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van Baal P. (ed.) — Confinement, duality, and non-perturbative aspects of QCD |
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Abelian Higgs model 222 401 416
Abelian Higgs model, dual 393 449
Abelian projection 379 388 416 429 439
Abelian projection, maximal 391 431 440
Anisotropic lattice 90
Anomalous dimension 34 179 198 220 232 453 474 501 522 540 546
Anomaly 33 229 320 483 511 515 525 532
Anomaly, axial 223 257 308 320 335 496
Anomaly, chiral 229 233
Anomaly, geometric 532 540
Anomaly, gravitational 515
Anomaly, holomorphic 498 504
Anomaly, Konishi 500
Anomaly, R 496 525
area law 387 415 420 484
Artifact, gauge 82
Artifact, lattice 22 57 120 139 169 170 191 433
Artifact, topological 180 208 211
asymptotic freedom 4 26 83 113 162 275 303 312 314 339 522 527
Average, action 215 404
Average, instanton size 319
Average, potential 218
Beta-function 115 128 231 317 339 443 469
BKT transformation 400 449
Block, spin 192 215 439
Block, transformation 186 197 207 439
Blocking kernel 194 197 206 209
Canonical, dimension 230
Canonical, quantization 145
Canonical, weight 475
Casimir operator 517
Central charge 457 531 533
Charmonium 304 318
Chiral, limit 33 223 318 331 343 495
Chiral, perturbation theory 32
Chiral, R weight 474
Chiral, symmetry 106 179 222
Chiral, symmetry breaking 60 198 215 222 268 307 335 350 508
Cluster property 117 421 506
Color — Coulomb potential 150 158
Condensation 416 419 429 436 508
Condensation, Bose 337 383
Condensation, monopole 388 419 439
Condensation, quark 309 338
Condensation, vortex 426
confinement 1 21 64 123 222 266 309 379 387 415 439 477 484 546
Confinement, mechanism 145 272 297 389 393 420 436
Confinement, scale 224
Conformal window 521
continuum limit 6 22 45 113 122 170 273 360 394 442
correlation length 171 183 242 425
Critical 83 183 220 275 335 365 417 420
Critical chemical potential 371
critical exponent 32 222 243 252 397
Critical index 425
Critical point 25 71 163 275 522
Critical slowing down 76
Critical surface 188
Critical temperature 241 343
Current, axial 30 130 330 494
Current, chiral 532
Current, R 494
Debye screening 334
Decimation 186
Deconfinement 336 395
Dirac operator 53 214 311
Dirac operator, Euclidean 343
Dirac operator, Kogut — Susskind 365
Dirac operator, Wilson 129 365
Dirac, quantization condition 382 391 418
Dirac, spectrum 343 349 365
Dislocations 178 208
Disorder parameter 398 419 427
Domain 177 406
Domain, fundamental 162 167 173
Domain, fundamental, wall 529
Dominance, Abelian 396 435 441
Dominance, monopole 396 435 442
Dual, lattice 400 409 418 440
Dual, pairs 524 525
Dual, partners 528
Dual, superconductor 388 398 417 425
Duality 358 379 385 476 521
Duality, conjecture 526
Duality, electric-magnetic 508 523
Duality, relation 418 505
Duality, transformation 394 411
Eigenoperator 189 276
Energy-momentum, operator 530 534
Energy-momentum, tensor 485 532
Faddeev — Popov operator 147 162
Finite volume 27 120 124 157 161 170 344 424
Finite volume, correction 46 50 68 121
Finite volume, effect 61 399 411
Finite volume, partition function 350 358
Fixed point 187 198 235 274 353 473
Fixed point, Gaussian 275 280
Fixed point, infrared 230 339 522
Fixed point, operators 181 209
Flow equation 219
Flow equation, truncated 224
Gauge fixing 153 163 379 388 402 439 489
Gauge fixing, complete 147 162
Gauge invariance 1 85 163 183 263 285 410 427 465 494
Glueball 5 44 91 168 193 222 308 328
Glueball, mass 5 45 171 329
Glueball, mixing 8 44 51 64
Glueball, spectrum 5 43 91 171 175
Goldstone boson 53 223 307 320 335 343 514
Grassmann, integral 200 371
Grassmann, number 480 534
Grassmann, variable 3 23 196 225 480
Gribov, ambiguity 161
Gribov, copy 149 166
Gribov, horizon 162
Higgs, mechanism 382 479
Higgs, phase 249 383 479 507
Improved, action 6 29 49 80 87 90 94 131 183
Improved, axial current 30
Improved, operator 114 132
Improved, renormalization group 219
improvement 29 89 109 114 240
Improvement, coefficient 30 133 144
Improvement, condition 30 136
Improvement, non-perturbative 35 144
Improvement, Sheikholeslami — Wohlert 131
Improvement, Symanzik 29 78 114
Index theorem 179 211
Instanton 54 168 180 219 266 308 346 385 405 432 491
Instanton, liquid 309 317 323 354
Instanton, supersymmetric 505 540
Irrelevant operator 231 268
Kogut — Susskind, fermions 3 365
Kogut — Susskind, Hamiltonian 145
Landau, gauge 82 161
Landau, pole 224
Large-n, expansion 226 231 236
| Large-n, limit 64 334
Lattice gauge theory 1 54 150 387
Level spacing 351 375
Light-cone gauge 267 269 273
Light-front 263
Light-front, coordinates 265
Light-front, Hamiltonian 267
Light-front, QCD 297
Light-front, QED 288
Light-front, quantization 65
Light-front, renormalization group 273 278
Link, blocked 194
Link, fuzzy 195
localization 345
London, current 417 426
London, equation 398 408
London, limit 394 401
Marginal operator 189 230 268
Mass gap 55 114 121 161 298 484 518
Maximal Abelian gauge 391 431 440
Maximal tree 410
Meissner effect 415 416 417
Meissner effect, dual 388 433 439
Minimal surface 387
Modular region 149 150 152 155 159
Moduli space 488
Moduli space, classical 512 519
Moduli space, quantum 505 512 520
Monopole, BPS 405
Monopole, creation operator 399
Monopole, Dirac 429
Monopole, partition function 402
Monopole, ’t Hooft — Polyakov 430
Monte Carlo 2 17 24 26 29 46 56 76 90 170 253 304 313
Morse theory 166
Nambu — Jona — Lasinio model 226 262 309 311
Non-trivial fixed point 474
Oblique confinement 379 384 546
Operator product expansion 86 104 313 330
Order parameter 216 243 252 343 347 416 424 529 530 536
Perfect action 179 439
Perfect action, classical 179 199 439
Perfect action, quantum 180 190
phase diagram 342
Phase transition 217 222 242 334 373 383 399 423 520 chiral
Polyakov, Abelian gauge 391
Polyakov, line 391 431
Polyakov, loop 67 124 210 434
Positivity 132 154 535
Quantum chromodynamics 64 75 212 439 522 536
Quantum Chromodynamics, supersymmetric 477
Quark mass, constituent 224 240 258 268 311
Quark mass, current 134 215 228 310 327
Quark mass, strange 36 93 257
Quarkonium 44 52 337
Quenched approximation 3 21 27 35 44 47 224 345 374
random matrix 344 369 375
Random matrix, chiral 343 369 375
Random matrix, correlations 352 365
Random matrix, ensemble 352 374
Random matrix, Gaussian 353 360 363
Regularization 1 179 220 264 502
Regularization, dimensional 1 54 168
Regularization, lattice 34 145 168 179 345 387 404
Regularization, Pauli — Villars 196 501
Relevant operator 230 268
Renormalization group 122 185 218 265 278 474
Renormalization group, trajectory 282
Renormalization group, transformation 185 276
Resolvent 363 370
Running, coupling 11 60 82 100 114 120 122 175 218 317
Running, mass 144 288
s-Confinement 520
Scale, anomaly 55 66 485
Scale, invariance 66 208 279
Scaling, finite size 114 424 429
Scaling, finite step 124 126
Scaling, region 241
Schroedinger functional 113 133
Schwinger model 268
Self-dual 315 329 383 405 505
Sigma-model 114 251 336
Sigma-model, non-linear 189 191 199 207 256 353
Sigma-model, supersymmetric 354
Similarity transformation 273 276
Smeared, Polyakov loop 67
Smeared, quark field 23
Smearing 9 24
Spectral correlation 351
Spectral density 308 345
Spectral density, microscopic 344
Sphaleron 171 175
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 233 242 265 417 429 515
String tension 7 36 46 50 59 123 177 226 311 338 387 396 403 415 435 443 450 530
String, Abrikosov 387
String, Dirac 391 418 329 432 442
String, dual 398 418
String, Nielsen — Olesen 402
Sum rules 236 350 365
Sum rules, Leutwyler — Smilga 344 349
Sum rules, QCD 314 318 327 329 415
Super-Higgs mechanism 489
Superanomaly 532
Superconductor 222 308 398 415 449
Superconformal 453 469 475 525 546
Superconformal Killing equation 472
Superconformal, algebra 460 469 475
Superconformal, group 469
Superconformal, invariance 453 469
Superconformal, transformation 453 469
Superspace 356 453 466 480 497 511
Superspace, chiral 481
Superspace, integral 468
Tadpole 4 31 82
Tadpole, improvement 34 80
Triality 374
Triangle anomaly 485 499 504 514 518
Twist 124 131 166
Universality 184 217 242 251 255 343 353 359
Vortex 333 382 398 408 426
Ward identity 129 137 218
Wess — Zumino, gauge 482 487 500
Wess — Zumino, model 461 476 498 502
Wess — Zumino, multiplet 466
Wilson — Fisher fixed point 221
Wilson, action 4 87 129 134 194 319 407 420 440
Wilson, loop 3 80 85 387 396 415 420 443 450 484
Wilson, renormalization group 179 273
Yang — Mills, action 146 194 198 345
Yang — Mills, equation 145
Yang — Mills, supersymmetric 462 466 532
Yang — Mills, theory 113 125 131 145 179 189 193
Zero mode 35 53 211 245 266 280 309 311 320 332 346 369 501
Zero mode, gluino 506 528
Zero virtuality 343
’t Hooft, consistency condition 514
’t Hooft, interaction 308 323 528
’t Hooft, symbol 172
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