Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Intensive variables
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Wilson A.H. — Thermodynam Mechanics | 38, 44, 107 | Bamberg P.G. — A Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics, Vol. 2 | 800 | Mihaly L., Martin M.C. — Solid state physics. Problems and solutions | 53 | Pippard A.B. — The Elements of Classical Thermodynamics | 44 | Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics | 508 | Adkins C.J. — Equilibrium Thermodynamics | 5 | Dalvit D.A.R., Frastai J., Lawrie I.D. — Problems on statistical mechanics | 4 | Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure | 70 | Balian R. — From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics (vol. 1) | 29, 205, 212, 249—251 | Fetter A.L., Walecka J.D. — Quantum theory of many-particle systems | 35 | Pathria P.K. — Statistical Mechanics | 10, 28 | Northolt M.G. — Separation Techniques Thermodynamics Liquid Crystal | 53 | Dugdale J.S. — Entropy and its Physical Meaning | 15 | Reichl L.E. — Modern Course in Statistical Physics | 12 | Fetter A.L., Walecka J.D. — Quantum theory of many-particle systems | 35 | Plischke M., Bergersen B. — Equilibrium statistical physics | 2, 3, 12, 35, 42 |