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Cheng T.-P., Li L.-F. — Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics
Cheng T.-P., Li L.-F. — Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics

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Название: Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics

Авторы: Cheng T.-P., Li L.-F.


This is a practical introduction to the principal ideas in gauge theory and their applications to elementary particle physics. It explains technique and methodology with simple exposition backed up by many illustrative examples. Derivations, some of well known results, are presented in sufficient detail to make the text accessible to readers entering the field for the first time. The book focuses on the strong interaction theory of quantum chromodynamics and the electroweak interaction theory of Glashow, Weinberg, and Salam, as well as the grand unification theory, exemplified by the simplest SU(5) model. Not intended as an exhaustive survey, the book nevertheless provides the general background necessary for a serious student who wishes to specialize in the field of elementary particle theory. Physicists with an interest in general aspects of gauge theory will also find the book highly useful.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1988

Количество страниц: 548

Добавлена в каталог: 18.06.2009

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Предметный указатель
GIM mechanism, field, topological properties      see instantons solitons
GIM mechanism, field, transformation, gauge      230 232-4 479
GIM mechanism, field, transformation, singular      457-9
GIM mechanism, fixing conditions      242 248 252 258-9 axial covariant renormalizable unitary
GIM mechanism, fixing conditions, absence in lattice gauge theories      333
GIM mechanism, mass insertion      381-2
GIM mechanism, parameters $\xi$      259 261 264-7 274 285-6 426 505-9
GIM mechanism, power v. logarithmic suppression      382-3
GIM mechanism, symmetries (interactions), Abelian      229
GIM mechanism, symmetries (interactions), eigenstates      356 371 410 430 447
GIM mechanism, symmetries (interactions), non - Abelian (Yang - Mills)      231
GIM mechanism, theories      see QCD QED QFD Weinberg GUT
GIM mechanism, theories, history and origin of name      235-6
Ginzburg - Landau theory      143
Glashow - Weinberg - Salam theory      see Weinberg - Salam theory
Global symmetries      86 125-8 B chiral lepton muon
Gluons      124 208-9 214 292 312-14 322-3 331 404-5 432
Goldberger - Treiman relation      153-4 160
Goldstone boson      144-5 (see also pseudo - Goldstone boson would-be
Goldstone boson, and Higgs phenomenon      243
Goldstone boson, and technicolour idea      403-5
Goldstone boson, in $\sigma$-model      150
Goldstone boson, in Abelian case      147-9
Goldstone boson, in strong interactions      151-2
Goldstone boson, Kogut - Susskind pole and axial U(1) problem      490-2
Goldstone theorem      144-52 240
Goldstone theorem, Abelian symmetry case      147-9
Goldstone theorem, non - Abelian symmetry case      149-51
Grand unification      428-52 472-5
Grand unification, baryon number nonconservation      442-6
Grand unification, charge quantization      430 472
Grand unification, coupling constant unification      437-42
Grand unification, gauge hierarchy problem      402-436
Grand unification, lepton-quark mass relation      446-51
Grand unification, monopole      453 472-5
Grassmann algebra      23-9 274
Green's function      8-10 14-20 189
Green's function, amputated      10 36
Green's function, asymptotic behaviour      73-7
Green's function, composite operators      62-5 70 73
Green's function, connected      8-9 18 20-1 36
Green's function, Euclidean      16-17
Green's function, one-particle-irreducible      31 36
Green's function, renormalized v. unrenormalized      39 171
Gross - Llewellyn - Smith sum rule      217
Group theory      86-90
Group theory, group parameters      88 90
Group theory, rank      90
Gut      see grand unification
Heisenberg picture      6 11 126
Helicity amplitude      205 208 343
Higgs particle      243 244 263
Higgs particle, charged Higgs      400
Higgs particle, composite Higgs (technicolour models)      402-9
Higgs particle, elementary v. composite Higgs      401-2
Higgs particle, in Weinberg - Salam theory      351 355 394-400
Higgs particle, in Weinberg - Salam theory, couplings to fermions      349-50 357 395
Higgs particle, in Weinberg - Salam theory, couplings to gauge bosons      390 395
Higgs particle, in Weinberg - Salam theory, mass      351 396-8
Higgs particle, in Weinberg - Salam theory, production      398-400
Higgs particle, triplet Higgs      418-19 466-7
Higgs phenomenon      240-7
Higgs phenomenon, Abelian case      241-3
Higgs phenomenon, in SO(3) model      466-7
Higgs phenomenon, in SU(5) GUT      434-7
Higgs phenomenon, in Weinberg - Salam theory      348-52
Higgs phenomenon, non - Abelian case      243-7
Homotopic classes      477
Homotopic classes, $S^{2}\rightarrow S^{2}$      467 476
Homotopic classes, $S^{3}\rightarrow S^{3}$      478-9
Homotopic classes, $S^{one}\rightarrow S^{one}$      477-8
Hypercharge      115
Hypercolour      see technicolour
Infinite momentum frame      140
Infrared divergences      316-17 321
instantons      292 476-93 axion anomaly homotopic strong
Instantons, and path integral formalism      484 487
Instantons, size      481
Instantons, vacuum tunnelling      482-7
Interaction picture      6
Interfamily couplings, suppression      373-4 447-8
Intermediate vector boson, charged (W)      135 339 342-4 351-3 379 386-94
Intermediate vector boson, neutral (Z)      344 351-5 364-9 386-94
Isospin      90 114-15 129
Isospin, and chiral symmetry      125 167
Isospin, structure of $\pi$N amplitude      159
Isospin, structure of $\sigma$-term      157-8
Isospin, violation by electromagnetism      115 167
Isospin, violation by strong interactions      166-7
Jacobi identity      89
Jets      216 322
Kink      462
Kinoshita - Lee - Naunberg theorem      317
Kinship hypothesis      448
KM-matrix      see Kobayashi - Maskawa matrix
Kobayashi - Maskawa mixing matrix, CP violation theory      361 378 383-6
Kobayashi - Maskawa mixing matrix, GIM mechanism      380-3
Kobayashi - Maskawa mixing matrix, GUT (kinship hypothesis)      449
Kobayashi - Maskawa mixing matrix, in W-decays      388-90
Kobayashi - Maskawa mixing matrix, leptonic mixings      361 410
Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing matrix      see also Cabibbo angle quark
Kogut - Susskind pole      492
Ladder diagrams      320
Landau gauge      196 263 505
Landau singularity      84
Lattice field theory      324-31
Lattice field theory, fermion field      328-9
Lattice field theory, gauge field      329-35
Lattice field theory, link variable      330
Lattice field theory, Monte Carlo calculation      325 335
Lattice field theory, plaquette      330 334
Lattice field theory, scalar field      326-8
Lepton flavour number      362 409 muon neutrino
Lepton nucleon scattering      see also neutrino nucleon scattering
Lepton nucleon scattering, Bjorken scaling and quark-parton model      199 214
Lepton nucleon scattering, Bjorken scaling and quark-parton model, Altarelli - Parisi equation      312-13
Lepton nucleon scattering, Bjorken scaling and quark-parton model, light-cone singularities in free field theory      224-6
Lepton nucleon scattering, Bjorken scaling and quark-parton model, QCD calculations, operator product-expansion and renormalization group equation      298-311
Lepton nucleon scattering, Bjorken scaling and quark-parton model, QCD calculations, perturbative      316-22
Lepton nucleon scattering, Bjorken scaling and quark-parton model, sum rules      see Adler Gross momentum
Lepton nucleon scattering, current algebra, testing      see Adler's sum rule
Lepton nucleon scattering, elastic      201-2
Lepton nucleon scattering, inelastic      84 134-41 199-214 224 298-311 316-22 369
Lepton nucleon scattering, polarized eD asymmetry      370-1
Lepton nucleon scattering, weak neutral current structure      369-71
Lepton number      355 414 418
Leptonic mixing angles      361 410
Leptonic weak charged current      136 204 337
Leptoquark      442 (see also diquark)
Lie algebra      89 91 127
Lie groups      87-8 433
Light-cone singularities      218-26 299-300
Linde - Weinberg bound on Higgs mass      396-8
Linearly rising potential      323 333 334
Local Symmetries      see gauge symmetries
Loop expansion      191-2
Loop expansion, $\lambda\phi^{4}$      193-6
Loop expansion, as expansion in Planck's constant      192
Loop expansion, scalar QED      196-8
Lorentz gauge      248 259
Low energy theorems, 2 soft pion      156-67
Low energy theorems, single soft pion      153-5
Low energy theorems, soft photon      156
Magnetic current      454
Magnetic moment of gauge vcctor particle      288
Magnetic monopole      453 (see also Dirac monopole grand solitons ‘t topological
Magnetic monopole, and angular momentum      455-6 471
Magnetic monopole, and charge quantization      454-5 469
Majorana mass      412-14 (see also charge conjugation neutrino neutrinoless neutrino-antineutrino
Mass      see also fermion Higgs pseudoscalar neutrino quark vector
Mass, effective (running)      81 449-51
Mass, eigenstates      356 371 410 430 447-9
Mass, insertion      382 (see also GIM mechanism)
Mass, renormalization      30 34 449-51
Mass, renormalization, Goldstone boson      186-7
Mass, self      32-5
Mass, singularities      see collinear singularities
Meissner effect      240-1 323
Minimal gauge coupling      231 232
Mixings, composite operators under renormalization      65-6 309-10
Mixings, lepton couplings      361 410
Mixings, neutral vector bosons in SU(2)$\times$U(1) electroweak theory      120-1; see Weinberg angle $\omega - \phi$
Mixings, quark couplings      359 371-3 Cabibbo KM
Momentum sum rule      213-14 308-10
Most attractive scalar channel (MASC)      408
Multiplicatively renormalizable      39 64-5 73 77
Muon number      362 409
Nambu - Goldstone boson      see Goldstone boson
Neutrino electron scatterings      338 354 364-8
Neutrino flavour counting and Z decay      393
Neutrino mass      361 409-20 neutrino neutrinoless
Neutrino mass, cosmological bound      415-16
Neutrino mass, Dirac v. Majorana types      412-14
Neutrino mass, from radiative correction      417
Neutrino mass, in GUTs      418
Neutrino mass, in SU(2)$\times$U(1) models      417-19
Neutrino oscillations      see also neutrino mass mass solar
Neutrino oscillations, flavour oscillation      410-12
Neutrino oscillations, neutrino-antineutrino oscillation      420
Neutrino oscillations, oscillation length      411
Neutrino-nucleon scattering, Bjorken scaling and quark-parton model      204-14
Neutrino-nucleon scattering, testing current algebra (Adler sum rule)      137-41
Neutrino-nucleon scattering, weak neutral current (Weinberg angle)      369-70
Noether theorem      126-8
Non-integrable phase factor      329 332
Non-leptonic weak processes      338 384
Non-perturbative effects, instanton      476
Non-perturbative effects, lattice field theory      322
Non-perturbative effects, soliton      460
Non-renormalizable interactions      57
Nonexceptional momenta      73
Normalization points (mass scale parameter), in dimensional regularization scheme      77
Normalization points (mass scale parameter), in momentum subtraction schemes      67-70
O(4)      352 481
Omega-\phi$ mixing      120-1
Omega-\phi$ mixing, ideal mixing      121
One-particle-irreducible (onePI), diagrams      31 192
One-particle-irreducible (onePI), Green's functions      31 62 192
Operator product expansion      298-308
Operator product expansion, factorization of singularities      298
Operator product expansion, light-cone expansion      299
Operator product expansion, short distance expansion      298
Paramagnetic property of Yang - Mills vacuum      287-9 (see also asymptotic freedom)
Parity nonconservation      336 338
Parity nonconservation, in atomic physics      370
Partial wave      338 343-4
Partially conserved axial-vector current      see PCAC
Parton      see also parton model quarks gluons
Parton model      see also deep inelastic scattering parton QCD-parton scaling
Parton model, $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation      214-16
Parton model, Drell - Yan process      216-18
Parton model, impulse approximation      206
Parton model, lepton-nucleon scattering      206-14
Parton model, parton distribution functions      207-12
Parton, point-like constituents of hadron      203 206 208-9
Parton, sea      209 211
Parton, spin 1/2 nature of charged partons      207-8
Paschos - Wolfenstein relation      370
Path integral quantization      11-17
Path integral quantization, fermion      23-9
Path integral quantization, gauge theories      248-67
Path integral quantization, scalar      17-22
PCAC      151-8 161-2
Perturbation expansion      see also Feynman rules non-perturbative renormalization
Perturbation expansion, canonical formalism      6-8
Perturbation expansion, canonical formalism, $U$-matrix      7
Perturbation expansion, canonical formalism, interaction picture      6
Perturbation expansion, chiral perturbation      161
Perturbation expansion, path integral formalism, $\lambda\phi^{4}$      19-22 498-501
Perturbation expansion, path integral formalism, gauge theories      260
Perturbative QCD      311
Phase transition      325 335
Pion nucleon ($\pi$N) amplitude      see Adler's consistency condition Adler isospin scattering
Pion nucleon coupling      153
Polarizations of vector particles      271 342-3
Polarized eD asymmetry      370-1
Pontryargin number      see topological winding number
Propagator functions      499-509 (see also Feynman rules)
Propagator functions, fermion      23 221 263
Propagator functions, ghost      261
Propagator functions, Higgs scalar      264
Propagator functions, scalar      5 9-10 31-2 34-5 68 170-1 219-20
Propagator functions, vector      60-2 261 264 339
Propagator functions, vector, $R_{\zeta}$ gauge      265
Propagator functions, would-be - Goldstone boson      265
Proton decay      442-4
Proton decay, model-independent approach      443
Proton decay, SU(5) amplitude      443
Pseudo - Goldstone bosons      246
Pseudo - Goldstone bosons, in technicolour theories      405 407 409
Pseudo-particles      476 (see also instantons)
Pseudoscalar meson masses      see current algebra $\sigma$-term Dashen Gell Goldstone quark
Pure gauge      480
QCD      124 279 quarks)
QCD, effective coupling constant      295-6 312 438 confinement)
QCD, global symmetries      125 168 294 strong
QCD, Lagrangian      291
QCD, operator product expansion and renormalization group calculations      291-311 (see also $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation lepton Bjorken
QCD, parton picture      208-9 214 312
QCD, perturbative calculations      311-22 (see also lepton nucleon scattering)
QCD, scale parameter      296 335 403 442
QCD, vacuum      323 493
QED, gauge theory, as prototype      229
QED, quantization, difficulty of      248
QED, renormalization group      67
QED, renormalization group, $\beta$-function      283-4
QED, renormalization group, charge screening      280
QED, renormalization programme      31
QED, Ward identities, axial-vector (anomaly)      173-9
QED, Ward identities, vector      174 267-8 272
QFD      336-427
QFD, path integral formalism      3 498-503
QFD, path integral formalism, fermion      23-9
QFD, path integral formalism, gauge theories      248-60
QFD, path integral formalism, lattice field theories      325 327-8
QFD, path integral formalism, scalar      11-22
QFD, quantization, canonical formalism      3
QFD, quantization, canonical formalism, fermion      22-3 221
QFD, quantization, canonical formalism, lattice field theory      325
QFD, quantization, canonical formalism, scalar      4-11 170 219-20
QFD, theories with magnetic monopole      454-60
Quantum chromodynamics      see QCD
Quantum electrodynamics      see QED
Quantum flavour dynamics      see QFD
Quark, currents      see also baryon number colour GIM
Quark, currents, electromagnetic      134-5 210 346
Quark, currents, electromagnetic, fractional charge      117-18 123 346-8 431 474
Quark, currents, weak, charged      136 210 359 371 4
Quark, currents, weak, neutral      353 362 364-5 371
Quark, masses      see also chiral symmetry
Quark, masses, chiral symmetry breaking      125 152 160-8
Quark, masses, constituent v. current masses      168
Quark, masses, sizes $m_{c}$, $m_{b}$      122
Quark, masses, sizes $m_{u}$, $m_{d}$, $m_{s}$      167-8
Quark, masses, strong CP problem      493
Quark, masses, SU(5) relations to lepton masses      449-51
Quark, model, simple      see also Gell - Mann - Okubo formulae Zweig
Quark, model, simple, and chiral symmetry      131-4 (see also axial U(1) problem)
Quark, model, simple, eightfold way SU(3) flavour symmetry      115- 21
Quark, model, simple, paradoxes      123
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