Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Spectroscopic notation
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Mayer J.E., Mayer M.G. — Statistical Mechanics | 140—141 | Zel'dovich Ya.B., Raizer Yu.P. — Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (vol. 1) | 306—308 | Thaller B. — The Dirac equation | 217 | Zel'dovich Ya.B., Raizer Yu.P. — Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (vol. 2) | 306—308 | Meyerhof W.E. — Elements of Nuclear Physics | 52, 55 | Gautreau R., Savin W. — Schaum's Outline of Modern Physics | 142, 184 | Martin B.R., Shaw G. — Particle Physics | 85—86 | Park D. — Introduction to the quantum theory | 229, 255, 414 | Streetman B.G. — Solid State Electronic Devices | 48 | Shankar R. — Principles of quantum mechanics | 350 | Basdevant J.-L., Dalibard J. — Quantum Mechanics | 213 | Rosenberg H.M. — Low temperature solid state physics. Some selected topics | 289 | Mayer J.E., Goeppert Mayer M. — Statistical mechanics | 140—141 | Bransden B., Joachain C. — Physics of Atoms and Molecules | 89—90, 135, 201—2, 255-6 | Richards P.I. — Manual of Mathematical Physics | 159, 160, 164 | Podgorsak E. — Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists | 69 | Thaller B. — The Dirac equation | 217 | Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman — University physics with modern physics | 1405 | Leighton R.B. — Principles of Modern Physics | 204, 205 | HarrisR. — Nonclassical physics: beyond Newton's view | 258 | Schiff L.I. — Quantum Mechanics | 426 | Powell R. — Physics of Solid State Laser Materials (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Series) | 37, 41 | Bernard L. Cohen — Concepts of Nuclear Physics | 20, 87 | Krane K.S. — Introductory nuclear physics | 35, 37, 610 | Park D. — Introduction to the Quantum Theory (Pure & Applied Physics) | 229, 255, 414 |