 5
Callan — Treiman relation 95
Charge, algebra 24 95
Charge, axial vector 92
Charge, conserved, associated with symmetry 13—14 16 19—22
Charge, quantisation 36 124 144
Charge, renormalisation 137
Charge, renormalisation and vacuum polarisation 144
Charge, renormalised 137 144
Charge, unrenormalised 136—137 144
Charge, weak 5 145
Charged current 3 5
Charm 117 118
Charm-changing decays, selection rules in 118—119
Charmed mesons 118—119
Charmed mesons, mass prediction (GIM) 119
Chiral symmetry 2 71
Chiral symmetry and mass 155
Chiral symmetry and decay 148—155
Chiral symmetry and anomalies 148 149—153
Chiral symmetry, hidden global 91—96 146
Colour 1 37
Colour and decay 153
Colour, group 2
Commutation relations in canonical quantisation 12
Condensate (Bose) 79 82 83
Condensate (Bose), Cooper pair 100—101
confinement 163
Conservation law and anomalies 15—16
Conservation law and symmetry 13 16 19
Cooper pairs 100
Cooper pairs, wavefunction of 101
Correlation length in statistical mechanics 156 162
Coulomb interaction, instantaneous 57
Coulomb interaction, instantaneous in spontaneously broken theory 78—79 81
Coulomb interaction, instantaneous in superconductor 83
Coulomb interaction, instantaneous, modified by renormalisation 136
Counter terms 129—131 134 137—138 141 146 148
Covariant derivative, 101 108—109
Covariant derivative, general 34
Covariant derivative, QED 25 31
Covariant derivative, regular representation 35 46
Covariant derivative, SU(2) doublet 32
Covariant derivative, SU(3) triplet 38
CP violation 120—121
Critical indices 162
Critical phenomena 162
Critical temperature 87 156
Curie temperature 76 85
Current as source in gauge theories 27 36
Current in vacuum 100
Current, algebra 24 95 146
Current, associated with spontaneously broken global symmetry 87 99
Current, associated with spontaneously broken local symmetry 99—100
Current, axial vector 92 94
Current, conservation and Ward identity 50 140—144
Current, conserved weak vector (CVC) 145
Current, conserved, associated with symmetry 14—19 21—24 27 71 73
Current, conserved, associated with symmetry and Coleman's theorem 72
Current, electromagnetic 27
Current, electromagnetic and gauge invariance 27
Current, hadronic weak 4 114—120
Current, leptonic 4
Current, screening 100
Current, weak for quarks 115
Current, weak neutral, strangeness changing 115
Current, weak neutral, strangeness changing and GIM mechanism 115—120
Current, weak vector 4 94 144—145
Current-current interaction 4 5
Cut-off 127—129 159—160
Deep inelastic lepton scattering and scale invariance 155—156 163
Degenerate ground states 75—77 82
Degenerate vacua 71
Dimension, anomalous 158 162
Dimension, scale 158
Dimensional analysis 156—157 162
Dimensional regularisation 127 133
Dimensional rescaling 157
Divergences, infra-red 127 139 148 160
Divergences, ultraviolet 6 15 64 126
Divergences, ultraviolet in decay 152
Effective charge 129
effective mass 128
Einstein 7—9
Equivalence, principle of 7
Euclidean region 160
Euler — Lagrange equations 10—11
Fabri — Picasso theorem 71—73
Fermi constant 110 114
Fermi theory 3 6
Fermion masses 38 93—95 113—114 120
Ferromagnet 75—78 85
Feynman gauge 44—45 48 57 64 67 127 133 135 139
Field tensor in QCD 38
Field tensor, electromagnetic 26 33 40
Field tensor, non-Abelian 33—35
Flavour 1 37 94 115 120—121
Flavour, octet of weak currents 115—116
Four-fermion theory, connection with GSW theory 110
Gap in electron energy spectrum in superconductor 83
Gauge fields, quantisation of 39—57
Gauge independence of physical amplitudes 148
Gauge invariance and local phase transformation 8 25 28—29 31
| Gauge invariance and mass of vector quanta 6—7 29—30 36—37 58—59
Gauge invariance and renormalisability 6 30 98
Gauge invariance in QED 2 26—29
Gauge invariance, hidden 5 7 9 30 36 58—59 96—104
Gauge invariance, non-Abelian 2 30—38
Gauge parameter 45—46 65 67—68 139
Gauge parameter, renormalisation of 139
Gauge principle 28—30 83 96
Gauge transformation in QED 26 28—29
Gauge transformation in Stuckelberg formalism 66 68—69
Gauge transformation, non-Abelian 30—33
Gauge, axial 57
Gauge, Coulomb 39 57
Gauge, covariant 46
Gauge, Feynman 44—45 48 57 64 67 127 133 135 139
Gauge, Landau 45
Gauge, Lorentz 39—40
Gauge, planar 57
Gauge, R 99 148
Gauge, U 99 104 148
Gauge-fixing term 38 45—46 57 65—66 113
Gauge-fixing term, 't Hooft 99 104
Gauge-fixing term, absence of counter-term for 139
Generations 107 120—121
Generator of 88
Generator of symmetry transformation 14—17 19—20 34
Georgi — Glashow electroweak model 63
Georgi — Glashow SU(5) 121—124
Ghosts 38 53 55—57 63 147
Glashow — Iliopoulos — Maiani (GIM) mechanism 117—118
Glashow — Salam — Weinberg (GSW) theory 1 30—31 36 58 60 62—63 70—71 87 90 105—124 145 154
Glashow — Salam — Weinberg (GSW) theory, connection with four-fermion theory 110
Global invariance 23 33
Global symmetry 71 83 85 87
Global transformation 8 23 31 69
Gluon 2 38
Gluon, exchange 2
Goldberger — Treiman relation 95
Goldstone, boson (massless modes in hidden symmetry) 73—83 86 88—89 93 96—97 99 139 155
Goldstone, boson (massless modes in hidden symmetry), 'swallowed' (in hidden gauge symmetry) 90
Goldstone, model 83—87
Goldstone, model, electromagnetic interactions in (Higgs model) 96—101
Goldstone, state 87
Goldstone, theorem 73 76—77
Grand unification 120—124
Gravity 7—9
Heisenberg interaction 76
Helmholtz free energy 84—85
Higgs, boson 98 103
Higgs, field 97 101 104 106
Higgs, field, mass 103 114
Higgs, mechanism 145
Higgs, meson 63
Higgs, model 96—101
Higgs, potential 121
Hypercharge, strong 37
Hypercharge, weak 106
Improper graphs 128
Inelastic electron scattering 120 155
Inelastic neutrino scattering 120 155
Invariance and conserved charge operators 20
Invariance, global 23 33
Invariance, local 23 33
Isospin and SU(2) group 28 33 89 94 102
Isospin, currents 94 145 147
Isospin, hadronic 22 30 37 94—95 115 145
Isospin, left-handed 92
Isospin, right-handed 92
Isospin, weak 30 94 105—106
IVB 109
Kibble model 78—79
Klein — Gordon equation 11
Landau mean field theory 85
Lepton mass 109 113—114
Lepton number 124
Lie algebra 20
Little group 89
Local invariance 23 33 145
Local non-Abelian symmetry 30—36
Local transformation 8 23 28 31 69
London equation 100
Loops and unitarity in non-Abelian gauge theories 52—53 56—57
Loops and unitarity in QED 55
Lorentz, condition 39 42—43 49
Lorentz, force 25
Lorentz, gauge 39—40
Low energy theorems 145—147
Mass of vector quanta and gauge invariance 7 29—30 36 105
Mass of vector quanta and renormalisability 7 58 68
Mass of vector quanta in GSW theory 110
Mass of vector quanta in hidden symmetry 83 98—104
Mass shift, due to renormalisation 128 130 138
Mass, unrenormalised 133
Massless states and hidden symmetry 74 76—77 79 81 85
Massless theories and scale invariance 156—158
Meissner effect 100
Minimal interaction in QED 25 29 31
Minimal interaction in Stuckelberg formalism 69
Momentum, canonically conjugate 11
Momentum, canonically conjugate to A° 41 45 57
Nambu — Goldstone realisation (of symmetry) 71
Nambu — Goldstone realisation of chiral symmetry 91 94 146
Negative norm states 39 42 67
Negative norm states, cancellation: in massive vector theory 68
Negative norm states, cancellation: in QED 44 68
Neutral weak current 3—5 63 105 109—112 115—120
Noether current 22 27 36 71 73 115
Noether current and BRS symmetry 56
Noether current and scale invariance 159
Noether's theorem 14 28
Non-Abelian gauge theories 2 30—38
Non-Abelian gauge theories and asymptotic freedom 162
Non-Abelian gauge theories, Feynman rules 39
Non-Abelian gauge theories, renormalisability 6 30
Non-Abelian symmetry 20
Non-Abelian symmetry, hidden global 87—91
Non-Abelian symmetry, hidden local 101—104
Non-Abelian symmetry, manifest local 29—36
Non-renormalisable theories 6 58 125
On-shell particle 128
One loop renormalisation 137—138
One particle irreducible graphs 128
One particle irreducible Green functions 160
One particle reducible graphs 128
Order parameter 77
Parity violation 4
Parity violation in 112—113
Parity violation in atomic physics 120
Parity violation in e-d scattering 120
Parity violation in electroweak interactions of hadrons 120
Parton model 115 120 163
PC AC 94—95 105
Penetration length 100
Phase angle, oscillations in 86 97
Phase transformation 8
Phase transformation, global 23 28 31
Phase transformation, local 23 25—26 28—36
Phase transformation, SU(2), SU(3) 8
Phase transformation, U(1) 8
Phase transition and hidden symmetry 85 87
Phase transition, Landau mean field theory of 85
Phase, hidden symmetry 101
Phonon-like modes in superfluid 81
Photon, mass 136
Photon, mass and hidden gauge symmetry 139
Photon, mass and infra-red divergences 139
Photon, polarisation vectors 42—43
Pion as Goldstone boson 94—95 146
Plasma frequency 82
Plasmons 82
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