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Zagoskin A.M. — Quantum theory of many-body systems
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Название: Quantum theory of many-body systems
Автор: Zagoskin A.M.
Аннотация: Intended for graduate students in physics and related fields, this text is a self contained treatment of the physics of many-body systems from the point of view of condensed matter. The approach, quite traditionally, uses the mathematical formalism of quasiparticles and Green's functions. In particular, it covers all the important diagram techniques for normal and superconducting systems, including the zero-temperature perturbation theory, and the Matsubara, Keldysh, and Nambu-Gor'kov formalisms. The aim is not to be exhaustive, but to present just enough detail to enable the student to follow the current research literature or to apply the techniques to new problems. Many of the examples are drawn from mesoscopic physics, which deals with systems small enough that quantum coherence is maintained throughout their volume, and which therefore provides an ideal testing ground for many-body theories.
Рубрика: Физика /Квантовая теория поля /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1998
Количество страниц: 229
Добавлена в каталог: 10.10.2005
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Abel regularization 69
action 13 ff.
Adiabatic hypothesis 68
Aharonov — Bohm effect 20
Andreev, and Josephson current 191 194 195
Andreev, levels in an SNS junction 190 ff.
Andreev, reflection 184 ff.
Annihilation operator 34—37 43—46 163
Anomalous average 155
Autocorrelation function 114
Autocovariation function 114
Bardeen — Cooper — Schrieffer (BCS) Hamiltonian 154 160 161
Bare particle 5 7
BBGKY chain 54
Bethe — Salpeter equation 91 ff. 158
Bloch, equation 102
Bloch, functions 50
Bogoliubov — de Gennes equations 163 ff. 184
Bogoliubov — de Gennes equations, functional 162
Bogoliubov — de Gennes equations, transformation 163 ff.
Bogolon 164 166
Bose — Einstein, distribution function 102
Bose — Einstein, statistics 32
Bound state formation 149 158
Callen — Welton formula 115
Cancellation theorem 75 108
canonical ensemble 54 55
Cauchy theorem 64 65 110
Charging energy 203 206 208
Chronological ordering operator see “Time ordering operator”
Closure relation 17 18
Coherence factors 165 166
Coherence length in normal metal 190
Collision integral 128 135
Commutation (anticommutation) relations, between phase and number operators 41
Commutation (anticommutation) relations, Bose 37 38
Commutation (anticommutation) relations, Fermi 45
Completeness see “Closure relation”
Conductance 134 212 214 215
Conductance, quantization 133 ff.
Continual integral see “Path integral”
Contraction 70
Cooper effect 150
Cooper pair 43 150 154 157 185 206
Coulomb, blockade 203 ff.
Coulomb, potential 2
Coulomb, potential, screening 3 4 145
Creation operator 34—37 43—46 163
Debye — Huckel screening length 4 145
Debye, frequency 148
Density matrix see “Statistical operator”
Density operator 37
Dirac 14 23
Dirac, bra and ket vectors 17
Dressed particle 5
Dyson, equation for Green’s functions 82 126 170
Dyson, equation for the vertex part 89
Dyson, expansion 27 107
Electron-phonon collision integral 135 ff.
Electron-phonon coupling constant 79 173
Elementary excitation see “Quasiparticle”
Eliashberg equations 173
Evolution operator 23 ff. 103
Fermi — Dirac statistics 32
Fermi, distribution function 102
Fermi, surface 51 52 61 150 154 159
Feynman, diagrams 8 29 30 66 72 106
Feynman, rules 2 9 30 68 76—79 85 108 169 171
Field operators 37 45
Field operators, equations of motion 49 50 165
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 114ff.
Flux quantum 22
Fock space 31
Functional 13 162
Functional integrals see “Path integrals”
Gaussian integral 12 17 19 161
Generalized force 112
Generalized susceptibility 113
Gibbs 55 97
Gor’kov’s equations 173 ff. 175
Gradient expansion 126 178
grand canonical ensemble 54 55
Grand potential 55
Grand potential, of the superconductor 167
Grand potential, of the superconductor, and Josephson current 193 194
Green’s function 8 11 49
Green’s function, advanced 12 62 63 97 99 202
Green’s function, analytic properties 57 97 174
Green’s function, and observables 65 179
Green’s function, causal 53 98 174
Green’s function, n-particle 85 86
Green’s function, nonequilibrium 117 ff. 175 201 202
Green’s function, of two operators 112
Green’s function, retarded 11 87 99 174 202
Green’s function, temperature (Matsubara) 104 ff. 175 176
Hamiltonian function 16 18
Hartree — Fock approximation 86 87 172
Heaviside step function 11
Heisenberg, equations of motion 26 68 103 165
Heisenberg, representation 26—28 56
Hilbert space 33
Hooke’s law 111
Huygens principle 9
Impedance 116
Indistinguishability principle 32
Instantaneous eigenstates 27 28
Interaction representation 26 68 107
Johnson — Nyquist noise 117
Josephson, coupling energy 207
Josephson, current 192 195 202 207 208
Josephson, effect 139 156 192
Josephson, effect, in a long SNS junction 195
Josephson, effect, in a quantum point contact 192
Josephson, effect, in an SND junction 199
Josephson, frequency 201
Kallen — Lehmann representation 58 64 98 131 174 197
Keldysh, contour 119
Keldysh, equations 126
Keldysh, formalism 121 ff. 102 175 200
Keldysh, function 121 125 201
Kramers — Kronig relation 65 99
Kubo formula 110 ff. 113
Kubo — Martin — Schwinger identity 115
Ladder approximation for the polarization operator 84 85
Ladder approximation for the two-particle Green’s function 93 158
Lagrange function 13 20
Landau 51 182
Landauer formula 133 ff. 143 211
Linear response theory 99 110
Liouville equation 97
Mass operator 81
Matsubara, conjugate 103
Matsubara, field operator 103 175
Matsubara, formalism 99 102 175
Matsubara, frequencies 105 108 110
Matsubara, frequencies, summation formulae 108 ff.
Matsubara, Green’s function see “Green’s function”
Mean field approximation (MFA) 2 155 156 161 202 203
Meromorphic function 60
Mesoscopic system 19 20 215
Mixed state 95
Nambu operators 169
Nambu — Gor’kov formalism 168 ff.
Nambu — Gor’kov Green’s function 169 201
Normal ordering 70
Number, operator 36
Number-phase uncertainty relation 41 ff.
Nyquist theorem 117
Occupation number 33
Off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO) 155
Ohm’s Law 111
Pairing, Hamiltonian see “BCS Hamiltonian”
Pairing, in superconducting state 150
Pairing, of field operators see “Contraction”
Pairing, potential 150 170 185 186
Parity, effect 156 206 207
Parity, of permutation 44
Partial current 132 161
Partial summation of Feynman diagrams 82 172
Path integrals 13 14 161
Pauli matrices 122 170
Pauli principle 33
Perturbation expansion in many-body theory 66 106
Perturbation expansion in one-body theory 22 28
Phase of the superconducting order parameter 156 177 189 191 193
Phase, coherence length 20
Phase-number uncertainty relation 41 ff.
Phonon 2 50 51
Phonon, Green’s function (propagator) 57 79 123 124 171
Plasma frequency 6
Plasmon 6
Plemelj theorem 65
Poisson summation formula 198
Polarization, insertion 83
Polarization, operator 83 144
Propagation function (propagator) 8 ff. 52
Propagation function (propagator), composition property 9
Propagation function (propagator), path integral expression 16 19
proximity effect 187 189 190
Pure state 95
Quantum coherence 156 190
Quantum kinetic equation 125 ff. 127
Quantum point contact (QPC), normal 128
Quantum point contact (QPC), superconducting 192
Quasiparticle 1 5 8 49 63 164 166 167
Quasiparticle, dispersion law 59 62 166 167
Quasiparticle, lifetime 50 64
Random phase approximation (RPA) 84 85
Renormalization of interactions 4 83
Riemann sum 16
S-operator (S-matrix) 17 25 27 52 68 69 107
Schrodinger equation 10 43 49 103
Schrodinger representation 23
screening 2—4 83 145
Second quantization 31 ff.
Second quantization, representation of operators 37 38 45 46
Self energy part 78 136 172
Self energy part, irreducible 81
Self energy part, proper 81
Self-consistency relation 161 163 174 181
Sharvin resistance 132 ff.
Single-electron tunneling (SET) 203 ff.
Slater determinant 33 43
SND junction 199
SNS junction 195 ff. 115
Spectral density of fluctuations 114
Spectral density of Green’s function 100 174
Spectral density of Green’s function 63 99
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 156 157
Statistical operator 53 55 95
Sum rule 100
Superconducting order parameter 156 177 179 181 183 189
Superconducting order parameter, in a current-carrying state 176 ff.
Superfluid velocity 176
Temperature Green’s function see “Green’s function”
Temperature ordering operator 104
Thomas — Fermi equation 3
Thomas — Fermi screening length 3 84
Time ordering operator 24
Time ordering operator, in imaginary time see “Temperature ordering operator”
Time ordering operator, on Keldysh contour 119
Transition amplitude 9 20 52
Transition probability 13 14 20 22
Tunneling Hamiltonian 139 ff. 200
Two-particle excitations 85 87 158
VACUUM 34 148
Vector potential 20 177
Vertex function 90—93
Virtual particle-hole pair 84
Watson’s lemma 12 64
Weierstrass formula 60 98 197
Wick’s rotation 103 104
Wick’s theorem 69 70 108 169
Wiener — Khintchin theorem 114
Wigner function 125
Yukawa potential 4 5 84
“Jelly” model 2—4