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Поиск книг, содержащих: Wigner function
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Schweizer W. — Numerical quantum dynamics | 20, 22, 68 | Landsman N.P. — Mathematical topics between classical and quantum mechanics | 142 | Carmona R. — Practical Time-Frequency Analysis | 231 | Holmes M.H. — Introduction to Perturbation Methods | 142 | Gershenfeld N. — The Nature of Mathematical Modelling-Neil Gershenfeld | 136 | Weiss U. — Quantum Dissapative Systems | 97 | Zagoskin A.M. — Quantum theory of many-body systems | 125 | Rammer J. — Quantum transport theory | 169, 179 | Dittrich T. (ed.), Hanggi P. (ed.), Ingold G.-L. (ed,) — Quantum transport and dissipation | 294, 296, 297, 301, 303, 341, 344, 346, 349 | Braunstein S.L. — Quantum computing | 94, 274 | Greiner W., Schramm S., Stein E. — Quantum chromodynamics | 120 | Tabor M. — Chaos and Integrability in Nonlinear Dynamics: An Introduction | 247—248 | Gardiner C.W., Zoller P. — Quantum Noise: A Handbook of Markovian and Non-Markovian Quantum Stochastic Methods with Applications to Quantum Optics | 106, 115 | Dutra S.M. — Cavity quantum electrodynamics | 124 | Hans-Jürgen Stöckmann — Quantum Chaos: An Introduction | 309 | Elze H.-T. (ed.) — Decoherence and entropy in complex systems | 72, 81, 143, 152, 288, 338 | Haug H., Jauho A.-P. — Quantum kinetics in transport and optics of semiconductors | 87—88, 111 | Kumar P., D'Ariano G.M., Hirota O. — Quantum communication, computing, and measurement 2 | 123, 314, 363, 378, 522 | Greiner W. — Quantum mechanics: special chapters | 243 | Auletta G. — Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics | 86, 87, 90, 91 | Perina J., Hradil Z., Jurco B. — Quantum optics and fundamentals of physics | 128, 148, 180 | Gardiner C.W. — Quantum Noise | 117, 125 | Steeb W., Hardy Y. — Problems and Solutions in Quantum Computing and Quantum Information | 63, 213 | Barnett S.M., Radmore P.M. — Methods in Theoretical Quantum Optics | 118—119, 123, 124 | Puri P.R. — Mathematical methods of quantum optics | 87 | McGuire J.H. — Electron correlation dynamics in atomic collisions | 141 | Bachor H.-A., Ralph T.C. — A guide to experiments in quantum optics | 72, 239, 378 | Datta S. — Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems | 325—328 | Gaspard P. (ed.), Burghardt I. (ed.) — Advances in CHEMICAL PHYSICS. Volume 101: Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale XXth Solvay Conference on Chemistry | 360—361, 382, 385, 504 | Walls D.F., Milburn G.J. — Quantum Optics | 63 | Unterberger A. — Quantization and Non-Holomorphic Modular Forms | 121 | Bruss D. (ed.), Leuchs G. (ed.) — Lectures on Quantum Information | 44, 148, 149, 152, 155, 298, 543 | H. Fehske, R. Schneider, A. Weile — Computational Many-Particle Physics | 41, 50, 52, 59 |