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Streetman B.G. — Solid State Electronic Devices |
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p-n-p-n devices, SCS 407—408
P-type semiconductor 67 73—75
Packaging, diode 205
Packaging, IC 372—375
Packaging, SCR 410
Parasitic BJT 351
Parasitic elements 280 323 351
Paschen series 32 35
Passive components in IC's 353—357
Pauli exclusion principle 45
Peak-to-valley ratio (tunnel diode) 212
Periodic structures 3
Periodic table of the elements 2 45—48
PGA 373—374
Phonon 86
Phosphor 100
Phosphorescence 100
Phosphorus (P), in Si 15—17
Phosphorus (P), diffusion in Si 242—243 284 337 342—343
Phosphorus (P), donor 66
Phosphorus (P), energy level in Si 108
Phosphorus (P), solid solubility in Si 444
Phosphorus (P), source materials for diffusion 134
Photoconductive decay measurement 107—108
Photoconductivity 103 107
Photoconductor 111—112 220
Photocurrent 212—213
Photodetector 111—112 217—222
PhotoDiode 217—222
photoelectric effect 30—31
photolithography 134—135 337—339
photoluminescence 100—102
Photon 31
Photoresist (PR) 134—135 337—339
Photovoltaic effect 214
Physical models 29—30
Piecewise-linear models 202
Pin-grid array (PGA) 373—374
Pinch-off (FET) 291 296 316
Pixel 362
Planar processing 337—339
Planarization 357
Planck's constant 31 438
Planck's distribution see "Blackbody radiation"
Planes, crystal 7—9
Plasma tube 387
Platinum silicide 190 350
PMOS see "p-channel"
pn product 77 110
Poisson's equation 146 182 305
Polycrystalline Si 318 324 340—341 347—349 356
Polycrystalline solids 4
Population inversion 380
Potential barrier 40—43
potential energy 34 38
Potential well see "Quantum well"
Potential, electrostatic 16 140 150—151
PR see "Photoresist"
Praseodymium (Pr) 385
probability 37
Programmable ROM (PROM) 364—365
Projected range 136—137
Projection printing 338
Propagation vector 57—59 63—64
Properties, semiconductor 439
Pseudomorphic growth 19 298
Pumping, optical 381 383
Punch-through 204 269
Q-switched laser 383—384
Quantization 31 41 44
Quantum efficiency 101
Quantum mechanical operators 38
quantum mechanics 36—45
Quantum number 41 43—45
Quantum well 40 69—70 194
Quantum well, laser 395—396
Quantum well, tunneling in 416—418
Quasi-Fermi level 110—111
Quasi-Fermi level, gradients in 124—125
Quasi-steady state approximation 169
Quaternary alloy 2 18—19 283 396
Quenched domain mode (BNDC devices) 425—426 428
QWITT 416—418
Radiation damage 138
radiative recombination 58 99—103 222—224 387—396
Random access memory (RAM) 363—365
Random motion 82 112—114
Range of implanted ions 136—137
Rare earth laser 385
Rayleigh scattering 226
Reach-through see "Punch-through"
Reactor see "Epitaxial growth"
Read diode 413
Recombination current 156—158 178—180
Recombination level 100 106 108 179—180
Recombination, carrier 66 100—109
Rectifier 201—205
Red emission, from GaAsP 222—223
Reference diode 206—207
Reflow glass 347
Refractive index 224—225 391 394
Resistance, base 272—276 281
Resistance, collector 276
Resistance, negative 208—211 415 417 421
Resistance, sheet 354
resistivity 85 90 354
Resistor, diffused 353—354
Resistor, thick film 335
Resistor, thin film 335
Resonant cavity, microwave 413 425
Resonant cavity, optical 381
Resonant circuit, BNDC modes in 425
Resonant circuit, IMPATT operation 414
Resonant circuit, varactor tuning 207
Resonant tunneling 416—418
Reverse current 152 156 163 181—213
Reverse recovery transient 170—173
Reverse-blocking state (p-n-p-n) 400—401
Ridley — Watkins — Hilsum mechanism 421
RISC 366
Rise time (BJT) 265
Ritz combination principle 33
Ruby laser 382—383
Runaway, thermal (BJT) 271
Rydberg constant 32 35
Salicide 349—350
SAPpHiRe 351
Satellite valley 59—60 420
Saturated drain current 291 294 316
Saturation current, reverse, BJT 253—254
Saturation current, reverse, junction 153—154 156
Saturation of a BJT 259—261
Saturation, velocity 88 295 298—299
SB see "Antimony"
Scattering limited velocity see "Saturation velocity"
Scattering mechanisms 86—88
Schottky barrier 184—190 295
Schottky diode clamp 264
Schrodinger equation 38—40 43—44 441
SCR see "Semiconductor controlled rectifier"
Scribing of wafers 332
SCS see "Semiconductor controlled switch"
Seed crystal 13 17 20
Segregation coefficient see "Distribution coefficient"
Selective diffusion 132—135 337—338
Self-aligned MOS transistors 322—324 349
Self-compensation 224
Semi-insulating GaAs 295
Semiconductor controlled rectifier (SCR) 406—411
| Semiconductor controlled switch (SCS) 407—408
Semiconductor, band gap 3 54—60
Semiconductor, degenerate 208—209 388—389
Semiconductor, growth 12—25
Semiconductor, materials 2 439
Semiconductor, properties 439
Separate confinement laser 394
Shallow levels 66—69 108
Sheet resistance 354
Shell, atomic 45
Shockley diode 401
Short-channel effects 298—299 325—327
Short-circuit saturation currents (BJT) 253—254
Shorted emitter 409
Shot noise 220
Sidewall capacitance 340
Sidewall spacer 347—349
Siemens 294
Silane 21
Silica see also "Silicon dioxide"
Silica, crucible 12—13 17
Silica, furnace tube 13 133
Silicide 190 349—350
Silicon (Si) see also "Specific devices"
Silicon (Si), diffusion coefficients impurity 198 284 374
Silicon (Si), diffusion coefficients, carrier 117
Silicon (Si), distribution coefficients of impurities 15 26
Silicon (Si), effective mass of carriers 65
Silicon (Si), electronic configuration 48
Silicon (Si), growth 12—17 21
Silicon (Si), impurity levels 108
Silicon (Si), intrinsic carrier concentration 79
Silicon (Si), mobility 87
Silicon (Si), properties 439
Silicon (Si), solubility of impurities 444
Silicon controlled rectifier see "Semiconductor controlled rectifier"
Silicon dioxide , dielectric isolation 340—341
Silicon dioxide , masking see "Oxide masking"
Silicon gate technology see "Polycrystalline Si"
Silicon nitride 138 319 340—341
Silicon on insulator see "SOI"
Silicon on sapphire (SOS) 351—353
Simple cubic (sc) lattice 5
Sodium ion 52 310—311
SOI 351—353
Solar cell 215—217
Solid solubility 444
Solution epitaxy 19—21
Sos 351—353
Source, diffusion 134
Source, of an FET 289 300
Space charge neutrality 81
Space charge region see "Transition region"
Space charge, build up of 422—423
Space-charge limited current 326
Spectra, atomic 31—33
Spectroscopic notation 48
Spectrum, relation to semiconductor band gaps 99
Spin 44—45
Spontaneous emission 378—379 390
sputtering 335
Square-law FET characteristic 294
Stable domain 423—426
Statistics 71
Step junction 138
Step-and-repeat 338
Step-index fiber 224—225
Stimulated emission 378—379 390
Storage delay time 170—172 262
Strained layers 19 298
Stripe geometry, BJT 273—275
Stripe geometry, laser 393—396
Strong inversion 304—305
Submicron linewidths 339
Subsidiary minima see "Satellite valley"
Substrate 17 20
Substrate bias 320—322
Subthreshold current 327
Superlattice 19 23
Surface charge see "Surface states"
Surface FET see "Induced-channel"
Surface mobility 315
Surface potential 304—305 357—359
Surface states 189 310—312
Susceptor 21
Sustaining field (BNDC devices) 426
Switching, BJT 257—265
Switching, diode 167—173 205
Switching, SCR 410—411
Symbols, commonly used quantities 433
Symbols, solid state devices 445
Symmetrical BJT 244
Tantalum 335—336
Tape-automated bonding (TAB) 373
Television 102 362
Temperature dependence, carrier concentration 78—80
Temperature dependence, intrinsic carrier concentration 78—79
Temperature dependence, mobility 86
Terminal currents (BJT) 246—250
Ternary alloy 2 18—19 58—60 see "GaAsP" etc.
Testing of IC's 367—368
Thermal effects in a BJT 271
Thermal generation of carriers see "Generation"
Thermal oxidation of Si see "Oxidation"
Thermal relaxation time 358
Thermal runaway (BJT) 271
Thermal velocity 87
Thermionic emission 190
Thermocompression bonding 368—371
Thick films 335
Thin films 335
Threshold, field (BNDC device) 420
Threshold, pumping level (laser) 383
Threshold, voltage (MOSFET) 301
Thyristor 351 406—411
Time, decay (photoconductive) 104—108
Time, delay 265 407
Time, fall, rise (BJT) 265
Time, storage delay 170—172 262
Time, turn-off, turn-on (BJT) 261—265
Transconductance, BJT 277—278
Transconductance, JFET 294
Transconductance, MOSFET 317
Transferred electron mechanism 419—421
Transient behavior, BJT 257—265
Transient behavior, diode 166—173
Transistor action in a p-n-p-n device 401
Transistor, BJT 235
Transistor, JFET 288
Transistor, merged 344
Transistor, MESFET 295
Transistor, monolithic (IC) 341
Transistor, mosfet 299
Transit time 240 279 407 413—419 425—428
Transit time mode (BNDC device) 425—428
Transition region, capacitance 173—175
Transition region, definition 141
Transition region, field 145—146
Transition region, generation and recombination in 178—180
Transition region, population inversion in 389
Transition region, width 147
Transitions, direct 57 60 101 443
Transitions, indirect 57 60 106 443
Transport factor, base 238—239 250
TRAPATT 418—419
Trapping 107
Trench capacitor 355—356
Trench isolation 341
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