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Kleinert H., Schulte-Frohlinde — Critical Properties of (Phi)P4-Theories |
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for O(N)-cubic crossover 313 317 320
function 155 157 158 165—167 173 179 332 334 371 415
function, five-loop 301 314
function, slope and 166
-operation 141 186
-expansion 24 112 140
-expansion, for О(N)-cubic crossover 317
-expansion, critical exponent 179 303 319
-expansion, critical exponent 179 303 318
-expansion, critical exponent 180 304 317
-expansion, fixed point 179 302 312 316
Above-below equality of critical exponents 176
Aharony, A. 89 323
Ahlers, G. 6 28 29 419
Algorithm, Janke — Kleinert 293 306
Algorithm, reduction of Feynman integrals 224 231 236
Amit, D.J. 27 28 89 153 183
Amplitude ratio 4 6 10 11 170
Amputated diagram 54 87
Analytic regularization 96 101 104
Anderson, P.W. 354
Anomalous dimension 98 179
Anomaly of scale invariance 96 154
Antonenko, S.A. 361 400
Approach to scaling 167 172 357
Approximation, Arvanitis, C. 354
Approximation, Born 27
Approximation, Landau 10 73
Approximation, Pade 26 283
Approximation, Pade — Borel 283
Asymptotic, convergence 181
Asymptotic, minimal error 286
Asymptotic, series 283 286
Babaev, E. 29 30
Bachmann 30 75 270
Baker, G.A. 300 400
Balcar, E. 28
Ballesteros, H.G. 402 420
Bare quantities 95
Bare quantities, coupling constant 100 128 140
Bare quantities, energy functional 100 132 134
Bare quantities, field 100 128 140
Bare quantities, for O(N)-cubic symmetry 280
Bare quantities, for O(N)-symmetry 273
Bare quantities, Green function 134
Bare quantities, mass 100 128 140
Behavior at short distance 183
Bender, C.M. 354 419
Bending stiffness 178
BENZ-type diagram 230
BENZ-type diagram, reduction algorithm 237
Bernreuther, W. 355
beta function 102 108 121 3
Bjorken, J.D. 127 152
Blocking transformation 24
Bloete, H.W.J. 401 402
Boehm 270
Bogoliubov, N.N. 30 152 194 423
Bollini, C.G. 127
Bonnier, B. 353
Borel — Leroy transformation 290 291 293—295
Borel, E. 300
Borel, sum 288 290
Borel, transformation 283 288
Born approximation 27
BPHZ formalism 184
Breakdown of rotational symmetry 2
Breitenlohner, P. 152 194
Brezin, E. 28 30 89 99 183 300 310 323 354 355 424
Broadhurst, D.J. 30 400 425 470 471
Bubble diagrams, chain of 189 193
Buckingham, M.J. 28
Buckley, I.R.C. 354
Butera, P. 127 401 402 420
Callan — Symanzik equation 155
Callan, C.G. 183
Cancellation of vacuum diagrams 47
Caracciolo, S. 401
Carleman 300
Carmona, J.M. 323
Castilly, G.E. 354
Caswell, W.E. 152 153 194 223
Causo, M.S. 401
Chain of bubble diagrams 189 193
Chain of self-energy diagrams 55
Chain, diagram 240
Chakravarty, S. 354
Chen, J.H. 402
Chen, K. 402
Chetyrkin, K.G. 30 223 251 270 282 310 355 400 423
Chui, T.C.P. 28 29 401 419
Cicuta, G. 127
Classical Heisenberg model 11 356 396
Classification of diagrams 229
Cluster decomposition 62
Coherence length 4 7 17 19
Coherence length, zero-temperature 17
Coleman, S. 99
Collins, J.C. 127 152 183 194
Comi 401 402 420
Components of diagrams, external 47
Components of diagrams, vacuum 47
Composite fields 38 74
Condensation energy 10 19 170
Configuration space methods 238
Confluent singularities 389 393
Conformal mapping technique 283 291
Connected, correlation function 3 59
Connected, diagram 46 63 253 255 259 260
Connected, n-point function 61 71
Connected, part of full propagator 54
Connected, two-point function 70
Constants, Euler 125 249
Constants, Planck 23
continuum limit 34
Contracted subdiagram 208
Convention, Einstein’s summation 60
Convergence of Borel sum 290
Convergence of strong-coupling expansion 328
Convergence, asymptotic 181
Convergence, theorem 129
Correlation functions 3 32
Correlation functions, connected 3 59
Correlation functions, diagrammatic expansion of 40
Correlation functions, proper 55
correlation length 4
Counterterm 128 139 139
Counterterm, diagram 144
Counterterm, infrared 215
Counterterm, method 128 138
Counterterm, minimal subtraction 191
Counterterm, weight factor of 139
Coupling constant 31
Coupling constant, bare 128 140
Coupling constant, dimensionless 111 139
Coupling constant, redefinition 148
Coupling constant, reduced 357
Coupling constant, renormalized 128 133 139
Coupling constant, running 161 163
Coupling tensor 31
Criterion, Ginzburg 19 371
Criterion, Kleinert 21 21 371
Critical exponent, , self-consistent 334
Critical exponent, , self-consistent, for D=3 359 360 362
Critical in D=3 dimensions 375
Critical, behavior 4 89 472
Crossover, O(N)-cubic 313 317 320
Cubic, anisotropy 311
| Cubic, fixed point 312 316 320 322
Cubic, symmetry 76 311
Cumulant expansion 62
Curie temperature 2 15
Cut, coupling constant plane 291
Cutline in diagram 54 253 255
Cutoff, infrared 198
Cutoff, momentum space 100
Cutoff, regularization 95
Cutoff, ultraviolet 23
Cutvertex in diagram 185 229 252 253 255
Cutvertex in diagram, R-operation 188
D-dimensional, polar coordinates 119
D-dimensional, surface 119
Darboux theorem 290
De Gennes, P.G. 30 310
DeBroglie, L.V. 20
Denner, A. 270
Density, Superfluid 7
Derkachov, S.E. 400
Diagram, classification 229
Diagram, connected 46 253
Diagram, counterterm 144
Diagram, disconnected 46
Diagram, dual 239
Diagram, Feynman 24 37 40
Diagram, for multicomponent fields 76
Diagram, four-point 259
Diagram, generation 252
Diagram, generic 230
Diagram, matrix 253
Diagram, n-point 41
Diagram, N-shaped 246
Diagram, one-particle irreducible 54
Diagram, propagator type 198
Diagram, shrunk 184
Diagram, skeleton 129
Diagram, star 240
Diagram, subtracted 208
Diagram, sunset 113 115
Diagram, tadpole 105 189
Diagram, tree 72
Diagram, two-point 255
Diagram, vacuum 46 255
Diagram, with vector indices 202
Diagrammatic expansion 49 56
Diagrammatic expansion, composite fields 49 56
Diagrammatic expansion, correlation functions 40
Diagrammatic expansion, four-point function 48
Diagrammatic expansion, momentum space 51
Diagrammatic expansion, partition function 45
Diagrammatic expansion, two-point function 48
Diagrammatic subtraction of subdivergences 149 186 205 210
Differentiation with respect to external momentum 132 142 191 193 202
Differentiation with respect to mass 191 192 252 260
Digamma function 111 250
Dimension, anomalous 98 156 179
Dimension, engineering 89
Dimension, field 89
Dimension, free-field 90
Dimension, lower 24 347
Dimension, lower critical 24
Dimension, mass 90
Dimension, naive 89 163
Dimension, noninteger 120
Dimension, technical 89 163 235
Dimension, upper 20 24 131
Dimension, upper critical 20 24 131
Dimensional regularization 102
Dimensional, analysis 95 163 173
Dimensional, four-point diagrams 110
Dimensional, IR-divergence 203
Dimensional, regularization 102
Dimensional, two-point diagrams 110
Dimensional, vacuum diagram 118
Dimensional, zero mass 105 203
Dimensionless, counterterms 139
Dimensionless, coupling constant 111 139
Dimensionless, scale parameter 161
Dingle, R.B. 300
Disconnected diagram 46
Discontinuity 284 285
dispersion relation 285
Divergence, infrared 100 196 197 205 210
Divergence, logarithmic 101 129
Divergence, overlapping 130 151
Divergence, quadratic 101 129
Divergence, superficial 129 131 192
Divergence, ultraviolet 100 129 205
Dohm, V. 183
Domany, E. 324
Domb, C. 28 89 183 323 402
Dowrick, N.J. 28
Drell, S.D. 127 152
Drouffe, J. — M. 27
Drummond, I.T. 310
Dual diagram 239 239
Duality transformation 238
Duncan, A. 354
Dynamic structure factor 27
Dyson, F.J. 152
Eckmann, J.P. 300
Eden, R.J. 127
Effective potential 168
Einstein summation convention 60
Energy functional 31
Energy functional, bare 100 132 134
Energy functional, Ginzburg — Landau 16
Energy functional, renormalized 139
Energy of condensation 10 19
Energy, condensation 170
Energy, effective 68 70 72 73 167 171
Energy, ground state 170
Engineering dimension 89
Equation, Callan — Symanzik 155
Equation, gap 14
Equation, renormalization group 25 157 161
Erdely, A. 300
Euler 474
Euler constant 125
Euler, constant 226 249
Euler, Digamma function 111 125 250
Exceptional momenta 204
Expansion in D=3, dimensions, seven loops 375
Expansion in D=3, dimensions, six loops 356
Expansion of 125 249
Expansion, asymptotic 283 286
Expansion, cumulant 62
Expansion, Gamma function 125
Expansion, high-temperature 356 393
Expansion, of Gamma function 249
Expansion, perturbation 36
Expansion, strong-coupling 297 325
Expansion, weak-coupling 325
Expansion, Wick 36
EXPONENT 1 15 24 173 306
Exponent for O(N)--symmetry 301
Exponent for O(N)-cubic symmetry 311
Exponent in D=3 dimensions 356
Exponent, 5 10 173 176
Exponent, for D=3 366 379
Exponent, for D=3 366 379
Exponent, 5 10 175 176 179 77
Exponent, for D=3 364 366 379
Exponent, 5 11 174 179 7
Exponent, for D=3 365 366 379 398 399
Exponent, 4 165 176 179 303
Exponent, for D=3 361 366 379 398 399
Exponent, 173 179 180 304
Exponent, for D=3 359 366 379
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