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Bachor H.-A., Ralph T.C. — A guide to experiments in quantum optics |
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Acousto-optical modulator 141
Amplifier electronic 162
Amplifier noise 185
Amplifier saturation 202
Amplifier, optical 162
Amplifier, parametric 167 263
Amplitude modulator 141
Amplitude quadrature 17
Amplitude quadrature, operator 69
Amplitude quadrature, uncertainty 69
Amplitude squeezed fight 240
Anti-bunching 53
applications 310
Attenuation 67
Attenuation effect on entanglement 367
Attenuation effect on squeezed fight 254
Bandwidth resolution 190
Bandwidth video 191
Beam divergence 15
Beam shape 14
Beam twin photons 294
Beam waist 14
Beamsplitter classical 99
Beamsplitter, phaseshift 101
Beamsplitter, photons 104 106
Beamsplitter, polarising 101
Beamsplitter, polarizing 47
Beamsplitter, quantum model 102
Beamsplitter, sidebands 110
Beat signals 40
Bell inequality 368
Bell measurement 387 388
Bell state 387 400
Bistability 280
Bit 374
Bolometer 177
Bunching 53
Canonical quantization 61
Carrier frequency 20
Cascaded nonlinearities 273
Casimir force 63
Cavity, locking 221
Cavity, phase response 126
Cavity, power response 124
Cavity, reflection 124
Cavity, stability 129
Cavity, transfer function 135
Cavity, transmission 124
Chaotic fight 31
Classical beamsplitter 99
Classical cavity 121
Classical correlations 24
Classical fluctuations 23
Classical interferometer 112
Classical mode of fight 19
Classical modulation 20
Classical quadratures 16
Clone 387
CNOT 375
CNOT experiment 399
CNOT theory 395
Coherent state 65
Communication classical 310
Commutator 64
Competing nonlinearities 273
Correlation 195
Correlation function, second order 28 54
Correlation, detection electronically 196
Correlation, independent sources 45
Cryptography 375 383
Current junction 111
Dark fringe 117
dB scale 193
Dense coding 387
Density operator 68 381
Detection in quantum optics 81
Detection process 37
Detection, balanced 204
Detection, beats 180
Detection, delay 39
Detection, direct 200
Detection, electronic circuit 185
Detection, frequency 3 190
Detection, heterodyne 210
Detection, homodyne 206
Detection, saturation 202
Detection, squeezed light 250
Detector, circuit 187
Detector, materials 184
Detector, thermal 177
Displacement 66 90
Dissipation 67
Down conversion 168 359 377
Efficiency detection 202
Efficiency detector 174 182
Efficiency homodyne detector 210
Electro-optical modulator 141
Electronic amplifier 186
Electronic noise 186
Electronic spectrum analyser 187
Energy, zero point 63
Entanglement 362
EPR paradox 362
Fano factor 75
Fano factor, beamsplitter 108
Feedback classical 213
Feedback, quantum system 216
Fidelity 382
Finesse 123
Fock state 64
Four wave mixing 235 260
Four wave mixing, effect on noise 237
Fourier transform 85
Free spectral range 120
Frequency modulation 20
Frequency relaxation oscillation 158
Frequency space 85
Frequency spectrum 77 86
Frequency, optical 5 13
Gain, electrical 185
Gain, noise 185
Gain, optical 163
Gate 395
Gaussian beam 14
GAWBS 144 278
Gravitational waves 321
Hanbury Brown Twiss experiment 25
harmonic oscillator 63
Heisenberg picture 80
Heterodyne detection 210
Hom 361 380 389 397
Homodyne detection 206
Impedance matching 124
Indistinguishability 358 380 397
Information classical 310
Intensity noise spectrum 6 156
Interferometer classical 112
Interferometer, configurations 323
Interferometer, ideal 323
Interferometer, Michelson 24 326
Interferometer, noise sources 329
Interferometer, nonlinear 290
Interferometer, quantum model 115
Interferometer, realistic 330
Interferometer, Sagnac 286 326
Interferometer, sensitivity limit 117
Interferometer, single photon 51 357
Interferometer, squeezed light 333
Interferometer, stellar 24
Kerr effect 275
| Kerr effect classical 232
Kerr effect, simulation 233
Kirchoff's law 111
KLM 396
Laser, argon ion 156
Laser, different classes 156
Laser, diode 160 292
Laser, dye 156
Laser, Nd:YAG 157
Laser, noise suppression 292
Laser, quantum model 154
Laser, rate equations 151
Laser, threshold 148
Lenses 138
LiNbO3 271
Linearization 85 300
Locking, Pound — Drever — Hall 222
Locking, tilt locking 224
Mean field approximation 125
Michelson interferometer 326
Michelson stellar interferometer 24
Micromaser 55
Minimum uncertainty 69
Minimum uncertainty, observation 266
Mirror, mounting 225
Mixed state 68 378 383
Mode matching 129 361
Modes classical 19
Modes, Hermite — Gaussian 16
Modes, matching 129
Modes, parameters 19
Modes, photon number 40
Modes, quantised 61
Modes, spatial 16
Modulation AM 20
Modulation amplitude 20
Modulation FM 21
Modulation frequency 21
Modulation interferometers 330
Modulation sidebands 330
Modulator 141
Modulator amplitude 141
Modulator phase 141
Monolithic resonator 271
Nd:YAG laser 157
No-cloning limit 387 395
Noise eater 6 212
Noise in dB 193
Noise spectrum, laser 155
Noise spectrum, squeezed state 258
Noise, adding of 194
Noise, amplifier 186
Noise, chaotic light 31
Noise, dark 174 186
Noise, electronic 201
Noise, feedback control 212
Noise, intensity 6
Noise, Johnson 186
Noise, optical 143
Noise, quantum 3
Noise, shot noise 181
Noise, spectrum 86
Noise, thermal 186
Noise, transfer function 90
Non-linear processes 144 165
Nonlocality 362
Number state 64
Operator, amplitude quadrature 69
Operator, annihilation 63
Operator, creation 63
Operator, density 68
Operator, displacement 66
Operator, harmonic oscillator 63
Operator, linearisation 85
Operator, ordering 39
Operator, parity 72
Operator, phase 68
Operator, phase quadrature 69
Operator, photon number 64
Operator, radiation field 62
Operator, squeezing 242
Operator, unitary 77
OPO 168
Optical fibres 143
Optical parametric oscillator 168
Optical parametric oscillator OPO 263
Optical sensors 315
P-function 75
Pair production 168 169 179
Parametric amplification 167
Parity operator 72
Partition noise 106
Phase classical 13
Phase modulator 141
Phase quadrature, operator 69
Phase quadrature, uncertainty 69
Phase, operator 68
Phase, quadrature 17
Phasor diagram 17
Phasor diagram, effect of attenuation 254
Phasor diagram, squeezed state 238
Phasor diagram, squeezing ellipse 253
Photon 39
Photon distribution 75
Photon interference 43
Photon number, distribution 245
Photon number, squeezed state 245
Photon pressure 119
Photon statistics, squeezed state 245
Photon statistics, sub-Poissonian 76
Photon statistics, super-Poissonian 76
PID controller 225
Polarization beamsplitter 47
Polarization cavity 131
Polarization mirrors 101
Polarization modulator 140
Polarization single photon 47
Polarization squeezing 295
Polarization state 374 381
Polarization states 50
Q-function 70
Q-function, Gaussian 74
QKD 383
QND, concept 343
QND, noise transfer 345
QND, results 348
QND, single photon 350
Quadrature amplitude 17
Quadrature classical 17
Quadrature detection 208
Quadrature operator 68
Quadrature phase 17
Quadrature rotation 251
Quadrature squeezed light 241
Quadrature squeezed light, detection 251
Quadrature squeezing 243
Quantum computation 375 395
Quantum efficiency, detector 182
Quantum efficiency, material 183
Quantum imaging 313
Quantum information 374
Quantum noise 3 4 200
Quantum noise, balance 324
Quantum noise, calibration 200 203
Quantum noise, penalty in feedback 218
Quantum noise, properties 76
Quantum noise, pulsed 283
Quantum noise, representation 76
Quantum noise, spectrum 86
Quantum noise, tomography 298
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