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McGuire J.H. — Electron correlation dynamics in atomic collisions |
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, , forms of dipole operator 200
body problem 57
particles 57 77 138 181
particles, list of systems 254
photons 220 229 254
-matrix 44
matrix 28 160 193
Above threshold ionization 220
Active electron approximation 68
Anti matter 154 167
Antiscreening 176 178 188
Antiscreening, threshold 190
Asymptotic states 125
Atomic form factor 179 185 214 226 230 232 233
Atomic form factor, electron 181
Atomic form factor, limits of 180
Atomic orbital expansion 22
Auger effect 63 73 131
Average potential 284; see Mean field potential
Band width theorem 152
Bates — Born approximation 34 65
BBGKY hierarchy 15 122 123 141
Bethe Born limit 236
Bethe’s integral 178
Biexciton 220
Binary encounter 241
Binary encounter approximation (BEA) 50
Binding energy, increase of 88
Binomial coefficient 4
Binomial distribution 4 70 84 85 88 145 252
Binomial distribution, comparison to statistical energy distribution (SED) 110
Binomial distribution, recursion relation 4 252
Binomial distribution, three final states 88
Binomial distribution, with subshells 88
biology 10 42 120 229
bonds 120
Born approximation 154 177 233
Born approximation, scaling laws 26
Born expansion 24 144 156
Bose-Einstein condensation 220
boundary conditions 249
Bragg scattering 228
Bremsstrahlung 228
Capture 287; see Transfer
Causality 23 148 152 248 249
Chaos 119
Charge density 186
Charge, effects 145 152 154 164 167 173
Charged particle relation to photon 229
Chemical rate constant 10
Chemistry 10 42 90 104 110 120 159 229
Classical limit of quantum mechanics 285; see Quantum mechanics
Classical radius of the electron 213
Classical scattering calculations 70
Closure 181 189 244
Closure, validity of 181
Cluster 90
Cluster expansion 123
Cluster, independent electron approximation 90
Coherent 176
Coherent and incoherent 182 192
Coherent scattering 181
Coherent scattering, by a photon 227 228
Coherent term 178
Complexity meaning of 68 72 120 121
Compton scattering 203 213 215 227 229
Compton scattering factor 226
Compton scattering, and charged particle scattering 232
Compton scattering, and photoannihilation 237 239 240
Compton scattering, second order 216
Compton scattering, two electron 219
Condensed matter 84 117 120 122
Condensed matter, exciton 220
Conduction band 21
Configuration interaction (CI) method 34 126 130 155
Consciousness 68 121
Continuum, projectile 41
Continuum, state 39
Continuum, target 41
Continuum, wavefunction 70 126
Continuum, wavefunction, BBK 42
Continuum, wavefunction, for hydrogen 245
Continuum, wavefunction, four body 43
Continuum, wavefunction, many charged particles 43
Continuum, wavefunction, N body 43
Continuum, wavefunction, three body 42
Continuum, wavefunction, two body 40
Correlation 14 62 120
Correlation, th order correlation function 123
Correlation, effects 154 164 167 173
Correlation, effects, uncorrelated 145
Correlation, bicentric 130
Correlation, biexciton 220
Correlation, biology 124
Correlation, bird feeding patterns 121
Correlation, chaos 122
Correlation, chemistry 124
Correlation, chemistry, definition of 104
Correlation, common examples 120
Correlation, complexity 121
Correlation, consciousness 68 121
Correlation, corporate growth 121
Correlation, definition 14 120 121
Correlation, degree of correlation 123
Correlation, DNA 121
Correlation, during a collision 127
Correlation, dynamic 62 120 127 128 142-4 151 154 164 165 167 198
Correlation, electron 120
Correlation, entropy 122 124
Correlation, estimates of 128 131
Correlation, evolution operator 127 143
Correlation, exchange 69 81
Correlation, families and individuals 120
Correlation, final state 130 163
Correlation, first use of 122
Correlation, free will 121
Correlation, frozen 63
Correlation, function, BBGKY 15 122 123 141
Correlation, gauge dependence 209
Correlation, generalized correlation coefficient 123
Correlation, generation in body system 141
Correlation, generation in large systems 143
Correlation, Hamiltonian 57 78
Correlation, heartbeats 121
Correlation, information 121
Correlation, information theory 124
Correlation, initial state 130 163
Correlation, interaction 14 58 79 121 125 175
Correlation, Liouvillian 141
Correlation, mathematical 14 121
Correlation, mechanisms 167 176 209 219 221
Correlation, memory 121
Correlation, molecules 122
Correlation, multi-center 129
Correlation, multicentric 130
Correlation, non-locality 121
Correlation, Pauli 69 81
Correlation, physical 14 121
Correlation, potential 79 121 123 125
Correlation, relation to entangled states 124
Correlation, relative importance 131
Correlation, scale invariance 121
Correlation, scattering 124 127 128 142
Correlation, shake 145
Correlation, single center 130
Correlation, single electron transitions 122
Correlation, solids 122 220
Correlation, spatial 14 121 144 153 165
Correlation, standard deviation 122
Correlation, static 122 125 198
| Correlation, static and dynamic 124
Correlation, statistical 15 69 121
Correlation, statistical mechanics 122
Correlation, stochastic uses 122
Correlation, time 15 121 144 151 165
Correlation, two center 129 174
Correlation, two electron transitions 154
Correlation, two particle correlation function 123
Correlation, uncorrelated limit 62 103 121
Correlation, uncorrelated limit, with shake 145
Correlation, water 121
Correlation, wavefunction 121
Correlation, waves and particles 121
Coulomb explosions 103
Coulomb potential 245
Coulomb potential, long range effects 41 43 64
Coulomb potential, removing the long range tail 19 34 42 58 65
Coulomb scattering classical correspondence 55
Coulomb wavefunction four body 43
Coulomb wavefunction, body 43
Coulomb wavefunction, three body 42
Coulomb wavefunction, two body 40
Coupled channel equations 22 44 71
Coupled channel equations, for independent electrons 82
CPT invariance 150
Cross section 7
Cross section, differential 8
Cross section, exclusive 66
Cross section, first Born tables 52
Cross section, inclusive 66
Cross section, many electron 62
Cross section, ratio 126 136 138 166-8 205 207 218 231 234 237 240
Cross section, total 9
Cross section, uncorrelated 66
Degree of correlation 123
Density functional 104 106
Density, charge 186
Density, electron 11 65 105 120 122 193
Density, electron, projectile electron 174 184-6
Density, probability 140 141
Dielectronic processes 130
Dipole approximation 73 230 235 237 239 240
Dipole approximation, validity 200
Dipole fraction 231
Dipole operator, acceleration form 201
Dipole operator, length form 200
Dipole operator, length, velocity and acceleration 205
Dipole operator, velocity form 200
Dirac — Fock 124
Dirac — Fock, time dependent 71
Dispersion relation, Kramers — Kronig 144 152 248
Dispersion relation, photon vs. electron 242
Distorted wave methods 44
DNA 121
Dynamic correlation 279; see Correlation dynamic
Effective charge 179
Effective charge, for one electron ions 102
Effective charge, projectile 102
Effective charge, projectile, reduction to point charge 184
Eigenstates 18
Eikonal method 44
Elastic scattering 21
Elastic scattering, factor 226
Elastic scattering, photon 227
Elastic term 178
Electron electron correlation 279; see Correlation
Electron electron interaction 58 279;
Electron exchange 68
Electron transfer 287; see Transfer
Electron, active 5 16 68 100
Electron, complexity 242
Electron, composition of 198
Electron, conscious 68
Electron, coupling to photon 200
Electron, multiple in semiconductors 220
Electron, on projectile 174
Electron, passive 5 68 100
Electron, separation from nuclear motion 59 75
Electron, superfluidity 220
Electron, two, on different centers 174
Electron-electron term 178
Electron-nucleus term 178
Electrons, two, in B field 223
Electrons, two, in strong EM field 225
Energy spectral distribution 236
Energy spectral distribution, normalized 231
Energy-conserving term 153
Energy-non-conserving term 153
Entangled states 124
entropy 117 122 124
Ericson fluctuation 119
Evolution operator 12 23 60 94
Evolution operator, correlated and uncorrelated 127
Evolution operator, generation of correlation 143
Evolution operator, independent electrons 95
Evolution operator, single particle 80
Evolution operator, uncorrelated 80
Exchange 68 81
Exchange symmetry 69
Exchange, correlation 69
Exchange, many electron 82
Exchange, Pauli blocking 82
Exchange, two electron system 81
Excitation 21
Excitation, 31 185
Excitation, 30 187
Excitation, arbitrary states 31
Excitation, by photons 235
Excitation, de-excitation 63 72
Excitation, double 169
Excitation, plus transfer 171
Excitation, single electron 48
Excitation, two electron 70
Excitation, with transfer 70
Exciton biexciton 220
Exclusive cross section 66
Exclusive Probability 4 6 66
Expansion parameters 226
Experiment beam-foil MEM analysis 118
Experiment, photon 220
Experiment, capture to the continuum 41
Experiment, chaos 119
Experiment, Compton scattering 219 240
Experiment, differential photon 219
Experiment, double ionization charged particle 166 241
Experiment, double ionization, differential 168
Experiment, double ionization, electron 168
Experiment, double ionization, photon 218-20 241
Experiment, electron impact 49
Experiment, excitation to in H 50
Experiment, excitation transfer 171
Experiment, excitation-ionization 159
Experiment, excitation-transfer 172
Experiment, general data compilation 49
Experiment, ion-atom survey 48
Experiment, ionization transfer 170
Experiment, ionization transfer, Thomas peak 171
Experiment, ionization-excitation charged particle 170
Experiment, ions on H 49
Experiment, laser assisted atomic transitions 221
Experiment, molecule Coulomb explosion 103
Experiment, molecule, multiple ionization 168
Experiment, molecule, photon 218
Experiment, multiple excitation charged particle 169
Experiment, multiple ionization atoms 168
Experiment, multiple ionization, charged particle 86
Experiment, multiple ionization, comparison of binomial and SED 112
Experiment, multiple ionization, molecule 168
Experiment, multiple ionization, of ions 168
Experiment, multiple ionization, photon 218 219 240
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