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Balian R. — From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics (vol. 1)
Balian R. — From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics (vol. 1)

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Íàçâàíèå: From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics (vol. 1)

Àâòîð: Balian R.


This text not only provides a thorough introduction to statistical physics and thermodynamics but also exhibits the universality of the chain of ideas that leads from the laws of microphysics to the macroscopic behaviour of matter. A wide range of applications teaches students how to make use of the concepts, and many exercises will help to deepen their understanding. Drawing on both quantum mechanics and classical physics, the book follows modern research in statistical physics.
Volume I discusses in detail the probabilistic description of quantum or classical systems, the Boltzmann-Gibbs distributions, the conservation laws, and the interpretation of entropy as missing information. Thermodynamics and electromagnetism in matter are dealt with, as well as applications to gases, both dilute and condensed, and to phase transitions.

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g factor      43—44
Galilean invariance      60—61 170 177 341 350
Galvanometer      230
Gamma function      464
Gas constant      323
Gaseous diffusion      see “Effusion”
Gases      see “Adsorption” “Centrifuge” “Classical” “Condensation” “Diatomic” “Ionization” “Liquid-vapour “Monatomic” “Perfect” “Photon” “Polyatomic” “Rare” “Relativistic”
Gauge      20 56 286
Gaussian distribution      30 97 98 210 229 239 464
Generating functions      99 see
Generators      61
Genetic code, genetic information      107 136
Gibbs      5 127 156
Gibbs ensemble      128 226 see
Gibbs paradox      127—128 324 358—359
Gibbs phase rule      272 283
Gibbs potential      see “Free enthalpy”
Gibbs — Duhem relation      219 251 271 306
Glasses      7 152 204
Glycerine      152
Grand canonical distribution or ensemble      144 146 167—169 172 187 215 220 223—224
Grand partition function      168 170 207—209 212 218 220 319 443
Grand potential      218—220 258 323 351—352 397 402
Graph      see “Diagrammatic expansion”
graphite      152
Grassmann      see “Exterior algebra”
Gravitational equilibrium      206 245 250 304—306
Gravity      192 299 301 325 421 445
Ground state      308 364
Guldberg and Waage      see “Mass action”
gyromagnetic ratio      see “g factor”
H-Theorem      126 129
Hamilton equations      82
Hamilton principle      81
Hamiltonian      58 60—61 73—74 82—83 255 340 350 367—368
Harmonic      see “Oscillator”
Heat      35—36 124—125 190—191 198—199 217 243 275 see “Latent” “Reaction” “Thermal”
Heat baths      see “Thermostats”
heat capacity      see “Specific heats”
Heat conduction, heat death      see “Thermal”
Heat exchanges      195—197 259—260 see “Thermal
Heat pumps      276—277
Heisenberg inequalities      58 312
Heisenberg model      427
Heisenberg picture      60 74 77
Helium      204 312
Helmholtz      188—189 213;
Helmholtz potential      see “Free energy”
Hemoglobin      387—390
Henry law      443
Hermitean conjugation      52
Hermitean matrix, Hermitean operator      54 56 66
Hidden variables      145 148 246 382 see
Hilbert spaces      50—52 75 77
Hooke law      235 284
Hydrodynamic regime      see “Local equilibrium”
Hydrodynamic velocity      335—336 339 341
Hydrogen      245 312 378—382 462
Hydrogen chloride      151 368—369
Hydrostatic equilibrium      147 305—306 337
Hyperfine splitting      365
Hysteresis      271 443 see
Ideal      see “Measurements” “Perfect “Preparations”
Identical particles      see “Indistinguishability” “Pauli
Impulse      329
Inaccessibility principle      see “Caratheodory”
Incomplete knowledge, incomplete measurements, incomplete preparations      20 23 50 62 65 120—121 137—138
Indicator method      99
Indifference principle      142 155 226 248
Indistinguishability      56 206 342 352—353 see “Symmetry
Indistinguishability in the classical limit      80 85 87—88 359 370 378 see
Induction      see “Electric” “Magnetic”
Inert gases      309 313 363—364
information      101—140 145 149 201 247—249 358
Inhomogeneous systems      see “Coexistence” “Electrostatic” “Gravitational” “Interfaces”
Insufficient reason      see “Indifference”
Intensive variables      29 205 212 249—251
interactions      158 310—311 352 391—448
Interfaces      245 299—301 421 440—442
Internal degrees of freedom      78 350—351 see “Rotations” “Vibrations”
Internal energy      22 90 188—189 196—197 213 220 244 288 294
Internal energy of classical fluids      324 354 398 401 413
Internal partition function      350—353 373—374 376
International System of Units (SI)      462
Invariance laws      7 60—61 111 122 350 375 425—426 429 see
Ionization      309 313 353 386—387
Ions      see “Chemical equilibrium” “Solutions”
Irreversibility      4 119 120 122 125 197—198 201—202 259 276 see
Irreversibility paradox      128—130 131 135 149
Irreversible processes      7 243 245 276—277 326—336 358 385 406
Ising model      301 392 426 427—437
Isobaric-isothermal ensemble      171 214 220 232—233
Isobars      419
Isolated systems      73 118 147 187 244—246 see “Open”
Isothermal transformations      see “Thermostat”
Isotherms      298—299 415
Isotope separation by effusion      327—328 347—348 383—385
Isotope separation by ultracentrifugmg      326 338—342
Isotopes      396
Jacobians      83 261—263
jet      318—319 328
Joule      188—189
Joule expansion, Joule law      263 324 346 354 401
Joule — Thomson expansion      264 406—408
Kappler experiment      228—229 239
Kelvin      36 see
Kets      50 57 62 66
kinetic energy      318 334
Kinetic theory      5 125—127 307—308 326—336 345—347
Knowledge      see “Information measurements”
Knudsen regime      see “Ballistic”
Kolmogorov entropy      135
Lack of information      see “Information”
Lagrangian      81—82 255 339—342
Lagrangian multipliers      152—156 159 160 184 187—188 250 341
Landau      7 50 63
Landau theory of phase transitions      299—304 426
Lande factor      see “g factor”
Langevin paramagnetism      48 176
Langmuir isotherms      175
Language      see “Communication”
Laplace      142 325
Large numbers, large systems      8—10 23 30 128 149 225—226 see
Larmor frequency, Larmor precession      42 95—97
Latent heat      272—273 see vaporization”
Lattice gas      413 426
Lattice temperature      47 150—151 185
Laws of thermodynamics      182 see First Second Third”
Laws, Galilean invariance, symmetries inversion temperature      407
Le Chatelier principle      266—267 283
Le Chatelier — Braun principle      267—268
Least action principle      see “Action”
Legendre transformation      160—161 208—209 211 213 218 253—255
Level density      25—26 166 169 206—207 210 446—448
Linde      408
Linear expansion      232 235
Linear responses      see “Responses”
Linear transformations      52
Liouville equation      84 88—89
Liouville representations of quantum mechanics      53—54 77 87—88
Liouville theorem      83—84 91 122
Liouville — Von Neumann equation      73—74
Liquefaction      see “Liquid-vapour equilibrium”
Liquid nitrogen trap      344—345
Liquid-vapour equilibrium      269 299—301 302 391—392 395 408—426 see “Solutions”
Liquids      312 393—397 see
Local equilibrium      331—336 347
Local temperature      201
Long-range interactions      205 206 433
Lorentz force      82
Loschmidt      128
Low temperatures      see “Cooling”
Macro-state      20—21 63—70 79—81 113 see “Density “Density
Macroscopic data or variables      142—144 146—152 182 222 243
Magnetic dipole or moment      17—19 43 170 192 285 294
Magnetic energy, magnetic work      35 250 292—295
Magnetic field H, magnetic induction      13 17 43 170 285—286 292—295
Magnetic resonance      41—43 150 see
magnetic susceptibility      16 18 173 302—303 428 432
Magnetism      16 49 176 204 234 285—286 292—295 see para- and
magnetization      16 38—39 302—303 285—286 292—295 427 430 432
Magneton      see “Bohr”
Magnetostatic equilibrium      147 170 see
Many-body theory      7
Marginal energy      217
Mariotte      322
Mass action law      362 381 442—445
Massieu functions      211—213 220—221 227 256 296
Mathematics      2
Matrices      see “Density operator” “Observables” “Operators”
Maximum of Massieu function      256—258 see
Maximum of statistical entropy      114 134 141—152 156—158 171 186 222 225—226 246—249 see
Maximum of thermostatic entropy      243—248 251 264—273 274 279 305 361 see
Maxwell      5 125—126 326 335—336
Maxwell construction      272 298 423—424
Maxwell demon      130—131 132—134 249
Maxwell distribution      155 313—322 396—397
Maxwell equations      285—286
Maxwell relations      260—261
Mayer      188—189
Mayer relation      324—325 354
mean field      see “Effective field” “Variational
Mean free path      331—336
Mean square      see “Fluctuations”
Mean value      226 see
Measurements      57—58 62 68 70—73 111 119—122 132 230
Mechanical equivalents      463
Mechanics      see “Classical”
Melting      see “Crystallization”
Melting heat      248 446
Message      see “Communication”
Metastability      150—152 246 271 380—382 421—423 437—440 448
Micro-state      20—21 24 57 63—64 78 113
Microcanonical distribution or ensemble      22 28—29 97 140 143 147 169 172 185—186 220 225 233 321—322
Microcanonical partition function      169 211 220 see
Microelectronics      331
Minimum of thermodynamic potentials      257—258 409 411 421—422 see
Missing information      see “Information”
Mixing entropy      106 246 357—359 383—385
Mixtures      81 127—128 139 148 151 215 217 244—245 249 357—363 381 426 see “Solutions” “Statistical”
Modulus      see “Elasticity”
Mole      279
Molecular beams or jets      318—319 328
Molecular effusion      see “Effusion”
Molecular field      412 see
Molecules      349—390 see
Moment of inertia      171 342 374 376
Momentum      56 61 170 177 315 340—342 see “Conservation”
Momentum transport      335—336
Monatomic fluids      309 363—365 393—394
Multiplicity      see “Degeneracy”
Multipliers      see “Lagrangian”
Myoglobin      390
Natural uranium      see “Isotope separation”
Natural variables      210—212 214 254
Negative temperatures      37 46—47 185
Negentropy      133 275 see
Nernst      131—132 see
Neutron stars      305
Newton      336
Nitrogen      344—345 378
Noise      107 230 238 see
Non-equilibrium      see “Irreversible processes” “Transport”
Normal conditions      308 463
Nuclear energy      see “Isotope separation”
Nuclear magnetism      150—151 364
Nuclear reactions      151 306
Nuclear structures      3 171 375 412
Nucleation      423
Observables      56—57 75 76—77
One-dimensional models      231—235 435—437
One-particle      see “Reduced densities”
Onsager      7 392
Opalescence      227 304
Open systems      127 156 167 187—188 319 see “Isolated”
Operators      52—56
Orbital magnetism      20 43 47
Order parameters      301—304 425—426
Orthohydrogen      379
Orthonormality      51 64
oscillators      131 140 177—178 229 237 370—372 see “Vibrations”
Osmotic equilibrium      147 216 245 278—279 see
Osmotic pressure      278 442 444
Otto cycle      277
Oxygen      312 378 see
Paradoxes      127—131
Parahydrogen      379
Paramagnetism      15—48 95—97 175—176 185 204 427 432
Parity      60
Partial densities, partial pressures      357 361
Particle density      90 299—301 316 320 325 337—340 410 417 420 440—441
Particle exchanges      187—188 215—217 244—246 271 278—283 327—328 347—348
Particle number      60 76 93 167—168 357 359—362 see “Conservation “Flux” “Probabilities”
Particle Physics      3
Particles, indistinguishable particles      see “Indistinguishability” “Pauli
Partition      see “Energy particle
Partition functions      158—165 212 220—221 433—435 see “Classical” “Grand” “Internal” “Micro
Pauli matrices      94
Pauli principle      61 78 352—353 379 see “Fermions” “Indistinguishability” “Symmetry
Perfect gas      80 296—297 307—348
Perrin      5 337—338
Perturbation expansions      397—405
Petit canonical      see “Canonical”
Phase density      see “Density in phase”
phase diagram      272 419—420 422
Phase equilibria, phase transitions      7 127 152 158 216 222—223 269—273 283 301—304 319 391—392 425—448 see “Liquid-vapour
Phase separation      see “Coexistence”
Phase space      78—84 89—91 122—123
Photon gas      216 347
Physical constants      462—463
Planck      6 131
Planck constant      53 79 84 357 462
Planck law      140 177—178
Planck length      3
Planets      304—306 317
plasma      see “Ionization”
Poincare      128 134
Point particles      308—309 350 393
Poisson bracket      84 88—89
Poisson distribution      98 238
Poisson formula      464
Polarization      285—291 see “Spin”
Polyatomic gases, polyatomic molecules      309 366—368 372—374
Polymers      7 231—235
Porous wall      see “Effusion”
Position variables      191—192 250 291 292
Positive operator      54 67
Positivism      127
Potential      see “Chemical” “Electric” “Massieu” “Thermodynamic” “Vector”
Power      275—276
Precession      see “Larmor”
preparations      57—58 63 see “Wavepacket
Pressure      171 213 219 305—306 328—330 337 357 see
Prior measure      111 122
Probabilities      20—22 49—50 68 72 75 102—103 113 126—128 191 221 228—230 see “Statistics”
Probability distributions: for energy      29—30 166 210 447—448;
Probability distributions: for macroscopic variables      227—228;
Probability distributions: for momentum or velocity      315—319;
Probability distributions: for particle number      93 98—99 168;
Probability distributions: for subsystems      224—226
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