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Meyerhof W.E. — Elements of Nuclear Physics |
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Pairing energy, in semiempirical mass formula 41
Pairing energy, influence on nuclear structure of 58
Pairing energy, range of 58
Parent nuclide 114
Parent nuclide, long-lived compared to daughter 120
Parent nuclide, produced by nuclear bombardment 117
Parent nuclide, short-lived compared to daughter 119
Parity 31
Parity conservation, in beta decay 159
Parity conservation, in compound-nucleus formation 197
Parity conservation, in gamma decay 127
Parity conservation, in nuclear reaction 180
Parity nonconservation in beta decay 164
Parity, selection rule, in beta decay 159
Parity, selection rule, in compound-nucleus formation 197
Parity, selection rule, in gamma decay 126 127
Partial cross section 184
Partial waves 237—240
Particle, in closed cubical box 23
Particle, in potential well see “Shell model”
Pauli exclusion principle see “Exclusion principle”
Pauli, W. 54 149
Penetrability see “Barrier penetration”
Perkins, D.H. 83n
Phase shift, hard-sphere 198
Phase shift, s-wave 240 241
Photodisintegration of deuteron 232
photoelectric effect 91 99 100
Photon 8 see “Gamma
Photon, momentum of 13
Photon, wavelength in terms of energy of 13 130
Physical constants 261
Physical scale of atomic weight 33n
Pion 7 225
Planck's constant 13
Planck, M. 13
Porter, C.E. 172
Positron 8 see “Pair
Positron decay see “Beta decay”
Positron, annihilation of 104
Positron, discovery of 101
Positron, interaction with matter of 104
Positronium 104
Potential barrier 29 see
Potential, complex 203
Potential, harmonic oscillator 52
Potential, rounded well 53
Potential, square well 52
Potential, square well, in deuteron 232
Potential, standing wave in 206
Potential, step, reflection coefficient of 61 194
Potential, Yukawa 227
Powell, C.F. 2 83n
Probability density, for particle in closed box 26
Probability density, in quantum mechanics 18
Proton, capture and loss of electron by 79 80 see
Proton, capture and loss of electron by, charge cloud of 227
Proton, capture and loss of electron by, energy loss of 74—82
Proton, capture and loss of electron by, spin of 55
Prout's hypothesis 3
Q equation 176
Q value, of alpha decay 136 137
Q value, of alpha decay, of beta decay 150
Q value, of alpha decay, of electron-capture decay 161
Q value, of fission 212—214
Q value, of nuclear reaction 175
quantum mechanics 12—32
Quantum mechanics, computation of transition probability by 151
Quantum mechanics, effects in gamma decay of 125
Quantum number, for cubical box 25 27
Quantum number, magnetic 19 46 54
Quantum number, orbital 19 46 see
Quantum number, oscillator 54
Quantum number, radial 47
Quantum number, total 46
Quantum number, total angular momentum 55
Radial quantum number 47
Radial wave equation see “Schroedinger equation”
Radial wave function see “Wave function”
Radiation rate according to Maxwell's equations 124
Radioactive decay 114—120
Radioactive decay chain 114
Radioactive decay, of 162
Radioactive decay, of 147
Radioactive decay, of 169
Radioactive decay, of 162
Radioactive decay, of 162
Radioactive decay, of 162
Radioactive decay, of 147
Radioactive decay, regions of instability to 137
Radioactive decay, statistical fluctuations in 115 see “Beta “Gamma
Radioisotope production, by bombardment 117
Radioisotope production, by radioactive parent 117
Radius constant 5
Radius, nuclear 5 40
Radius, nuclear, determination of 144 211
Radius, of deuteron 235
Radius, root-mean-square 235
Range, definition of mean 78
Range, of nuclear force 226 227 246 249
Range, of nuclear force, effect on saturation of 34
Range-energy relationship 79
Range-energy relationship, for electrons in aluminum 86
Range-energy relationship, for protons in air 84
Rasmussen, J.O. 114n
Rayleigh scattering 92n 98
Reaction see “Nuclear reaction”
Recoil energy, in alpha decay 137
Recoil energy, in gamma decay 123
Reduced mass 22
Reduced mass, for alpha decay 142
Reduced width 199
Reflection coefficient of potential step 61 194
Reines, F. 163
Relativistic energy see “Energy”
Residual interaction 52 58
Resonance, in compound nucleus 174
Resonance, in cross section 193 198
Resonance, in potential interaction 173
Rest mass 14
Robinson, B.L. 161n
Ruderman, M.A. 13n
Rutherford cross section 185—191
Rutherford, definition of 116
Rutherford, E., 2, 4, 114n 135 146
s-wave phase shift 240 241
Saturation of nuclear force 34—36
Scattering amplitude 235
Scattering length 198 241—243
Scattering length, singlet 247 248
Scattering length, triplet 247 248
Schiff, L.I. 19n 29n 30n 31n 32n 54n 125n 145n 151n 235n 237n
Schrodinger equation 15—17
Schrodinger equation, for motion about center of mass 23
Schrodinger equation, for motion of center of mass 23
Schrodinger equation, for two particles 21—23
| Schrodinger equation, in spherical coordinates 19—21
Schrodinger equation, radial 20 52 226 233
Schrodinger equation, time-independent 15 16
Schroedinger, E. 14
Scintillator, inorganic 104
Scintillator, organic, response to gamma rays of 98
Scintillator, organic, response to neutrons of 89 90
Secular equilibrium 120
Segre, E. 85n 89n 139 160n
Selection rule 126 see “Parity
Self-energy, coulomb 42
Semiconductor detector 104 106 108
Semiempirical mass formula 40—46
Semiempirical mass formula, constants of 45
Semiempirical mass formula, effect of shell effects on 45
Semiempirical mass formula, predictions of stability limits by 138
Separation energy 33
Separation energy, influence of shell effects on 49
Separation energy, of neutron see “Neutron separation energy”
Separation energy, relation to total binding energy of 33
Separation energy, systematics of 36 37
Separation of center-of-mass motion 21 22
Separation of variables in Schroedinger equation 15 24
Serber, R. 172
Shape elastic scattering 172
Shell model 33 46—57
Shell model, experimental basis of 48—52
Shell model, relation to magic numbers of 48 49
Shell model, single-particle 52—55
Shell model, Weisskopf argument for existence of 48
Single-particle width 199
Singlet scattering length 247 248
Singlet state of deuteron 245
Smith, C.M.H. 38n
Soddy, F. 146
Sodium iodide detector 104 105
Spallation reaction 174 180
Spectrometer, magnetic 85
Spectroscopic notation 52 55
Spin factor in cross sections 197
Spin, intrinsic 12
Spin, of antineutrino 164 see
Spin, of neutrino 164
Spin, of nucleon 55
Spin, of nucleus 6n
Spin-orbit coupling in atoms 12
Spin-orbit coupling shell model 55 56
Spin-spin interaction 64
Stability limits against radioactive decay 138
Stability line 37 38 138
Stability line, according to scmicmpirical mass formula 43
Stability line, effect on fission of 212
Standing wave see “Wave function”
Stassmann, F. 171 211
State see “Energy level”
Statistical fluctuations in radioactive decay 115
Sternheimer, R.M. 77n
Straggling 79
Stripping reactions 211
Suess, H.E. 55
Sunyar, A.W. 164
Super-allowed beta transition 159
Surface interaction model 207
Taylor, T.B. 172
Thermal energy 180
Thomson scattering 91 96
Thomson, J.J. 2 4
Threshold energy 177 178
Threshold energy, in fission 217
Time, of flight of neutron 91n
Time, of impact 75
Time, of traversal through a nucleus 47
Time, to pass by a nucleus 199
Total angular momentum 55 see
Total angular momentum, quantum number for 55
Total binding energy see “Binding energy”
Total cross section see “Cross section”
Total energy see “Energy”
Total mass see “Mass”
Total quantum number 46
Transient equilibrium 120
Transition matrix element, in beta decay 154 158
Transition matrix element, in gamma decay 125
Transition probability 151
Transmission, through barrier 30
Transmission, through slab 184
traveling wave see “Wave function”
Traversal time 47
Triplet scattering length 247 248
Triplet state of deuteron 245
Tunneling 217 see
Turning point 30 142
Uncertainty principle 26 see
Uncertainty principle, effect on shell structure of 47
Uncertainty principle, relation to transition probability of 151
Virtual energy level see “Energy levels”
von Weizsacker, C.F. 40
Walecka, J.D. 35n
Wave equation see “Schrodinger equation”
Wave function 15
Wave function, boundary conditions for 17—19
Wave function, boundary conditions for, for particle in box 25
Wave function, boundary conditions for, for two-nudeon problem 233 244
Wave function, condition for standing wave 25 206
Wave function, interpretation of 17—19
Wave function, logarithmic derivative of 233 243
Wave function, normalization condition for 19
Wave function, normalization condition for, for particle in closed box 26
Wave function, of deuteron ground state 233
Wave function, parity of 31
Wave function, radial 20
Wave function, standing wave form of 17
Wave function, traveling wave form of 17 191
Wave function, traveling wave form of, radial 237
wave number 16
Wavelength see “de Broglie wave” “Gamma
Weak interaction 165
Weisskopf estimate of gamma decay constant 129—133
Weisskopf, V.F. 35n 36n 48 62n 127n 129 172 394n 197n 247n
Wheeler, J.A. 214 219n
Width, for fission 217
Width, for gamma decay 131
Width, for particle emission 62 199
Width, of decaying state 120
Width, reduced 199
Width, relation between lab, and cm.systems of 197
Width, relation to half-life of 121
Width, relation to mean life of 62 121
Width, single-particle 199
Wigner, E. 232 245
x-ray production, in electron-capture decay 161
x-ray production, in electron-capture decay, in internal conversion 134
x-ray production, in electron-capture decay, in photoelectric effect 100
Yang, C.N. 2 165
Yield 183
Yukawa potential 227
Yukawa, H. 3 225
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