hadrons from short-distance elementary scalars 151
hadrons from short-distance quarks 151
prescription 33
hadrons 156
-function 63
-function, theory 66
-function, QCD two loops 191
-function, QED 67
-function, Yukawa 72
-function, zeros 69 70
rule 227 see
theory, counterterms 37
theory, renormalization constants 64
theory, symmetry factors 1
and heavy neutrions 244 see
-model, linear, broken generators 122
-model, linear, chiral symmetry 115
-model, linear, commutators 115
-model, linear, Goldstone bosons 122
-model, linear, PCAC 123
-model, linear, spontaneous symmetry breaking 122
-model, non-linear, divergences 39
-model, non-linear, exponential form 128
-model, non-linear, square-root form 126
-model, non-linear, square-root of the exponential form 130
-lepton decays, , 222
-lepton decays, and 222
Anomalous dimension 63
Anomalous dimension, composite operators 77
Antiquark density 146 see
Asymmetry, polarization or left-right asymmetry in Z decays 221
Atomic parity violation 218
Atomic parity violation, coherence effect 218
Axial anomaly in a technicolour theory 238
Axial anomaly, and 140
Axial anomaly, path-integral (Fujikawa) derivation 136
B-L conservation 216
B-non-conserving operators 260
Biunitary transformation 215 see
BRST transformations 184
BRST transformations and physical states 186
BRST transformations, Gupta — Bleuer formalism 187
BRST transformations, nilpotent charges 184
Cabibbo mixing angle 211
Cabibbo mixing angle and quark masses 216
Callan — Symanzik equation 64
Cartan subalgebra 262
Chiral algebra 120
Chiral symmetry, linear realization with -field 115
Chiral symmetry, non-linear realization without -field 126 128 130
Clebsch — Gordon coefficients 90 93
Clifford algebra 263
Collinear divergence 193
Covariant derivative, adjoint representation 158
Covariant derivative, fundamental representation 158
Covariant derivative, O (n) vector representation 165
Covariant derivative, parallel transport of a field 161
Cross-section, three jets 193
Cross-section, hadrons 151
Cross-section, scattering 1
Cutkosky rules 62
Cutkosky rules, theory 59
Decay rate, , ZZ, 234
Decay rate, hadrons 156
Decay rate, 141
Decay rate, 125 208
Decay rate, 208
Dimensional regularization 46
Dimensional regularization, arbitrary mass scale 63
Dimensional regularization, QFD vacuum polarization 49
Disconnected diagram 8
Disconnected diagram, cancellation via Wick's theorem 8
Effective potential, one-loop 143
Electroweak gauge couplings and electric cnarge 213
Electroweak gauge couplings, neutral current coupling 213
Equivalence theorem 230
Fermion masses and mixing angles 214 215
Fermion masses and mixing angles, leptonic mixings in a vector-like theory 250
Field strength tensor 158
Field strength tensor, commutator of covariant derivatives 165
Field strength tensor, Riemann curvature tensor 165
Gauge field as compensating field 161 162
Gauge field, Christoffel symbols 163
Gauge field, tensor notation 158
Gauge field, the connection in geometry 163
Gauge field, transformation property 161 163 166
Gauge invariance, local symmetry 162
Gauge invariance, scattering amplitude 180
Gauge invariance, Ward identity 180
Gaussian Integrals 12
Gaussian wave packet 16
General coordinate transformation 163
General relativity as a gauge theory 163
Generating functional for a scalar field 32
Goldstone bosons, -model 122
Goldstone bosons, broken generators 167
Gottfried sum rule 146
Green's function, Feynman propagator 32
Green's function, four-point function 7
Green's function, gauge boson propagator 175
Green's function, involving composite operator 2
Green's function, one-point (the tadpole diagram) 56 143
Green's function, two-point function 1 8
Harmonic oscillator, path integral 17 23
Helicity state 205
Helicity state, pion decay 211
Higgs boson, forbidden in the standard model 226
Higgs boson, decays , ZZ, 234
Higgs Lagrangian in 2 + 1 dimensions 280 see
Higgs phenomenon and superconductivity 173
Higgs potential 212 see
Instanton, Euclidean double-well problem 295
Instanton, one-dimension field theory 289
Invariant couplings, SU (2) vector representations 89
Invariant couplings, SU (3) octet baryon-meson 100
Isospin breakings 90
Isospin, non-leptonic weak processes 107
Isospin, two-pion system 105
Left-right asymmetry 221 see
London equation 173 see
Majorana fermions 239
Majorana fermions, bilincars 240
Majorana fermions, charge conjugation properties 240
Majorana fermions, creation and annihilation operators and their anticommutators 240
Mass-matrix diagonalization 214 see
Meissner effect 173 see
Monopole, angular momentum operator 283
Monopole, particle moving in a monopole field 283
Muon number non-conservation, 244
Muonium-antimuonimum transition 252
n-dimensional space 53
n-dimensional space 'spherical' coordinates 43
n-dimensional space infinitesimal volume 43
n-dimensional space, Feynman integrals 46
Neutrino electron scatterings, 223
Neutrino electron scatterings, 223
| Neutrino, right-handed, in SO (10) theory 274
Noether's current, conservation laws 113
Noether's current, isospin axial-vector current 118 123
Noether's current, isospin vector current 117
Noether's current, Lagrangian with second derivatives 111
Noether's current, scalar fields 110
Non-leptonic weak decays 107
Non-leptonic weak decays, rule 109 227
Non-leptonic weak decays, CP properties of 225
Non-leptonic weak decays, enhancement by short distance QCD effects 230
Non-linear -model 39 see "Chiral
O (n) gauge theory 165
Operator-product expansion of two charged weak currents 155
Operator-product expansion of two electromagnetic currents 198
Operator-product expansion, Wilson coefficients 147 150 199 201
Parity violation, atomic 218
Parity violation, weak neutral current 218
Partition function 23 see
Path integral, axial anomaly 136
Path integral, free particle 11
Path integral, general quadratic action 13
Path integral, harmonic oscillator 17
Path integral, non-standard representation 25
Path integral, partition function 21
Permutation symmetry 95
Permutation symmetry, spin and isospin 96
Phase space 193 see "Decay
Phase space, three-body 193
Phase space, two-body 2 210
Pion decay constant 125 128 208 222
Planar vortex field 280
Planar vortex field, magnetic flux quantization 281
Polarization asymmetry 221 see
Polarization vector for a fermion 206
Propagator, gauge boson in covariant gauge 175
Propagator, gauge boson in the axial gauge 177
Propagator, gauge boson in the Coulomb gauge 178
Propagator, gauge boson, longitudinal part and Ward identity 184
Propagator, gauge boson, massive vector boson 176
QCD loops, -function at two-loop order 191
QCD loops, rule 227
QCD loops, colour factors 188
QED, -function 67
QED, renormalization power counting 38
QED, vacuum polarizaiion 49
QED, Ward identity 180
Quark, SU (3) algebra 83
Renormalization constants 64
Renormalization group equation, theory 71
Renormalization group equation, homogeneous 63
Renormalization group equation, solution by Coleman's method 75
Renormalization group equation, Yukawa coupling 72
Renormalization, composite operators 57
Renormalization, counterterm 37
Renormalization, counterterm, composite operators 58
Renormalization, power counting 37
Renormalization, power counting, low-dimensional field theory 41
Renormalization, power counting, non-linear chiral theory 40
Renormalization, power counting, QED 38
Renormalization, renormalized mass 57
Running coupling 64 67 69
Running coupling in two QCD loops 191
Running coupling near a general fixed point 70
Saddle-point method 289
Scalar potential, first-order phase transition 172
Scalar potential, SU (5) grand unified theory 256
Scalar potential, SU (n) gauge theory with adjoint scalars 169
Scalar potential, SU (n) gauge theory with vector scalars 167
Scalar potential, uniqueness of the standard model potential 212
Short-distance physics, hadrons 151
Short-distance physics, hadrons 156
Short-distance physics, rule 227
Sine-Gordon equation 275 see
SO (10), spinor representation 16 and 274
SO (2n) and SU (n) groups 267
SO (n) group algebra 260
SO (n) group algebra, 263
SO (n) group algebra, Cartan subalgebra 262
SO (n) group algebra, spinor representations 263
SO (n) group algebra, spinor representations, construction of SO (2n) spinors 269
Soft symmetry breaking and renormalizability 142
Soliton stability against small perturbation 283
Soliton, scalar field in two dimensions 282
Spin states addition, isospin wave functions of two pions 105
Spin states addition, three spins 93
Spin states addition, two spins 85
Spin states addition, two SU (3) fundamental representations 97
Spin vector 206 see
Spontaneous symmetry breaking by an adjoint scalar 169
Spontaneous symmetry breaking by scalars in the vector representations 133
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in large 171
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, 135
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, 258
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, 258
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, 135 167 168
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, -model 122
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, broken generators 122 167
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, coset space 171
SU (2) representations 82
SU (2) representations, adjoint representation 87 88
SU (2) representations, invariant couplings 89
SU (2) representations, real representations 79
SU (3) algebra, invariant octet baryon-meson couplings 100
SU (3) algebra, quarks 83
SU (5), Higgs potential for adjoint scalars 256
SU (5), massive gauge bosons 258
SU (5), representation content with respect to 255
SU (n) group 158
SU (n) group, parameters and generators 79
Subtraction schemes, minimal (MS) 52 56
Subtraction schemes, modified minimal 53 56 65 68
Subtraction schemes, momentum 56
Superconductivity as a Higgs phenomenon 173
Symanzik theorem 143 see
Symmetry factor 1
Technicolour theory, anomaly condition 238
Technicolour theory, pseudo-Goldstone bosons 239
Transition amplitude and energy eigenfunction 18
Transition amplitude, Hamiltonian representation 12
Transition amplitude, harmonic oscillator 17
Transition amplitude, path integral (Lagrangian) representation 12 14
Transition amplitude, prefactor 13 15
Transition amplitude, prefactor, harmonic oscillator 19
Unitarity, S-matrix and T-matrix 62
Unitary matrix and hermitian matrix 78
Unitary matrix, Baker — Hausdorff relation 81
Unitary matrix, SU (n) 79 158
Vacuum polarization 49 67
Weyl ordering of operators 27
Wick's theorem 1
Wick's theorem, disconnected diagram cancellation 8
Wigner — Eckart theorem 90 108
Wilson coefficients 147 see
Would-be Goldstone boson, longitudinal gauge boson component 232 see
Would-be Goldstone boson, scattering amplitudes 233
Z boson decays into fermions 221 see
Z boson decays into Higgs bosons 226