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Mihaly L., Martin M.C. — Solid state physics. Problems and solutions |
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see “Relaxation rate”
see “X-ray diffraction”
see “Wavenumbers”
, Madelung constant 19 123—125
, structure 11
, structure factor 11 112
see “Fermi energy”
38 95 116 194
37 38 95 116 194 248
see “Debye frequency”
see “Susceptibility”
see “Dielectric susceptibility”
see “Dielectric function”
see “Dielectric function generalized”
see “Compressibility”
see “Chemical potential”
see “Bohr magneton”
see “Peltier coefficient”
see “Conductivity”
see “Conductivity generalized”
see “Conductivity real
see “Conductivity imaginary
Absorption band edge 84
Absorption coefficient 81
Adiabatic approximation 15
Alkali halide crystals 87 220
Analytical complex function 225
Anderson localization 95
Anderson model 101 249
Anharmonic effects 19 95 96 138 231 232
Antiferroelectric 139
Antiferromagnetic fluctuations 246
Antiferromagnetic order 233
Back-scattering geometry 118
Band see “Energy band”
Band gap 31
Band insulator 27 32 33 156
Band metal 27 32 33 156
Band overlap 31
Band structure 25
Band structure, one-dimensional 31
Band structure, quasi-two-dimensional 63
Band structure, square lattice 31
Bandwidth 31 36 213
Basis 3 10 108
BCC see “body centered cubic structure”
BCS theory 40
Beryllium 113
Bethe — Sommerfeld expansion 59 62 196—198
Bias voltage 76 217
Binding energy 15
Binding energy, ionic 15
Binding energy, metallic 15
Binding energy, van der Waals 15
Blackbody radiation 189
Bloch condition 25
Bloch function 25
Bloch oscillations 88 228—229
Bloch — Griineisen formula 71 203
Bloch's law 199
Bloch's theorem 144
Body centered cubic structure 5 11 112
Bohr magneton 249
Boltzmann equation 68 75 76 87 215 216 223
Boltzmann equation, linearized 69
Bose factor 198
Bose — Einstein condensation 57
Bose — Einstein distribution function 58
Boson 44
Boson, Goldstone 138
Bound charges 80
Bragg, condition 6
Bragg, peak 109
Bravais lattice 4
Brillouin spectroscopy 85
Brillouin zone 7 33
Broken symmetry ground state 252
Buckyball see “ ”
bulk modulus 18 55 62
Bulk modulus, NaCl 19
Canonical partition function 55
CDW see “Charge density waves”
Central limit distribution theorem 121 172
Charge density waves 40 85 94 99 238 242 248
chemical potential 53 61 62 191—192 197—198
Chemical potential, electron in a plane 63 201
Chemical potential, phonons 188
Classical distribution function 58
Classical statistics 61
Cobalt 13
Coherence factors 85
Cohesive energy 15
Cohesive energy, ionic 15
Cohesive energy, metallic 15
Cohesive energy, van der Waals 15
Collective mode resonance 85
Commutation relations 44 182 235
Compressibility 55 62 125
Compressibility, phonons 60
Compressibility, solids 18
Condensate, Bose — Einstein 57
Condensate, electronic 85
Conduction band 48 87 220
Conductivity, Drude 88 226
Conductivity, electrical 65 74 209
Conductivity, frequency-dependent 87
Conductivity, generalized 80
Conductivity, imaginary part 223
Conductivity, isotropic 72
Conductivity, of a superconductor 88 226
Conductivity, optical 79
Conductivity, real part 221 223
Conductivity, semiconductor 87 221
Conductivity, tensor 72 75 204—205 212—215
Conductivity, thermal 65 74 209—210
Cooper pairs 43 80
Coordination number 6
copper 46
Coulomb potential 243
Covalent solids 15—16
Creation and annihilation operators 44 235
Crystal 3
Crystal structure 3
Crystal structure, diamond 87
Crystal, crystallographic point group 5
Crystal, crystallographic space group 5
Crystal, finite 13
Crystal, imperfect 13
Crystal, symmetry 4
Crystallographic space groups 5
Cyclotron effective mass 34
Cyclotron frequency 63 201
de Haas — van Alphen oscillations 34 159
Debye approximation 18 60 188
Debye frequency 37
Debye, density of states 37
Debye, frequency 18 21 23 60 130 136 188
Debye, temperature 18 188
Debye, wavenumber 18 60 130
Density of states 35 37—40 63 161 167—168 173 191 200
Density of states, Debye approximation 37
Density of states, energy gap 41 171
Density of states, hybridized bands 41 171
| Density of states, infinite dimensions 41 172
Density of states, joint 83
Density of states, one-dimensional metal 165
Density of states, superconductor 40 170
Density of states, three-dimensional metal 164
Density of states, tight-binding 41 172
Density of states, two dimensions 38 161
Density, fcc lattice 11
Density, hcp lattice 11
Diatomic chain 22 134
Dielectric function 79 98 100 101 237—238 242 243 245 247
Dielectric function, generalized 80
Dielectric function, half-filled band 99
Dielectric function, insulators 47 83
Dielectric susceptibility 79
Diffraction peak, G-dependence 13
Diffraction peak, height and width of 13
Diffraction peak, integrated intensity of 14
Diffusion current,electron 76 217
Diffusion current,hole 76 217
Diode 76 217
Dipole active 85
Dipole moment 23 137 139 231
Dirac-delta function 32 33 152 156
Direct transitions 220
Direct-gap 220
Discrete translational symmetry 3
dispersion relation 22 134
DOS see “Density of states”
Drude conductivity 213
Drude model 67 74—76 83 88 207—210
Dulong-Petit law 190
Dyadic product 70
Dynamical matrix 17 21 128
Dyson — Maleev representation 48 49 183 184
effective mass 29 213
Effective mass tensor 29 33 34 40 63 157 168
Effective mass, cyclotron 34
Effective mass, electrons 182
Effective mass, holes 30 182
Eigenfrequency 21 114 129
Einstein model 18
Electromagnetic radiation 79—85
Electromagnetic waves 47
Electron gas see “Free-electron gas”
Electron-electron interaction 100 101 245 247
Electron-electron interaction, infinite range 97 236
Electron-hole symmetry 208
Electron-phonon interaction 18 47 180 245
Electron-phonon scattering 210
Electrons, one-dimensional 41 61 98 171 194
Electrons, quasi-one-dimensional 38 39 88 101 247
Electrons, quasi-two-dimensional 34 159
Elementary excitations 43 57
Energy band 27 32 38 61 150 191 192
Energy band, hybridization 177
Energy dispersion 22 134 150
Energy dispersion, electrons 25
Energy dispersion, magnon 184 199
Energy gap 26 31 40 61 146 170 174
Energy gap, direct 84 87
Energy gap, due to periodic potential 41 171
Energy gap, indirect 84
Energy, electrons 61 194
Enthalpy 54
entropy 53 61 190
Entropy, electron gas 62 195
Ettingshausen effect 67
EuO 198
EuO, specific heat 62
Ewald construction 7
Excitation, Hubbard model 236
Excitation, two-electron 177
Exciton 48
Extended zone scheme 245
Extensive variables 53
Face centered cubic structure 5 13 109 111 116
FCC see “Face centered cubic structure”
FE see “Iron”
Fermi energy 27 34 60 159
Fermi function 191
Fermi line 212—215 223 245 247
Fermi liquid theory 27
Fermi sea 228
Fermi surface 27 32 152 165 216 223
Fermi surface, nesting of 92 100 101 245—248
Fermi surface, square lattice 33
Fermi temperature 28 59
Fermi wavevector 152 216
Fermi — Dirac distribution function 58
Fermion 35 44
Ferroelectricity 139
Ferromagnet 49 183
Ferromagnet, iron 43
Ferromagnetic Heisenberg model 183
Ferromagnetic order 233
ferromagnetism 237
Filling factor 6
Finite size effect 13
Flux quantum 63 201
Forbidden modes 85
Form factor 8
Fourier transform 243
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy 86
Free carriers 80
Free energy 54 190
Free-electron gas 174
Free-electron gas, bulk modulus 62
Free-electron gas, chemical potential 62
Free-electron gas, entropy 61
Free-electron gas, one-dimensional 32 150—151
Free-electron gas, quasi-two-dimensional 173—174
Free-electron gas, three-dimensional 100
Free-electron gas, two-dimensional 42
Free-electron model 88 226
Friedel oscillation 100 243—245
FTIR see Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Fullerenes see
g(E) see “Density of states”
Gibbs potential 54
Golden Rule 69
Goldstone bosons 138
Grand canonical partition function 55
Grand canonical potential 54
graphite 11 109
Griineisen parameter 19 22 133
Griineisen relation 60
Ground state 43
Group theory 4 85
Half-filled band 212 214
Half-filled band, instability of 99 242
Hall coefficient 74 75 208
Hall conductivity tensor 66 214
Hall effect 66
Hall effect, quantum 37 63 201
Hall resistivity tensor 66
hcp see “Hexagonal close packed structure”
Heisenberg model 49 96 183 184 233
Heisenberg model, anisotropic 49 185
Helmholtz potential 54
Hexagonal close packed structure 11 13 111 112 116
Hexagonal lattice 23 136 159
Hexagonal lattice, Fermi energy 34
High superconductors 10 72
Holes 30
Holstein — Primakoff transformation 48 182 185
Honeycomb lattice 4 109
Hopping conductivity 47 68
Hubbard model, infinite range 97 236
Hubbard model, large U 96 233—236
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