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Thorne K.S., Hawking S. — Black holes and time warps: Einstein's outrageous legacy |
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Embedding diagrams, as port of a "paradigm" 401
Embedding diagrams, introduced and explained 126—131 129f 127f
Entropy of black hole 423—426 442 445—446
Entropy, definition of 423 424b
Entropy, increase of 422—426 424b
Epstein, Reuben 578
Equation of state, concept of 153 193b
Equation of state, of cold, dead matter 200b—202b
Equation of state, of nuclear matter 193b—195b 200b—202b
Equation of state, of white-dwarf matter 150—153 154f 156b—157b 200b—201b
Equivalence principle 44—45 97—98 99f 100 103b 109 371
Escher, M.C. 403 404f 410
ETH (Zurich Politechnikum) 60 62 68 69 71 93 113 115
Exotic material, nature of 488—490 508
Exotic material, required to hold a wormhole open 488 489b 490—491 493—494 498 504
Exotic material, required when creating a time machine 499n
Exotic material, vacuum fluctuations as 491—492 498 583
Experimental physicists contrasted with other scientists 319—321 328
Exton, Albert 293
Faller, James 391n
Fellows, Margaret 228f
Feynman, Richard P. 579
Fifth force 64
Finkelstein, David 244—246 244n 245f 249 251f 253 255 452f 572 574
Finn, Lee Samuel 391n
Fission, nuclear see also "Chain reactions"
Fission, nuclear, Bohr — Wheeler theory of 220—223
Fission, nuclear, concept of 221b—222b
Fission, nuclear, discovery of 220
Fitzgerald, George F. 63—66 76 130 565 566
Flamm, Ludwig 582
Flanagan, Eanna E. 521
Ford, Kenneth 227—228 228f
Forward, Robert L. 383 313b 578 583
Fowler, R.H. 141—142 145 148—150 152 568
Fowler, William Alfred 164 212 568—570 572
Frank, Philipp 563 566 567
Friedman, Herbert 309—311 311f 313 315
Friedman, John 297 505 509 509n 576 583
Frieman, Edward 228f
Froe will 509
Frolov, Valery Pavlovich 520 583
Fuchs, Klaus 225 229n
Fusion, nuclear, as possible power source for quasars 340
Fusion, nuclear, cold fusion 64
Fusion, nuclear, concept of 183b 221b—222b
Fusion, nuclear, keeps stars hot 182 184 191
Gamma rays, as part of electromagnetic spectrum 25f
Gamma rays, emitted by gas accreting into black hole 26
Gamma rays, emitted in black-hole evaporation 447—448
Gamow, George 180f 181 569 570
Gannon, Dennis 491
General covariance 114n
General relativity see also "Einstein field equation" "Equivalence "Gravitational "Gravity "Relativity "Space "Spacetime "Time
General relativity, domain of validity 84—85
General relativity, Einstein's struggle to formulate 96—117
General relativity, experimental tests of 57—58 116—117 393 563 568
General relativity, marriage with quantum mechanics see "Quantum gravity"
Geodesic 108—112 108f 118b 126—127 401
Geroch, Robert P. 465 497 505 506f 507 574 580 583
Gertsenshtein, Michail E. 383 578
Giacconi, Riccardo 310—311 311f 312f 313—314 316 320 576
Giaime, Joseph 390f
Gibbons, Gary W. 446 568 580
Giffard, Robin 372 578
Gillespie, Aaron 390f
Ginzburg, Nina Ivanovna 230
Ginzburg, Vitaly Lazarevich 229—231 240 273—275 273f 274f 277 339 339n 526 569 572—577
Gleick, James 362b
Global methods 465 490 490n 491
Goedel, Kurt 499n 583
Goerss, Robert 228f
Gold, Thomas 341
Goldberger, Marvin L. 391
Golden age 258—261 260f 299 341 346 370 426
Golovin, I.N. 572
Goodchild, P. 573
Gorbachev, Mikhail 234b 428n 466 526
Gorelik, G.E. 571
Gott, J. Richard 521n 583
Grandfather paradox 508n
Graves, John C. 288 438 575 581
Gravitational collapse see "Implosion of star"
Gravitational lens and focusing 41—43 42f 303—304 303f 489b 507
Gravitational redshift of light, astronomical observations of 131 143 148
Gravitational redshift of light, deduced from gravitational time dilation 131 214
Gravitational redshift of light, description of 52 131—133 132f 142—143 213f 214—215 445 562
Gravitational time dilation, Einstein's inference of 100 102b—103b
Gravitational time dilation, near surface of a star or Sun 130—131 214
Gravitational waves from black-hole binaries 48—49 357—361 393—396 413
Gravitational waves, 1940s and 1950s skepticism about 523
Gravitational waves, contrasted with electromagnetic waves 379—381
Gravitational waves, emission of 379—380
Gravitational waves, extraction of information from 393—396 394f
Gravitational waves, frequencies of 367 386 393
Gravitational waves, information carried by 49 360—361 394—396 524
Gravitational waves, may revolutionize our understanding of Universe 378—381 524
Gravitational waves, nature of 48—49 358 362—365 364f
Gravitational waves, observational proof they exist 392—393
Gravitational waves, polarizations of 393—394
Gravitational waves, sources of 379—380
Gravitational waves, strength of 365
Gravitational waves, waveforms of 393—396 394f
Gravitational-wave detectors, bar detectors 367—369 368f 372 374—378 385—387
Gravitational-wave detectors, bars and interferometers compared 385—387
Gravitational-wave detectors, Braginsky's standard quantum limit 372 374—376 386
Gravitational-wave detectors, interferometric detectors 382—396 383f 384b—385b 388f 392f see "VIRGO"
Gravitational-wave detectors, quantum nondemolition 375—376 377f 386—387 see "VIRGO"
Gravitational-wave detectors, Weber's invention of 366—369
Gravitational-wave recoil (kick back) 48 358—359 393
Gravity, Einstein's laws of see "General relativity"
Gravity, Newton's law of, description of 61 93—94 403 405
Gravity, Newton's law of, Einstein's objections to 96
Gravity, tidal, due to Moon 105 106b 111—112f 362-365 362b 364f 451
Gravity, tidal, Einstein's explanation-spacetime curvature 110—112 110f 112f
Gravity, tidal, in a gravitational wave 362—365 364f
Gravity, tidal, near singularity inside black hole see "Singularity tidal
Gravity, tidal, Newtonian explanation of 34—35 104—106 104f 106b
Great Terror 181 185—186 233b 268
Greenstein, Jesse L. 164 166 323—324 327 334 336 336f 337—338 568—570 576 577
Grishchuk, Leonid P. 379 578 579
Grossmann, Marcel 69 113—116
Gursky, Herbert 311 316 576
Guseinov, Oktay 306 576
H-bomb see "Nuclear weapons research"
Habn, Otto 220
Hall, S.S. 583
Hanni, Richard S. 405—407 409 579
Harrison, B. Kent 199 200b—201b 209 237 254 569 571—572 574 581
Hartle, James B. 284 298n 419 479 479n 571 574 579 580 582
Hausman, Carl 227
Hawking radiation from a black hole see also "Black-hole evaporation"
Hawking radiation from a black hole, as evaporation of black-hole atmosphere 443—445 443f
Hawking radiation from a black hole, based on quantum field theory in curved spacetime 436—439
Hawking radiation from a black hole, Hawking's discovery of, in general 435—436
Hawking radiation from a black hole, properties of 435—436
Hawking radiation from a black hole, relationship to superradiance 433n
Hawking radiation from a black hole, Zel'dovich's acceptance of 439
Hawking radiation from a black hole, Zel'dovich's discovery of, for a rotating hole 429—435
Hawking, Jane Wilde 412 420 420f 421 434
Hawking, Lucy 421
Hawking, Robert 421
Hawking, Stephen W. 27 254 272 285 298 314—315 315f 319 402 412—414 413n 416—417 419—423 420f 425—427 434—439 434f 441—442 445—447 461—462 465 479 479n 481—482 481f 490—492 520—521 527 579—583
Hawking, Timothy 420f
Hefetz, Yaron 390f
Heisenberg, Werner 180
Hemingway, Ernest 433
Henry, Joseph 62
Henyey, Louis 227
Herlofson, Nicolai 359 577
| Herzfeld, Karl 366
Hey, J.S. 576
Hilbert, David 115—117 120
Hirsh, R.F. 576
Hiscock, William A. 516—517 583
Hjellming, Robert M. 316
Hoffman, Banesh 563 566
Hoop conjecture, evidence for 264—267
Hoop conjecture, formulation of 266—267 267f
Hoover, J. Edgar 234
Horizon of black hole see also "Critical circumference"
Horizon of black hole, apparent horizon vs. absolute horizon 414—417 415b
Horizon of black hole, apparent, horizon as harbinger of singularity 462—463
Horizon of black hole, circumference of 28—29 28n
Horizon of black hole, entropy of 423—426 442 445—446
Horizon of black hole, freezing of things near 217—218 239 244—249 255—256 291—292
Horizon of black hole, Hawking's area-increase theorem for 413 413n 416—417 422—423 427 462
Horizon of black hole, laws of evolution of 427 436 442 446
Horizon of black hole, makes quantum fields exotic 491—492
Horizon of black hole, maximum spin rate 51—52 293—294
Horizon of black hole, membrane-paradigm description of 405—411 406f 410f 443 445
Horizon of black hole, name coined 255
Horizon of black hole, overview of 26 28—30
Horizon of black hole, shape of 28 51 293 293f
Horizon of black hole, spin of 291—294
Horizon of black hole, surface gravity of 436
Horizon of black hole, teleological evolution of absolute horizon 417 418b
Horizon of black hole, temperature of 427 436 442 445 446
Hough, James 388
Hoyle, Fred 460—461
Hulse, Russell A. 392—393
Huygens, Christiaan 123 147b
Hyperspace 55 55f 128—130 214 214f 289 291 456—458 457f 458f 484—486 487f 496f 500—501 501f
Implosion of star to form black hole, as proposed power source for quasars 341
Implosion of star to form black hole, creation of singularity 250 251 255—256 see
Implosion of star to form black hole, Finkelstein's reference frame for 245—246 249 255
Implosion of star to form black hole, freezing of implosion as seen from outside 217—218 239 244—249 255—256
Implosion of star to form black hole, like time-reversed big bang 268—269 268n
Implosion of star to form black hole, limited by white-dwarf and neutron-star masses 159—161 161f 175—178 177f
Implosion of star to form black hole, masses of parent stars 205—206
Implosion of star to form black hole, non-freezing as seen in the star 218 239 244—249
Implosion of star to form black hole, Oppenheimer — Snyder predictions of 211—219
Implosion of star to form black hole, overview 27
Implosion of star to form black hole, parable of the ants describing 246—249 247f
Implosion of star to form black hole, prevented by mass ejection 196—197 205—206 210—211 211f 238
Implosion of star to form black hole, simulations on a computer 238—239 240—241
Implosion of star to form neutron star 171 172f 173—175 see
Imshennik, Vladimir S. 240 574
Inertial reference frame 80 96—98 99f 106 109 249
Infrared radiation 259
Interferometry and gravitational-wave detection 382—384 383f 384b—385b see "LIGO"
Interferometry and Michelson — Morley experiment 64
Interferometry and radio telescopes 329f 330
Interferometry, principles of 384b—385b
Interval in spacetime 90 92 91b—92b
Ipser, James R. 298n 574
Isaacson, Richard A. 389—390
Israel, Werner 27 138—139 273f 277 279—281 284—285 293 319 402 417 419 479 568 569 574 575 579 582
Jansky, Karl 323—324 324f 325f 331 338—339 345 576
Jeffries, H. 567
Jennison, R.C. 332f 333 333f 344f 577
Johnson, M.H. 574
Kanegiesser, Evgenia 180f
Kapitsa, Pyotr Leonidovich 186 208 571
Kawamura, Seiji 390f
Keklysh, Mstislav 269
Kellermann, Kenneth I. 576
Kellogg, Edwin M. 316
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 232
Kepler, Johannes 95b 563 564
Kerr solution for spinning black hole 289—290 294 341—342 355—361 359f 575
Kerr, Roy P. 289—290 290f 294 341—342 347 359 361 575 577
Kevles, Daniel J. 569
Khalatnikov, Isaac Markovich 36 453—456 459 465—468 467f 473—474 569 571 580—582
Khalatnikova, Eleanora 467f
Khalatnikova, Valentina Nikolaievna 467f
Khalili, Farid Ya. 376 578
Khariton, Yuli Borisovich 223—225 573
Kiepenheuer, Karl Otto 339 577
Kim, Sung-Won 517 519—521 583
Klauder, John R. 573
Klinkhammer, Gunnar 492 511—512 514—516 583
Konkowski, Deborah A. 517 583
Kosygin, Alexei 428 428n
Kotok, Nora 268
Kovacs, Julianna [Mama] 297f
Kovacs, Sandor J. 260f 297f
Kovalik, Joseph 390f
Kristian, Jerome 316f
Kruskal, Martin D. 487f 583
Kuhn, Thomas 401 403 405 579
Kurchatov, Igor V. 224—225
Landau, Cora 186
Landau, Lev Davidovich 178—182 180f 182f 184—187 189—191 197 204 206—208 219—220 225 230—231 234b 238 244 268 287b 288b 339n 453 456 468 470—471 470f 526 569—573 581—582
Laplace, Pierre Simon 123—124 132—133 138—139 252 568
Larmor, Joseph 66 67f 68 79 81 565
Laser, invention of 366 366n
Lauritsen, Charles C. 212
Lauritsen, Thomas 212
laws of physics see also "Newtonian laws of physics" "Paradigm"
Laws of physics, domains of validity of 38—39 57—58 84—86 193 405 514—515 525
Laws of physics, force the universe to behave as it does 27 27n 57 86
Laws of physics, logical meshing of 236—237 437—438
Laws of physics, metaprinciples obeyed by 82—83 94
Laws of physics, nature of 57—58 84—86
Laws of physics, permitted versus compulsory predictions 137—138 285—286 see
Laws of physics, should be beautiful 66 79 82 85
Layzer, David 228f
Lee, C.W. 491
Length contraction due to relative motion 65—66 68 71 76 78 84 130 565
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 179 181
Les Houches, France, physics summer school 369—370 465—428 433 434f 580
Leverrier, Urbain Jean Joseph 94
Levi-Civita, Tullio 113
Lifshitz, Evgeny Mikhailovich 36 244 453—456 459 465—468 467f 470f 471 473—474 569—572 574 580—582
Lifshitz, Zinaida Ivanovna 470f
Light see also "Absoluteness of speed of light" "Maxwell's
Light, as part of electromagnetic spectrum 251
Light, Einstein's wave/particle duality of 147b
Light, Huygens' wave description of 123 147b
Light, Newton's corpuscular description of 122—125
Lightman, Alan P. 260f
LIGO, description of 391—393
LIGO, genesis of 381—383 391—394
LIGO, organization of 391 391n
Lindquist, Richard W. 290 575
Linearity 373b 384b—385b see
Livanova, A. 569—570 582
Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich 30
Longair, Malcolm S. 343 577
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon 66 67f 68 79 81 114 565 567
Lovell, Bernard 327 333
Lugosi, Bela 254
Lynden-Bell, Donald 346 348 577
Lyon, Pat 316
MacCallum, Malcolm A.H. 580
Macdonald, Douglas A. 409 579 580
Magnetic field lines see also "Electric field lines"
Magnetic field lines in radio sources 338—339 342 348 349f 360—361 408—409
Magnetic field lines, "no ends" law 66 67f 79 81—82 85 565
Magnetic field lines, around a black hole 295 348 349f 360—361 408—409
Magnetic field lines, around an imploding star 273—274
Magnetic field lines, depicted 67f 262 263f
Magnetic field lines, gravitational attraction between 262—265
Magnetic field lines, magnetic repulsion between 262
Malenkov, Georgi 232
Maltby, Per Eugen 334
Manhattan project 223
Marcus, Philip 260f
Marie, Mileva 62 68—70 71f 566
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