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Thorne K.S., Hawking S. — Black holes and time warps: Einstein's outrageous legacy |
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"Hair" on black holes, first evidence of hairlessness 273—275
"Hair" on black holes, implications of hairlessness: "black-hole uniqueness" 27 286 425
"Hair" on black holes, Israel's theorem (proof of hairlessness for nonspinning holes) 279—280
"Hair" on black holes, no-hair conjecture 274f 275 277
"Hair" on black holes, Price's theorem (how the hair gets lost) 280—285 282f 283f 350
"Hair" on black holes, proof for spinning, charged holes 285
"Hair" on black holes, quantum hair 284
Abraham, Max 115
Abramovici, Alex 390f 578
Absolute interval in spacetime 90 92 91b—92b 414
Absoluteness of space and time see also "Relativity of space and time"
Absoluteness of space and time, Einstein's rejection of 72
Absoluteness of space and time, experimental evidence against 65—66
Absoluteness of space and time, implies speed of light is relative 63 79
Absoluteness of space and time, Newton's concepts of 62—63
Absoluteness of space and time, theoretical arguments against 66—68
Absoluteness of speed of light, consequences of 73—76 77b 82
Absoluteness of speed of light, Einstein's conception of 72—73 79
Absoluteness of speed of light, not true in Newtonian physics 63 79 133
Absoluteness of speed of light, tested by Michelson — Morley experiment 64 78—79
Absoluteness of speed of light, tested in modern particle accelerators 85—84
Acceleration radiation and accelerated viewpoint 443—446 444b
Accelerators, particle 83—84 86 237 339 340
Accretion disk around black hole, anchoring by black hole's spin 346—347
Accretion disk around black hole, concept of 46 47f 346
Accretion disk around black hole, possible roles in quasars and jet production 346—354
Accretion of gas onto black hole see also "Accretion disk"
Accretion of gas onto black hole in science fiction scenario 24—25 24f
Accretion of gas onto black hole, as source of X-rays and other radiation 307—309 307f 308f 318
Accretion of gas onto neutron star 241—243 242f
Active galactic nucleus (AGN) 351—353
Adams, W.S. 143 143n 568
Adiabatic index 149 200b see
Aether and Michelson — Morley experiment 64—65 565
Aether, Einstein's rejection of 72 82 85
Aether, Newtonian concept of 65 564
Aleksandrov, Aleksander Danilovich 471 472 582
Alfven, Hans 339 577
Allen, J.F. 187
Ambartsumian, Viktor Amazapovich 153 155
and electron degeneracy 146
Anderson, Carl 173
Anderson, Wilhelm 153 154f 160 201b 569
Anti, parable of the 246—249 247f
Anti, T.H. White's Society of 157 285
Antimatter 173 173n 340 369 439n 445
Aron, Walter 228f
Astronomers contrasted with other scientists 319—21 328 341—342
Astrophysicists contrasted with other scientists 319—321 341—342
Atom, structure of 170b see atomic"
Atomic bomb see "Nuclear Weapons research"
Avni, Yoram 317
Baade, Walter 166—168 168n 171 173—175 174f 187 207—208 331—334 332f 333f 570 577
Bahcall, John N. 317
Baker, Norma Jean 254
Bardeen, James M. 346—347 427 436 577 580
Basov, Nikolai Gennadievich 366
Baym, Gordon 369
Beckedorff, David 246
Begelman, Mitchell C. 577
Bekenstein's conjecture about black-hole entropy 425—426 442 445—446
Bekenstein, Jacob 284—285 422 425—427 426n 436 442 446 579 580
Belen'ky, Semyon 229—230
Belinsky, Vladimir 36 467f 468 474 580 582
Berger, Beverly 260f
Berger, Jay 228f
Beria, Lavrenty Pavlovich 224—225 371
Besso, Michele Angelo 70—71 82 566
Bethe, Hans 191 227 235n 372 373
Bets by Thome, no bet about time machines 321
Bets by Thome, with Chandrasekhar, about black-hole stability 296 298 298n
Bets by Thome, with Hawking and Preskill, about cosmic censorship 481—482 481f
Bets by Thome, with Hawking, about Cyg X-1 314—315 315f
Bets by Thome, with Zel'dovich, about black-hole evaporation 433 435 438—439
Big bang, failure of general relativity in 86
Big bang, gravitational waves from 380
Big bang, like time reversed stellar implosion 268—269 450
Big bang, nonlinearity in 363b
Big bang, quantum gravity as key to 325
Big bang, singularity at beginning of 466 478 487f 525
Big bang, speculations on what preceded 456 525
Big bang, tiny black holes created in 50—51 447—448
Big bang, topology as a tool for studying 464f—465f 471
Big bang, wormholes created in 497
Big crunch 450 454—458 464f 465f 465 468 487f 525 581
Billing, Hans 388
Birkhoff, George 213
Black hole, fall of objects into 35 291—292 292f see "Accretion
Black hole, gigantic, as power source for quasars and radio galaxies 346—354 see "Radio "Radio "Radio cosmic"
Black hole, gigantic, formation of 354—355 396
Black hole, gigantic, in center of oar Milky Way galaxy 334
Black hole, gigantic, number of in Universe 354
Black hole, gigantic, rate of swallowing Universe's matter 355—356
Black hole, gigantic, serendipitous discovery of 322 326 355
Black hole, names for, black hole, coined by Wheeler 256—257
Black hole, names for, collapsed star 256
Black hole, names for, frozen star 255—256 291
Black hole, names for, Schwarzschild singularity 121 136—137 244 250 255
Black hole, observational searches for, by blot-out of starlight 303
Black hole, observational searches for, by gravitational focusing of light 305—304 303f
Black hole, observational searches for, by X-rays from gas accreting onto hole 307—309 307f 308f 309—314
Black hole, observational searches for, in binary star systems 304—309 305f 308f 315—319 315f
Black hole, observational searches for, no definitive signature as yet 317—319 360—361
Black hole, observational searches for, serendipitous discovery by radio telescopes 322 326
Black hole, observational searches for, signature in gravitational waves 360—361
Black hole, observational searches for, using gravitational waves 360—361 393—396
Black hole, predictions of and resistance to predictions, astronomers resistance 196—197
Black hole, predictions of and resistance to predictions, Chandrasekhar's prediction of 160
Black hole, predictions of and resistance to predictions, Eddington's rejection of 134—135 161—163 523
Black hole, predictions of and resistance to predictions, Einstein's refection of 121 134—137 523
Black hole, predictions of and resistance to predictions, Oppenheimer — Snyder prediction of 211—219
Black hole, predictions of and resistance to predictions, Schwarzschild's prediction of 131—134
Black hole, predictions of and resistance to predictions, Wheeler's acceptance and advocacy of 239—240 244—245 253
Black hole, predictions of and resistance to predictions, Wheeler's temporary rejection of 209—211 211f 238 523
Black hole, predictions of and resistance to predictions, widespread resistance to 138—139 196—197 219
Black hole, primordial 50—51 447—448
Black-hole binary and observational search for black holes 304—309 305f 308f 315—319 316f
Black-hole binary, as source of gravitational waves 48—49 357—361 379 393—396 413
Black-hole binary, embedding diagrams for 358f 359f
Black-hole binary, inspiral and coalescence 48—49 358—359 359f 394—395 413
Black-hole evaporation, details of 446—448
Black-hole evaporation, endpoint of 482
Black-hole evaporation, observational search for 447—448
Black-hole evaporation, overview of 50—51
Black-hole evaporation, predicted by Hawking 435—436 see
Black-hole evaporation, presaged by Wheeler's speculations 210—211 211f 244—245 253—254
Black-hole evaporation, presaged by Zel'dovich 429—435
Black-hole evolution, Hawking's area-increase theorem 413 413n 416—417 422—423 427 462
Black-hole evolution, laws of black-hole mechanics and thermodynamics 427 436 442 443—446
Black-hole formation by stellar implosion see "Implosion of star to form black hole"
Black-hole interior see also "Singularity"
Black-hole interior, aging of tidal gravity in 479—480
Black-hole interior, BKL (mixmaster) singularity 468—469 474—476 475f
Black-hole interior, details of current understanding 475—480
Black-hole interior, foam like structure of singularity 476—479 478f 525
Black-hole interior, Khalatnikov — Lifshitz claim of no singularity, and their retraction 453—456 455f 459 466—469 473—474
Black-hole interior, Oppenheimer — Snyder description of 450—453 452f 473
Black-hole interior, Penrose's theorem that hole contains singularity 462—463
Black-hole interior, singularity at center, overview of 29—32
Black-hole interior, speculations on travel to another universe 456—458 457f 473—474 484
Black-hole interior, summary of current understanding 29—32 36 472—473
Black-hole properties, atmosphere 443—446 444b
Black-hole properties, blots out light from stars behind it 26 41 303
Black-hole properties, circumference 28—29 28n
Black-hole properties, electric charge and field 286 288—289
Black-hole properties, entropy 423—426 442 445—446
Black-hole properties, gravitational acceleration 40 43
Black-hole properties, gravitational blueshift of light 44
Black-hole properties, gravitational focusing of light 41—44 42f 303—304 303f
Black-hole properties, gyroscopic action 346—348
| Black-hole properties, Hawking's area-increase theorem 413 413n 416—417 422—423 427 462
Black-hole properties, laws of black-hole mechanics and thermodynamics 427 436 442 445—446
Black-hole properties, orbits 38—40 52 291—292 292f
Black-hole properties, overview of properties 23—56 258—259
Black-hole properties, pulsations 295—299
Black-hole properties, radius 30—33
Black-hole properties, rotational energy 53 294
Black-hole properties, shape 28 51—52 293 293f
Black-hole properties, spin and swirl of space 27—28 50—52 289—294 291f 292f 346—348 408f see
Black-hole properties, stability 296—298
Black-hole properties, superradiance 433
Black-hole properties, tidal gravity 54—37
Black-hole properties, uniqueness of see ""Hair" on black holes" see "Embedding ""Hair"" "Hawking "Horizon" "Schwarzschild "Schwarzschild "Singularity"
Black-hole properties, uniqueness of, as described by membrane paradigm 405—411 443 445 see
Black-hole properties, warpage of space 43 see
Black-hole, eighteenth-century version of 122—124 123f 132 133 138 251—253 252f 568
Blair, David 578
Blandford — Znajek process 53—54 54f 349f 350—353 407—409 408f 577
Blandford, Roger D. 343 348 350 351 353 407 408f 577 579
Blasko, Bela 254
Bochner, Solomon 228f
Bohr, Neils 161—162 180 183—186 199 210 220 222—223 571 572
Bolton, Charles 316
Bolton, John 327 330 334 577
Bondi, Hermann 460
Borden, William 234
Bowyer, Stuart 315
Boyer, Robert 290 575
Braes, Luc 316
Braginsky, Vladimir Borisovich 370—372 371f 374—378 375n 376n 381—383 386—387 389 391n 569 572 578
Brahe, Tycho 563
Brault, James 131 568
Breit, Gregory 220 572
Brill, Dieter 288 298 458 575 581
Brown, Anthony Cave 233bn
Buller, A.B.R. 499
Bunting, Gary 285 575
Burbidge, Geoffrey 317 339 577
Byers, Robert 391n
Byzam, Edward 315
Candelas, Philip 492 583
Cannon, R.C. 571
Carr, Bernard 260f
Carter, Brandon 27 285 289—290 290f 319 402 427 436 461 574 575 580
Carter, David 228f
Casey, Roberta 228f
Caves, Carlton M. 376 376n 578
Chadwick, James 171
Chain reactions, nuclear, concept of 220 222 222b
Chain reactions, nuclear, Zel'dovich — Khariton theory of 223
Chandrasekhar limit 151—152 154f 156b—157b 161f 175
Chandrasekhar — Eddington confrontation 158—163
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan 140—143 145 148—163 152n 153n 154f 158f 175—178 177f 185 187 191 193b—194b 196—197 199 201b 203 203n 209—210 258—259 260f 261 296—300 298n 320 323 327 505 525 568 569 574 576 582
Chaos 62b
Chase, Ted 284 575
Chemical reactions 183b 339—340
Chester, Tom 260f
Chinnapared, K. 295
Christensen, Steven M. 250f
Christodoulou, Demetrios 422 580
Chronology protection conjecture 521
Chubb, Talbot 315
Churchill, Winston 233b
Clark, J. Paul A. 578
Clark, Ronald W. 563 566
Clendenin, William 228f
Clocks, prefect and rubbery 397—403 398b 399f
Cohen, Jeffrey M. 298 406 579
Cold fusion 64
Cold, dead matter 197—198 200b—202b 203n
Colgate, Stirling 239—240 242—243 574
Collins, H.M. 378
Conservation laws 284
Cosmic censorship conjecture 36 481 524
Cosmic rays 165 173—174 173n 174f 189 192 231 574
Couch, Eugene 295
Cowan, J.J. 344f
Critchfield, Charles 191
Critical circumference and frequencies of gravitational waves 367
Critical circumference and hoop conjecture 266 267f see
Critical circumference for eighteenth-century black hole 122 123f 252f
Critical circumference, predicted by Schwarzschild geometry 132—138 132f 214—215
Critical circumference, role in accretion onto black hole 139 418b
Critical circumference, role in stellar implosion 214 217—219 244 248—255 266 274 279—281 329 415b
Crowley, Ronald 409
Cygnus A, discovery of 325f
Cygnus A, discovery of double lobes 333 332f—333f
Cygnus A, discovery of jets 343—345
Cygnus A, identification of galaxy 330—333 332f—333f
Cygnus A, radio pictures of 332f—333f 344f
Cygnus X-1 314—321 316f
D'Eath, Peter 260f
Damour, Thibault 379n 402 409 578 579
Dark star (eighteenth-century version of black hole) 122—124 123f 132 133 138 251—255 252f 568
Das Gupta, M.K. 332f 333 333f 344f 577
Davidson, Keay 516
Davies, Paul C.W. 442 444b 580
de Broglie, Louis 147b 180
de la Cruz, Vincente 284 575
Degeneracy of electrons see also "Pressure nonthermal degeneracy"
Degeneracy of electrons in an atom 170b
Degeneracy of electrons, concept of 145n 145—146 148
Degeneracy of electrons, Eddington's views on 158—160
Degeneracy of electrons, prevents small black holes from forming 447
Degeneracy of electrons, relativistic vs. nonrelativistic 150—151
Degeneracy of neutrons and protons in a neutron star 170
Degeneracy of neutrons and protons in an atomic nucleus 169
Detweiler, Steven L. 296 298n 574
DeWitt — Morette, Cecile 578 580
DeWitt, Bryce 369 435 479 479n 578 579 580 582
Differential equation 153n—154n
Differential geometry 113—114 471
Doppler shift 32 100 101b 103b 304 305f 506—507
Doroshkevich, Andrei 275 277 279 280 479 575 582
Drever, Ronald W.P. 376n 382—383 387—389 388n 390f 391 578
Dreyer, J.W. 344f
DuBridge, Lee A. 334
Dyson, Freeman 578
Eardley, Douglas M. 486 574 579
Echeverria, Fernando 511 512 516 583
Eckart, Carl 152
Eddingon, Arthur Stanley 134—135 138 140 142—143 148—151 154 154f 155—163 158f 161f 166 176 178 182 184 185 191 193b 194b 196 210 244n 259 523 568 569 570
Edelstein, Lester A. 295
Eggen, Olin 569 570
Ehrenfest, Paul 114 117
Einstein field equation, formulation of see also "General relativity"
Einstein field equation, formulation of, details of 118b—119b 567
Einstein field equation, formulation of, Einstein's struggle to discover 113—117
Einstein field equation, formulation of, Hilbert's discovery of 117 119
Einstein X-ray telescope 314
Einstein's legacy, overview of 523—525
Einstein, Albert 27 30 45 59—62 68—73 71f 75—76 77b 78—83 87 92—94 94n—95n 95—98 100 102b 103—108 110—111 113—117 119—121 119b 124 131 134—138 135f 142 147b 165f 166 187 196 208 212 371 400 403 414 438 523—525 561 563—568
Einstein, Hans Albert 71f
Einstein, Hermann 60 363
Eisensteedt, Jean 568
Electric field lines, around a charged black hole 284 266 288—289 289f 294 405—407 406f see
Electromagnetic laws see "Maxwell's laws of electromagnetism"
Electromagnetic radiation, spectrum of 25f
Ellis, George P.R. 280 461 465 490 574 581 583
Embedding diagrams for a wormhole 484—485 483f 501f
Embedding diagrams for binary black hole emitting gravitational waves 337 358f
Embedding diagrams for binary black hole merging 359f
Embedding diagrams for black hole 31f 397 399f
Embedding diagrams for creation of a wormhole 496f
Embedding diagrams for electrically charged black hole 288—289 289f
Embedding diagrams for imploding star 213—214 214f 246—250 247f
Embedding diagrams for quantum foam 487f 495f
Embedding diagrams for spinning black hole 291 291f
Embedding diagrams for star near critical circumference 129f 132f 135
Embedding diagrams for travel to another universe 456 457f
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