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Kleinert H., Schulte-Frohlinde — Critical Properties of (Phi)P4-Theories |
Предметный указатель |
Exponent, critical 24
Exponent, graphical extrapolation 372
Exponent, high-temperature expansion 393
Exponent, strong-coupling theory 339 359
Exponent, temperature 1
Exponent, theory 191
External, components of diagrams 47
External, line 41 52
External, point 41
Factor, symmetry 76 80
Factorial growth of expansion coefficients 285
Fairbank, W.M. 28
Fateev, V.A. 300
Feldman, J.S. 300
Ferer 402 420
Fernandez, F.M. 353
Fernandez, L.A. 402 420
Ferrenberg, A.M. 401 402
Feynman, diagram 24 37 40
Feynman, integral 23 104
Feynman, parameter 103 111
Feynman, R.P. 354
Field 1
Field, bare 128 140
Field, composite 38 49 56 74
Field, dimension 89
Field, renormalization 193
Field, renormalized 128 133 139
Field, zero-mass 202
First-order phase transition 1
Fisher, A.J. 28
Fisher, D.S. 29
Fisher, M.E. 28 30 127 324 402
Fisher, M.P.A. 29
Five-loop results 270
Five-loop results, critical exponent, 303 319
Five-loop results, critical exponent, 303 318
Five-loop results, critical exponent, 304 317
Five-loop results, fixed point, cubic 316
Five-loop results, fixed point, Heisenberg 302
Five-loop results, fixed point, renormalization group functions 302 315
Five-loop results, fixed point, strong-coupling limit 339
Fixed point 164 166
Fixed point, -expansion for 179 302 316
Fixed point, cubic 312 316 320 322
Fixed point, Gaussian 167 312
Fixed point, Heisenberg 302 312
Fixed point, in D=3 dimensions 366 379
Fixed point, infrared stable 166 167
Fixed point, Ising 312 0
Fixed point, O(N)-symmetric 312
Fixed point, stability 167 173 181 182 317
Fixed point, trivial 167
Folk, R. 323
Forest formula 184
Formula, Stirling 285 404 407
Four-point, diagram 48 55 131 252 259
Four-point, diagrammatic expansion of 48
Four-point, Fourier transformation 51
Four-point, function 56 64 270
Four-point, in dimensional regularization 110
Four-point, mass renormalization 260
Four-point, symmetry factors 88
Four-point, vertex function 55 135
Free, field dimension 90 156
Free, field theory 33
Free, propagator 35
Free, two-point function 35 51
Full propagator 54
Function, Beta 102 108 121 3 155 157 158 165—167 173 179 332 334 371 415
Function, connected n-point 52
Function, correlation 3 32
Function, digamma 111 250
Function, free two-point 35 51
Function, Gamma 102
Function, Green 32
Function, homogeneous 7 91 94 95
Function, hypergeometric 294
Function, MacRobert 294
Function, n-point 32
Function, partition 31 32
Function, proper correlation 55
Function, proper vertex 54 56 69 162
Function, renormalization group 157 158 171
Function, vertex 69
Functional matrix 33
G-scherne 251
Gamma function 102
gap equation 14
Gaussian fixed point 167 312
Gegenbauer polynomial x-space method 238
General triangle rule 234
Generalized Heisenberg model 14
Generating functional 31 33 58
Generating functional, multicomponent fields 77
Generating functional, vacuum diagrams 63
Generating functional, vertex functions 68
Generation of diagrams 252
Generic diagrams 230 245
Geng, Z.K. 29 401 419
Giambiagi, J.J. 127
Ginzburg temperature 19
Ginzburg — Landau energy functional 16
Ginzburg, criterion 19 21 371
Ginzburg, temperature 19 21 371
Ginzburg, V.L. 29
Goldner, L.S. 28 419
Gomis, J. 153
Gorishny, S.G. 251 282 400
Gottlob, A.P. 402
Goursat, E. 127
Gracey, J.A. 400
Graf, L.H. 29
Graph, Feynman 41
Graph-theoretic notation 184 207
Graphical extrapolation of critical exponents 372
Graves — Morris, P.R. 300 324
Green function 32
Green function, bare 134
Green, M.S. 28 89 183 300 323 400
Greywall, D.S. 29
Griffith scaling relation 178
Grinstein, G. 89
Ground state energy 170
Guardiola, R. 353
Guida, R. 310 354 401 419 424
Hahn, Y. 152
Hamid — Aidinejad, A. 402
Hasenbusch 402
Heap, B.R. 270
Hedrick, E.R. 127
Heisenberg, fixed point 302 312
Heisenberg, model 11 356 396
Heisenberg, model, generalized 14
Hepp, K. 152
Heringa, J.R. 401 402
high-temperature expansion 15 356 393
Hikami, S. 354 355
Holm, C. 402 476
Holovatch, Y. 323
homogeneous functions 7 91 94 95
Honkonen, J.R. 400
Hughes — Jones, R. 300 324
Hunter, D.L. 401 402
Huse, D.A. 29
Hyper — Borel transformation 403 405
Hypergeometric function 294
Hyperscaling relations 8 17
Ideal, index constellation 224
| Ideal, method 26
Identical vertex permutation 44 253
Incidence matrix 122
Incomplete R-operation 187
Index, line 224
Index, transformation 243
Infrared, counterterm 195 215 217
Infrared, cutoff 196 198 211
Infrared, dimensional regularization of 203
Infrared, disjoint subdiagrams 209
Infrared, divergence 100 195 205 207 209 210
Infrared, divergent subdiagram 207 209
Infrared, irreducible 209
Infrared, power counting 196
Infrared, rearrangement 25 195 198 238 248
Infrared, stable 166 167
Infrared, subdivergences 198
Infrared, superficial 211
Infrared, superficial degree of 196 197
Insertion of mass 74
Insertions, mass 93
Integral, Feynman 23
Internal, lines 52
Internal, point 41
IR (see Infrared)
Ising, fixed point 312
Ising, model 8 12
Israelson, U.E. 28 29 401 419
Itzykson, C. 27 127 152 194
Jack, I. 355
Jacobson, H. 89
Jan, N. 401
Janke — Kleinert algorithm 293 306
Janke, W. 299 300 353 354 402 419 420
Jasch, F. 419
Jones, D.R.T. 153 223 355
Jones, H.F. 354
Kadanoff, L.P. 28—30
Kastening, B. 30 75 270 282
Kataev, A.L. 30 251 282 400 423
Kaya, S. 402
Kazakov, D.I. 30 246 251 299 300 310 400 423
Keller, C.F. 28
Kelly, K. 401
Kennedy, A.D. 152 153 194 223
Ketley, I.J. 89 323 324
Khuri, N.N. 183
KITE-type diagram 230 233
KITE-type diagram, reduction algorithm 233 238
Kivel, N.A. 355
Kleinert, criterion 21 21 371
Kleinert, H. 28—30 39 50 75 89 270 282 299 300 310 324 353—355 400 401 419 420 424
Kleinert, temperature 21 21 371
Kogut, J. 28 127 183
Konishi, K. 354
Kosterlitz — Thouless transition 1
Kosterlitz, J. 28 354
Kreimer, D. 30 400 425
Kuelbeck, J. 270
L-scheme 229
LADDER-type diagram 230
LADDER-type diagram, reduction algorithm 237
Lamda transition 5 15
Landau, approximation 10 73
Landau, D.P. 401 402
Landau, L.D. 29 75
Landau, theory 1 9
Landshoff, P.V. 127
Langhammer, F. 75
Large-iV expansion 360
Large-order behavior 283 285 293 385 0
Large-order behavior, O(N)-cubic symmetry 320
Large-order behavior, О(N)-symmetry 304
Larin, S.A. 183 251 270 282 310 355 400
Larson 29 401 419
Latent heat 1
Le Bellac 28
Le Guillou, J.C. 28 89 99 183 300 310 323 324 400 419
Leibbrandt, G. 127
Leroy, E. 300
Li, B. 401
Lifshitz, E.M. 29
Limit, thermodynamic 58
Line with vector indices 194 202
Line, external 41 52
Line, index 224
Line, internal 52
Line, topologically equivalent 50
Lipa, J.A. 28 29 401 419
Lipatov, L.N. 300
Logarithmic divergence 101 129
Logarithmic divergence, tadpole 189
Loop 24
Loop, function 225 226
Loop, momentum 53
Lovesey, S.W. 28
Lower critical dimension 24 347
Luijten, E. 401
Luther, A. 89
Lyuksutsov, I.F. 89
Ma, S. 27
MacDonald, D. 401
Macfarlane, a.j. 183
MacRobert function 294
Madras, N. 401
Magnen, J. 300
Magnetization, spontaneous 2 3 5 9—11 175
Maison, D. 152 194
Maki, K. 75
Makinson, G.J. 300 324
Manashov, A.N. 400
Marek, D. 28
Martin — Mayor, V. 402 420
Mass dimension 90
Mass insertion 74
Mass insertions 93
Mass parameter 90
Mass, bare 128 140
Mass, four-point diagram 260
Mass, insertion 38
Mass, parameter 96 97 111 117 139 141 148 156 157 162 163
Mass, redefinition 228
Mass, renormalization 193
Mass, renormalized 128 133 139
Mass, running 161 163
Mass, scale 111 163 228
Massless tadpole integral 105
Mayer, I.O. 30 324
McCoy 29
McKane, A.J. 310
McKenzie, S. 402
Mean-field stability wedge 311
Meiron, D.I. 300 400 424 478
Method of 238
Method of counterterms 128 138
Method of ideal index constellations 238
Method of partial integration 231
Method of uniqueness 26
Method one step from 242
Method triangle 242
Method vertex 240
Method, configuration space 238
Method, Gegenbauer polynomial x-space 238
Method, recursive subtraction 128
Meyer, S. 402
Michel, L. 30 89 323 424
Migdal, A.A. 30
Minimal error of asymptotic series 286
Minimal subtraction 106
Minimal subtraction scheme 25 101 141 156 191
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