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Bachor H.-A., Ralph T.C. — A guide to experiments in quantum optics |
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Quantum non-demolition 343
Qubit 374
Rayleigh length 15
Reconstruction of squeezing ellipse 253
recycling 327
Reflectivity, matrix description 101
Relaxation oscillation 158
Representation P 72
Representation Q 72
Resolution bandwidth 190 201
Sagnac interferometer 286 326
Saturation, electronic 187
Schroedinger picture 77
Second harmonic generation SHG 267
Sensor 315
Shot noise 2 181
Sidebands 86 90
Sidebands classical 20
Sidebands, correlation 236 247
Sidebands, squeezed light 256
Signal to noise ratio 328
Signal to noise ratio, interferometer 332
Single mode approximation 160
Single mode laser 148
Single photon QND 350
SNR 2 dimensional 300
Soliton 288
Spatial modes 16
Spatial squeezing 313
Spectrum analyser 187 201
Spectrum, noise 86
Squeezed light, direct detection 250
Squeezed light, effect of attenuation 256
Squeezed light, first observation 260
Squeezed light, generation 245
Squeezed light, homodyne detection 251
Squeezed light, phasor diagram 238
Squeezed light, photon number distribution 245
Squeezed light, propagation 254
Squeezed light, properties 404
Squeezed light, Q-function 238
Squeezed light, rotation of quadrature 251
Squeezed state, definition 242
Squeezed state, different types 240
Squeezed state, spectrum 258
Squeezed state, vacuum 241
Squeezed state, Wigner function 239
Squeezing, atomic systems 279
Squeezing, concept 232
Squeezing, diode laser 292
Squeezing, ellipse 238 253
Squeezing, first observation 265
Squeezing, formal derivation 242
Squeezing, four wave mixing 260
Squeezing, Kerr effect 275
Squeezing, nonlinear interferometers 290
| Squeezing, operator 242
Squeezing, polarization 295
Squeezing, pulsed 283
Squeezing, results 300
Squeezing, SHG 267
Squeezing, sideband model 247
Squeezing, soliton 288
Squeezing, spatial properties 313
Squeezing, spectral filtering 289
Squeezing, spectrum OPO 264
Squeezing, spectrum SHG 271 287
Squeezing, twin beams 294
Squeezing, two modes 247
Standard quantum limit 119 325
Standard quantum limit, phase sensitivity 119
State, Bell 387 400
State, coherent 65
State, Fock 64
State, minimum uncertainty 69
State, mixed 68
State, number 64
State, polarisation 381
State, polarization 374
State, propagation 80
State, squeezed 232
State, vacuum 64
sub-Poissonian, definition 76
sub-Poissonian, diode laser 292
Superposition 374 401
Teleportation 387 397
Thermal light 41
Threshold of laser 148
Tomography 298 378 399
Transfer coefficient 346
Transfer function 90
Transfer function, Bode plot 213
Transfer function, cavity 133 135 137
Transfer function, diode laser 160
Transfer function, laser noise 155
Transfer function, Nyquist plot 213
Transfer function, optical gain 163
Uncertainty, area 74
Uncertainty, coherent state 70
Unitary operator 77
Vacuum state 64
Vacuum state, detection 251
Vacuum state, squeezed 241
Variance 61 86
Variance classical 29
Variance of squeezed state 258
video bandwidth 191 201
Visibility 114 356
Waveplate 47
Wigner function 72 239 378
X operation 387
Z operation 387
zero point energy 63
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