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Поиск книг, содержащих: World War II
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Fishman G.S. — Monte Carlo: concepts, algorithms, and applications | 2, 146 | Dreman D. — Contrarian Investment Strategies in the Next Generation | 238, 293, 324 | Aynsley J. — A Century of Graphic Design | 76, 97, 118, 120 | Beissinger J., Pless V. — The Cryptoclub: Using Mathematics to Make and Break Secret Codes | 26, 142—143 | Rockmore D. — Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis: The Quest to Find the Hidden Law of Prime Numbers | 140—142, 145, 149, 150, 162—163, 249 | Siegfried T. — A Beautiful Math John Nash, Game Theory, and the Modern Quest for a Code of Nature | 45—46 | Nasar S. — A Beautiful Mind | 35—36, 39, 107, 124, 193 | Mike Ryan, David Oliver — Warplanes of the Future | 8 | Brookshear J.G. — Computer Science: An Overview | 23, 270 | Rockmore D. — Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis | 140—142, 145, 149, 150, 162—163, 249 | Peierls R. — Bird of passage: recollections of a physicist | 145—81 | Hoddeson L., Daitch V. — True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen | 6—7, 94—96, 99—100, 121—122, 171, 173, 175, 191, 259 | Bell E.T. — The Development of Mathematics | 4, 533 | Lee T.H. — Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits | 337 | Murray R.M. — Control in an Information Rich World: Report of the Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems | 14, 15, 26, 45 | Brookshear J. — Computer Science | 23, 270 | Gries D. — A Logical Approach to Discrete Math | 79, 116 | Beranek L.L. — Acoustics | 2 | Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction | 333 | Brown L., Dresden M., Hoddeson L. — Pions to quarks: Particle physics in the 1950s | 5, 11, 106, 128, 149, 214, 218, 498, 509, 511, 520, 536, 540, 544, 551, 555, 645, 669—671, 674, 677, 680—681 | Thorne K.S., Hawking S. — Black holes and time warps: Einstein's outrageous legacy | 166, 197, 219, 222—224, 300, 309, 324, 327, 366, 469 | Papert S. — The Children's Machine: Rethinking School In The Age Of The Computer | 184, 185 | Grimaldi R.P. — Student Solutions Manual for Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics | 333 | Melissinos A.C. — Principles of modern technology | 204 |