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Northolt M.G. — Separation Techniques Thermodynamics Liquid Crystal |
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Activation energy 162 163 166 168 171
Activation enthalpy 120
Activation entropy 120
Activity coefficient, segment-molar 56 76 87 95 104
Affine deformation 136 137
Air gap see "Spinning"
Anisotropic phase see "Nematic phase"
Anisotropic potential 125 126
annealing see "Heat-treatment"
Aramid 120 137
Automation 7—9
Axial ratio 125
Banded pattern see "Texture banded"
Barker theory 67 68
Biphasic region 130 132 149
Birefringence 130 131 136 144—147
Birefringence, lateral 144—146 151
Blend analysis 28 36—43 46
blobs 128 129
Block copolymer solutions 51 102—109
Butene-propylene copolymer 36
Calibration, effect of comonomer 21 38
Calibration, effect of molecular weight 20
Cellulose fibers 119 133 149
Chain end 141 147 165
Chain modulus see "Modulus"
Chain scission 172
Chain spring 156 157
Chemical potential, segment-molar 56
Clearing point see "Temperature nematic-isotropic"
Cloud-point curve 58—108
Coagulation 132 133 136 139 149—152
Coagulation, relaxation during 152
Coexistence curve 58—66 93 94 101
Column construction 7 8
Column packing 4 7 8 10 15
Comonomer 12
Comonomer distribution 29 30 32
Comonomer, effect on melting point 19 33
Comonomer, molecular weight dependence 30 31 33
Comonomer, type 21 29 33
Compatibility 91
Compliance 156 160
Compliance fiber 141 156
Compliance matrix elements 158 159
Compliance, dynamic 157
Conformation 137—139
Continuous thermodynamics, stability theory 71 96
Contour length 126
Cooling, natural 8
Cooling, programmed 8 10
Copolymer blend 91—102
creep 159—162 171
Critical concentration 123 129 133 134
Critical point 71—74 77 79—82
Cross-fractionation 15 30 33 42—46
Crystal modification see "Crystal structure"
Crystal structure 139—143 150 151
density 153
Density, crystalline 139
Detectors, infrared 14 15 41
Detectors, refractive index 13 41
Detectors, viscometer 16
dielectric constant see "Polarizability"
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 33 36 37 163 170
Differential thermal analysis (DTA) 170
Diffraction, electron 139—144
Dirac delta function 55
Director 129 132 136
Disclination 130 131
Disorder see "Distortion"
Distortion 139—142
Distribution function, continuous 51
Distribution function, Dirac 107
Distribution function, divariate 59 69 91 103
Distribution function, moments 59 61 101
Distribution function, multivariate 52 64—67 100—102
Distribution function, Schulz — Flory 70 107
Distribution function, segment-molar 53
Distribution function, Stockmayer 69 70
Distribution function, Wesslau 87
DMA see "Dynamic mechanical analysis"
Domain 123 128 129 132
Draw ratio 132—137
Draw ratio, air gap 136
Draw ratio, effective 136
Draw ratio, predraw 136 137
Drying see "Differential scanning calorimetry"
DTA see "Differential thermal analysis"
Dynamic compliance 157
Dynamic mechanical analysis 162 163 171
ED see "Electron diffraction"
Elastic behaviour 156—159
Elasticity, delayed see "Viscoelasticity"
Electron diffraction 139—144
Elongation at break 153
Elongational flow 131 132 135
Energy, activation 162 163 166 168 171
Energy, conformational 138 139
Energy, derealization 138
Energy, dissipated 155
Energy, free 126
Energy, stored 155
entropy 120 125 162—164 171
Ethylene-4 methyl pentene copolymer 21
Ethylene-butene copolymer 21 25 31 33
Ethylene-ethyl acrylate copolymer 27
Ethylene-hexene copolymer 21 33
Ethylene-octene 21 31 33 34
Ethylene-propylene copolymer 21 35 42
Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer 26—29
Euler's theorem 54
Excluded volume 125 128
Extension, permanent 155
Extensive quantity 53
Failure, probability 164
Failure, process 147
Failure, shear 166
Failure, tensile 164—166
Feed phase 61
Fiber formation 135—137 149—152
Fibril 145 154 156 159
Field flow 131—137
Field, magnetic 130 131 152
film 150 152 167
flexibility 126 138 168
Flory — Huggins equation 19
Flow, elongational 131 132 135
Flow, shear 130 131
Fractionation, gradient elution 7 24 31 33 34
Fracture 143 164—166
Gibbs free energy, excess 58 68 69 75 76 87 95
Gibbs free energy, segment-molar 56—58
Gibbs — Duhem equation 54
Glass transition temperature 163 168—170
Griffith length 166
Heart-treatment 140 152 155 159 167 170—172
Heterocyclic rigid-rod polymer 119—122
High-pressure phase equilibrium 86—90
Huggins- -parameter 68 103
Hydrogen bonds 139 141 144 150 151 158 165—169
Hysteresis 155
Infrared (IR) spectroscopy 139
Intensive variables 53
Intermolecular interaction 137 138 168 169
Intramolecular interaction 138
IR spectroscopy see "Infrared"
Isotacticity 19 34—36
Isotropic phase 123 130
Kevlar 137
| Kink band 168 169
Lattive model 67—75 95
Legendre polynomial, second order 124
Length, persistence 124—132 137 138
Length, test 153 164
Linear low-density polyethylene see "Polyethylene"
Liquid-liquid blends equilibrium 51
Liquid-liquid blends of random copolymer 91—102
Liquid-liquid blends solutions of block copolymers 102—108
Liquid-liquid blends solutions of random copolymers 91—102
Long-chain branching 4 23—25
Loss factor 134 135 162
Low-density polyethylene see "Polyethylene"
Lyotropic solution 122—137
Magnetic field 130 131 152
Maier — Saupe theory 123—128
Maier — Saupe theory, modified 125—129 136
Mark — Houwink equation 123
Mass balance 61
Mechanical conditioning 159
Mechanical model 156—158
Mechanical properties 152—170
Mechanical properties, film 150
Melting temperature 170 171
Mesophase 102 122—137 see
Mesophase separation 103—108
Microscopy 144—149
Microscopy, optical 143—149
Microscopy, scanning electron 143—149
Microscopy, transmission electron 143—149
Microstructure see "Morphology"
Modulus, chain 141 156—159 164
Modulus, dynamic 154
Modulus, lattice 158
Modulus, shear 134 156 171
Modulus, tensile 134 140 153
Modulus, torsion 159
Modulus, Weibull 164 171 172
Molecular asymmetry 125
Molecular weight 123 124 127 165
Molecular weight distribution 4 15 18 30
Molecular weight separation 4
Morphology 137—152
Morphology, fracture 143
Morphology, peel 143
Nematic phase 122—137
Nematic solution 122—137
NMR see "Nuclear magnetic resonance"
Normalization condition 53
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 28 34 35 138
Order parameter 132—137
Order parameter, director field 136 137
Order parameter, molecular 124—128 131 132 136 137
Order parameter, overall 131
Orientability parameter 135
Orientation angle 124
Orientation distribution 125 141 154 156
Orientation parameter 156 157 160—162
Orientational order 122—137
Partial segment-molar quantity 54—56
Partition function 125
Permanent extension 155
Persistence length 124—132 137 138
Phase equilibrium condition 59 62 65 91 100
Phase transition, shear-induced 131
Pleat 143—145 152
Pleated sheet 144—149 159
Polarizability 127 128 145
Poly (4,4'-benzanilidylene terephthalamide) 120—137 139
Poly (m-benzamide) 158
Poly (m-phenylene isophthalamide) 137 138 158
Poly (p-benzamide) 119—158
Poly (p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) 121—124 130 139 147 153 155 159 163—168
Poly (p-phenylene benzobisthiazole) 121—124 130 138 143 144 152 155 159 164—168 171
Poly (p-phenylene terephthalamide) 119—172
Polyamide, aromatic 119—172
Polydisperse ensemble 52
Polydispersity 51
Polydispersity, chemical 58 59 70
Polyethylene 6—8 19 21
Polyethylene, linear low-density 4 29—34 42 44
Polyethylene, low-density 4 23—26 44
Polyisobutylene 42
Polypropylene 7 19 22 34—36 42
Potential, anisotropic 125—127
Potential, Lennard — Jones 126
Potential, Maier — Saupe see "Anisotropic potential"
Precrystalline structure 140—142
Pseudo-component 51
Pseudobinary mixture 51 58—64
Quiescent state 123 128 132
Radius of gyration 124
Raman scattering 158
Reactivity ratio 33
Recovery 154 155 160 164
Refractive index 145
Refractive index, ellipsoid 145
Refractive index, lateral 147
Refractive index, longitudinal 147
Refractive index, radially lateral 147
Refractive index, tangentially lateral 147
Relaxation during coagulation 152
Relaxation, peaks 162 163
Relaxation, stress see "Stress"
Relaxation, time 132
Repeat distance 139 143 144
Rheology 129—137
Rigidity 126
Rotary diffusion constant 124
SAXS see "Scattering"
Scanning electron microscopy 143—149
Scattering, light 124
Scattering, small-angle X-ray (SAXS) 141—144
Scattering, wide-angle X-ray (WAXS) 139—143
SEM see "Scanning electron microscopy"
Separation, co-crystallization 21
Separation, column packing 22
Separation, comonomer 19
Separation, comonomer size 21
Separation, effect of crystallinity 4 8
Series model 156—162
Shadow curve 58—66 70 71 78—93 100—108
Shear flow 129—131
Shear spring 156 157 164
Shear thinning 129 130
Short-chain branching 4 12 27 28 33 45
Short-chain branching, distribution 14 23 29 44
Size, apparent 139 140
Size, crystalline 139 140
Size, exclusion chromatography 4 5 12 13 15 31 44
Size, lateral 140 141 144
Size, longitudinal 140 141 144
Skin-core 145 152
SLIP 161 165 167 168
Solidification 132
Solubility 4
Solubility limit 124
Solution 122—137
Solution, concentrated 131
Solution, dilute 124
Solution, spinning 132
Solution, sulfuric acid 123—137
Solvate structure 149 150
Solvate structure, melting point 149
Solvent, -chloronaphthalene 15
Solvent, kerosene 7
Solvent, o-dichlorobenzene 15
Solvent, trichlorobenzene 13 18
Solvent, xylene 7 21
Spherulite 130 149—152
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