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Streetman B.G. — Solid State Electronic Devices |
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High frequency effects in BJT's 279—280
High-level injection, BJT 271
High-level injection, diode 176—177
Holding current (SCR) 407
Hole mobility see "Mobility carrier"
Hole, as a carrier 61—63
Hole, capture at a center 106 179—180
Hole, concentration 73—77
Hole, effective mass 64—65
Hole, quasi-Fermi level 110 124—125 389
Hole, trap 106—107
Hot carrier effects 88 419
Hybrid circuit (IC) 334—336
Hybrid-pi model (BJT) 277
Hydrofluoric acid see "HF"
Hydrogen atom, Bohr model 33—35
Hydrogen atom, emission spectra 32
Hydrogen atom, energy states 33 46
Hydrogen atom, quantum mechanical model 42—45
Hyperabrupt junction 207—208
I-V characteristics see "Current voltage characteristics"
IC see "Integrated circuit"
Ideal diode 202
Ideality factor 178
Illuminated junction 212—214
Impact ionization 164—166
IMPATT diode 413—416
Implantation see "Ion implantation"
Impurity see also "Donor" "Acceptor"
Impurity, distribution coefficients 15
Impurity, levels in Si 108
Impurity, scattering 86
Impurity, solid solubilities in Ge and Si 444
Indirect semiconductor 57—60
Indirect transitions 57 106 439
Indium (In) alloy in Ge 131—132
Induced-channel 300—301 305
Infrared detector 111—112 217—221
Infrared emission 222—224
Infrared relation to certain band gaps 99
InGaAs 18—19 189 219
InGaAsP 18—19 226 396
Ingot (Si) 14
Inhibited mode (BNDC device) 425—426
injection laser 387—396
Injection, carrier 120—122 154—160
Injection, carrier, efficiency of a junction 195
Injection, carrier, electroluminescence 222—224 387—396
Injection, carrier, relation to contact potential 177—178
Injector rail 345—346
InP 18—19 219 226 422
Instabilities in semiconductors 422
Instantaneous-source diffusion see "Limited-source diffusion"
Insulated-gate FET see "IGFET"
Insulator 56
Integrated circuit (IC), devices 334—336
Integrated circuit (IC), economics 332—334
Integrated circuit (IC), fabrication 336—341
Integrated circuit (IC), types 334—336
Integrated injection logic 344—346
Interconnections in IC's 356—357
Interdigitated structure 272—275 280
Interface states 189 310—312
Intermetallic compounds 2
Intrinsic carrier concentration 78—79
Intrinsic level 76—77 117
Intrinsic photodetector 218
Intrinsic semiconductor 65—66 75 79
Inverse temperature 78
Inversion, population 380
Inversion, region, FET 300—301 305
Inversion, region, laser 388—389
Inverted mode (BJT) 252—253
ion implantation 136—138 319 323
Ionic bonding 52
Ionization energy (impurity) 68 108
Ionization region 79—80
Ionized impurities 66—69 80—81
Isolation in IC's 339—341
Isolator, optoelectronic 224
Isoplanar 343—344
JFET 288—295
Johnson noise 220
Junction see "p-n junction"
Junction capacitance see "Capacitance"
Junction field-effect transistor (JFET) 288—295
Junction isolation 340 342—343
Junction laser 387—396
Kerr cell 384
kinetic energy 34 38
Large-scale integration (LSI) 363—367
Laser, conditions 377—380
Laser, gas 385—387
Laser, giant pulse 383—384
Laser, junction 387—396
Laser, rare earth 385
Laser, ruby 382—383
Latchup (CMOS) 351
Lateral transistor 343
Lattice constant 5 439
Lattice matching 17—19
Lattice scattering 86—87
Lattice, crystal 3—5
Lattice, crystal of common semiconductors 439
Lattice, crystal, definition 4
Lattice, crystal, planes and directions 7—9
LDD 326—327 347—349
Lead bonder 368—371
Lead frame 369
LEC 14
LED 222—224
Lifetime, carrier 103—109
Lifetime, carrier, definition 104
Lifetime, carrier, measurement 107—108 173
Light-activated SCR (LASCR) 404
Light-emitting diode (LED) 222—224
Light-sensitive diode see "Photodiode"
Lightly-doped drain see "LDD"
Limited space charge accumulation see "LSA mode"
Limited-source diffusion 132 197—199
Linearly graded junction 182—183 207
Liquid-encapsulated Czochralski (LEC) 14
Liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) 19—21
Lithography, electron beam 339
Lithography, optical 134—135 337—339
Lithography, x-ray 339
Load line 233—234
Local oxidation of Si 340—341 347
Low-level injection 104
LSA mode 425 427—428
LSI 363—367
Luminescence 99—103
Luminescence, cathodoluminescence 102—103
Luminescence, electroluminescence 103 222—224 387—397
Luminescence, photoluminescence 100—101
Lyman series 32 35
Majority carrier, concentration 80—81
Majority carrier, current 160—161
Majority carrier, definition 69
Mask generation 337—339
Mask, photolithographic 134—135 337—339
Masking see "Oxide masking"
Mass see "Effective mass"
Matrix mechanics 36
Maximum depletion width (MOS) 307
Maximum field in a junction 145—146
Maximum power in a solar cell 216—217
| Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics 71
MBE 23—24
Mean free path 113—114
Mean free time 83—84 113—114
Melt, growth from the 12—17 19—21
Melting points for semiconductors 439
Merged transistor logic (MTL) 344—346
MESFET 295—296
Metal organic growth 22
Metal, bonding 53
Metal, energy band 56
Metal, impurities in Si 108
Metal, work function 31 184—189 301—302 310—311
Metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structure 299—327 346—353
Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structure, capacitor 301—314 355—357
Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structure, charge-coupled device 357—362
Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structure, transistor 300 314—327 346—353
Metal-semiconductor junction 184—190 264 295
Metallization 135 356—357
Metallurgical base width (BJT) 268
Metallurgical channel (FET) 292
Metallurgical junction 145
Metastable state 383 385
Microcomputer 365
Microelectronics see "Integrated circuit"
Microprocessor 365
Microwave devices, Gunn effect 419—430
Microwave devices, IMPATT 413—416
Microwave devices, transistor 279—281
Miller indices 7
miniaturization 332—333
Minority carrier, concentration 77 104—105 109
Minority carrier, current in a junction 152 160—161
Minority carrier, definition 69
Minority carrier, diffusion 112—115
Minority carrier, distribution in a BJT 244—246 252 260
Minority carrier, distribution in a junction 154—155 159
Minority carrier, extraction 160
Minority carrier, gradient 112 115
Minority carrier, injection 120—121 154
Minority carrier, lifetime 104
Minority carrier, pulse 122—125
MISFET 299—327 346—353
Mobile carriers see "Electron" "Hole"
Mobility, carrier, definition 84
Mobility, carrier, measurement 90 121
Mobility, carrier, relation to diffusion coefficient 117 124
Mobility, carrier, surface 315
Mobility, carrier, typical values 87 439
Mobility, carrier, variations, doping 87
Mobility, carrier, variations, field 88 421
Mobility, carrier, variations, temperature 86
Models see "Circuit models" "Physical
Modes of operation, BNDC devices 425—429
Modes, laser 381 390—391
MODFET 296—297
Modified work function 301
Modulation doping 296—297
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) 23 24
Momentum, angular 33
Momentum, carrier 58 63 82—83 223
Momentum, operator 38
Momentum, relation to propagation vector 58
Monolithic circuit, capacitor 355—356
Monolithic circuit, definition 334
Monolithic circuit, diode 353
Monolithic circuit, resistor 353—355
Monolithic circuit, transistor 342—353
MOS see "Metal-oxide semiconductor"
MOSFET 299—327 346—353
MTL 344—346
Multi-chip module 373
Multilayer growth 23
Multilayer metallization 356
multimode fiber 227
Multiple-level impurities 108
Multiple-point probe 367—368
Multiplication factor, avalanche 165—166 220 270 405
Mutual transconductance see "Transconductance"
n-channel 289 317
n-p-n transistor 233 237—238 243 342—346
N-type semiconductor 66 73—75
Nail-head bond 370—371
Narrow base diode 206 228
Nearest neighbor distance 6 11
Negative differential conductivity 421
Negative mass 64
Negative mobility 421 424
Negative resistance 208—211 415 417 421
Negative temperature 380
Neodymium (Nd) 385
Net doping concentration 80—81 131 182—183
Neutral region 139
Neutrality 81
Nitride passivation see "Silicon nitride"
Nitrogen center in GaAsP 223
nL product (BNDC devices) 424
NMOS see "n-channel"
Noise 220
Nonequilibrium conditions 109
Normal active mode (BJT) 251
Normal mode components (BJT) 252
Normalization 38
Normally on and normally off FET's 301
Notation for currents and voltages 437
np product 77 110
Off state (BJT) 257—259
Offset voltage 202
Ohm's law 84 125
Ohmic contact 85 131 187—189
Ohmic losses 181
On state (BJT) 257 259—263
Open circuit, saturation currents in a BJT 254—255
Open circuit, voltage of a photodiode 213 216
Optical absorption 96—99 379
Optical fiber amplifiers 385
Optical fibers 224—226
Optical generation of carriers 108—109 212—213
Optical pumping 381 383 385
Optical spectrum 99
Optoelectronic pair 224
Orbit, Bohr 33—35
Organometallic growth 22
Oxidation of Si 134—135 337 340—341
Oxide charge 310—312
Oxide masking 134—135 337
Oxygen, introduction in crystal growth 17
Oxygen, solid solubility in Si 444
P see "Phosphorus"
p-channel 301 308 312—313 319 321 350
p-i-n diode 218
p-n junction diode see "Diode"
p-n junction, alloyed 131—132
p-n junction, band diagram 140 144 150 164 177 179
p-n junction, breakdown see "Breakdown"
p-n junction, capacitance 173—176
p-n junction, current-voltage characteristic 153 156 163 176 181
p-n junction, diffused 134—135
p-n junction, forward and reverse bias 149—162
p-n junction, graded 182—183 197 207—208 229
p-n junction, grown 131
p-n junction, implanted 136—138
p-n junction, transient effects 166—173
p-n junction, transition region 141 144—149
p-n-p transistor see "Bipolar junction transistor"
p-n-p-n devices, bilateral 408—409
p-n-p-n devices, diode 400—406
p-n-p-n devices, SCR 406—411
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