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Cheng T.-P., Li L.-F. — Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics |
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model 162 (see also chiral symmetry breaking)
gauge 482
symbol 163 432
annihilation see also forward-backward asymmetry in quarkonium
annihilation, jets 216
annihilation, total hadronic cross-section, colour 216
annihilation, total hadronic cross-section, free field singularities 223-4
annihilation, total hadronic cross-section, QCD corrections 296-8
annihilation, total hadronic cross-section, quark-parton model 215-16 291
annihilation, total hadronic cross-section, ratio 215-16 224
symbol 98 131-2 163
153 160
122 (see also charm)
system 374-85 (see also GIM CP charm)
system, mass difference 372 377 380-1
system, CP parameters 376-8 383-5
gauge, Abelian 263-7
gauge, non - Abelian case 267
gauge, standard SU(2) U(1) theory 420 506-12
-decays 153 336 373
-mass problem 488-92 (see also axial U(1) problem)
167 490 isospin
362 409 420-7
, anomaly 181
, colour 182 291
-parameter 352 364 394
-parameter, experimental value 387 419
-parameter, for weak isospin of Higgs, 419
-parameter, for weak isospin of Higgs, 352
-parameter, for weak isospin of Higgs, general 394
-term, N 157-60 161 165-6
-term, pseudoscalar meson masses 162 164 166-7
-vacuum 486-7 490-3 axial
122 (see also b-quark)
Abelian group 86 128-9
action 3
Action, lattice field theory 326-31
Action, self-dual Euclidean gauge field 481
Action, Yang - Mills theory in covariant gauges 259
Adler - Bardeen theorem 179
Adler - Bell - Jackiw (ABJ) anomaly 173-82 (see also anomaly)
Adler - Weisberger sum rule 158-60
Adler consistency conditions 155 161
Adler current algebra sum rule 137-41 212-13
Aharonov - Bohm effect 458 474
Algebra, charge 130
Algebra, current 130-4 136 139-40
Algebra, SU(2) x U(1) 340-1
Algebra, SU(5) 431
Altarelli - Parisi equation 312-14 319-21
Angular momentum and monopole 455-6 471-2
Anomalous dimension 74 77 84 307-11 314 322
Anomaly 173-82 (see also axial U(1) problem)
Anomaly, and renormalizability 278
Anomaly, cancellation, 347-8
Anomaly, cancellation, SU(5) 432
Anomaly, instantons 488
Anomaly, non - Abelian cases 179-80
Anomaly, non-renormalization theorem 179
Anomaly, triangle diagram 176-9
Appelquist - Carazzone theorem see decoupling of heavy particles
asymptotic freedom 84 280-91 322 335
Asymptotic freedom, and confinement 322-3 335
Asymptotic freedom, applications, 296-8
Asymptotic freedom, applications, /N 298-311 316-22
Asymptotic freedom, discovery 280
Asymptotic freedom, in gauge theories with scalar mesons 289-90
Asymptotic freedom, in non - Abelian gauge theories 284-7
Asymptotic freedom, paramagnetic property of Yang - Mills vacuum 287-9
Atomic parity experiments 370
Axial gauge 248 254-7 271 317-18
Axial gauge, polarization sum of vector particles 271
Axial U(1) problem 294 487-92 instantons Kogut
Axial-vector current Ward identity anomaly 173-82 (see also anomaly)
Axion 493
B see baryon number
B - L 418 443 451-2
B-quark 122 356
Baryon masses 119-20 165-6
Baryon number, baryon minus lepton number 292; see B - L baryon number conservation
Baryon number, baryon number, asymmetry in the universe 444-6
Baryon number, conservation in standard electroweak theory 355
Baryon number, non-conservation in GUT 442-6
Bilocal operators 223-5 299-300
Biunitary transformation 65 293 357-9
Bjorken scaling see scaling
Bloch - Nordsieck theorem 316-17 321
Bottom see b-quark
BPH renormalization 39-45 56 67
BRS transformation 273-6
C-quark see charm
Cabibbo - Kobayashi - Maskawa (CKM) matrix see Kobayashi - Maskawa mixing
Cabibbo angle 136 210 337 356 371 373
Cabibbo universality 373
Callan - Gross relation 207-8
Callan - Symanzik equation 70-7
Canonical commutation relations 4 248
Canonical dimension 58-9 61 77
Canonical quantization formalism 3-11 255
Casimir operator 91 408
Charge conjugation 412 429 445-6 448
Charge quantization 346
Charge quantization, grand unification 430-1
Charge quantization, magnetic monopole 455 469
Charm 121-2 337 Zweig
Chiral symmetry 125-68 294 403 488-92
Chiral symmetry, algebra 132 136
Chiral symmetry, breaking 125 151-2 160-8
Coleman - Weinberg mechanism see radiative induced spontaneous symmetry breaking
Collinear singularities 317 (see also mass singularities)
Colour 123-4 291 401
Colour flux tubes 323
Colour, hadronic total cross-section 216
Colour, 182
Colour, anomaly cancellation 348
Colour, fractional quark charge 431
Colour, magnetic charges of GUT monopole 474
Composite field operators 62-6 73 221
Composite field operators, mixing under renormalization 65-6 307-10 314
Composite Higgs particle 401-2
Composite operator 64-6
condensate see vacuum expectation value
confinement 124 279 322-3
Confinement, and asymptotic freedom 322-3 335
Confinement, criteria 331-3
Confinement, linearly rising potential 323 333-4
Confinement, Wilson loop 331 3
Conserved vector current (CVC) hypothesis 136
Cosmology see also baryon number asymmetry cosmological
Cosmology, closed, open, flat universe 415-16
Cosmology, critical mass density 415-16
Cosmology, Hubble's law and constant 415
Cosmology, primodial, blackbody photon radiation 415-16 445
Cosmology, primodial, helium abundance 415 445
Cosmology, primodial, neutrinos 416
Counterterm, BPH renormalization 40-5 58-60
Counterterm, gauge theory renormalization 267-8
Counterterm, Goldstone boson mass, absence of 186-7
Counterterm, minimal subtraction scheme 78-80
Counterterm, soft symmetry breaking 186-8
Coupling constant see also asymptotic freedom gauge pion-nucleon
Coupling constant, dependence on subtraction point 81-2
Coupling constant, dimension and renormalizability 57
Coupling constant, effective 75-6 81-5 295-6 437-41
Coupling constant, renormalization 36-7 285
Coupling constant, unification 437-41
Coupling coupling constant, definition 36 52 59 81-2
Covariant derivative 230 232 233
Covariant derivative, as connection 236
| Covariant derivative, SU(2) x U(1) 348
Covariant derivative, SU(5) 439
Covariant gauges 257-67 (see also Landau gauge Lorentz ‘t unitary
CP symmetry, B-asymmetry in the universe 445-6
CP symmetry, electric dipole moment 385-6 492
CP symmetry, Kobayashi - Maskawa theory 359-61
CP symmetry, neutral Kaon system 376-8 383-5
CP symmetry, phases 356 359-61 442
CP symmetry, soft v. hard violation 386 493
CP symmetry, strong CP problem 492-3 (see also -vacuum)
Current algebra 125 180 279 488
Current algebra, Adler's sum rule 137-41
Current algebra, soft pion theorems 151-67
Current algebra, soft pion theorems, problem 167 490
Current algebra, soft pion theorems, N scattering length 159
Current algebra, soft pion theorems, 180-2
Current algebra, soft pion theorems, -terms 157-9
Current algebra, soft pion theorems, -terms, N -term 161 165-6
Current algebra, soft pion theorems, -terms, pseudoscalar meson masses 119 164
Current algebra, soft pion theorems, -terms, pseudoscalar meson masses, -mass problem 488-92
Current algebra, soft pion theorems, -terms, pseudoscalar meson masses, Dashen sum rule 167
Current algebra, soft pion theorems, Adler - Weisberger sum rule 158-60
Current algebra, soft pion theorems, Adler's consistency condition 155 161
Current algebra, soft pion theorems, Goldberger - Treiman relation 153-5 160 161
Current commutators 130-2 136 201 223-5
Current conservation 127 144 170 174 201
Current conservation, symmetry conservation laws see Noether theorem
Current conservation, topological conservation laws 463-4
Current-current interaction, baryon number nonconserving current 443
Current-current interaction, charged weak current see V - A interaction
Current-current interaction, neutral weak current 354 365
Currents, anomaly 480 488-9
Currents, axial-vector 173-4 223 488
Currents, commutator 130 136 200-1 223-5
Currents, physical, electromagnetic 134 200 222 340
Currents, physical, weak, charged 135-6 204 337 340 353
Currents, physical, weak, neutral 336 342
Currents, physical, weak, neutral, flavour-conserving 353 4 362 364-71
Currents, physical, weak, neutral, strangeness changing 337 362-3 371-2 378-83
Currents, symmetry (Noether) 127-8 134
Currents, topological 463
Dashen sum rule 167
Decoupling of heavy particles 409 436 437-41
Deep Euclidean limit, asymptotic behaviour of Green's functions 73- 7 81 280
Deep Euclidean limit, deep inelastic /N scattering 199-214 218-26
Deep inelastic scattering 84 199
Diagonalization of mass matrices 357-9
Dimensional transmutation 196-7
diquark 442 (see also leptoquark)
Dirac monopole 453
Dirac monopole, and angular momentum 455-6
Dirac monopole, and ‘t Hooft - Polyakov monopole 469-71
Dirac monopole, quantization condition 455-60 469
Dirac monopole, string 456-60 470
Dirac monopole, Wu - Yang formulation 460
Dirac quantization condition 455-60 469
Dirac string 456-60 470
Direct product group 87
dispersion relation 159 60 301-2
Divergences 30 33
Divergences, disjoint 45
Divergences, index of 57 59 188
Divergences, linear 34 176
Divergences, logarithmic 33 34 176
Divergences, nested 45
Divergences, overlapping 45
Divergences, power counting method 56
Divergences, primitive 33 44
Divergences, quadratic 34 42 50 437
Divergences, superficial degree of 40-1 43 57 73
Double -decay, neutrinoless 414
Drell - Yan processes, perturbative QCD 322
Drell - Yan processes, quark-parton model 216-18
Drell - Yan processes, W and Z production 394
Dual field 454 480
Dual field, self dual field 481
Duality transformation of Maxwell equation 454
Dynamical fermion masses 168 408
Dynamical symmetry breaking 401-9 (see also composite Higgs particles technicolour)
Effective potential formalism 189-91
Eightfold way 90 114 116-21
Electric charge see also charge quantization
Electric charge, and Weinberg angle 353
Electric charge, as gauge coupling 230
Electric charge, in electroweak theory 340-2 346-8 353
electric dipole moment 385-6 492
Electromagnetic current see currents
Electroweak unification 336 339-40
Energy-momentum tensor 309-10
Euclidean field theories, fermion 328
Euclidean field theories, gauge theory 479
Euclidean field theories, scalar 326
Euclidean gamma matrices 328
Extended technicolour 406-9
Factorization of singularities 296 298 315-16 321
Faddeev - Popov ansatz 254
Faddeev - Popov determinant 253-4 257-8
Faddeev - Popov ghosts 258 261-3 269-73
Faddeev - Popov ghosts, absence of ghosts in Abelian case 257
Faddeev - Popov ghosts, absence of ghosts in axial gauge 255 273
Faddeev - Popov ghosts, absence of ghosts in lattice gauge theory 333
Faddeev - Popov ghosts, and unitarity 273
Faddeev - Popov ghosts, BRS transformation 274
Faddeev - Popov ghosts, loop 263 270 285
Faddeev - Popov ghosts, Ward identities 272 277
Fermi constant 135 204 336 339 353 373
Fermi constant, gauge boson mass 353 355
Fermi theory of -decays 336
Fermion family replication problem 363 429
Fermion masses see also chiral symmetry quark vacuum
Fermion masses, Dirac and Majorana types 412-14
Fermion masses, in theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking 151
Fermion masses, in theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking, in minimal SU(5) model 449-51
Fermion masses, in theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking, in technicolour theories 405-9
Fermion masses, in theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking, in Weinberg - Salam model 351 357 395
Fermion masses, mass matrix 357 9 mass
ferromagnetism 142-3
Feynman parameters 46
Feynman rules 3-4 22 498-512
Feynman rules, 10-11 183 186 498 504
Feynman rules, Abelian gauge 264-5
Feynman rules, covariant gauges 259-63 504-6
Feynman rules, fermion loop 23 29
Feynman rules, path integral quantization 498-503
Feynman rules, QED 504-5
Feynman rules, R_{\zeta} gauge Weinberg - Salam theory 506
Feynman rules, scalar QED 505
Fierz transformation 354 382 443 495
Fine structure constant (at ) 388 438
Fixed point 82-3 (see also renormalization group)
form factors 153 202
Forward-backward asymmetry in 368-9
Four-fermion effective Lagrangian see current-current interaction
Functional integration 3 12 23
Gauge see also Euclidean gauge theory Higgs lattice pure-gauge instantons solitons
Gaussian integral 13 19 26-9 249 256-8
Gell - Mann - Nishijima relation 115 135
Gell - Mann - Okubo mass formula 119-20 164 166
Generating functional 16-21 23 29 189 249 255-61 275
Generation 340 355-63 429 447 kinship interfamily
Generator (symmetry group) 88-90 (see also Noether theorem SU(2) SU(3) SU( SU(2) SU(3) SU(5))
Geometry of curved space 236-8
Georgi - Glashow models, SO(3) 341-2 466-72
Georgi - Glashow models, SU(5) 428-52 472-5
GIM mechanism 337 262-3 371-2 378-83 420 427 charm)
GIM mechanism, coupling constant 230 232 234-5 coupling
GIM mechanism, field 230 232 234 238 240
GIM mechanism, field, couplings, fermion 231 263
GIM mechanism, field, couplings, ghost 262
GIM mechanism, field, couplings, self 234 262
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