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Thorne K.S., Hawking S. — Black holes and time warps: Einstein's outrageous legacy |
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Mass-energy equivalence and conversion ("E= "), as consequence of principle of relativity 82
Mass-energy equivalence and conversion ("E= "), as implying that energy curves spacetime 488
Mass-energy equivalence and conversion ("E= "), as power source for supernovae 173
Mass-energy equivalence and conversion ("E= "), details of 172b 441n
Mathews, Thomas 334 335
Matricide paradox 56 508—509 508n
Matterhorn project 229
Mavalvala, Nergis 390f
Maxwell's laws of electromagnetism 62 66 67f 71 79 81 82 85 147b 433 525 565
Maxwell, James Clerk 62 147b
Mazur, Pavel 285 575
McCarthy, Joseph 226
McCrae, William 158
McIntosh, John 228f
Medvedev, Zhores A. 569—570 572—573
Melvin, Mael A. 263—265
Membrane paradigm for black holes 405—411 443 445
Mercury, perihelion shift of 94 95b 103 107 116—117 119b
Metaprinciple 82—83 94
Michaelson — Morley experiment 64—66 72—73 78 85 383f 565
Michell, John 122—124 123f 132—133 138—139 252 568
Michelson, Albert Abraham 63—66 72—73 78 85 383f 565—566
Michelson, Peter F. 578
Microwave radiation 251
Mie, Gustav 115
Miley, George 316
Miller, L.R. 578
Millikan, Robert Andrews 165—166 165f 173
Milne, Edward Arthur 152 155 161
Minkowski, Hermann 61 87—90 91b 92b 92—93 103 107—108 115 332f 333f 414 567
Minkowski, Rudolph 577
Misener, A.D. 187
Misner, Charles W. 246 280 295 297 369 433n 466—467 467f 474 516 561 572 574 580 582
Mitton, Simon 332f 333f
Mledina and Serona, tale of 88—90
Moffett, Alan 334
Molotov, Vyacheslav 186 571
Monroe, Marilyn 254
Moon, apparent anomaly in orbital motion 94 567
Moon, as source of tides on Earth's oceans 105 106b 111—126 362—365 362b 364f 451
Moon, search for X-rays from 311 312f
Morley, Edward Williams 64—66 72—73 78 85 383f 565 566
Morris, Michael S. 490 498 500 505 507—509 509n 511 583
Morse, Samuel 62
Moss, G.E. 578
Murdin, Paul 316
Murray, Margaret 228f
Murray, Stephen 316
Nadezhin, Dmitri K. 240 574
Nakamura, Takashi 379n
Naked singularity 480—482
NASA 321 354 390
National Science Foundation (NSF) 389—390
Neptune 94
Nernst, Hermann Walther 115
Nestor, James 260f
Neutron stars see also "Pulsar"
Neutron stars in binary system 38 313 379 393 571
Neutron stars, as source of gravitational waves 380 393—394 403
Neutron stars, formation in supernovae 171 172f 173—175 174f
Neutron stars, Harrison — Wakano — Wheeler computations of 198—206
Neutron stars, Landau's neutron cores 182 182f 184—186 191
Neutron stars, maximum mass 192 195b
Neutron stars, maximum mass determines fates of dying stars 176—178
Neutron stars, minimum mass 190—191
Neutron stars, observations of see "Pulsar"
Neutron stars, Oppenheimer — Volkoff — Tolman computations of 193b—196b
Neutron stars, Zwicky's computations of 207
Neutron stars, Zwicky's prediction of 165—166
Neutron, discovery of 169 171
Newman, Ezra T. 295 573
Newton, Isaac 26—27 61 63 93—94 96 111 147b 563
Newtonian laws of physics see also "Gravity" "Newton's "Maxwell's
Newtonian laws of physics, crumbling of foundations of 63—72
Newtonian laws of physics, domain of validity of 84—85
Newtonian laws of physics, foundations of 61—63
Newtonian laws of physics, nature of and applications of 61—63
Newtonian laws of physics, Newton's laws of motion 61 81 93 563
Nobel prize awarded to, Chandrasckhar 149
Nobel prize awarded to, Einstein 69 83 103 147b
Nobel prize awarded to, Hulse and Taylor 393
Nobel prize awarded to, Landau 187
Nobel prize awarded to, Townes, Basov and Prokhorov 366
Nonlinearity see also "Linearity"
Nonlinearity of black holes' spacetime warpage 361
Nonlinearity, concept of 361 362b—363b
Nordstroem, Gunnar 115 286 458 473 581 582
novae 166—168
Novikov, Igor Dmitrievich 267—269 271f 275 277—281 287b 288b 308 308f 309 313 315 317 319—320 326 427 447 479 508 526 574—576 580—582
Novikov, Nora see "Kotok" "Nora"
Nuclear burning (fusion) see "Fusion"
Nuclear force at high densities 205
Nuclear force in atomic nuclei 170b 183b
Nuclear force, compared to electromagnetic force 221b
Nuclear force, concept of 169
Nuclear force, Nuclear force, compared to gravitational force 184
Nuclear force, pressure due to 177 190—192 194b—195b 203f 202b 571
Nuclear weapons research, American A-bomb project 223—224
Nuclear weapons research, American H-bomb (super bomb) project 226—229 231—232
Nuclear weapons research, relation to astrophysics research 238—243
Nuclear weapons research, Soviet A-bomb project 224-226
Nuclear weapons research, Soviet H-bomb (super bomb) project 229—232 233b—234b
Nuclear weapons research, Teller — Ulam/Sakarov — Zel'dovich secret 241—243 243f
Nucleus, atomic 169 170f 171 183b 221b
Ojala, Andrey 228f
Oke, John Beverley 568
Onnes, Heike Kamerlingh 68—69
Oppenheimer security clearance hearings 232 234—235
Oppenheimer — Wheeler confrontation, background of 220 223—224 226—227 234—235
Oppenheimer — Wheeler confrontation, confrontation 209—211 223—224 238 240
Oppenheimer, J. Robert 178 187—192 189f 193b—196b 196—197 199 202b 203f 204 206—220 211f 217f 222—223 226—229 232 234—241 235n 244 253 255 270 274—275 286 300 326 449—453 452f 454f 458—459 473—474 480 526 569 571—573 581
Orbit around gravitating body in science fiction scenario 24
Orbit around gravitating body, explained by Newton's laws 61
Orbit around gravitating body, Paradigm 402—411 416
Orbit around gravitating body, used to compute body's mass 26 561 563
Ori, Amos 479 582
Ostwald, Friedrich Wilhelm 59 68—69 563
Ozernoy, Leonid Moiseevich 575
Paczynski, Bohdan 317 319
Page, Don Nelson 435 446—447 490—493 500 580
Pagels, Heinz 141n
Pais, Abraham 563—567
Palmer, Henry P. 335
Paolini, Frank R. 311 576
Papapetrou, Achilles 342
Papastamatiou, N.I. 583
Paradigm, concept of 401
Paradigm, curved-spacetime paradigm for gravity 401—403
Paradigm, flat-spacetime paradigm for gravity 401—405
Paradigm, membrane paradigm for black holes 405—411 443 445
Paradigm, Newtonian paradigm for gravity 403—405
Parker, Leonard E. 435 505 583
Pasternak, Simon 277
Pauli exclusion principle 170b
Pauli, Wolfgang 170b 180
Pavlova, Varva 429
Pawsey, J.L. 327
Peierls, Rudolph 180
Pennington, Ralph 228f
Penrose, Jonathon 459
Penrose, Oliver 459—461
Penrose, Roger 36 244 281 290 294 319 341 369 414 417 419 459 461—463 461f 465 467—469 471—472 474 480—481 481f 524 527 574—575 579—582
Penrose, Shirley 459
Perley, R.A. 344f
Pernet, Jean 60
Perrin, Francis 223
Perturbation methods 275 276b 296—298
Petrov, A.N. 579
Petrovsky, Ivan 269
Petterson, Jacobus 260f 346—347 577
| Phinney, E. Sterl 352f 577
photoelectric effect 147b
Photon see also "Gamma rays" "Light" "X-rays"
Photon and wave-particle duality 146 147b 322
Photon, spontaneous emission of 431b
Photon, virtual 439—441 440f
Physical laws see "Laws of physics"
Piezoelectric effect 368f 369 372
Pimenov, Revol't Ivanovich 471—472 582
Planck — Wheeler length, time and area 426 426n 442 446 476n 494 494n 518 520 563 582
Planck, Max 83 115 147b 388
plasma 349f 350 353 408—409 408f
Plutonium 199 222—225 222b 573 221
Podurets, Mikhail 240 301 574
Poisson, Eric 479 582
Polarization of a gravitational wave 393—394 406n
Polarization of light 406n
Polarization of metal or a black-hole horizon, by electric charge 405—407 405f
Polchinski's paradox 509—515 510f 512f 513b—514b
Polchinski, Joseph 509—511 510f 512f 515—516
Polnarev, Alexander 580
Popova, A.D. 579
Power notation for large numbers 29b
Prakash, A. 295
Prendergast, Kevin 317
Preskill, John 481—482 481f
Press, Margaret 297f
Press, William H. 259 260f 261 261n 295—296 297f 298 319 427 574—576
Pressure see also "Equation of state"
Pressure in rocks 145 201b
Pressure, balances gravity in star 135f 137 143—145 144f 151 154f 156b—157b 160 161f 175—177 190 199 202 253
Pressure, creates spacetime curvature 118b—119b 567
Pressure, nonthermal, degeneracy 145—146 148—152 159—160 169 170b 175—178 193b 200b—203b
Pressure, nuclear 177 190—192 194b—195b 203f 202b 571
Pressure, physical cause of 143—145
Pressure, thermal 144—145 159—160
Price, Richard H. 280—281 283—285 295—296 319 350 409 504—505 508 574—575 579—580
Pringle, James 317
Probability, quantum mechanical 147b 477 478f 493f 496 515
Prokharov, Aleksandr Michailovich 366
Pulsar see also "Neutron star"
Pulsar and teste of general relativity 58 393
Pulsar, as proof that neutron stars exist 317
Pulsar, discovery of 174 468
Pulsar, nature of 317—318
Pulsar, radio waves from 379
PUSTOVOIT, V.I. 383 578
Qstriker, Jeremiah P. 317
Quanta 141
Quantum electrodynamics 433
Quantum fields 284
Quantum fields in curved spacetime 436—439 444b 447—448 482 492 517 524
Quantum foam 55—56 477—478 478f 494—497 495f
Quantum gravity and time-machine destruction 318—320
Quantum gravity at endpoint of stellar implosion 210 476—479
Quantum gravity in singularity inside black hole 453 476—79
Quantum gravity, nonexistence of time in 476—477 518—519
Quantum gravity, quantum foam of space (wormholes) in 55—56 477—478 478f 494—497 495f
Quantum gravity, realm of validity 85—86
Quantum gravity, what we may learn from in future 524—525
Quantum gravity, Wheeler DeWill and Hartle — Hawking approach to 479n
Quantum gravity, Wheeler's motivation for 210 236—237 244 255—256 262 301 449
Quantum limits on measurement accuracies 372—375 386
quantum mechanics see also "Degeneracy" "Hawking "Probability" "Uncertainty "Vacuum "Wave-particle
Quantum mechanics and atomic nuclei 169 184 199 see "Nuclear "Nucleus atomic"
Quantum mechanics and atoms, molecules, crystals 166 169 372
Quantum mechanics and entropy 423 445—446
Quantum mechanics and matter at high densities 145—146 147b 150—152
Quantum mechanics and quantum hair on black holes 284
Quantum mechanics and spectral lines of light 335
Quantum mechanics and superconductivity 231 339
Quantum mechanics and superfluidity 186—187 186n 208
Quantum mechanics and time machines 515 517—523
Quantum mechanics on macroscopic scales 372—376
Quantum mechanics, as primary, with classical physics secondary 514—515
Quantum mechanics, discovery of the laws of 141 147b 162 180—181
Quantum mechanics, marriage with general relativity see "Quantum gravity"
Quantum mechanics, marriage with special relativity 150—152 160
Quantum mechanics, nature of and domain of 50 141 372 510—511 514—515
Quantum mechanics, speculations about failure of 184 207
Quantum nondemolition 375—376 377f 386—387
Quarks, search for 570—571
Quasars, detailed model of 351—353 352f
Quasars, discovery of 335—337
Quasars, energy of 339
Quasars, gigantic black holes as power source 346—354 407—410 408f
Quasars, overview of 45—48 47f
Quasars, role of accretion disks in 346—354
Quasars, speculations about power source 273 339—341
Quasars, variability of 337—338
Raab, Frederick J. 390f
Rabi, Isidore I. 208 569 572
Radio galaxies see also "Cygnus A" "Quasars" "Radio
Radio galaxies, detailed model of 351—353 352f
Radio galaxies, discovery of 330—331
Radio galaxies, discovery of double radio lobes 333
Radio galaxies, energy requirements of 339
Radio galaxies, further observations of 334
Radio galaxies, gigantic black holes as power source 346—354 407—410 408f
Radio galaxies, role of accretion disks in 346—354
Radio galaxies, speculations about power source 273 539—541
Radio jets, discovery of 343—345
Radio jets, gigantic black hole as source 345—354 407—410 408f
Radio jets, gyroscopic stability of source 345
Radio telescopes, as key to revolution in understanding the Universe 378—379
Radio telescopes, Green bank and Owens Valley 334
Radio telescopes, improvements in angular resolution 328 330 335 342 345
Radio telescopes, interferometers, principle of 328—330 329f
Radio telescopes, Jansky's and Reber's 323—324 234f—235f
Radio telescopes, Jodrell Bank 331—333 332f—333f
Radio telescopes, relation to radar 327
Radio telescopes, Very Large Array (VLA) 343 344f 345
Radio telescopes, VLBI 345
Radio waves, as part of electromagnetic spectrum 25f 322—323 379
Radio waves, cosmic see also "Cygnus A" "Radio "Radio "Radio
Radio waves, cosmic, difficulty explaining 323—324
Radio waves, cosmic, discovery of by Jansky 323 324f—325f
Radio waves, cosmic, explained as synchrotron radiation 338—339 338f
Radio waves, cosmic, observations by Reber 324—326 324f—325f 327—328
Rayleigh — Taylor instability 241—242 242f
Reber, Grote 324 324f 325f 326—328 344f 345 576 577
Redmount, Ian H. 409 486
Rees, Martin 272 317 319 343 348 461 574 576 577
Reference frame, accelerated, near black hole 443—446 444b
Reference frame, concept of 80
Reference frame, Finkelstein's, for stellar implosion 245—246 249 255
Reference frame, inertial (freely moving or freely falling) 80 96—98 99f 106 109 249
Reference frame, non-inertial 114
Regge, Tullio 275
Reissner — Nordstroem solution of Einstein field equation 286 458 473 581 582
Reissner, Hans 286 458 581
Relativists contrasted with other scientists 319—321 341—342
Relativity of space and time see also "Absoluteness of space and time" "Length "Time
Relativity of space and time, deduced from principle of relativity 73 77b
Relativity of space and time, Einstein's conception of 72—78
Relativity of space and time, explained in terms of spacetime 88—92 91b—92b
Relativity theory see "General Relativity" "Special
Relativity, principle of, as a metaprincipl 82
Relativity, principle of, consequences of 76—78 82
Relativity, principle of, formulated in absence of gravity 73 81
Relativity, principle of, generalized to include gravity 98 100 99f 114
Renn, Juergen 563 566
Research methods and styles, "small science" style vs. "big science" style 388—391
Research methods and styles, approximations 194b—195b 276b
Research methods and styles, arguments by analogy 429—430
Research methods and styles, attitudes toward mathematics 469—472
Research methods and styles, choice of physical laws 193b
Research methods and styles, competition 369—370
Research methods and styles, curiosity 207 236—237
Research methods and styles, different mathematical representations of same physics 402
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