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Thorne K.S., Hawking S. — Black holes and time warps: Einstein's outrageous legacy |
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Wilkins, Daniel 298n
Will, Clifford M. 260f 379n 402 563 568
Williams, Kay 156
Winstein, Carolee Joyee 314 501—505 503n 503f 516—517 518f
Witt, Georgia 260f
World War I 124
World War II 166 197 219 222—224 300 309 324 327 366 469
Wormholes, classical as solutions of Einstein field equation 486 488 490
Wormholes, classical brief summary of present status 524
Wormholes, classical concept of 484—485
Wormholes, classical creation of, by extraction from quantum foam 56 494—496 497—498
Wormholes, classical creation of, by non-quantum means 496—497 497—498
Wormholes, classical embedding diagrams of 485f 501f
Wormholes, classical pinch-off if not threaded by exotic material 486—488 487f 491
Wormholes, classical probably do not occur naturally in Universe 486
Wormholes, classical relative motion of mouths 501—504 501f
Wormholes, classical the hookup of time through 500—502
Wormholes, classical time machine based on 502—504 503f
Wormholes, classical travel through 500—501 500f
Wormholes, classical, overview of 54—56 55f
Wormholes, quantum (in quantum foam) 55—56 494—496 495f
| X-ray astronomy and telescopes 309—314 311f 312f 378—379 see
X-rays, as high-energy photons 146
X-rays, as key to revolution in our understanding of Universe 378—379
X-rays, as part of electromagnetic spectrum 25f 322 379
X-rays, emitted by gas accreting into black hole 25 307—309 307f 308f 318 379
X-rays, role in hydrogen bomb 243 243f
Yasskin, Philip 260f
York, Herbert 235n 572—574
York, James 442 576
Yurtsever, Ulvi 492 503 507—509 511 583
Zebergs, V. 576
Zel'dovich, Varva see "Pavlova" "Varva"
Zel'dovich, Yakov Borisovich 197 220 222—225 229—232 229n 233b 238 240—243 243f 254 261 267—270 271f 272 275 277—280 287b 288b 298 301 304 305f 306—310 307f 308f 313 315 317—320 326 341 346 370 419 428 428n 429 430b 431—435 432f 433n 434f 438—439 442 447 467 526 572—577 579—580
Zerilli, Frank 295
Zhang, H. 583
Zimtnermann, Mark 376n 578
Znajek, Roman 350—351 353 407 408f 409 577 579
Zucker, Michael E. 390f
Zurek, Wojciech 445—446 571
Zwicky, Fritz 164—166 163f 168—169 171 172b 172f 173—176 173n 174f 178 182 184 187 191—192 196 206—208 239—240 300 324 331 523 569 570 572
Zytkow, Anna N. 571
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