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Meyerhof W.E. — Elements of Nuclear Physics |
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Absorption coefficient 92n
Absorption curve 83 92
Absorption edge 99
Abundance, influence of shell effects on 49
Abundance, of occurrence of stable nuclides 39
Abundance, of stable isotones 49
Abundance, of tin isotopes 39
Abundance, relative, table of 255—260
Abundance, systematics of 37—40
Activity 116
Allowed beta transition 151 159
Alpha decay 135—146 see
Alpha decay, decay constant of 138—141
Alpha decay, decay energy of 136 139
Alpha decay, energy conservation in 136
Alpha decay, hindrance factor in 140 144
Alpha decay, momentum conservation in 136
Alpha decay, penetrability in 141—143
Alpha decay, Q value of 136
Alpha decay, regions of instability to 137
Alpha particle, capture and loss of electrons by 80
Alpha particle, fine structure in spectra of 146
Alpha particle, ionization in matter by 79 8J
Alpha particle, long-range 146
Alpha ray 114 see “Alpha
Alpha-particle model of nucleus 36
Alpha-particle scattering 4 185—188
Alvarez, L. 161
Anderson, C.D. 2 101
Angular momentum, coupling in odd-odd nuclei of 64
Angular momentum, nuclear, qualitative discussion of 6
Angular momentum, nuclear, table of 255—260
Angular momentum, of even-A nuclei 6
Angular momentum, of odd-A nuclei 6 57
Angular momentum, orbital, brought into a reaction 193
Angular momentum, orbital, of one particle, classical 14n 20
Angular momentum, orbital, of two particles, classical 180n
Angular momentum, orbital, quantum-mechanical 20
Angular momentum, orbital, selection rule for 126 128 159 179 197
Angular momentum, quantum-mechanical addition law of 6
Angular momentum, relation between classical and quantum expressions of 21
Angular momentum, total, of one nucleon 55
Angular-momentum conservation, in beta decay 159
Angular-momentum conservation, in compound-nucleus formation 197
Angular-momentum conservation, in gamma decay 128
Angular-momentum conservation, in nuclear reaction 179
Angular-momentum conservation, in two-particle collision 188
Annihilation radiation 104
Antineutrino see “Neutrino”
Aston, F.W. 4
Asymmetry energy 42
Atomic number 4
Atomic weight, table of 251—253
Attenuation of gamma rays 91—93
Auger effect 100 134 161
Average binding energy see “Binding energy”
Bacber, R.F. 245
Banlett, J.H. 47
Barkla, C.G. 3
Barrier see “Coulomb barrier” “Fission “Potential
Barrier penetration 30 199 203
Barrier penetration, for rectangular barrier 28—31
Barrier penetration, in alpha decay 141 145
Barrier penetration, in beta decay 155
Barrier penetration, in fission 217n
Bequerei, H. 2 135
Berko, S. 104
Beta decay 146—165 see
Beta decay, allowed transitions in 151 159
Beta decay, classification of 157—160
Beta decay, condition for 44 150
Beta decay, decay constant of 150—154 157—160
Beta decay, energy conservation in 150
Beta decay, f function for 157 158
Beta decay, Fermi decay in 151 159
Beta decay, Fermi function for 155
Beta decay, ft value of 158 160
Beta decay, Gamow-Teller decay in 151 153
Beta decay, inverse 163
Beta decay, Kurie plot for 155
Beta decay, momentum conservation 111 150
Beta decay, parity conservation in 164
Beta decay, Q value of 150
Beta decay, shape of spectrum in 154—157
Beta decay, superallowed transition in 159
Beta ray 114 see “Spectrometer”
Beta ray, absorption curve of 83
Beta ray, polarization of 165
Beta spectrum 154—157
Bethe, H.A. 172 245n
Binding energy, average, of molecules in liquid 36
Binding energy, average, per nucleon 34—36
Binding energy, in mirror nuclei 65 67
Binding energy, nuclear 32—40
Binding energy, of atomic electrons 33
Binding energy, of magic nuclei 49
Binding energy, total 33
Binding energy, total, from semiempirical mass formula 41
Blackett, P.M.S. 178n
Blatt, J.B. 35n 36n 62n 127n 129n 194n 197n 247n
Bloch, F. 77n
Bohr correspondence principle 26
Bohr model of H atom 14
Bohr, N. 3 14 26 172 214
Born, M. 15 18
Bound state 18 see
Boundary condition see “Wave function”
Branching ratio 117 146
Breit-Wigner resonance formula 198
Bremsstrahlung 74
Brink, D.M., 227n 231n
Brueckner, K.A. 40
Burcham, W.E. 3n 11 62n 74n 79n 85n 91n 104n 157n 165n 194n
Capture reaction 174 180
Center of mass, coordinate of 21
Center of mass, kinetic energy of 176
Center of mass, separation of motion of and about, classical 21
Center of mass, separation of motion of and about, quantum-mechanical 22
Center-of-mass system 87 176
Centrifugal barrier 145 199
Centrifugal potential 145
Chad wick, J., 2, 3, 4, 114n 146
Channel 195n
Charge cloud around nucleon 227 228
Charge independence see “Nuclear force”
Charge, nuclear 3 '
Charged particles, detection of 107
Charged particles, energy loss of 74—85
Charged particles, mean charge in matter of 79
Charged-particle cross section see “Cross section”
Charged-particle reaction see “Nuclear reaction”
Chemical scale of atomic weight 33
Classification of decay see “Alpha decay” “Beta “Gamma
Cloud chamber 79 107
Coherent scattering 247
Collective models 60
Collision, elastic 87
Collision, of charged particles 185—189
Collision, of nucleons in nucleus 47 173
Compound elastic scattering 173
Compound nucleus, angular momentum conservation in formation of 197
Compound nucleus, decay of 198—200
Compound nucleus, energy levels of 196
Compound nucleus, formation of 195—198
Compound nucleus, parity conservation in formation of 197
Compound nucleus, qualitative discussion of 173
Compound nucleus, resonances in 174 198
Compton effect 91 93—99
Compton wavelength 94 262
Compton, A.H. 13
| Condon, E.U. 2 141
Conservation, of angular momentum, energy, momentum, parity see “Angular momentum conservation” “Energy “Momentum “Parity
Conversion coefficient 134
Conversion factors 262
Cooper, J.A. 114n
Correspondence principle 26
Coulomb barrier 142
Coulomb cross section 185—191
Coulomb energy 41
Coulomb excitation 181
Cowan, C.L., Jr. 163
Cross section, charged-particle induced 203
Cross section, Coulomb 185—191
Cross section, definition of 181
Cross section, differential 184 240
Cross section, differential, for j-wave scattering 240
Cross section, differential, for p-p scattering 248 249
Cross section, differential, in terms of scattering amplitude 237
Cross section, elastic scattering 198
Cross section, energy dependence of 185—187 194—211
Cross section, evaluation of in 197
Cross section, for capture of 1-Mev neutrons 51
Cross section, for charged-particle production 201
Cross section, for compound-nucleus formation 195—191
Cross section, for elastic alpha-particle scattering by 209
Cross section, for elastic neutron scattering by 208
Cross section, for elastic neutron scattering by Cd 195
Cross section, for elastic proton scattering by 190
Cross section, for fission 217—219
Cross section, for fission, of by neutrons 216
Cross section, for fission, of by neutrons 218
Cross section, for n-p scattering 244—248
Cross section, inelastic scattering 201
Cross section, inelastic scattering, for 202
Cross section, integrated 185
Cross section, integrated, for n-p scattering 245
Cross section, integrated, in terms of scattering amplitude 237
Cross section, neutron, low-energy 200
Cross section, neutron, low-energy, for molecules 247
Cross section, neutron, low-energy, qualitative discussion of 191—194
Cross section, partial 184
Cross section, reaction, for 204
Cross section, reaction, for , total 238
Cross section, reaction, for 210
Cross section, resonance formula for 198
Cross section, resonances in 193
Cross section, spin factor in 197
Cross section, total 184
Cross section, total, for neutrons on 216
Cross section, total, for neutrons on Cd 195
Cross section, total, for pions on proton 228
Curie, definition of 116
Curie, I. 146
Curie, M. 2 135
Curie, P. 2 135
Current density 29n
Daughter nuclide 114 117
Davis, R. 164
Davisson, C 14
De Benedetti, S. 127n
de Broglie wave 12—15
de Broglie wave, effect on location of particle 77
de Broglie wave, frequency in terms of energy 13 17
de Broglie wave, wavelength, in terms of momentum 13
de Broglie wave, wavelength, of neutron or proton 14
de Broglie wave, wavelength, reduced 191 192
de Broglie, L. 13
Dearnaley, G. 108n
Decay see “Compound nucleus” “Radioactive
Decay constant, definition of 114
Decay constant, of alpha decay 138—141
Decay constant, of beta decay 150—154 157—160
Decay constant, of electron-capture decay 161 163
Decay constant, of gamma decay 124—135
Decay constant, quantum-mechanical calculation of 152
Decay energy, in alpha decay 136
Decay energy, in beta decay 44 150
Decay energy, in mirror nuclei 66
Deformed nucleus 59 135
Degenerate energy level 27 53
Delayed neutron emission 211
Delta ray 77n 79 81
Density, of nuclear energy levels 62
Density, of states, for particles 199
Density, of states, for photons 153
Density, of states, in beta decay 154 155
Density, of states, in cubical box 153
Density, table of 251—254
Detectors 104—107 see
Deuteron, ground-state wave function 233
Deuteron, radius of 235
Deuteron, structure of 232
Deuteron, virtual state of 246—248
Deutsch, M. 104
Differential cross section see “Cross section”
Diffraction of neutrons, by crystals 91
Diffraction of neutrons, by nuclei 193
Dipole moment 127
Dirac equation 101 149n 163
Dirac, P.A.M. 17
Direct reaction 172 203—211 see
Distance of closest approach of charged particles, in general collision 190
Distance of closest approach of charged particles, in head-on collision 5 188
Doppler shift 123n
Effective range approximation 246
Einstein, A. 13
Elastic collision 87
Elastic scattering see “Cross section” “Nuclear
electric dipole moment 50 127
Electric multipole radiation 127—129
Electromagnetic radiation see “Gamma decay” “Gamma “Photon”
Electron decay see “Beta decay”
Electron energy distribution, in beta spectrum 156
Electron energy distribution, in Compton effect 97
Electron, absorption curve of 83
Electron, capture and loss by charged particle of 79
Electron, Compton wavelength of 94 261
Electron, energy loss of 80—82
Electron-capture decay 44 161—163
Electron-capture decay, inverse 164
Electron-positron pair 102 134 see “Pair “Pair
Electron-positron pair, creation by gamma ray of 101
Elements, formation of 38
Elements, table of 251—254
Ellis, C.D. 114n
Elsasser, W.M. 47
Endoergic reaction 177 178
Energy conservation, classical law of 16
Energy conservation, in alpha decay 136
Energy conservation, in beta decay 150
Energy conservation, in Compton effect 93
Energy conservation, in electron-capture decay 161
Energy conservation, in gamma decay 122
Energy conservation, in nuclear reaction 175
Energy conservation, in pair production 102
Energy conservation, in photoelectric effect 99
Energy dependence of cross section 185—187 194—211
Energy distribution, of beta rays 156
Energy distribution, of Compton electrons 97
Energy distribution, of neutrons after collision 88—91
Energy distribution, of positrons in gamma-ray pair production 103
Energy levels, degenerate 27 53
Energy levels, density in nuclei of 62
Energy levels, in closed box 27 153
Energy levels, in harmonic oscillator potential 53
Energy levels, in infinite square well potential 53
Energy levels, in rounded-well potential 56
Energy levels, isomeric 56
Energy levels, occupation number of 55
Energy levels, of 162
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