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Dutra S.M. — Cavity quantum electrodynamics
Dutra S.M. — Cavity quantum electrodynamics

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Название: Cavity quantum electrodynamics

Автор: Dutra S.M.


What happens to light when it is trapped in a box?
Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics addresses a fascinating question in physics: what happens to light, and in particular to its interaction with matter, when it is trapped inside a box? With the aid of a model-building approach, readers discover the answer to this question and come to appreciate its important applications in computing, cryptography, quantum teleportation, and opto-electronics. Instead of taking a traditional approach that requires readers to first master a series of seemingly unconnected mathematical techniques, this book engages the readers' interest and imagination by going straight to the point, introducing the mathematics along the way as needed. Appendices are provided for the additional mathematical theory.
Researchers, scientists, and students of modern physics can refer to Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics and examine the field thoroughly. Several key topics covered that readers cannot find in any other quantum optics book include:
* Introduction to the problem of the "vacuum catastrophe" and the cosmological constant
* Detailed up-to-date account of cavity QED lasers and thresholdless lasing
* Examination of cavities with movable walls
* First-principles discussion about cavity QED in open cavities
* Pedagogical account of microscopic quantization in dielectrics
Complementing the coverage of the most advanced theory and techniques, the author provides context by discussing the historical evolution of the field and its discoveries. In that spirit, "recommended reading," provided in each chapter, leads readers to both contemporary literature as well as key historical papers.
Despite being one of many specialties within physics, cavity quantum electrodynamics serves as a window to many of the fundamental issues of physics. Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics will serve as an excellent resource for advanced undergraduate quantum mechanics courses as well as for graduate students, researchers, and scientists who need a comprehensive introduction to the field.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Квантовая теория поля/Квантовая электродинамика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 389

Добавлена в каталог: 20.08.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
't Hooft      108
Absence of counterrotating terms      269
Ad hoc coupling term      256
Adding multiple reflections      55 258
Adiabatic elimination      218
Aguirregabiria      328
Aharonov — Bohm phase      163
Aichelburg      329
Akhiezer      100
Album of the Mariner      47
Allen      17
Alternative photon position operators      109
Ammonia-beam maser      238
Ampere's law      44
AN      252
Angular momentum commutation relations      96
Annihilation operator free space      45
Anti-Hermitian      80 115
Antiparticles      107
Antiparticles, as a consequence of relativity      107
Antiparticles, Stueckelberg — Feynman — Wheeler idea      102
Antiphoton      99 103 108
Argand      295
ASER idea      217
Astronomical unit      62
Asymptotic condition      270
Atom laser      276
Atomic trap      277
Average distance between the Sun and Earth      62
Axial vector      91
Bachelier, Louis      252
Bag of tools      313—320 322
Baker — Hausdorff formula      117 311—312
Bardeen      276
Bardeen Hamiltonian      276
Barnett      262
Barton      64
Bass      109
Beam splitter      140
Bennett      257
Berestetsky      100
Berry      55 67
Beta factor      218
Beta factor, typical order of magnitude      219
Biagioni      334
Bialynicki — Birula      96 99 101
Biconjugation      305
Biquaternions      77 304
Biquaternions, gradient      78
Biquaternions, special relativity      295 304—310
Biquaternions, special relativity, Lorentz boost      310
Black and Scholes theory of option pricing      252
Blackbody radiation      63 99 238
BOCA      251
Boersma      47
Bohm — Aharonov effect      156
Bohr      48
Boozer      251
Born      64
Bose — Einstein condensate      276
Bose — Einstein statistics      104
boundary conditions      272
Bouwkamp      277
Breakdown of our current physical theories      63
Bremmer      277
Briegel      250
Brill      157
Brougham Bridge      297 299
Brown, Robert      220
Brownian motion      220
Brownian motion, Einstein's approach to      222
Brownian motion, geometric      252
Buck      251
Buee      295
Canonical quantization      18—23
Canonical quantization, properties of Poisson brackets      19
Casimir      277
Casimir effect      47—63 65 99
Casimir effect, Casimir's account of      48
Casimir effect, cutoff function      50
Casimir effect, design of nanomachinery      48
Casimir effect, dynamic      130
Casimir effect, expression for parallel plates      51
Casimir effect, first experiment      52
Casimir effect, maritime analog      47
Casimir effect, Maxwell stress tensor approach      54 61
Casimir effect, order of magnitude      51
Casimir effect, zero-point-potential-energy approach      48 53
Casimir, model for the electron      65
Casimir, pressure      60
Cathode ray tubes      47
Cauchy      324
Cauchy — Riemann equations      301
Cauchy, principal part      325
Caussel      47
Caves      136
Caves's diagrams      139
Cavity and the outside      256
Cavity modes      256
Cavity modes, as a superposition of external plane waves for which the cavity is transparent      55 67
Cavity modes, Fox — Li modes      257
Cavity modes, in the Gardiner — Collett approach      262
Cavity modes, in the Gardiner — Collett approach coupling with external modes      268
Cavity modes, Rayleigh's remark      255
Cavity modes, Thomson's approach      271
Cavity modes, Thomson's approach, boundary conditions      275
Cavity modes, Vatnshteln      257
Cavity resonances shifted      262
Cavity spectral mode density      53
Cayley      90 306
Chan      108
Chladni patterns      28
Clausius — Mossotti relation, one-dimensional      205
Clifford      314
Closed cavities      257
Coarse-grained photon wavefunction in configuration space      107
Cohen      276
Cohen — Tannoudji      156—157
Coherent states      114
Coherent states, as superpositions of number states      117
Coherent states, two-photon      133
Colloidal stability      48
Colombeau      334
Comb function      328
Commutator for position and momentum      21
Completeness      258
Completeness of Fox — Li modes      257
Complex reflectivity      262
Compton scattering      47 72
Compton wavelength      93
Computer animation      109
Conditional probability      224
Configuration-space photon-number operator      107
Continuous Markov process      226—227
Continuum commutation relations      57 260
Contour integration      278
Conway      304
Cook      99 106
Coordinate-free system of mathematics      294
Correlated emission laser      252
Corson      107
Cosmological constant      63
Costella      107
Coulomb gauge      157
Coulomb self-energy      155
Crandall      109
Crandell      94
Critical atom number      233
Curl integral theorem      319
Cylindrical cavity geometry      272
Cylindrical coordinates      49 61
d'Alembertian      78
Damping bases      246
Damping direct description by Lagrangian or Hamiltonian      276
De Broglie wavelength of a two-photon wave packet      108
De Broglie waves      69
Delocalization of absorption      257
Delocalized      256
Delta function      321—334
Delta function, normalization      131
Delta function, product of two principal parts      331
Delta function, representations      322 330
Delta function, representations, comb function      328
Delta function, representations, Gaussian      326
Delta function, representations, general      329
Delta function, representations, Laplacian of 1/r      327
Delta function, representations, Lorentzian      324
Delta function, representations, rectangular barrier      323
Delta function, representations, sine function      324
Density matrix      114 118—121
Density matrix, diagonal coherent-state representation      121—124
Deterministic "memoryless" process      226
Deterministic source of single photons      252
Deutsch      107
Dielectric delta function mirror      262
Diffusion equation      222
Dirac      18 64 107
Dirac, canonical quantization      18—23
Dirac, coordinate-free approach      20
Dirac, delta function      321—334
Dirac, delta function, normalization      131
Dirac, delta function, product of two principal parts      331
Dirac, delta function, representations      322 330
Dirac, development of canonical quantization      63
Dirac, equation      80 100 104—105
Dirac, hole theory      100
Dirac, magnetic monopoles      108
Dirac, sea      100
Disagreement, the largest between theory and experiment      48
Displacement operator      116
Dissipation      255
Dissipation, in quantum mechanics      255
Driven resonator      257
Duplex form of Maxwell equations      108
Dynamic Casimir effect      130
Earth      62
Eberly      108 251
Ehrenfest      107
Einstein      17 62—63 183 217
Einstein, anno mirabilis      221
Einstein, explanation of Brownian motion      222
Einstein, Nobel prize      47
Electric field, positive-frequency part      57 60
Electric field, quantized in free space, expression for      46
Electrical conductors      291
Electrical oscillations on a spherical shell      271
Electromagnetic field quantization, canonical      18—23
Electromagnetic field quantization, canonical, Dirac's account of      63
Electromagnetic field quantization, canonical, properties of Poisson brackets      19
Electromagnetic field quantization, classical limit of quantum radiation field      113
Electromagnetic field quantization, extreme quantum theory of light      74—891
Electromagnetic field quantization, in Coulomb gauge not manifestly covariant      157
Electromagnetic field quantization, origin of the name photon      42
Electromagnetic field quantization, photon's wavefunction      69
Electromagnetic field quantization, redundant degrees of freedom      157
Electromagnetic field quantization, the photon's wavefunction      99
Electromagnetic field quantization, the photon's wavefunction, problem with      89—90
Electromagnetic field quantization, the photon's wavefunction, recovering second quantization      99 106
Electromagnetic field quantization, why only the radiation field is quantized      24 27
Electromagnetic field quantization, with charges      145
Electromagnetic field quantization, with charges, arbitrary charge distribution      154
Electromagnetic field quantization, with charges, as a consequence of gauge invariance      161
Electromagnetic field quantization, with charges, dipole approximation      146
Electromagnetic field quantization, with charges, minimal coupling      158
Electromagnetic field quantization, without charges      17 46
Electromagnetic field quantization, without charges, in a cavity      39
Electromagnetic field quantization, without charges, in free space      43
Electromagnetic potentials, Bohm — Aharonov effect      156
Electromagnetic potentials, gauge freedom      161
Electromagnetic potentials, gauge-independent part      17
Electromagnetic potentials, quantization in free space without them      43
Electromagnetic potentials, redundant degrees of freedom      272
Electromagnetic potentials, Whittaker's two scalar potentials      272
Electron-positron pair      69
Energy conservation      217 260
Energy density inside the cavity      260
Energy density of the vacuum      62—63
Energy of a photon of visible light      70
Ensemble averages versus macroscopic averages      195
Environment      255
Euler — Maclaurin formula      67
Euler's equation      297
Excess quantum noise      268
Existence of modes in open cavities      257
Experimental confirmation of Maxwell's theory      215
Exponentials of operators, disentangling      311
External vacuum fluctuations      258
Extra phase gained on each trip inside the cavity      56
Extreme quantum theory of light      69 74—89
Fabry — Perot interferometer      55 257
Falicov      276
Fang      108
Fano diagonalization      206 262
Fano diagonalization, dressed operator version      265
Fano diagonalization, parallel with      267
Far-off resonance trap      250
Faraday's law      44 66
Feld      252
Feld's single-atom laser      252
Fermi — Dirac statistics      104
Feynman      64 100 102 283 297 311
Feynman, account of spin-statistics theorem      106
Feynman, formulation of quantum mechanics      23 64
Feynman, idea of antiparticles      107
Feynman, proof of Maxwell equations      276
Feynman, trick for vectorial expressions with V      317
Fiat lux      17
Field oscillator approach      64
Field theory      109
First quantization of light      69 99
First quantization of light, problem with the photon's wavefunction      89—90
First quantization of light, recovering second quantization      99 106
First-order transitions      234
FitzGerald, George Francis      215
Fixing the gauge      273
Fock      107
Fock, state      107
Fokker — Planck equation      229
Four-momentum      92
Four-vector      79
Fox — Li modes      257
Fraction of emission into the lasing mode      218
Frahm      327 329
Franck — Condon transition      130
Free-space spectral mode density      53
Freely movable electrons      291
Friction forces      276
Gain saturation      233
Gardiner — Collett approach      257
Gardiner — Collett Hamiltonian      236 256 277
Gardiner — Collett Hamiltonian, as a first-order approximation      262
Gardiner — Collett Hamiltonian, breakdown      256 262
Gardiner — Collett Hamiltonian, explicit expression for coupling strength      268
Gardiner — Collett Hamiltonian, first-principles derivation of      258—269
Gardiner — Collett Hamiltonian, input-output theory      276
Garrison      107
Gauge invariance      161
Gauss's divergence theorem      318
Gaussian      326
Gaussian random variables      227
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