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Fetter A.L., Walecka J.D. — Quantum theory of many-particle systems |
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"Healing distance," 366 376
, liquid 49 116 128 480
, liquid, Brueckner's theory 150
, liquid, heat capacity 148
, liquid, zero sound 187
, liquid see "He II"
3-j symbol 584
6-j symbol 585—586
Addition theorem for spherical harmonics 516
Adiabatic "switching on," 59—61 289
Adiabatic process 187
Analytic continuation 117p 297—298 302—303 493
Angular momentum, review of 581—588
Angular-momentum operator 505
Anomalous amplitudes 489
Anomalous diagrams 289
Anomalous Green's functions (bosons) 213
Anticommutation relations 16
atoms 116 121 168p 195p 503 508 546 567
BCS coherence length 426 465 469
BCS gap equation see "Gap equation"
BCS theory see "Superconductor"
Bernoulli's equation 496
Beta decay 350—351
Bethe — Goldstone equation 322 358—366 567
Bethe — Goldstone equation with degenerate states 569—570
Bethe — Goldstone equation, and Galitskii equations 377—383
Bethe — Goldstone equation, anomalous eigenvalue 324
Bethe — Goldstone equation, effective-mass approximation 359
Bethe — Goldstone equation, energy shift of pair 371
Bethe — Goldstone equation, ground-state energy of hard-sphere gas 371—374
Bethe — Goldstone equation, ground-state energy of hard-sphere gas, p-wave interactions 374 386p
Bethe — Goldstone equation, ground-state energy of hard-sphere gas, s-wave interactions 371—374
Bethe — Goldstone equation, hard-core, solution for 363—366
Bethe — Goldstone equation, partial-wave decomposition 386p
Bethe — Goldstone equation, power-series expansion 373—374
Bethe — Goldstone equation, s-wave 360
Bethe — Goldstone equation, self-consistent 358—360 377—378
Bethe — Goldstone equation, square-well, solution for 360—363
Bethe — Salpeter equation 131—139 219 562—565 see
Bloch wave functions 5
Bogoliubov equations for superconductor 477p
Bogoliubov replacement 200 201 203 315 489
Bogoliubov transformation 316n 326—336 527—537
Bohr radius 25
Bohr — Sommerfeld quantization relation 425 484
Boltzmann distribution 39 279
Boltzmann's constant 36
Born approximation 188 197p 219 259 345 368
Born — Oppenheimer approximation 390n 410
Bose — Einstein condensation 44 198—200 211 481
Bose — Einstein condensation and superconductors 441 446 476p
Bose — Einstein condensation, rigorous derivation of 41n
Boson approximation in shell model 526—527 576p
Bosons 7 198—223 314—319 479—499
Bosons, Bethe — Salpeter equation 219
Bosons, charged 223p 336p 500p 501p
Bosons, chemical potential 202 206 216 493
Bosons, condensate 200 493
Bosons, condensate, at finite temperature 492—495
Bosons, condensate, moving 223p 336p 501p
Bosons, condensate, nonuniform 495—499
Bosons, density correlation function 223p
Bosons, distribution function 37 218 317
Bosons, Dyson's equations 211—214 223p
Bosons, Feynman rules, in coordinate space 208—209
Bosons, Feynman rules, in momentum space 209—210 223p
Bosons, field operator 200
Bosons, Green's functions 203—215
Bosons, ground-state energy 31p 201 207 318
Bosons, hamiltonian 200 315
Bosons, Heisenberg picture 204
Bosons, Hugenholtz — Pines relation 216 220 222 223p
Bosons, interaction picture 207—208
Bosons, kinetic energy 205
Bosons, Lehmann representation 214—215
Bosons, momentum operator 204
Bosons, noninteracting see "Ideal Bose gas"
Bosons, number operator 201—202
Bosons, perturbation theory 199 207—210
Bosons, potential energy 200 205—206
Bosons, proper self-energy 211 215 219
Bosons, temperature Green's function 491
Bosons, thermodynamic potential 37 38 202 207
Bosons, vacuum state 201
Bosons, Wick's theorem 203 223p see "Interacting
Brueckner — Goldstone theory and thermodynamic potential 288—289
Brueckner's theory 116 357—377 382—383
bulk modulus 30 390 407
Bulk property of matter 22 349
canonical ensemble 33
Canonical momentum 424—425
Canonical transformation to particles and holes 70—71 118p 332 504—508 547
Charge-density operator 188 353
Charged Bose gas 223p 336p 500p 501p
chemical potential 34 40 75 107 327 528—532 535
Chemical potential and proper self-energy 107
Chemical potential, bosons 202 206 216 493
Chemical potential, bosons, hard-sphere gas 220—222
Chemical potential, bosons, ideal 39—41 43
Chemical potential, classical limit 39—40
Chemical potential, difference in superconducting and normal state 335 453n
Chemical potential, electron gas 278 284—285
Chemical potential, fermions, hard-sphere gas 174
Chemical potential, fermions, ideal 45—48 75 284—285
Chemical potential, phonons 393 410p 485—486
Circulation 483 498
Clausius — Clapeyron equation 499—500p
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 544 582—584
Closed fermion loops 98 103
Coefficients offractional parentage 523n 576p
Coherence length, BCS 426 465 469
Coherence length, Ginsburg — Landau theory 433 472
Coherence length, superconductor 422 426 433 472
Collective modes 171 183 193—194 538
Collision time 184
Commutation relations 12 19
Compressibility 30 222 387p 390—391
condensate 33 200 220 317 491
Condensate and superfluid density 495
Condensate in a channel 502p
Condensate, ideal Bose gas 42
Condensate, measurement of 495
Condensate, moving 502p
Condensate, surface energy 497—498
Condensate, wave function 489 492
Condensate, wave function, at finite temperature 494—495
Condensate, wave function, boundary condition 496
Condensate, wave function, Hartree equation for 490
Condensate, wave function, spatial variation of 497
Condensation energy of superconductor 419 453
Configuration space 7
Connected diagrams 113 301—302 see
Constant of the motion 59
Continuity equation 183 420 496
Contractions 87—89 238 327—329
Cooper pairs 320—326 359—360 417 441
Cooper pairs, binding energy 325 336
Cooper pairs, bound-state wave function 336p
Core-polarization potential 574 577ð
Correlation energy 29 155 163—166 169p 286—287
Correlation energy and dielectric function 154
Correlation energy and polarization propagator 152
Correlations in nuclei 362—363 365—366 572—573
Correlations, two-particle 191—192
Coulomb energy of nuclei 350
Coulomb interaction 22 188 see
Coupling-constant integration 70 231—232 280 379
Creation operators 12
Critical angular velocity 499 500p
| Critical current 476p
Critical field 415 451 453 474p
Critical temperature of Bose gas 40 259—261
Critical velocity 460n 482 487 500p
Cross section, scattering 189 191 314—315
Crystal lattice 21 30 333 389 390 394—396 see
Curie's law 254p 309p 500p
Current operator 455
Cyclic property of trace 229
Damping 81 119p 181 195p 308 309p 310p
Debye frequency 333 394 395n 396 440n
Debye shielding length 279 306—308
Debye temperature 394—395 448
Debye theory of solids 389 393—395
Debye — Hueckel theory 278—281 290p
Deformed nuclei 515
Degeneracy factor 38 45
Delta function 101 246
Density correlation function 151 174 217 300—303 558
Density correlation function and polarization 153—154 302
Density correlation function at finite temperature 300—302
Density correlation function for bosons 223p
Density correlation function for fermions 194p 302 309p
Density correlation function, analytic properties 181n 302—303
Density correlation function, Lehmann representation 300—301
Density correlation function, perturbation expansion 301—302
Density correlation function, relation to polarization propagator 153 302
Density correlation function, retarded 173 194p 300—301 307
Density correlation function, time-ordered 174 175
Density fluctuation operator 111p 189
Density of and 480
Density of free Fermi gas 26—27
Density of nuclear matter 348—352
Density of states 38 266—267 333 447
Depletion 221 317 488
Destruction operators 12
Deuteron 343
Deviation operator for bosons 489
Deviation operator for density 151 173 300 560
Diagrams see "Feynman diagrams"
diamagnetic susceptibility 477p
Dielectric function 111 154 184 396
Dielectric function, ring approximation 156 163 175 180
Digamma function 580
Dipole sum rule 552 577p
Direct-product state 13 17
Disconnected diagrams 94—96 111 301 560
Disconnected diagrams, factorization of 96
Dispersion relation(s) for plasma oscillations 181—182 310p
Dispersion relation(s) for propagators 79 191 294—295
Dispersion relation(s) for zero sound 183—184
Distribution function for bosons 37 218 317
Distribution function for fermions 38 46 333—334
Distribution function for moving system 486 500p
Dyson's equations at finite temperature 250—253 412p
Dyson's equations for bosons 211—214 223ð
Dyson's equations for electron-phonon system 402—406 411p
Dyson's equations for Green's function 105—111
Dyson's equations for polarization 110—111 119p 252 271
Dyson's equations for superconductors 476p
Dyson's equations, Hartree — Fock approximation 122—123
Effective interaction 155 166—167 252—253
Effective mass in nuclear matter 356 369—370
Effective mass in superconductor 431
Effective mass of imperfect Bose gas 260
Effective mass of imperfect Fermi gas 148 168p 266
Effective mass, electron gas 169p 310p
Effective range 342—343 386p
Effective-mass approximation 359 384
Eikonal approximation 468—469 474
Electric quadrupole operator 514
Electron gas, adiabatic bulk modulus 390
Electron gas, chemical potential 278 284—285
Electron gas, classical limit 275—281 290p
Electron gas, correlation energy 29 155 163—166 169p 286—287
Electron gas, coupling to background 389 396—406
Electron gas, degenerate 21—31 151—167 281—289
Electron gas, dielectric constant 154
Electron gas, dimensionless variables for 25
Electron gas, effective interaction 155 166—167
Electron gas, effective mass 169p 310p
Electron gas, electrical neutrality 25
Electron gas, ground-state energy 32p 151—154 281—289
Electron gas, hamiltonian for 21—25
Electron gas, Hartree — Fock approximation 289p
Electron gas, heat capacity 289—290p
Electron gas, Helmholtz free energy 280 284—285
Electron gas, linear response 175—183 303—308
Electron gas, plasma oscillations 180—183 307—308
Electron gas, polarized 32p
Electron gas, proper self-energy 169p 268—271
Electron gas, screening 175—180 195p 303—307
Electron gas, single-particle excitations 310p
Electron gas, thermodynamic potential 268 273—275 278 284
Electron gas, zero-temperature limit 281—289
Electron scattering 171 188—194 348—349 557 566
Electron-phonon system, chemical potential of phonons 410p
Electron-phonon system, coupled-field theory 399—406
Electron-phonon system, coupled-field theory, Dyson's equations 402—406 411p
Electron-phonon system, coupled-field theory, Feynman — Dyson perturbation theory 399—406
Electron-phonon system, coupled-field theory, proper electron self-energy 402 411p
Electron-phonon system, coupled-field theory, proper phonon self-energy 402 411p
Electron-phonon system, coupled-field theory, vertex part 402—406
Electron-phonon system, equivalent electron-electron interaction 401—402
Electron-phonon system, Feynman rules for T=0 399—401
Electron-phonon system, field expansions 396—397
Electron-phonon system, finite-temperature properties 412p
Electron-phonon system, ground-state energy shift 399 411p
Electron-phonon system, hamiltonian 398
Electron-phonon system, interaction 320 396—399 417
Electron-phonon system, linear response 412p
Electron-phonon system, Migdal's theorem 406—410
Electron-phonon system, phonon field 410p
Electron-phonon system, phonon Green's function 400 402 411p
Electron-phonon system, screened coulomb interaction 397
Electron-phonon system, superconducting solutions 440n 476p
Electronic mean free path 425
Electronic specific heat 395n
Energy gap in nuclear matter 360 383—385 388p
Energy gap in nuclei 385 526 533
Energy gap in superconductors 320 330 417 447—449
Ensemble average 36
entropy 34—35
Entropy of an ideal quantum gas 49p
Entropy of He II 486
Entropy of ideal Fermi gas 48
Entropy of imperfect Fermi gas 265—266
Entropy of superconductor 419 476p
Equation of state 187
Equation of state of electron gas 30 278—281
Equation of state of ideal Bose gas 39 42
Equation of state of ideal classical gas 39
Equation of state of ideal Fermi gas 45 46 47—48
Equation of state of ultrarelativistic ideal gas 49p
Equations of motion, linearization 440—441 538—543
Equilibrium thermodynamics and temperature Green's function 227 229—232
Equipartition of energy 394—395
Euler's constant 580
Exchange energy 29 94 126—127 168p 354
Excitation spectrum 81
Excitation spectrum in normal state 334
Excitation spectrum in superconductors 334 334n
Excitation spectrum interacting Bose gas 217 317
Exclusion principle see "Pauli exclusion principle"
Extensive variables 29 35
External perturbation 118p 122 172 173 253p 298 303
Factorization of ensemble averages 441 457
Fadeev equations 377
Fermi gas, interacting see "Hard-sphere Fermi gas" "Interacting
Fermi gas, noninteracting see "Ideal Fermi gas"
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