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Papert S. — The Children's Machine: Rethinking School In The Age Of The Computer |
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"Aha" experiences 38 121—122
"Banking model" of education 14 51 62
"Clean learning" 134—136
"Factlets" 164
"Free school" advocates of 44
"Immune responses" 50—54 213—214
"Little schools" 215—217 219 221 222 223—224
"Nation at Risk, A" (report) 37
"Sesame Street" (television program) 154
"Smoky programming" 73—74
Accommodation 41
ACE computer 157 158—159
Aeronautics 15 28—29 30 86
Aesthetics 69—70 119 132
Africa viii 6—7 139 151 191 205 223
Africa, textiles of, study of 17 53—54
Afrocentrism 74 217 222
AI (artificial intelligence) 165 166 169—170 173 175
AI (Artificial Intelligence) and cybernetics 182 183
Algebra 13 14 159 see
America 2000 plan 209 211—213
Androcentrism 74 150 152 163—164
Animation 46 49 71
Anthropology 150
Apple Computer 35
Appropriability, quality of 191 192—193
Aptitudes 63—64
Arias, Oscar 75 77
ART 79 148
Art and fantasy 183
Art, technology vs., cultural opposition of 118 123
Assimilation 41
Aviation 15 28—29 30 86
BASIC 160 163 171
Bateson, Gregory 192—193
Behaviorism 104 164 165
Bill (case study) 43
biology 68—69 182 202
Biology and cybernetics 190
Biology and qualitative knowledge 21
Biology and technology, union of 20
Biology, etymology of the word 106
Bitzer, Donald 160
Blue-print programming (dead reckoning) 204 207
body see also "Dance"
Body and "reasoning from within" 201
Body and mathematics 31 90—91
Body and robotics 53 129
Body and thermostats 195—196
Botany 52 73 84 93—105 113—114 152 180
Brian (case study) 43—50 54 61 64 67 79 126 136 140 145 158
Bricolage 143—146 152—153 156 216—217
Bricolage and cybernetics 200—201
Bricolage and proximality, concept of 201
Bricolage, definition of 131 200—201
Bureaucracy viii 60 76 78—79 208—210 218—219 224
Bureaucracy and decentralization 215
Bush, George 209 211 212—213
CAI (Computer Aided Instruction) 41—43 76 107 163—168
Calculators 161
Capitalism 206—207 212
case studies see Students (case studies)
Chemistry 59—60 61 67
Child-centered education 14
Children as Software Designers (Harel) 110
Chomsky, Noam 165
Choreography 26 47 61
Class, social 133 136 218
Coercion 57—58
Common sense 27 60 138
Communism viii 206 see
Competition vi 37 212 213 218
Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) 41—43 76 107 163—168
Computer in the School: Tutor, Tutee, Tool, The (Taylor) 161—162
Computer labs 39 51 53—54 66
Computer labs and the Costa Rica project 77
Computer labs, time available in 70
Computer literacy, definition of 51—52
Concreteness, concept of 138
Connectionism, concept of 104—105
Constructionism 137—156
Constructivism 14 17 83 104 142
Cooking 30—31 32 55 113—116 see
Costa Rica project (Programa Informatica Educativa) 75—78 110 158 215 216
Creativity 33 70 167 173 183
Croissants 30—31 32
Cultivation, concept of 104
Cybernetics 179—204
Cybernetics and "centralized mindsets" 201—202
Cybernetics and "managed vagueness" 185 189
Cybernetics and "reasoning from within" 199—200 201
Cybernetics and feedback 187—188 191 192 193—194 196
Cybernetics and gender 198 199 201
Cybernetics and the turtle 185—191 196—197 201—202 203—205 207
Cybernetics: Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (Wiener) 181—182
Dance 11 26 44—45 47—50 131—136 222
Data bases 70
Dawn (case study) 126—127 140
Dead reckoning (blue-print programming) 186 189
Debbie (case study) 38 107—113 127—128 131 136 140—141 145—146 155 158 165
Debugging 52
Decentralization 215 218
Democracy 6 15 225
Descartes, Rene 47 85
Deschooling Society (Illich) 141
Desktop publishing 23
Developmental teaching 40—41
Dewey, John 5 6 15 16
Dirty Dancing (film) 132—136
Disabilities, learning 38 89—90 91
Discovery method 16
Distancing 22
Dumb, use of the word 172
Ecology 161 203 223 see
Economics 20 37 203—204
Economics and command economies 206—208 209 212 224
Electronic mail 37
Electronic notebooks 8
Elevator code, example of learning 63
Emergent programming 186 187 189 204 207 208 211
Environment viii 104 180 222
Environment and the concept of feedback 20
Environment and the Kidnet project 25—26
Epistemology ix 6 16—17 58 109 212 222
Epistemology and being "vaguely right" 167—168 172—173
Epistemology and bricolage 152 216—217
Epistemology and computerists 164—165 167—168 172—173
Epistemology and constructionism vs. instructionism 137 145 152 155—157
Epistemology and cybernetics 182—185 194
Epistemology and feedback, concept of 20
Epistemology and hard-edged programming 74
Epistemology and kitchen math 114—115
Epistemology and knowledge-in-use, phenomenon of 63—64
Epistemology and literacy, use of the term 10—11
Epistemology and science and aesthetics 69 70
Epistemology and the Afrocentric school 217
Epistemology and the primacy of reading 9
Epistemology and turning science into "used knowledge" 183
Epistemology, "of precision" 185
Epistemology, hierarchical theory of 62
Errors 120 187 190
Ethnic differences 118 124 217
Etymology 96—97 100 106—107
Evaluation 71 75
Evolution 15 27 203 217
Exceptional children 13—14 23—24
Exceptional children, interaction between 44-45 50
Families 20 55 125 193 219—222
Fantasy 20 91 183
Feedback 191—194 196 187—188 211
| Feminism 74 80 152 164 222
Fernandez, Alejandrina 75
Feuerzeig, Wally 171
Feynmann, Richard 180
film 11 132—136
flowers 106 107 192
Flowers, study of 52 73 84 93—105
Fluency 48 49
Fonseca, Clotilda 76
Force concept of 199
Force concept of, use of the word 138
Fractions 107—113 140—141 155 165
Fractions and "clean learning" 135—136
Fractions and bricolage 144—145 146
Fractions and kitchen math 113—116
Francisco (case study) 117 118
Frank (case study) 89—91
Free enterprise 208 212
Freire, Paulo 10 14 51
French language 32 64 131 143—144
Freud, Sigmund 91 152
Gardner Academy (San Jose, California) 78
Gender 13 42 76 118 163
Gender and "reasoning from within" 201
Gender and abstract-formal knowledge, emphasis on 148
Gender and cybernetics 198 199 201
Gender and Lego-Logo projects 198 199
Gender and technology, attitudes towards 119 124
Generality, ideal of 143—144
Geometry 13 176—178 see
Geometry and CAI 43—44 47
Geometry and the Lego-Logo workshop 119
Geometry and the study of African textiles 17—19
Gorbachev, Mikhail 205—206
Gosplan 206—207 217—218
Gothic cathedral model of learning 62—63 207
Grammar 32 83 85 173 175
Grey, Jennifer 133
Hard-edged programming 73 74 148 159 162
Harel, Idit 108 110
Hechinger, Fred 59 60—61 67 79
Hennigan Elementary School (Boston, Massachusetts) 50—51 52 68 77
Henry (case study) 43—50 54 61 64 67 79 126 136
Heterarchy, concept of 61—62 201
Heuristics 85 86—87 89 189
Hierarchical organization 60—62 65 83 184 190 212
history 13 68
hobbies 13 29—30 35
Hooks, Bell 216
How to Solve It (Polya) 85
Humor 91 125—128 172 193—194
IBM 35 75 158
Identity 23—24 29 216—217 119 123
Illich, Ivan 141 144
Illiteracy see "Literacy"
Imagination 29 34 132 183
Individuality 22—24
Individualized instruction 41
Information, access to 45 191
Instructionism 137—156
Intuition 27 28 58 107 165
Intuition and computerists 158 166—167
Intuition and game-playing programs 171
Intuition and Lego-Logo projects 210
Japan viii 35 209
Jeff (case study) 147—148 150 178
Jennifer (case study) 6—8 9—10 11—12 191
Joe (case study) 66—67 69 72—73
jokes 91 125—128 172
Kay, Alan 36 42
Keller, Evelyn Fox 152
Kemeny, John 160 163
Kevin (case study) 147—148 150 178
Kidnet project 25—26
Kinesthesia 8 31
Kitchen math 113—117 131 141—143
Kitchen math and bricolage 144—145 146
Kitchen math and constructionism vs. instructionism 153
Knowledge Machine 8—9 11 12 13 17 191—192
Knowledge-in-use, phenomenon of 63—64 65
Lamplighter School (Dallas, Texas) 25 77
Languages, foreign 32 121
Languages, foreign and aptitudes, concept of 64
Languages, foreign and the use of the word fluent 48
Languages, foreign, French 32 64 131 143—144
Languages, foreign, Latin 58 84 96 101 103
Latin (language) 58 84 96 101 103
Latour, Bruno 150 151
Lave, Jean 113
Learning disabilities 94 95
Learning stories see "Students (case studies)"
LEGO 87 89 122—124 173
Lego and bricolage 144
Lego and constructionism 142
Lego and cybernetics 194 197—199
Lego, lab, at MIT 128—131
Lego-Logo projects 118—124 144 170 197—199 210
Leonardo da Vinci 15 28
Lesson plans 55 59—60 61
Letteracy 16 49
Letteracy, definition of 11—12
Levi-Strauss, Claude 131 143—144 150 151—153
Lift, principle of 28 29
Linnaeus 84 97
Literacy "computer" 51—62 213 214
Literacy and letteracy 11—12
Literacy and oral fluency and writing, contrast between 49
Literacy, "flower" 93
Literacy, definition of 52
Literacy, use of the word 10—11
Logic 153 157 158
Logic and artificial intelligence 165
Logic and computerists 164 166
Logic and cybernetics 182 190
Logic and intuition 166—167
Logic and New Math 220
Logic and the turtle 187
Logic, "bashing" 146
LOGO 20 34 45—46 64
Logo and "funny learning" 126
Logo and "reasoning from within" 201
Logo and cybernetics 197—199 201 202
Logo and learning-in-use 64—66
Logo and PET 42
Logo and Project Headlight 50—51
Logo and Project Mindstorm 78—79
Logo and studying fractions 107—113
Logo and the "Robin Hood vision" 180
Logo and the African textiles study 17—18
Logo and the Costa Rica project 76—77
Logo and the guidance process 168
Logo and the human skeleton, study of 68—69 70
Logo, development of 58—59 171 173—174 175—176
Logo, Lego- projects 118—124 144 170 197—199 210
Logo, LogoWriter program 68
Logo, Microworlds Logo version 20
Logo, traffic program 202—203
Logo, workshop, for teachers 71—72
Maria (case study) 116—125 127—128 131 145 210
Market systems 212
Martha (case study) 213—214 216 219
Mary (case study) 177—178
Matchstick game 170 173—175 182
Mathematic(s) 26 31—32 38 see
Mathematic(s) and "clean learning" 135—136
Mathematic(s) and "funny learning" 125—128
Mathematic(s) and "generalizing the idea" 46
Mathematic(s) and "set theory" 222
Mathematic(s) and aptitudes, concept of 64
Mathematic(s) and art 79
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