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Balian R. — From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics (vol. 1)
Balian R. — From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics (vol. 1)

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Íàçâàíèå: From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics (vol. 1)

Àâòîð: Balian R.


This text not only provides a thorough introduction to statistical physics and thermodynamics but also exhibits the universality of the chain of ideas that leads from the laws of microphysics to the macroscopic behaviour of matter. A wide range of applications teaches students how to make use of the concepts, and many exercises will help to deepen their understanding. Drawing on both quantum mechanics and classical physics, the book follows modern research in statistical physics.
Volume I discusses in detail the probabilistic description of quantum or classical systems, the Boltzmann-Gibbs distributions, the conservation laws, and the interpretation of entropy as missing information. Thermodynamics and electromagnetism in matter are dealt with, as well as applications to gases, both dilute and condensed, and to phase transitions.

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A priori measure or probabilities      see “Prior”
Absolute entropy      see “Third Law”
Absolute temperature      35—36 125 197—201 223 298—299 330 see
Absolute zero      203
action      81—82 339
Additivity      105 107—110 115 162 200 244—246 248 357—358
Adiabatic compressibility      263 265
Adiabatic demagnetization      40—41 235
Adiabatic expansion      323—325 345—347 356
Adiabatic invariants, adiabatic principle, adiabatic theorem      132 193—194 see
Adiabatic transformations      132 192—194 286 387
Adiabats      298—299 323
Adsorption      174—175 216 319 345
Algebra      52 76—78 see “Observables” “Operators”
Allotropy      271
Alloys      412 426 438
Analytical mechanics      see “Classical mechanics”
Angular momentum, angular velocity      61 171 338—342 369 375—376 379 see
Anharmonicity      372
Anisotropy      44
annealing      438
Antilinear      61
Antisymmetry      see “Pauli principle” “Symmetry”
Apparatus      see “Measurements”
Approach to equilibrium      148—149 331 see
Argon      393—394
Assignment of probabilities, assignment of macro-state      22 141—145 see “Maximum
Astrophysics      6 see “Ionization” “Planets” “Stars”
Atmosphere      317 325 337
Atomic nuclei      375 see
Atomism      5 127
atoms      see “Chemical equilibrium” “Monatomic”
Averages      see “Expectation values”
Avogadro number      104 137 229 323 337—338 462
Balance, macroscopic      275 277 see
Balance, microscopic      8 91 326—327 330 332 334
Ballistic regime      331 347
balloons      327
Barometric equation      325 337
BBGKY hierarchy      92
bernoulli      4 328
Bias      142 144—145 179
Binomial law      98 464
Bit      103—104
Black holes      134
Black-body radiation      6 131
Blood      278 see
Bohr effect      390
Bohr magneton      19 462
Bohr — van Leeuwen theorem      176
Boiling      418 423 443 see
Boltzmann      5 123—129 155—156 326
Boltzmann constant      26 36 104 112 200 229 323 337
Boltzmann entropy      126 129 138
Boltzmann equation      91 126 129
Boltzmann — Gibbs distribution      33 34 42 141—180 201 225—226 227 229 313
Bom — Oppenheimer approximation      366—369 393—394
Bootstrap      412
Bose — Einstein statistics      see “Bosons” “Pauli
Bosons      61 375
Box potential      311 350 394
Boyle      322
Bragg — Williams method      392 412 see
Bras      50
Brillouin      133
Brillouin curves      39 44 47
Broken invariances or symmetries      425—426 429
Brownian motion      9 224 227
Bubble chamber      423
Caloric      124 189
Canonical distribution or ensemble      143 146 165—167 172 183 220 224—226 229 234
Canonical ensembles      165—172 220 see “Equivalence” “Grand “Isobaric-isothermal” “Microcanonical”
Canonical partition function      25 166 207—209 212 214 220 314 351
Capillarity      see “Surface tension”
Caratheodory      197
Carbon dioxide and monoxide      280—281 378 see
Carnot      124—125 189 197
Carnot cycle      277 298
Carnot theorem      276
Centrifuge      325—326 338—340
Chain      231 435—437 see
Chaotic dynamics      9 134—135 149
Characteristic function      99 see
Characteristic temperature      39 309—310 363—365 367 369—370 373—374 376
Charge      205 244 285—286 292
Charge carriers      216—217 331
Chemical equilibrium      147—148 151 170 215 319 359—363 381 387—390
Chemical equilibrium, macroscopic      244—246 279—283
Chemical potentials      213 215—219 250 251 278—283 306
Chemical potentials in classical fluids, in mixtures, or in solutions      296—297 357 360—361 416—418 442—445
Chemical potentials in gases      312 323 355—356 403
Clapeyron relation      273 418 445
Classical entropy      122—123 323—324
Classical fluids, classical gases      307 311—313 394—396
Classical limit      53—54 62 84—89 351 370—372 377
Classical mechanics      78—84 126 132 134—153
Classical partition functions      171—172 314 319 370—373
Classical statistical mechanics      see “Density in phase” “Reduced
Clausius      125 197—198 see
Closed cycle      see “Cycle”
Closed systems      187 see open”
Closure      51
Cluster expansion      see “Virial expansion”
Coarse-graining      130 135 138
Coding      106—107
Coefficient      see “Compressibility” “Elasticity” “Expansion” “Linear
Coexistence of phases      269—273 279 299 418 420—426 440—442 446—448
Colding      188—189
Collapse      206
Collective variables      see “Macroscopic”
Collisions      91 307 310—311 326 328—334 352
Communication theory      102—111 113 133
Commutator      52 58 88
Commuting or compatible observables      56 73 76 121
Complete base      51
Composite systems      51 62 108 115—117 183—188 244—246 274 281 see
Compressibility      263 265—266 268 305
Compression      see “Condensation”
Concavity of entropy      106 117 139 161 200 264—265 446
Concentration      see “Chemical equilibrium” “Mixtures” “Solutions”
Condensation      391—408
Condensed matter      3 see “Solids”
Conductivity      see “Thermal”
Conjugate momenta in classical or quantum mechanics      53 78 82 85—87
Conjugate variables in electromagnetism      284—295
Conjugate variables in thermostatics      34 205 207 211—212 214 253—256 260
Conjugation      see “Hermitean”
Connected diagrams      403
Conservation laws      7 60—61 73 88 146—152 187—188 244 382 see “Energy” “First “Momentum” “Particle
Constants of the motion      see “Conservation laws”
Convexity      159 161 255 258 265
Cooling      328 see “Freezing “Joule “Refrigerators”
Cooperative phenomena      392 see
Correlations      31—32 106 115—117 119—120 159 162 202 302—304 321 396 436
Coulomb forces      6 205—206 393 see
Critical opalescence      227 304
Critical phenomena      7 228 301—304 392 424—426 433—435 see “Phase
Critical points      245 268—269 272 414—419 428 432
Cryogenics      see “Cooling”
Crystal structures      152 426
Crystallization      425—426 443
Curie      7
Curie constant, Curie law      17—18 38 44 47 173—174 235
Curie principle      284
Curie temperature      301—303 425 428
Curie — Weiss law      428 432
Current      see “Electric”
Current density      335
CYCLE      276 357 361 see “Diesel” “Otto
de Broglie wavelength      312
Debye      7
Deformation tensor      244 250 283—284
Degassing      175 345
Degeneracy      164 166 204 308 363 365 369 370 375
Degree of disorder      see “Entropy” “Information”
Degrees of freedom      370—372 see “Rotations” “Translations” “Vibrations
Demixture      see “Isotope separation” “Mixture”
Demon      see “Maxwell”
Dense gases      391—408
Density in phase      50 78—93 101 122—123 141—145 313 321 see
Density matrix, Density operator      50 63—78 101 111—112 132 141—145
Density of particles      see “Particle density”
Density of states      see “Level density”
Density, truncation of      see “Wavepacket reduction”
Depleted uranium      see “Isotope separation”
Desalination      279
Determinism      4 10 181 221
Diagonalization      54 55 67 76
Diagrammatic expansion      402—403 405
Diamagnetism      16 173
diamond      152 271
Diatomic gases, diatomic molecules      309 366—382
Dielectrics      170 284—292
DIESEL      277
Diffusion      see “Effusion”
Dilatation      see “Expansion” “Linear
Dilute      see “Ionization” “Perfect “Solutions”
Dimensional analysis      13 297
Dipole moment      170 244 285
Dirac constant      462 see
Dirac distribution or function      51 322 465
Direct sum      52
Disorder      22—27 112 127 142 144—145 248—249 358 see “Information”
Displacement      see “Electric induction” “Position
Dissipation      249 276 see
Dissociation      280 359—360
dissolving      see “Solutions”
distribution      see “Dirac” “Probabilities”
DNA      see “Genetic code”
Doppler profile, Doppler shift      317 343 347
Drude      7
Dyadics      52 76—77
Dynamic equilibrium      see “Stationary states”
Dynamical systems      134—135
Effective field      411—412 430 433 see
Effective force, effective interaction, effective potential      367—368 393—394 409
Efficiency      276—277 383—385
Effusion      216 318 326—328 331 344—345 347—348 383—385
Ehrenfest      129 132 178
Ehrenfest theorem      59 73 88 312
Eigenvalues, eigenvectors      see “Diagonalization”
Einstein      6 131 227
Elasticity      231—235 283—284
Electric current      285—286 292—295
Electric Dipole      see “Dipole”
Electric displacement or electric induction      286—287
Electric energy, electric work      250 286—292
electric field      170 285—292
Electric potential      216—217 286—287 290 292
Electrochemical potential      216 see
Electromagnetism      131 245 250 284—295
Electromotive force      216
Electrons in molecules      363—365 366—367
Electrostatic equilibrium      147 205 216—217 245 286—292 see “Dielectrics” “Dipole”
Empiricism      6 127
Endothermic      283
Energetics      127 189
Energy      see “Electric” “Fermi free internal” “Magnetic”
Energy conservation      23—24 125 see “First internal”
Energy downgrading      197—198 see “Irreversibility” “Work”
Energy eigenstates      see “Excited states” “Ground “Level “Spectra”
Energy partition      28—31 184—186 222 244—245 see “Probability”
Energy transfer      see “Current density” “Flux” “Transport”
Energy units      463
Enriched uranium      see “Isotope separation”
Ensembles      see “Canonical equivalence” “Grand “Isobaric-isothermal” “Microcanonical” “Statistical”
Enthalpy      214 220 258—260 283 362 406—407
Entropic elasticity      232
entropy      see “Additivity” “Boltzmann” “Classical” “Kolmogorov” “Maximum” “Mixing” “Quantum”
Entropy of gases      323—324 354 356—357
Entropy, relative or relevant      129—130 137—139 247—248
Entropy, statistical      26—27 30 101—140 164 199 203—204 225—226 246—248
Entropy, thermodynamic      35—37 124—125 132 197—201 203—204 210—211 220 242—248
Equations of motion      see “Evolution”
Equations of state      37 219 231 249—250 253 286 296—298 322—323 353—354 398 404 414
Equilibrium      141 152—165 242 251 see “Chemical” “Electrostatic” “Gravitational” “Hydrostatic” “Liquidvapour” “Magnetostatic” “Metastability” “Osmotic” “Phase” “Rotational” “Solutions” “Thermal” “Thermostatics”
Equilibrium constant      361—363
Equipartition      370—372 373—374
Equiprobability      24 104—105 142 225—226 see
Equivalence of ensembles      34 165 186 207—210 237 319—320 446—448
Equivalence principle      see “First Law”
Ergodicity      134—135 146—147
Escape velocity      317
Euler — Lagrange equations      82
Euler — Maclaurin formula      464
Evacuation      175 239 344—345
evaporation      216 421 see “Equilibrium” “Vaporization
Evaporation plateau      see “Maxwell construction”
Event      102 113
Evolution operator      59 73—74 118
Evolution, macroscopic      see “Approach to equilibrium” “Irreversibility” “Magnetic “Relaxation”
Evolution, microscopic      58—60 73—74 81—84 90—92 118—119
exchange interaction      427
Exchange of particles      see “Indistinguishability” “Pauli
Exchange operator      87—88
Exchanges      183—188 195—197 243—248 251 see “Heat” “Particle”
Excited states      308—309 385—386 see “Spectra”
Exclusive events      64 67 139
Expansion coefficient      252 263 268 274 see
Expansion of universe      347
Expansions      see “Perturbation”
expectation values      21 76—77 79 93 143—144 146 226
Expectation values at equilibrium      158—159 163—164 166 168 226
Expectation values, quantum      57 64—66 73 75—77
Exponential dominance      29—30 208 210 see
Exponential of operator      54—55
Extensive variables      29 205—207 212 244—245 250
Extensivity      49 134 205—210 221 226 244 248 324 359 395 403 412 424 446—448
Exterior algebra      261—263
Factorization      161—163 166 314 351
Fermi energy      217
Fermi — Dirac statistics      see “Fermions” “Pauli
fermions      61 375 379
Ferroelectricity      426
ferromagnetism      45 204 301—304 392 425 427—440 442
Fibre      231—235
Field      see “Electric” “Magnetic” “Molecular”
Fine structure      365
Finite systems      186 221—230 424 see
First law      125 188—197 244
First-order      see “Phase transition”
Fluctuations      98—99 130—131 221—224 227—229 238—239
Fluctuations and responses      173—174 238 432
Fluctuations, critical      227 302—304 424 428
Fluctuations, methods of calculation      99 159 167 169 371
Fluctuations, quantum      57—58 312
Fluctuations, smallness      30 207—209 226
Fluid-solid equilibrium      see “Crystallization”
Fluids      165 253 263—264 391—426 see “Interfaces” “Liquid-vapour “Solutions”
Flux      326—327 335
Fock space      52 93 144 167
Force variables      191—193 250 291 292
Forces      191 231—235 see “Surface “Viscosity”
FORM      see “Exterior algebra”
Free energy      213—214 220 233 258 259 288 290—291 294 322 403
Free enthalpy      214 220 232—233 260 278 283
Freezing      see “Crystallization”
Freezing in      40 309—310 359 363—365 367 372 373—374 377 393—394
Freezing mixture      443
Fusion      see “Crystallization” “Thermonuclear”
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