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Streetman B.G. — Solid State Electronic Devices |
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, cutoff frequency (BJT) 278
see "Distribution coefficient"
a-c Equivalent circuit, BJT 277
a-c Equivalent circuit, JFET 294
Abrupt junction 138
Absorption, coefficient 98
Absorption, optical 96—99 379
Acceptor, action in semiconductors 67—69
Acceptor, atoms 67—69 108
Acceptor, doping profile 133 137 182 197—198 266
Acceptor, ionization energy in Si 108
Acceptor, level 67—69
Accumulation layer in a BNDC device 423—424
Accumulation layer in an FET 302—303
Admittance, a-c 175
AlGaAs 17—20 192—194 227 283 296—298 392—396
AlGaAs growth, chemical vapor deposition 22
AlGaAs growth, liquid-phase epitaxy 20
AlGaAs growth, molecular beam epitaxy 23—24
AlGaAs, composition diagram 60
AlGaAs, energy bands 59
Alkali halides 52
Alloy, composition 18—19 58—60
Alloy, die bond 368
Alloy, process 131—132
Alloyed junction, BJT 242
Alloyed junction, diode 131—132
Alloyed junction, SCR 409—410
Alpha ( ) of a BJT, calculation 250—251
Alpha ( ) of a BJT, definition 239
Alpha ( ) of a BJT, dependence on current 271—272 402
Alpha ( ) of a BJT, dependence on voltage 268—269
Aluminum (Al), acceptor in Si 67 108
Aluminum (Al), alloy in Si 11 409—410
Aluminum (Al), contact pads 357 360 367—371
Aluminum (Al), metallization 135 356
Aluminum (Al), wire bonding 368—370
Amorphous solids 4
Amplification 232 238—242
Amplification mode (BNDC devices) 427
Amplifier, graphical analysis 234
Amplifier, transistor 240
Anisotropic etch 341
annealing 138 323
Anode of a p-n-p-n diode 400
Anode, gate in an SCS 408
Antimony (Sb) 66 108 343 409 444
Arrays, solar cell 215
Aspect ratio 354
Asymmetrically doped junction 159
Atomic arrangements in solids see "Crystal structure"
Atomic structure 42—48
Atomic theory 33—35 42—48
Atomic weight 10 15—16
Attenuation in a fiber 225
AU see "Gold"
Avalanche breakdown, BJT 269—271
Avalanche breakdown, diode 206—207
Avalanche breakdown, doping dependence 166
Avalanche breakdown, mechanism 164—166
Avalanche breakdown, p-n-p-n 404—405
Avalanche breakdown, voltage 166
Avalanche photodiode 218—221
Avalanche transit time diode see "IMPATT diode"
Avogadro's number 10 438
Axes, crystal 7—9
Balance of drift and diffusion 140—141
Ball bond 370—371
Balmer series 32 35
Band bending 302—305
Band diagram see "Energy band"
Band discontinuities (offsets) 281—283
Band gap of common semiconductors 439
Band gap of common semiconductors, relative to the spectrum 99
Band gap, definition 3 54—60
Band gap, dependence on alloy composition 19 60 223
Band gap, relation to junction voltage 176
Band-to-band transitions 56—58 103—106 222
Bandwidth 220
Barrier, to injection 176—178
Barrier, tunneling 41—42 164 208—212
Base (BJT), contact 243 272—276
Base (BJT), current 237—238 247—250 261—263
Base (BJT), drift in 266—267
Base (BJT), region 236 243
Base (BJT), resistance 272—276
Base (BJT), spreading resistance 273 275—276
Base (BJT), transport factor B 238—239 250
Base narrowing, BJT 268—269
Base narrowing, p-n-p-n 404
Base width (BJT), definition 237
Base width (BJT), modulation see "Base narrowing"
Basis vectors 4
Batch fabrication 332
Beam-lead 371—372
Beta of a BJT of a composite transistor 375
Beta of a BJT, calculation 250—251
Beta of a BJT, definition 239 241
Beta of a BJT, dependence on biasing 268—269
Beta of a BJT, dependence on injection 271—272
Beta of a BJT, dependence on temperature 272
Beta of a BJT, relation 278
Beveling 204
Bilateral p-n-p-n switch 408—409
Binding energy of a donor or acceptor 68—69
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) 232—283 342—346
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT), amplification 234—241
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT), configurations 236 245 274—275 280—281 342—346
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT), currents 236—241 246—250 252—257
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT), equivalent circuits 254—255 259 277
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT), fabrication 242—243 274—275 280—281 342—346
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT), heterojunction 281—283
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT), summary of carrier flow 237—238
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT), transient effects 260—263
BJT see "Bipolar junction transistor"
Blackbody radiation 397
BNDC see "Bulk negative differential conductivity"
Body effect 322
Body-centered cubic (BCC) lattice 5
Bohr model 33—35
Boltzmann factor 71
Boltzmann statistics 71
Bond, covalent 53—54
Bond, die 368
Bond, ionic 52
Bond, lead 368—371
Bond, metallic 53
Bond, thermocompression 368
Bonding forces 52—54
Bonding of IC's 368—372
Boron (B), acceptor 67
Boron (B), diffusion in Si 197—199 284
Boron (B), energy level in Si 108
Boron (B), ion implantation 137 323
Boron (B), solubility in Si 444
Boron (B), source materials for diffusion 134
Breakdown diode 206—207
Breakdown, avalanche 164—166 269—270
Breakdown, edge 203—204
Breakdown, Zener 163—164
Brewster angle 386
Bridgman method 12—13
Buffer layer in MESFET 295—296
Built-in field 118 140 266—268 283
Bulk negative differential conductivity (BNDC), devices 419—430
Bulk negative differential conductivity (BNDC), materials 422 429
Bulk negative differential conductivity (BNDC), mechanism 421
Buried heterostructure laser 394—395
buried layer 342
| Buried-channel CCD 360
Burrus diode 226—227
Capacitance in a BJT 276—278
Capacitance, abrupt junction 173—175
Capacitance, arbitrary junction 207—208 229
Capacitance, charge storage 175
Capacitance, depletion layer 174
Capacitance, diffusion 175
Capacitance, junction 173—175
Capacitance, linearly graded junction 197
Capacitance, MOS 301—314 322—324 355—357
Capacitance, parasitic 280 323
Capacitor, integrated 335—336 355—357
Capture of electrons and holes in recombination 103—108 178—180
Carrier concentration 71—81
Carrier concentration, constant product 77 110
Carrier concentration, equilibrium 76—77
Carrier concentration, excess see "Excess carriers"
Carrier concentration, gradient 112—118
Carrier concentration, intrinsic 78—79
Carrier concentration, relation to doping 80—81
Carrier concentration, temperature dependence 78—80
Carriers see also "Electron" "Hole" "Majority "Minority
Carriers, majority and minority 69
Cathode, gate (SCS) 408
Cathode, p-n-p-n diode 400
Cathode-ray tube (CRT) 102
Cathodoluminescence 102—103
CCD 357—362
Centers, recombination and trapping 100 106—109 178—180
Channel (FET), conductance 293 316
Channel (FET), induced 300—305 314—328
Channel (FET), metallurgical 292
Channel (FET), pinch-off 290 293 295 316
Channel (FET), width 292 315
Channel stops 346—347
Charge carriers 61—81
Charge control model, BJT 255—257 261—263 277—278
Charge control model, p-n junction 156—158 167—173 175
Charge sharing 325—326
Charge storage in a BJT 255—257 260—265 277—278
Charge storage in a p-n junction 156—157 168—177
Charge storage, capacitance 175 278
Charge transfer devices 357—363
Charge, surface (MOS) 303—307 315 357—363
Charge-coupled device (CCD) 357—362
Chromatic dispersion 226
Circuit models, BJT 254—255 277
Circuit models, diode 202
Circuit models, JFET 294
Circuit symbols 445—447
Cleavage along crystal planes 11—12
Cleavage in injection laser fabrication 391—392 396
Cleaved-coupled cavity laser 396
CMOS 350—351
Coherent light 378
Collector (BJT), breakdown 269—271
Collector (BJT), characteristics 235 255 258
Collector (BJT), contact 242—243 280 342—343
Collector (BJT), injection see "Inverted mode"
Collector (BJT), region 237
Collector (BJT), resistance 276 342—343
Color of light emission 222
Color of materials 97—99
Common-base configuration (BJT) 236—237 270
Common-emitter configuration (BJT) 240—241 270
Compensation 80—81 131 see
Complementary error function (erfc) 132 197—198
Complementary MOS 350—351
Complex conjugate 38
Composite transistor 343 375
Compound semiconductors 2 10 17—19
Computer, devices 363—367
Computer, use in IC design 337
Conduction band 54 59—60 420
Conduction band, effective density of states 75 440—442
Conduction band, electron density 74—81
Conduction processes see "Drift" "Diffusion"
Conductivity 81—85
Conductivity modulation 181 204
Conductivity, intrinsic 86
Conductivity, type 66—69
Confinement in laser junctions 392—394
Constant current source 236
Constant source diffusion 132 197—198
Contact pads 357 360 367—371
Contact potential, abrupt junction 143—144
Contact potential, definition 141
Contact potential, heterojunction 190
Contact potential, relation to maximum forward bias 177
Contacts to semiconductors 85 131 187—189 356—357
Contacts to semiconductors, solar cells 216
Continuity equation 119
Continuous wave (cw) laser 385 392
Controlled rectifier see "Semiconductor controlled rectifier"
Controlled source 234
Copper, heat sink 204—205 409—410 429
Copper, impurity 108 444
Counterdoping 131
Coupled-diode model 252—255
covalent bond 53
Critical field for breakdown 166 415
Crossover (IC) 324 357
CRT 102
Crystal growth 12—25
Crystal structure 3—12
Crystallographic planes and directions 7—9
Cubic lattice 5
Current see also "Specific devices"
Current density 83 115
Current gain (BJT amplifier) 238—241
Current transfer ratio 239
Current, diffusion 115 151
Current, drift 84 115 152 266
Current-voltage characteristics, bilateral diode switch 408
Current-voltage characteristics, BJT 236 255 258 269 270
Current-voltage characteristics, ideal diode 202
Current-voltage characteristics, JFET 291 299
Current-voltage characteristics, MOSFET 300 317 325
Current-voltage characteristics, negative resistance devices 211
Current-voltage characteristics, p-n junction 153 163 176 181
Current-voltage characteristics, p-n-p-n diode 400 403
Current-voltage characteristics, photodiode 213
Current-voltage characteristics, Schottky diode 186
Current-voltage characteristics, SCR 406
Current-voltage characteristics, tunnel diode 210—211
Cutoff (BJT) 258—259
Cutoff frequency, BJT 278
Cutoff frequency, MOSFET 329
CVD 17 21—22
Czochralski growth 13—17
DDE see "Double-diffused epitaxial"
Decay time, photoconductive 104—108
Deep depletion in CCDs 358
Deep depletion in SOS 352—353
Deep level impurities 108
Degenerate semiconductors 208—209 388—389
Delay time 265 407 see
Delayed domain mode 425—426
density 10 439
Density of states, effective 74—77 440—442
Density of states, effective mass 65
Depletion approximation 145
Depletion layer photodiode 217
depletion region see "Transition region"
Depletion-mode FET 301 320—321
Detector, optical 111—112 217—221
Diamond, band gap 54—55
Diamond, cleavage symmetry 11
Diamond, lattice 9—12
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