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Kleinert H., Schulte-Frohlinde — Critical Properties of (Phi)P4-Theories |
Предметный указатель |
Minkowski spacetime 31
Model, Heisenberg 11 356
Model, Ising 8 12 0
Model, O(N)-cubic symmetric 76 311
Model, spherical 8 14 356
Model, О(N)-symmetric 12 76 301
Modified 141 228
Modified MS-scheme 141 228
Moennigmann 183
Mohammedi, N. 355
Molecular-field theory 9
Momenta, nonexceptional 138
Momentum space, cutoff 23
Momentum space, diagrammatic expansion in 51
Momentum space, methods 224
Montaldi, E. 127
Moore, M.A. 402 420
MS-scheme 25 101 141 156 191
MS-scheme, modified 141 228
Mueller, K.H. 419
Mukamel, D. 324
Mulders, N. 28 419
Multicomponent fields 76
Multicomponent fields, generating functional 77
Multicomponent fields, perturbation expansion 78
Multicomponent fields, symmetry factor 78
Multiplicative renormalization 133 139
Multiplicity of diagrams 42 44 252
Multiplicity of diagrams, disconnected 46
Munoz Sudupe, A. 402
Munoz — Sudupe, A. 420
Murray, D.B. 401 419 424
N-point, connected 52 61 71
N-point, correlation function 163
N-point, diagram 41
N-point, function 32 49 52 61 63 131 156
N-point, proper vertex function 156 163 164
N-point, vertex function 71 146
N-shaped diagram 246
Nagle, J.F. 270
Naive, dimension 89 163
Naive, scaling relation 169
Nakanishi, N. 57 127 270
Nambu — Goldstone theorem 4 11 177
Nattermann 89
Neu, J. 25 30 270 282 310 355 400
Nevanlinna, F. 300
Newman, K.E. 324
Newman, M.E.J. 28
Nickel, B.G. 300 400—402 419 424
Nissen, J. 28 29 401 419
Nogueira, P. 270
Nonexceptional momenta 138 138 196 204
Noninteger dimension 120
Nonlinear -model 347
NONPLANAR-type diagram 230
Normal phase 2 23 31 40 50 61—63
Normalization of coupling constant 228
Normalization, conditions 134
Normalization, point 131
Number of connected diagrams 260
O(N)-cubic symmetry 276 311
O(N)-cubic symmetry, critical exponents 301
O(N)-cubic symmetry, dimensions 357
O(N)-cubic symmetry, expansions in D 3
O(N)-cubic symmetry, factors 80
O(N)-cubic symmetry, fixed point 302 312
O(N)-cubic symmetry, large-order behavior 304
O(N)-cubic symmetry, one step from ideal index constellation 242
O(N)-cubic symmetry, one-particle irreducible 54 131
O(N)-cubic symmetry, one-point function 61 70
O(N)-cubic symmetry, reducible 54
O(N)-cubic symmetry, renormalization constants 271 272
O(N)-cubic symmetry, resummation 319
O(N)-cubic symmetry, resummation of expansions 306
Oberhettinger, F. 300
Okabe, Y. 400 400
Olive, D.I. 127
Operation 141
Operation, 25 186
Operation, 26 205
Operation, R 186
Operator, quantum field 31
Order, field 1
Order, parameter 1
Ordered phase 2
Orlov, E.V. 402
Osterwalder, K. 300
Overlapping divergences 130 151
p-integral 198 224
Pade approximation 26 283 287 317
Pade — Borel transformation 283
Pair contraction 36
Parameter of approach 172
Parameter of approach to scaling 172 357
Parameter, Feynman 103
Parameter, mass 90
Parametric representation 104 121
Parasiuk, O.S. 30 152
Parisi, G. 27 400
Parker, C.S. 354
Partial integration 120 231 232
Partial p 107 121
Partition function 31 32
Partition function, diagrammatic expansion 45
Pauli — Villars 101
Pauli — Villars regularization 101
Pauli, W. 127
Pelissetto, A. 323 401 402 419
Pelster, A. 30 75 270
Perturbation expansion 36
Perturbation expansion of multicomponent fields 78
Pfeuty, P. 323
Phase transition, first-order 1
Phase transition, Kosterlitz — Thouless 1
Phase transition, Landau theory 9
Phase transition, second-order 1
Phase, normal 2 23 40 50 61—63
Phase, rdered 2
Philips, D. 28
Pis’mak, Yu.M. 400
Planck constant 23
Pobell, F. 419
Pochhammer symbols 294 296
Pole term 101 111 112 141 186 188 195 196 198 207 211 212 217 224
Polkinghorne, J.C. 127 480
Polymer 23
Potential, effective 168
Potential, infrared 196
Potential, power counting 129
Potential, theorem 129 131
Power law 2
Propagator with vector indices 202
Propagator, connected part of 54
Propagator, free 35
Propagator, full 54
Propagator, type diagram 198
Proper, correlation functions 55
Proper, QCD 228
Proper, quadratic divergence 101 129
Proper, quantum chromodynamics 228
Proper, quantum field operator 31
Proper, subdiagram 184
Proper, time 104
Proper, vertex function 54 56 69 162
Ramond, P. 27 127
Range of attraction 167
Ratio Test 397
Recursive subtraction method 128 148 184
| Recursive subtraction method, UV and IR 205
Reduced coupling constant 357
Reduction algorithm for Feynman integrals 224 231 236
Reduction algorithm for loop function 227
Reduction by partial integration 232
Regge 28
Regularization 100
Regularization, analytic 96 101 104
Regularization, cutoff 95 100
Regularization, dimensional 102
Rehr, J.J. 402
Relevant permutation 41
Renormalizable 128 129
Renormalization constant 24 95 128 134 139 270
Renormalization constant for O(N)-cubic symmetry 276
Renormalization constant for O(N)-symmetry 271 272
Renormalization constant, coupling constant 133
Renormalization constant, field 133
Renormalization constant, mass 133
Renormalization constant, vacuum energy 281
Renormalization constant, wave function 133 134
Renormalization group 24 154
Renormalization group, equation 25 157 161
Renormalization group, five-loop 302 315
Renormalization group, functions 25 157 158 285 357
Renormalization group, vacuum 171
Renormalization of field 193
Renormalization of mass 193
Renormalization, multiplicative 133 139
Renormalized quantities energy functional 139
Renormalized quantities field 128 139
Renormalized quantities for O(N)-cubic symmetry 281
Renormalized quantities for O(N)-symmetry 275
Renormalized quantities mass 128 139
Renormalized quantities, coupling constant 128 139
Resummation 25 283
Resummation by Conformal mapping 291
Resummation, Borel 283 288
Resummation, Janke — Kleinert algorithm 293
Resummation, O(N)-cubic symmetry 319 0
Resummation, O(N)-symmetry 306
Resummation, Pade 283 287
Resummation, Pade — Borel 283
Resummation, variational 325 389
Riedel, E.K. 324
Riemann zeta function 226
Ritchie, D.S. 402
Ros, J. 353
Rossi, P. 402
Rotational symmetry 2
Rotational symmetry for tadpoles 189
Rotational symmetry, cutvertex 188
Rudnick, J. 89 324
Running, coupling constant 161 163
Running, mass 161 163
Running, mass scale 163
Ruvalds, J. 28
Scale, parameter, dimensionless 161 163
Scale, technical 95
Scale, transformation 89 91 92
Scale, transformations 89
Scaling, approach 172 357
Scaling, behavior 3
Scaling, relations, above 8
Scaling, relations, below 175
Scaling, relations, Griffith 178
Scaling, relations, Widom 178
Scaling, trivial 163
Schulte — Frohlinde, V. 30 270 282 310 324 355 400 419
Schwinger’s proper time representation 104
Second-order phase transition 1
Second-order phase transition, Landau theory 1 9
Self-consistency relation 360
Self-consistent 334 359 360 362
Self-energy, chain of diagrams 55
Seneor, R. 300
Sengers, J.V. 28
Shalayev, B.N. 30 324
Shirkov, D.V. 152 194 299 300 310 423
Shore, G.M. 310
Short-distance behavior 183
Shrunk diagram 184
Simon, B. 419
Simple loop integral 224
Singularites, confluent 389 393
Skeleton diagram 129
Smirnov, V.A. 223
Sokal, A.D. 401
Sokolov, A.I. 30 324 361 400 402
Special triangle rule 233
Specific heat 173
Speer, E.R. 127 152 194
Spherical model 8 14 356
Spontaneous, magnetization 2 3 5 9—11 175
Stability, fixed point 167 173 181 182 317
Stanley, H.E. 27 401
Star diagram 240 240
Star-triangle rule 240
Stepanenko, A.A. 355
Stiffness 13 20
Stirling formula 285 404 407
Stirling’s formula 286
Stricker, D.A. 29 401 419
Strong-coupling, behavior 293 293
Strong-coupling, expansion 297 325 328 365
Strong-coupling, limit 325 326 332 357
Strong-coupling, parameter 295 299
Strosser 183
Structure factor 3
Structure factor, dynamic 27
Subdiagram, contracted 208
Subdiagram, IR-divergent 207 209
Subdiagram, proper 184
Subdiagram, UV-divergent 184
Subdivergence 129
Subdivergence, diagrammatic subtraction 149 186
Subdivergence, infrared 198
Subtracted diagram 208
subtraction method 128 482
Subtraction method, minimal 106 141
Subtraction method, modified 141 228
Subtraction method, recursive 184
Subtraction method, UV and IR 210
Subtraction of subdivergences, diagrammatic 149 186 205 210
Subtraction of subdivergences, infrared 205 210
Summation convention, Einstein 60
Sunset diagram 113 115
Superficial, degree of divergence 129 192
Superficial, divergence 129 131
Superficial, infrared 196 197
Superficial, IR-divergence 211
Superficial, pole term 148
Superfluid density 7
susceptibility 5 10 174 177
Suzuki, H. 354
Swanson, D.R. 28 29 401 419
Symanzik, K. 183
Symbols, Pochhammer 294 296
Symmetry breakdown 2 63
Symmetry, breakdown, spontaneous 2 63
Symmetry, factors 76 78 80
Symmetry, four-point diagram 88 0
Symmetry, O(N)-cubic 76
Symmetry, O(N)-cubic symmetry 83 0
Symmetry, O(N)-symmetry 80
Symmetry, two-point diagram 87
Symmetry, vacuum diagram 87
Tables for Feynman integrals 243
Tadpole 189
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