Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Hooft G.T. — Under the spell of the gauge principle |
Предметный указатель |
particle 15 179—182
rule 182 183
Abbot, J. 618
Abers, E.S. 198 512
Achiman, Y. 186 200
Adler — Bell — Jackiw Anomaly 142 176 192 302 324
Adler, Stephen L. 142 287 351
AICHELBURG, P.C. 629 644
Aitchison, I.J.R. 677
Albright, C.H. 184 185 200
Alpert, M. 618
Altarelli, Guido 200
Anomalous dimension 224
Anomaly cancellation condition 366
Anti-instantons 332
Appelquist — Carrazone decoupling 367
Appelquist, Thomas 182 200 374
Arnowitt, R.L. 103
Ashmore, J.F. 249 574
Ashtekar, Abhay 664
asymptotic freedom 175 227 231 242—246 376 435—438 548
Bach, R. 605
Background field method 194 206 585 592—604
Background gauge 194 596—599
Bais, F. Alexander 544 546
Balachandran, A.P. 202
Balian, R. 199
Barber, M.N. 249
Barbieri, R. 154
Bardeen, William 202 351
Barnett, R.M. 199
Bars, Itzhak 202
Becchi, C. 15 194 202 351
Beg, M.A. 198 200
Bekenstein, J.D. 621 627 664
Belavin, Alexander A. 5 203 286 320 351 575
Bell — Treiman transformation 15 95—100 103 109 115 325
Bell, John S. 27 142 192 202 287 320 351
Bender, C.M. 575
Bender, I. 199
Berends, Frits A. 190 201
Bernard, C.W. 203
big bang 615
Big crunch 614 615
Bjorken, James D. 185 200 442
Black hole 0
Black hole Hilbert space 658
Black hole, decay 650
Black hole, entropy 581 623 626
Black hole, quantum 9 580 583 619—664
Black hole, spectrum 622
Bloch walls 285 488
Bludman, Sidney A. 198
Bogoliubov, N.N. 30 62 142 249
Bollini, C.G. 249 574
Bonner, W.B. 664
Borel procedure, second 571—573
Borel resummation 378 428—435 559—562
Borel singularities 562—571
Borel, Emile 7
Bose condensation 8 516 540
Boundary conditions in a box 493—495
Bounds on planar diagrams 379 390—393
Brezin, Edouard 574
Brick wall model 621 624—627
Brinkman, H.W. 644
Brodsky, Stanley J. 7
Brout, Robert 17 26 296
Cabibbo, Nicola 200
Cahill, Kevin 202
Calder, N. 677
Callan, Curtis G., Jr. 4 197 202 249 286 351 453 513 574
Canonical transformations 83—94
Carazzone, J. 374
Carlip, Steve 618
Carroll, Sean M. 609 618
Carter, B. 663
Casher, A. 374 452
Caswell, W.E. 203 575
Cauchy surface 609—614
Causality 26 68—72
Ceva, H. 813
Chandrasekhar, S. 663
Chang, Ngee Pong 201
Charmonium 179—182
Cheng, T.P. 185 200
Chiral charge 335—351
Chisholm rule 144
Chodos, A. 199
Christ, Norman 197
Christodoulou, D. 189 201 605
Christoffel symbol 587
Christos, G.A. 300 351
Clark, T. 202
Closed timelike curve 608
Coleman, Sidney 190 197 199 201 202 286 319 351 374 476 512 574 575 663
Collective coordinates 312
Collins, J.C. 203
Combinatorial factors 160—162
Combinatorics 120 121 151 160—162
Complex coupling constant 556—558
Composite propagators 393
Confinement (of quarks) 5 191 281—285 456—576
Confinement (of quarks), oblique 540—543
Constants of nature 671
Conway's Game of Life 667
Conway, J.H. 677
Coote, N. 453
Cornwall, J.M. 199
Coulomb phase 510
Counterterms 26 122 145—154 218 225 235—241
Creutz, M. 441 513
Crewther, Rodney 300 320 351
Crunch and bang theorem 614
Curtis, G.E. 635 644
Cutkosky's rule 68
Cutler, C. 618
Cutting equations 61—73 128
D'Eath, Peter D. 635 636 644
Dashen, Robert F. 201 286 296 351 513 574
de Calan, C. 441
de Groot, Henri 452
De Rujula, Alvaro 182 189 200
de Wit, Bernard 202
Deser, Stanley viii 201 605 617 618
DeWitt, Bryce 13 198 202 206 605
Difference equations for diagrams 410—413
Dimopoulos, Savas 358 374
Dirac condition (for electric and magnetic charges) 5 293 295 537—540
Dirac spinor algebra 156—159
Dirac, Paul A.M. 5 295 353 374 512 546
Disorder loop operator 495—499
Disorder operator (or parameter) 458 464 491
Dispersion relations 26 72—73
Divergences 143
Divergences, overlapping 146—148
Dolan, Louise 203
Dolgor, A.D. 627
Dray, Tevian viii 582 629—644
Dreitlein, J. 201
Drell, Sidney D. 442 574
Dressed propagators 79—82 168—173
Drouffe, Jean-Michel 199
Dual transformation 285 504—508
Earth-moon-symmetry 188
Ehlers, Jurgen 644
Eichten, E. 200
Ellis, G.F.R. 663
Ellis, John 200
| Englert, Francois 17 27 200 287 296
Epstein, Henri 142
Eta problems 191—194 324 326 see
Euler's theorem 385
Exceptional momenta 413—418
Eyink, G.L. 249
Faddeev — Popov ghost 24 102—108
Faddeev, Ludwig D. 13 198 202 604
Faissner, H. 670
Farhi, Edward 618
Fayet, Pierre 189 201
Feinberg, F.L. 200
Ferrara, Sergio 203
Feynman diagrams 14
Feynman rules 32—40 105 106 155—158 380—383 392 444 445
Feynman, Richard P. 13 604
Fickler, S.I. 103
Fictitious symmetry 339
Floating coupling constant 408
Flux, electric 178 496 498—502
Flux, electric, magnetic 496 498
Fradkin, Efim S. 198 604
Frampton, Paul H. 199
Frere, J.M. 200
Fritzsch, Harald 192 199 202 287 351
Froehlich, Jorg 201
Fronsdal, C. 197
Fubini, Sergio 575
Fujikawa, K. 351
Functional (or path) integrals 52—55 83
Gaillard, Mary K. 200
Gardner, M. 677
Gastmans, Raymond 190 201
Gauge condition 23 103
Gauge invariant source insertions 592
Gauge transformation law 18 22
Gell-Mann — Levy sigma model 358 362
Gell-Mann, Murray 3 192 197—199 202 249 287 351 374
Georgi — Glashow model 177 182 185 269 290—294 465 508
Georgi, Howard 177 182 199—201 203 286 512
Gervais, Jean-Loup 295 320
Ghosts 22 24 93 116
Ghosts, Faddeev — Popov 24 102—108
Giambiagi, J.J. 249 574
Gibbons, Gary 617 677
Giddings, S. 618 663
Glaser, V. 142
Glashow, Sheldon L. 177 182 199 200 286 351 512
Global symmetries 19 21
Goddard, P. 663
Goldhaber, A.F. 542 546
Goldman, T. 200
Goldstone particles 324 519
Goldstone, Jeffrey 521 546 663
Gott, J. Richard III 579 618
Gravitational shock wave 629—644
Great Model Rush 175
Green function 42
Green function, basic 408 409
Green, Michael B. 663 673 677
Gribov, V. 7
Grisaru, Marc T. 201—203
Gross, David J. 199 201 202 286 295 351 441 453 513 574 605 663
Gupta, V. 185 200
Guralnik, G.S. 27 296
Guth, Alan 617 618
Hagedorn, R. 196 203
Hagen, C.R. 27 296
Halpern, M.B. 202 203
Han, M.Y. 452
Harari, H. 199
Harrington, Barry J. 200 203
Hartle, Jim B. 627 663 677
Hasenfratz, Anna 299
Hasenfratz, Peter 299 546
Hasslacher, B. 201
Hawking radiation 620 660
Hawking, Stephen 9 620 627 647 663 677
Hepp, Klaus 142
Hey, Antony J.G. 677
Higgs mechanism 2 8 176 177 460—462 521
Higgs, Peter W. 3 12 26 176 296 512
Hilbert space 0
Hilbert space, huge 341
Hilbert space, large 342 496
Hilbert space, physical 31 343 496
Homotopy classes 264—268 271 272 281 284 495
Honerkamp, J. 202 203 206 605
Horizon shift 630 633 634 652
Horror 281 283
Hudnall, W. 202
Iliopoulos, John 198 199 201 512
Impulsive waves 629
Indefinite metric 78
instantons 6 270 321
Isler, Karl viii
Itzykson, Claude 199 574
Jackiw, Roman viii 10 27 142 192 202 203 286 287 319 320 351 374 513 546 574 617 618
Jacobian 13 85
Jacobs, L. 441 513
Jaffe, R.L. 199
Jarlskog, Cecilia 184 185 200
Jevicki, a. 202
Johnson, K. 199
Jones, D.R.T. 96 203 575
Julia, Bernard 199 286
Kadanoff, L.P. 513
Kaellen — Lehmann representation 33 56—58 81
Kalitzin, Stilyan viii
Kaluza — Klein theory 658 674
Kibble, Th.W.B. 13 27 296 512
Kluberg-Stern, H. 203
Kobe, Z. 664
Koerner, J. 199
Kogut, John 199 201 202 286 452 574
Komen, Gerbrand 452
Koplik, J. 442
Kruskal — Szekeres coordinates 634
Kuchar, K. 618
Kummer, W. 197
Kundt, W. 644
Laflamme, R. 663
Lanczos, C. 605
Largest-time equation 63
Lautrup, Benny 165
Le Guillou, J.C. 574
Lee, Benjamin W. 26 198 200 374 612
Lee, C. 351
Lee, T.D. 189 196 201 203 255 286
Lehmann, H. 512
Lepage, G.P. 7
Leutwyler, Harry 192 202 287
Levin, D.N. 199
Levy, Maurice 374
Li, L.F. 197 201
Linde, Andrei 187 201 203
Lipatov, L.N. 574
Llewellyn Smith, Chris H. 185 198—200
Lousto, Carlos 664
Low, Francis 3 197 249
Lowenstein, J.H. 202
Ma, E. 201
Ma, S.K. 201
MacCallum, M.A.H. 638 644
Macdonald, D.A. 677
Macroscopic variables 514 536
Magnetic monopoles 5 269 270 283 288—296 525
Maiani, Luciano 199 200 512
Mandelstam, Stanley 198 199 202 287 604
Mani, H.S. 185 200
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