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Kleinert H., Schulte-Frohlinde — Critical Properties of (Phi)P4-Theories |
Предметный указатель |
Tadpole, diagram 105 189
Tadpole, massless 105 204
Tadpole, part 189 252
Talapov, A.L. 401
Tarasov, O.V. 300 310 400
Technical, dimension 89 163 235
Technical, scale transformations 95
Temperature, critical 1
Temperature, Curie 2 15
Temperature, Ginzburg 19 371
Temperature, Kleinert 21 371
Tensor 311
Tensor, coupling 31
Tensor, factor 79
Theorem, Darboux 290
Theorem, Nambu — Goldstone 4 11 177
Theorem, power counting 129 131
Theorem, Weinberg — Dyson 129
Theory, critical 191
Theory, molecular-field 9
Theory, renormalized 139
Theory, Van der Waals 9
Thermodynamic limit 58
Thoms, S. 30 299 324
Thouless, D. 28 354
Three-point function 70
Ticembal, E.H. 353
Tkachov, F.V. 30 223 251 282 400 423
Toledano, J. — C. 30 89 323 424
Toledano, P. 30 89 323 424
Topologically equivalent lines 50 255 260
Toulouse, G. 323
Transformatio of diagram indices 243
Transformation, Borel 288
Transformation, Borel — Leroy 290 291 294 295
Transformation, duality 238
Transformation, hyper — Borel 403 405
Transformation, scale 89
Transition, lambda 5 15
Translational invariance of functional matrix 36
tree diagrams 72
Triangle rule 233 234
Triangle rule, general 234 483
Triangle-star rule 240
Tricomi, F.G. 300
Trimper, s. 89
Trivial, fixed point 167
Trivial, scaling behavior 163
Truncated zeta function 226 250
Tsypin, M.M. 402
Turbiner, A.V. 353
Two-point in dimensional regularization 110
Two-point, connected 70
Two-point, diagram 48 55 131 252 255
Two-point, diagrammatic expansion of 48
Two-point, free 35 51
Two-point, function 56 61 270
Two-point, symmetry factors 87
Two-point, vertex function 133 136
Ultraviolet of subdiagrams 184
Ultraviolet, cutoff 23 100
Ultraviolet, disjoint subdiagrams 185
Ultraviolet, divergences 100 184 205
Ultraviolet, stable fixed point 167
Ultraviolet, superficial degree 129
Uniqueness, method of 26
Universal behavior 4
Universality 4
| Upper critical dimension 20 24 131
Ushveridze, A.G. 353
UV (see Ultraviolet)
Vacuum, actor 87
Vacuum, cancellation 47
Vacuum, components of diagrams 47
Vacuum, diagram 46 170 255
Vacuum, dimensional regularization 118
Vacuum, energy 170 171
Vacuum, generating functional 63
Vacuum, renormalization constant for 281
Vacuum, renormalization group function 171
Vainshtein, A.I. 300
van der Waals theory 9
Van Hove, L. 28
Variational perturbation theory 325
Variational resummation 389
Vasil’ev, A.N. 355 400
Vector index 194 202
Veltman 30 127 152 423
Veltman’s formula 105 224
Vertex 41
Vertex function 69
Vertex function, generating functional for 68
Vertex function, proper 54 56 69 162
Vertex, ideal 240
Vertex, identical permutations 44 253
Vertex, insertion 192
Vertex, virtual 196
Virtual vertex 196 197
Vladimirov, A.A. 153 223 400
VlCARl, E. 323 401 402 419
VlLLARS, F. 127
Wallace, D.J. 89 310 323 324
Ward identity 93 130
Ward identity, anomaly in 95
Ward, J.C. 152
Watson, G.N. 300
Wave function, renormalized 133
Weak-coupling expansion 325
Wegner, F.J. 354 355
Weigel 402
Weight factor 42 252
Weight factor of counterterms 139
Weinberg — Dyson convergence theorem 129
Weinberg, S. 152 153 183
Wick, rotation 23
Wick, rule 260
Widom scaling relation 178
Widom, B. 29 484
Williamson, P.R. 29 401 419
Wilson, K.G. 28 30 127 183
Wortis 402 420
Wu„ T.T. 419
Yavorskii 323
Zero-mass, field renormalization for 202
Zero-mass, tadpole 204
Zero-mass, truncated 226 250
Zero-temperature coherence length 17
Zeta function, Riemanns 226
Zimmermann, W. 152 194
Zinn — Justin, J. 28 89 99 152 183 299 300 310 323 324 354 400 401 419 424
ZlA, R.K. 323
Zuber, J. — B. 127 152 194
К ANAYA, K. 402
О(N)-cubic, factors 83 0
О(N)-symmetry 12 76 301
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