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Schiff L.I. — Quantum Mechanics
Schiff L.I. — Quantum Mechanics

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Название: Quantum Mechanics

Автор: Schiff L.I.


When I first used Schiff for my quantum mechanics textbook as a graduate student, I don't think that I truly appreciated it — although I did find it more useful than Mertzbacher, Gottfried, or Messiah. Now, over thirty five years later, I find myself going to it again and again — especially when starting a new research project. It is the first quantum text that I turn to — beyond a shadow of a doubt! I especially like its summary of Dirac's bra and ket notation, and its treatment of angular momentum.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3-rd edition

Год издания: 1968

Количество страниц: 564

Добавлена в каталог: 23.01.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Abelian group      192
Absorber      343
Absorption      403 530
Active point of view      188
Adiabatic approximation      289 440
Adiabatic approximation and perturbation theory      291
Alkali atom      437
Alternating intensities in molecular spectra      455
Analyticity      344
Angular momentum matrices      203
Angular momentum spin      199 481
Angular momentum, of radiation      410 418
Angular momentum, orbital      199
Angular momentum, Quantum number      83
Angular momentum, representation of S matrix      323
Angular momentum, total      198
Anticommutator bracket      505
Anticommute      473
Antilinear operator      228
Antisymmetric wave function      364
Antiunitary operator      229
Aperiodic motion      37
Associated Laguerre polynomial      93 97 438
Associated Legendre function      79
Axial vector      227 239
Bander, M.      238
Barbaro-Galtieri, A.      205
Bargmann, V.      238 355
Barrier penetration      103 278 354
Bell, J.S.      47
Bergmann, P.G.      460
Bethe, H.A.      328 458 472
Bivins, R.      215
Bjorken, J.D.      302 472 491
Blatt, J.M.      455
Bloch, F.      384
Bohm, D.      10 47
Bohr magneton      440
Bohr, N.      8 123 521
Born approximation      324 420
Born approximation, for phase shift      330
Born approximation, for rearrangement collision      390
Born approximation, validity criterion for      326 341
Born, M.      3 16 25 47 149 289 324 339 447
Boson      369
Boundary condition      32
Boundary condition at rigid wall      33
Boundary condition, periodic      48
Bra      164
Bracket expression      164
Breit, G.      145 328
Brenig, W.      310
Brillouin, L.      269
Brittin, W.E.      341
Bub, J.      47
Bullard, E.C.      325
Bush, V.      430
Caldwell, S.H.      430
Canonical momentum      174
Canonical momentum, for field      495
Canonical variables      176
Casimir operator      209 210 238 241
Casimir, H.B.G.      209 263
Causality      344
Center-of-mass coordinate system      108
Central-field approximation      425
Characteristic function      see "Eigenfunction"
Characteristic value      see "Eigenvalue"
Charge density      468 477 521
Classical equations of motion      173
Classical equations, for field      493 496 499
Classical limit of field measurement      506
Classical limit of general quantum system      176
Classical limit of harmonic oscillator      72
Classical limit of Schroedinger equation      269
Classical limit of trajectory      342
Classical limit of wave packet      64
Classical limit, for coulomb scattering      145
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients      214 218 375 377 435 438 439
Closed commutation relations      200
Closure, of any complete set      51 156
Closure, of energy eigenfunctions      51
Closure, of momentum eigenfunctions      57
Cloud chamber track, production of      17 335
Cohen, E.R.      8
Commutator bracket      170 497
Commutator bracket, for electromagnetic fields      513 520
Commute      154
Compact group      192
Complementarity principle      8
Completeness      46 156
Complex phase shift      131
Complex potential      130
Condon, E.U.      142 424 428 439 483
Configuration, electron      426
Configuration, electron, table of      428
Confluent hypergeometric function      140
Connection formulas, WKB approximation      275
Constant of the motion      170
Contact transformation      175
Continuity, condition      32
Continuity, equation      26 398 468 477 522
Continuous group      192
Corben, H.C.      174 175
Core interaction      387
Correspondence principle      5 17 176
Coulomb field, bound states in      88 471 486
Coulomb field, modified, scattering by      144
Coulomb field, scattering by      138
Coulomb field, screened, scattering by      325
Courant, R.      46 163
Covering group      206
Creation operator      183 503 507
Critchfield, C.L.      455
Cross section      see "Scattering"
Current density      27 468 477 521
Dalgarno — Lewis method      266
Dalgarno, A.      266 268
Day, T.B.      387
de Alfaro, V.      345
de Swart, J.J.      210
de-Shalit, A.      455
Degeneracy      49
Degeneracy and symmetry      190
Degeneracy, exchange      365 376 449
Degeneracy, in atomic structure      425
Degeneracy, in perturbation theory      249
Degeneracy, Kramers      233
Degeneracy, of hydrogen atom      94 239
Density matrix      382
Density operator      379
Destruction operator      183 503 507
Determinant of matrix      151
Diagonalization of matrix      153 376 442 444
Diffraction experiment      5
Diffraction experiment, analysis of      12
Diffraction peak      126 343
Dirac $\delta$ function      55 156
Dirac $\delta$ function, properties of      57
Dirac picture      281 see
Dirac's relativistic equation      472
Dirac, P.A.M.      55 57 164 176 180 280 281 472 491
Direct amplitude      391
Direct energy      376 528
dispersion relation      344
Dispersion relation, for forward scattering amplitude      356
Dispersion relation, for Jost function      350 351
Dispersion relation, subtracted      360
Distorted wave Born approximation      327 423
Distorted wave Born approximation, for rearrangement collision      390
Distorted wave Born approximation, for spherical case      329
Doublet      377 437
Doubly connected group space      196
Downs, B.W.      127
Drell, S.D.      302 472 491
DuMond, J.W.M.      8
Dunham, L.G.      341
DWBA      see "Distorted wave Born approximation"
Dynamical symmetry      188 234
Dynamical symmetry, harmonic oscillator      241
Dynamical symmetry, hydrogen atom      236 254
Dynamical variable      46 148
Dynamical variable, physically measurable      157
Eckart, C.      135 149 223
Edmonds, A.R.      213 214 223
Effective range      355 460
Ehrenfest's theorem      28 179 335 384
Ehrenfest, P.      28 370
Eigenfunction      31
Eigenfunction, angular momentum      82
Eigenfunction, closure of      51
Eigenfunction, degenerate      49
Eigenfunction, energy      31
Eigenfunction, momentum      53
Eigenfunction, orthonormal      49
Eigenfunction, position      65
Eigenfunction, potential energy      65
Eigenfunction, reality of      233
Eigenvalue      31 155
Eigenvalue equation      31
Eigenvalue of matrix      152
Eigenvalue of matrix, reality of      154
Eigenvalue, degenerate      49
Eigenvalue, energy      31
Eigenvalue, energy, continuous      37
Eigenvalue, energy, discrete      36
Eigenvalue, energy, reality of      50
Eikonal approximation      339
Einstein — Bose statistics      369 504
Einstein's A and B coefficients      414
Einstein, A.      414
Eisenhart, L.P.      76
Electric dipole moment, induced      253 265
Electric dipole moment, permanent      243 253
Electric dipole moment, permanent, of molecule      254
Electromagnetism      177 398 468 478 509
Electromagnetism, angular momentum of      410 418
Electromagnetism, commutation relations for      513 515 520
Electromagnetism, quantized field theory of      511
Electromagnetism, quantum of      403 517
Electromagnetism, speed of propagation of      521
Electromagnetism, transverse and longitudinal fields in      524
Electrostatic self-energy      527
element, group      192
Element, matrix      149
Elliott, J.P.      211 242
Emission, induced      403 531
Emission, spontaneous      414 532
Energy of field      496 517
Energy of nucleus      456
Energy operator      23 47 155
Energy representation      173
Energy, conservation of      284 530
Energy, eigenfunction      31
Energy, eigenvalue      31
Energy, eigenvalue, continuous      37
Energy, eigenvalue, discrete      36
Energy, eigenvalue, reality of      50
Energy, level      36
Enhancement factor      348 352
Epstein, P.S.      96 265
Evans, R.D.      455
Exchange of identical particles      333
Exchange, amplitude      393
Exchange, collision      390 394
Exchange, degeneracy      365 376 449
Exchange, energy      376 528
Exchange, operators, space and spin      462
Exclusion principle      368 426 505
expectation value      27 167 378
Factorial, double      85
Fano, U.      219 378
Faxen, H.      123
Feenberg, E.      133
Fermi — Dirac statistics      369 429
Fermi, E.      285 314 336 427 439 508
Fermion      369
Feshbach, H.      15 130 256
Fetter, A.L.      130
Feynman, R.P.      14 24 302
Field quantization      497
Fine constant      416
Fine structure      471 486
Fock, V.      238 289 432
Foley, H.M.      259
Fourier integral      59
Fourier series      59
Fourier transform      15 316 324 344 415
Functional derivative      494
Furry, W.H.      269
Galilean transformation      44
Gamow factor      142 279
Gamow, G.      142 455
Gans, R.      324
Gasiorowicz, S.      205
Gauge, radiation (coulomb)      523
Gauge, transformation      399
Gaunt, J.A.      439 444
Gell-Mann, M.      210 326
Generalized optical theorem      136 360
Generalized rotation of state vector      163
Generalized summation symbol S      155
Generating function, for associated Laguerre polynomials      93
Generating function, for associated Legendre functions      79
Generating function, for Hermite polynomials      70
Generating function, for Laguerre polynomials      92
Generating function, for Legendre polynomials      79
Generator      197 208 237
Geometrical symmetry      187
Gerjuoy, E.      380
Giambiagi, J.J.      351
Gibson, B.F.      401
Gillespie, J.      349
Girardeau, M.D.      305
Glauber, R.      133 341
Goldberg, A.      105 401
Goldberger, M.L.      192 299 310 320 345 350
Golden Rule, No. 1      314 330
Golden Rule, No. 2      285
Goldstein, H.      174 175 209 491
Good, R.H., Jr.      209
Gordon, W.      139
Goudsmit, S.      302
Green's function      300
Green's function, advanced      301
Green's function, free particle      05 301
Green's function, inhomogeneous differential equation for      300
Green's function, retarded      300
Green's function, stationary      310
Green, A.E.S.      455 403
Greenberg, O.W.      305
Group theory      191
Group velocity      16
Group, covering      200
Group, discrete      225
Group, Lie      195
Group, O(3)      195
Group, O(4)      237
Group, rotation      195
Group, space displacement      192
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