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Mihaly L., Martin M.C. — Solid state physics. Problems and solutions
Mihaly L., Martin M.C. — Solid state physics. Problems and solutions

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Название: Solid state physics. Problems and solutions

Авторы: Mihaly L., Martin M.C.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Физика твёрдого тела/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 261

Добавлена в каталог: 21.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
hybridization      41 46 249
Hybridization, density of states      171
Hybridization, energy bands      177
I-V characteristics      217
Impurity charge      243
Impurity Hamiltonian      177
Impurity levels      179
Incomensurability      248
Index of refraction      81
Infrared activity      87
Infrared spectroscopy      86 87 219
Infrared-activity      87
Insulator      27
Intensive variables      53
Interaction, electron-electron      99 242 247
Interaction, electron-phonon      98 180 240
Interband transition      87
Inversion symmetry      87 222
Ionic solids      15—16
IR      see “Infrared spectroscopy”
Iron      43
Irreversible thermodynamics      65
Ising model      49 183 185
Isotope substitution      21
Joint density of states      83
KBr      220
Kohn anomaly      92 101
Kramers — Kronig relation      82 88 225—227
Landau levels      28 201
Lattice      see “Bravais lattice”
Lattice spacing      4 112 159
Lattice spacing, bcc      11
Lattice spacing, hcp      11
Lattice vector      3 4
Lattice vibration      16
Laue condition      7
Legendre transformation      54
Lennard — Jones potential      15
Lindemann melting formula      18
Linear chain      23 95 96 129—130 137 139 231
Linear chain, radiation from      12 114—115
Linear chain, static modulation      12 115—116
Linear chain, time dependent modulation      20 128
Linear chain, vibrations of      21
Linear response      79
Linhard function      92 93 98 100
Linhard function, in d dimensions      99 240
Linhard function, in one dimension      238
lo      see “Longitudinal optical mode”
Localized mode      21
London penetration depth      226
Longitudinal optical mode      220
Longitudinal phonon      17 21 131
Lorentz transformation      186
Low-pass filters, neutron      12 113
Lyddane — Sachs — Teller relation      47 182
Madelung constant      19 123—125
Madelung constant, screened Coulomb potential      19
Madelung energy      15
Magnetic flux      201
Magnetic flux quantum      214
Magnetic ground state      252
magnetic moment      97 237
Magnetic moment, transition metals      101 249
magnetic susceptibility      231
Magnetization, spontaneous      237
Magnetization, temperature dependence      62 199
Magnetoresistance      67 74
Magnon      49 62 183—185 199
Magnon, energy      185
Majority current      77
Mass defect      21 129
Matthiessen rule      74
Maxwell's equations      80
Mean field approximation      91 99 179 231 241 242
Mean field approximation, Anderson model      102 249
Mean field approximation, Stoner model      97 237
Mean free path      68 87 223
Melting      see “Lindemann melting formula”
Metal      15 27
Metal, two-dimensional      75 87 212—215 223—225
Miller indices      7
Minority current      77
Mobility      74
Model Hamiltonian      43
Momentum resolution      117
Monte Carlo method      172
Montgomery method      73 205
Mott transition      95
Na      see “Sodium”
NaCl      19 125
NaCl, Madelung constant      124
Nearest-neighbor interaction      22
Nearly free-electron approximation      25 31—33 146 147 149 152 156
Neutron beam      12 113
Neutron scattering      18 117 127
Neutron scattering, back scattering geometry      118
Neutron scattering, energy resolution      20 127
Neutron scattering, higher-order      113
Neutron scattering, momentum resolution      13
Neutron scattering, resolution      117
Nickel      46
Niobium      43
Nonequilibrium conditions      65
One-dimensional chain      30 31 141—143
One-dimensional chain, electrons      143—146
Onsager relations      65—66 209
Optical activity      85
Optical conductivity      79
Optical conductivity, insulators      47
Optical conductivity, metals      84
Optical conductivity, semiconductors      83
Optical phonon      87
Optical phonon, soft      23 137 139
Optical properties      79—85
Optical spectroscopy      18 79—85 87
Optical transitions, direct and indirect      84
Optical transitions, phonon-assisted      84
Oscillator strength      83
Oscillator sum rule      82 88 225—227
p-n junction      76 217
Particle number operator      44
Partition functions      55
Pauli exclusion principle      177
Peierls transition      98 151 194 239 240
Peltier coefficient      65 74 209
Penetration depth      82 88 226
Periodic boundary condition      35
Periodic potential      32 150—151
Phase transition      91
Phonon      16 20 128 130
Phonon dispersion      21 128 134
Phonon gas      37 190
Phonon scattering      203
Phonon, acoustical      20 127 222
Phonon, branch      17
Phonon, dispersion      17 39 167
Phonon, energy      60 189
Phonon, in one dimension      16
Phonon, interaction      19
Phonon, lifetime      18
Phonon, number of      17 60 188
Phonon, one dimension      21 128 191
Phonon, optical      17
Phonon, specific heat      60
Phonon, spectrum      17
Phonon, transverse      20 127 222
Phonon-mediated interactions      238
Plane waves, linear combinations of      26
Plasma frequency      84
Plasmons      81 94
Platinum      203
Point charge impurity      100
Polariton      47 81 95 96 181
Polarizability      23 95 96 137 139 231
Polarization, spontaneous      96
Polarization, static      96
Polarization, time-dependent      96
Polarization, vector      16
Polaron      47 179—181
Powder diffraction      12 113
Pressure      125
Primitive cell      5
Primitive vectors      4 108
pt      see “Platinum”
Quantum Hall effect      42 63 201
Quantum Hall Effect, integer      29
Quasi-one-dimensional metal      163—166
Quasiclassical approximation      28
Raman spectroscopy      85 87
Random atomic displacement      13
Random phase approximation      91
Reciprocal lattice      7 10 109
Reciprocal lattice vector      117 153
Reduced mass      220
Reflectivity      81 86
Reflectivity coefficient      88 226
Relaxation rate      213
Relaxation time      65 76 228
Relaxation time, approximation      69
Renormalization      91
Residual resistivity      210
resistivity      203
Resistivity, anisotropic material      206
Resistivity, anisotropy      73 205
Resistivity, four-probe configuration      206
Resistivity, intrinsic semiconductor      75 210
Resistivity, metal      75 210
Resistivity, Montgomery method      205 207
Resistivity, oscillations      34 159
Resistivity, residual      74
Resistivity, tensor      73 206 208
Resolution ellipse      117
Resolution, infrared spectroscopy      86 219
Resolution, neutron scattering      117 127
Reversibility, microscopic      69
Rietveld analysis      8
Rigid band picture      27
Saddle point      40 162 168
Scattered intensity, integrated      121
Scattered intensity, random displacement      120
Scattering cross section      210
Screening parameter      100
Screening, Debye — Huckel      92
Screening, Linhard theory      92
Screening, Thomas — Fermi      92
SDW      see “Spin density waves”
Second quantization      43
Self-consistency condition      103 251
Semiclassical approximation      28
Semiconductor      30 48 61 74 87 191—192 220—221
Semiconductor, direct-gap      220
Semiconductor, Hall coefficient      209
Semiconductor, junction      76
Semiconductor, magneto-resistance      208
Semiconductor, optical conductivity      83
Silicon, phonons      20 87 127 222
Simple cubic structure      5
Skin depth      82
Skin effect, anomalous      80
Sodium      11
Sodium, metal      43
Soft phonon      23 137 139
Solids, covalent      15—16
Solids, ionic      15—16
Solids, van der Waals      15
Solitons      50 186
Sound velocity      21—23 130 134 136 222
Space lattice      see “Bravais lattice”
Special relativity      186
Specific heat      38 55 62 198
Specific heat effective mass      63
Specific heat, insulator      60 187
Specific heat, metal      60 187
Specific heat, phonon      60
Specific heat, solids      18
Spectroscopy, Brillouin      85
Spectroscopy, optical      79—85 87
Spectroscopy, Raman      85
Spin density waves      40 85 94 248
Spin flip operator      183
Spin operator      45
Spin wave      49 183
Spontaneous polarization      96 231
Square lattice      22 31-33 147 149 152 156 157 223
Square lattice, Brillouin zone      153
Square lattice, electrons      162
Square lattice, Fermi surface      152
Square lattice, one electron per site      152
Square lattice, oscillations      22 131—132
Square lattice, two electrons per site      152
Static polarization      231 232
Stoner enhancement      237
Stoner model      97 236 237
Structure factor      8 110 112
Structure factor, $C_{60}$      11
Sum rule      see “Oscillator sum rule”
Superconductor      88 226 227
Superconductor, niobium      43
Superconductor, type I      80
Superionic conductors      80
Surface impedance      81
susceptibility      96 232
Susceptibility, dielectric      79
Susceptibility, divergence of      99 241 242
Susceptibility, magnetic      97 237
Susceptibility, renormalized      92
Susceptibility, temperature dependence      99 241 242
Symmetry group      4
Symmetry group, crystallographic point group      5
Symmetry group, crystallographic space group      5
Symmetry, inversion      222
Symmetry, rotational      204
Thermal conductivity, insulator      210
Thermal conductivity, intrinsic semiconductor      75
Thermal conductivity, metal      75 210
Thermal expansion coefficient      55 118
Thermal expansion coefficient, linear      18
Thermodynamic potentials      54
Thermodynamics      53
Thermoelectric transport      74
Thermomagnetic effects      67
Thermopower      65 74
Third law of thermodynamics      59
Thomas — Fermi formula      92
Tight-binding approximation      25 31 33 34 75 142 154 156 162 224
Tight-binding band      33 63 157 200 212 223
Tight-binding model      46 87 96 175—177 223—225 233
TO      see “Transverse optical mode”
Transition temperature      99 241 242
Transmisivity      86
Transmission coefficient      81
Transmission, metal      88 227
Transmission, superconductor      88 227
Transport coefficients      65
Transport theory      65
Transport, thermoelectric      65
Transverse optical mode      220
Transverse phonon      17 21 132
Triple-axis neutron spectrometer      20
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