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Streetman B.G. — Solid State Electronic Devices |
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DIBL 326
Die bonding 368
dielectric constant 439
Dielectric isolation 340—341
Dielectric relaxation time 422
Diffused structures, BJT 242—243 266 342—343
Diffused structures, guard ring 203—204
Diffused structures, junction laser 391
Diffused structures, MOSFET 300 347—350
Diffused structures, p-n junction 132—135
Diffused structures, resistor 353—355
Diffused structures, SCR 409—410
Diffused structures, solar cell 216
Diffused-epitaxial BJT 342—343
Diffusion capacitance see "Charge storage capacitance"
Diffusion current 115
Diffusion equation 119—120
diffusion length 120—121
Diffusion potential see "Contact potential"
Diffusion, carrier 112—125
Diffusion, coefficient 114 117 123
Diffusion, current component in junctions 141 151—152 156—157
Diffusion, current component in transistors 246—247
Diffusion, field-aided 266—267
Diffusion, solid state, coefficients 197—198 284 374
Diffusion, solid state, constant source 132 197—199
Diffusion, solid state, furnaces 133
Diffusion, solid state, limited source 132 197—199
Diffusion, solid state, masking see "Oxide masking"
Diffusion, solid state, source materials 134
Diffusion, theory 112—125
Digital IC 334
Diode see also "p-n junction"
Diode equation 156 178
Diode, breakdown 206
Diode, circuit models 202
Diode, Gunn 419—430
Diode, heterojunction 190—194
Diode, ideal 201
Diode, IMPATT 413—416
Diode, light-emitting 222—224
Diode, metal-semiconductor 183—190
Diode, narrow base 203 228
Diode, p-i-n 218
Diode, p-n-p-n 400—406
Diode, QWITT 416—418
Diode, Read 413
Diode, recovery characteristics 170—173
Diode, rectifier 201—205
Diode, resonant tunneling 416—418
Diode, Schottky 183—190
Diode, transistor connections 285
Diode, TRAPATT 418—419
Diode, tunnel 208—212
Diode, varactor 207—208
Diode, Zener 206
DIP 373
Dipole in a BNDC device 422—424
Dipole, depletion region 145
Direct band gap 57—60 100 222—224 396 439
Directions in a lattice 7—9
Discretionary wiring 363
Dispersion in a fiber 226
Displacement current 405 418
Distributed feedback 395
Distribution coefficient 15
Distribution function 71
Domain 422—424
Donor atoms 66 69 108
Donor, action in semiconductors 66—69
Donor, binding energy 68 108
Donor, level 67
Doping 66
Double-diffused epitaxial transistor 342—343
Double-hetero junction laser 392—393
Drain (FET) 289 300
Drain-induced barrier lowering 326
DRAM 363—365
Drift see also "Saturation velocity"
Drift in the base (BJT) 266—267
Drift, carrier 81—85 115
Drift, component in a junction 141 152 160—161
Drift, current 83
Drift, mobility 84
Drift, region of a Read diode 413
Drift, velocity 83 87—89 122 421 426
Dual in-line package (DIP) 373
dv/dt triggering (p-n-p-n) 405
DX center 298
Dynamic RAM 363—365
Early effect 268—269
Early voltage 268
Ebers — Moll model 252—257
Edge breakdown 203
Effective density of states 74—75 440—442
effective mass 63
Effective mass, dependence on band curvature 64
Effective mass, negative values 64
Effective mass, values for Si, Ge, and GaAs 65
Efficiency, Gunn devices 426—427
Efficiency, quantum 101
EHP see "Electron-hole pair"
Einstein, coefficients 374
Einstein, photoelectric effect 30—31
Einstein, relation 117 124
Electric field, built-in 118 145—147
Electric field, effect on drift velocity 83 88 421
Electric field, effect on energy bands 116
Electric field, Hall 89
Electric field, relation to electrostatic potential 116—117
Electric field, transition region 144—147 151
Electrically alterable ROM (EAROM) 365
Electrochemical potential see "Fermi level"
Electroluminescence 103 222—224 387—397
Electron affinity 185
Electron beam 102 339
Electron emission see "Emission"
Electron mobility see "Mobility carrier"
Electron volt (eV) 3 78 151 438
Electron, capture at a center 100 106 179—180
Electron, carrier 61—64
Electron, concentration 71—81
Electron, effective mass 63—65 420
Electron, energy levels 35 40 54—55 70 108 385
Electron, mean free path 113—114
Electron, quasi-Fermi level 110 124—125 389
Electron, scattering 82 87—88
Electron, trap 100 106
Electron, valence band 61—62
Electron, velocity 83 88 421
electron-beam lithography 339
Electron-hole pair (EHP) 61
Electrostatic potential 116 140 150—151
Elemental semiconductors 2
Elements, periodic table of the 2 45—48
Emission from a trap 179—180
Emission, photoelectric 31
Emission, spectra 31—33 390
Emission, spontaneous 378—380 390
Emission, stimulated 378—380
Emitter (BJT), contact 242
Emitter (BJT), crowding 272—276
Emitter (BJT), injection efficiency 239 250 281—283 402
Emitter (BJT), junction 237
Emitter (BJT), multiple 274—275
Emitter (BJT), region 237 272—276
Emitter (BJT), stripe geometry 274—275
Encapsulation 204—205 372—373 410
Energy band see also "Specific devices and materials"
| Energy band, definition 3 54
Energy band, dependence on alloy composition 59—60 223
Energy band, direct and indirect 56—60
Energy band, formation in diamond 54—55
Energy band, metals, semiconductors, insulators 55—56
Energy gap see "Band gap"
Energy levels in quantum wells 40 70 194
Energy levels, carbon 55
Energy levels, Cr ion in ruby 382
Energy levels, hydrogen 35 46
Energy levels, neon 386
Energy, Fermi 71—77
Energy, kinetic 34 38
Energy, potential 34 38
Enhancement-type FET 301 317
Epitaxial growth (epitaxy), liquid-phase (LPE) 19—21
Epitaxial growth (epitaxy), molecular beam (MBE) 23—24
Epitaxial growth (epitaxy), vapor-phase (VPE) 21—22
Epitaxial layer, definition 17
Epitaxial layer, use in BJT's 280—283
Epitaxial layer, use in detectors 219—221
Epitaxial layer, use in IC's 342—344
Epitaxial layer, use in lasers 392—296
Epitaxial layer, use in varactors 207
EPROM 365 373
Equilibrium conditions see also "Specific devices"
Equilibrium conditions, carrier concentrations 74—77
Equilibrium conditions, definition 109
Equilibrium conditions, p-n junction 138—149
Equivalent circuit see "Circuit models"
Erasable PROM (EPROM) 365 373
Erbium-doped fiber 385
Etching of layer 134 348
Etching to achieve isolation 341
Etching to separate IC chips 336 372
Etching, anisotropic 341
Excess carriers 93—94 105
Extraction of carriers 160
Extrinsic material 66—69
Extrinsic photodetector 218
Extrinsic temperature range 79—80
Fabrication methods, BJT 242—243 274—275 280 339—344
Fabrication methods, diode 131—138 203—205
Fabrication methods, Gunn diode 429—430
Fabrication methods, IC 334—342
Fabrication methods, junction laser 391—397
Fabrication methods, MOSFET 323—327 346—353
Fabrication methods, SCR 409—410
Fabry — Perot 381
Face-centered cubic (fcc) lattice 5—6
Fall time (BJT) 265
Fat zero 360
Fermi level 71—75 144
Fermi level, invariance at equilibrium 91—92
Fermi level, pinning 189—190
Fermi — Dirac distribution 71
FET see "Field-effect transistor"
Fiber optics 224—226
Field doping 347
Field oxide 318 340 349
Field-aided diffusion (BJT) 266—267
Field-effect transistor (FET), HEMT 296—298
Field-effect transistor (FET), JFET 288—295
Field-effect transistor (FET), MESFET 295—296
Field-effect transistor (FET), MOSFET 299—327 346—353
Fill factor (solar cell) 217
Fine-line lithography 339
Flat band 310—312
Flip-chip 371—372
Floating zone growth 16—17
Fluorescence 100
Fluorescent lamp 101
Flux density 114
Forbidden band 54
forward bias see "Specific devices"
Forward-blocking state (p-n-p-n) 402—403
Forward-conducting state (p-n-p-n) 404
Four-layer devices see "p-n-p-n devices"
Four-point probe 354
Frequency limitations of BJT's 277—279
Furnaces, crystal growth 13—16
Furnaces, diffusion 133
Furnaces, epitaxy 20—24
GaAsP 2 19 59 222—223 387 429
Gain, amplifier 234 238—241
Gain, photomultiplier 220
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), band diagram 59 420
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), diffusion coefficients 117
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), effective mass 65 420
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), growth 14 20—24
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), Gunn diodes 419—429
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), intrinsic carrier concentration 79
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), lasers 387—396
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), mobility 87
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), properties 439
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), velocity-field characteristic 422
Gate, JFET 289 291
Gate, MESFET 295
Gate, MOSFET 300
Gate, SCR 406
Gate, SCS 408
Gauss's law 146 182
Gaussian distribution 123 132 197—198
Generation carrier, optical 108—109 212—213
Generation carrier, thermal 61 65—66 109 152—153 179—180
Generation from a trap 106—107 179—180
Generation, current 152—153 179—180
Geometry, device see "Specific devices"
Germanium (Ge), diffusion coefficients 117
Germanium (Ge), diode 131
Germanium (Ge), effective mass of carriers 65 68
Germanium (Ge), electronic configuration 47—48
Germanium (Ge), growth 13
Germanium (Ge), intrinsic carrier concentration 79
Germanium (Ge), mobility 87
Germanium (Ge), properties 439
Germanium (Ge), solubility of impurities 444
Giant pulse laser 383—384
Gold (Au), alloying metal 368 409
Gold (Au), conductors in IC's 372
Gold (Au), doping in Si 205 263
Gold (Au), levels in Si 108
Gold (Au), solid solubility in Si 444
Gold (Au), wire bonding 368—371
Grade constant 182
Graded alloy composition 282—283 394
Graded base transistor 266—267
Graded junction 182—183 197 207—208 229
Graded-index, channel laser 394
Graded-index, fiber 225—226
Gradient, carrier 112—118
Gradual approximation (FET) 294
Ground state 45 47 385 386
Grown junction 131 see
Growth of semiconductor materials 12—24
Guard ring 203—204
Gunn effect 419—430
Half-wave rectifier 202
Half-width, channel (FET) 292
Hall effect 89—92
Haynes — Shockley experiment 122—125
HBT 281—283
He-Ne laser 386—387
Heisenberg uncertainly principle 36
HEMT 296—298
Heterojunctions 190—194
Heterojunctions, bipolar transistor(HBT) 281—283
Heterojunctions, laser 392—396
HF, etch of 134
High electron mobility transistor see "HEMT"
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