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Thorne K.S., Hawking S. — Black holes and time warps: Einstein's outrageous legacy |
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Research methods and styles, examples of deductive reasoning 102b—103b 77b
Research methods and styles, idealizations 215—217 217f
Research methods and styles, influence of names, definitions and viewpoints 254—256 295—296 401—411 416—417
Research methods and styles, interaction between individual researchers 70—71 187—189 193b—196b 240 429 499—500 505
Research methods and styles, interaction of theorists and experimenters/observers 207—208 315—317 319—321 326 372 376
Research methods and styles, interactions between various communities of researchers 319—321 326 328 341—343
Research methods and styles, level of rigor 441—442 469
Research methods and styles, massive, worldwide research efforts 315—317 319—321
Research methods and styles, mathematical manipulations of laws 61 119—120 563
Research methods and styles, mental blocks 71 82 244 255 295 335 338—339 417
Research methods and styles, mentors and their styles 261—262 269—272
Research methods and styles, mind flips 403 404f 405 410—411
Research methods and styles, order-of-magnitude calculations 193b
Research methods and styles, paradigms 401—411 416 see
Research methods and styles, pedagogy as tool in research 96
Research methods and styles, perturbation methods 275 276b 296—298
Research methods and styles, physical intuition 79 96 119—120 269 279 429
Research methods and styles, relation between experimental and theoretical 64—65
Research methods and styles, role of a first quick survey 193b 212
Research methods and styles, role of subconscious mind 462
Research methods and styles, Sagan-type questions 493 496 497 508
Research methods and styles, self-confidence 207—208
Research methods and styles, solitude and introspection 370 499—500 505
Research methods and styles, thought experiments 110—111 122 128 145—146 492—493 496 500—503 503n
Resistance to compression see also "Equation of state"
Resistance to compression, concept of 149—150
Resistance to compression, of cold, dead matter 200b—202b
Resistance to compression, of nuclear matter 193b—96b 200b—202b
Resistance to compression, of while-dwarf matter 149—153 154f 156b—157b
Rhodes, Richard 572
Ricci, Gregorio 113
Riemann, Bernhard 30 113
Rindler, Wolfgang 255
Ritus, V.I. 572
Robinson, David 285
Robinson, Ivor 462 577
Rockefeller Foundation fellowship 179 220
Roman, Thomas 498—500
Romanov, Yuri 229—230 572—574
Roosevelt, Theodore 366
Rosenfeld, Leon 161—162 569
Rossi, Bruno 311 576
Rudenko, Valentin N. 371f
Ruffel, Dorothea 228f
Ruffini, Remo 405—407 409 579
Rulers, perfect and rubbery 397—400 398b 399f
Russell, Henry Norris 162
Rutherford, Ernest 169 171
Ryle, Martin 327 331 332f 333f 335 343 344f 577
Sabbadini, A.G. 571
Sagan, Carl 483 486 490 490n 492—494 496—497 500 508
Sagan-type questions 493 496 497 508
Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich 220 229—232 229n 233b 235 235n 241 243f 270 310 326 572—574
Sakharova, Klava see "Vikhireva" "Klavdia"
Salpeter, Edwin E. 307—308 307f 341 346 576 577
Sandage, Allan R. 335 369 578
Sandberg, Vernon D. 376n 578
Saulson, Peter 391n
Schaffer, S. 568
Schechter, Paul 260f
Scheuer, Peter 343 577
Schild, Alfred 377
Schmidt, Maarten 335—337 336f 377
Schrier, Ethan 316
Schroedinger, Erwin 147b 180
Schucking, Engelbert L. 577
Schull, Michael 260f
Schulmann, Robert 563 566
Schurnaker, David 390f
Schutz, Bernard F. 281 379n
Schwarzschild geometry for black hole or star, Schwarzschild's discovery of 124
Schwarzschild geometry for black hole or star, space warpage of 128—130 129f 132—134 132f
Schwarzschild geometry for black hole or star, time warpage of 130—131 132—134 132f
Schwarzschild singularity (black hole) 121 136—137 244 250 255 see
Schwarzschild, Karl 124 125f 129 131 136 212 368 382
Sciama, Dennis 261 271f 272 280 285 287b 288b 289 298 343 460—461 574 580 581
Scientific revolution 401 403 405
Seelig, C. 566
Semenov, Nikolai Nikolaievich 466
Sensor for gravitational-wave detector 568—569 572 374—376 377f 386
Serber, Robert 188—191 189f 204 212 569 571 572
Shack, Christene 228f
Shakura, Nikolai 317
Shapiro, Stuart L. 267 379n 481 571 572 582
Sharp, David 254
Sheets, B. 576
Shipman, Harry 368
Shock waves 173 215—216 217f 238—240 301 307 307f 453
Sievers, Lisa 390f
Singularity theorems, black holes contain singularities (Penrose) 462—463 468 472
Singularity theorems, physicists' reactions to 524
Singularity theorems, Universe began in singularity (Hawking — Penrose) 465
Singularity, naked 36 470—472 524
Singularity, quantum gravity description of 476—479 478f
Singularity, tidal gravity near see also "Black-hole interior"
Singularity, tidal gravity near, aging of 479—480
Singularity, tidal gravity near, BKL 30—31 468—469 474—476 475f
Singularity, tidal gravity near, mixmaster 474—476 475f
Singularity, tidal gravity near, perfectly spherical (Oppenbeimer — Snyder) 451—453 452f
Sirius 142 159—160 161f 176—177 177f 205 302
Sirius B 142—143 143f 145 148 150 152 155 160 568
Slee, O. Bruce 330 577
Smarr, Larry 260f 293f 574
Smart, W.M. 157 567
Smith, A.K. 569
Smith, Graham 331
Smith, Harlan 337 577
Smith, Jack 281
Snyder, Hartland 212—220 217f 222 237—241 244 255 286 326 450—453 452f 454f 458—459 473—474 480 572 581
Sommerfeld, Arnold 124 117 140—141
Soviet Union see also "Great Terror" "Nuclear
Soviet Union, attitudes toward topology 469—472
Soviet Union, control on travel abroad 181 277—278 466
Soviet Union, influence of Landau on science in 181 470—471
Soviet Union, organization of science in 287b—288b 382
Soviet Union, science under Lenin 179—181
Space see also "Absoluteness of space and time" "Relativity "Space
Space warpage (curvature) see also "Black-hole properties" "Embedding "Gravitational "Wormholes"
Space warpage (curvature), as due to rubbery rulers 397—400 399f
Space warpage (curvature), concept deduced by Einstein 107
Space warpage (curvature), concept explained 108—109 108f
Space, contraction of see "Length contraction"
Space, foamlike structure in quantum gravity 477—478 478f 494—497 495f
Spacetime curvature (warpage), as due to rubbery clocks and rulers 397—400
Spacetime curvature (warpage), concept deduced by Einstein 107—108
Spacetime curvature (warpage), equivalent to tidal gravity 110—112 110f 112f
Spacetime curvature (warpage), objects made from, overview of 523—524
Spacetime curvature (warpage), produced by mass, energy and pressure 113—119 118b—119b
Spacetime diagrams for a star that implodes to form a black hole 249—251 251f 281 282f 415b
Spacetime diagrams for the expanding universe 460—461
Spacetime diagrams for the fall of an astronaut into a black hole 452f
Spacetime diagrams for the growth of a black hole when matter falls in 418b
Spacetime diagrams in curved spacetime 249—251 251f
Spacetime diagrams in flat spacetime 74—76 75f 77b 91b
Spacetime, absoluteness of 90 92 91b—92b 414
Spacetime, concept formulated by Minkowski 87—88 92—93 414
Spacetime, space and time derived from 90 92
Special relativity, Einstein's formulation of 80—83
Special relativity, experimental tests of 78 83—84 566
Spectrum of electromagnetic waves 25f 379
speed of light see also "Absoluteness of speed of light"
Speed of light, as maximum speed anything can travel 82
Spero, Robert 390f
Stability and instability of black boles 296—298
Stability and instability of cold, dead stars 203—205 204b
Stability and instability of formation of singularity by imploding star 453—456 455f 459 466 473—474
Stability and instability of travel through black hole to another universe 473—474
Stalin, Joseph 178 181 184 186 224—225 230—232 233b 234b 268 273 277—278 371 466 570 571
Stanley, Gordon J. 330 577
Star see also "Black holes" "Neutron "Sun" "White
| Star, cold, dead stars 198 203f 202—206 203n 204b
Star, laws governing structure of 143—144 144f
Star, origin of heat 182 184 191 see nuclear"
Star, squeeze/pressure balance in 135f 137 143—145 144f 151 154f 156b—157b 160 161f 175—177 190 199 202 253
Star, supermassive stars 341
Star, unstable stars 203—205 204n
Starobinsky, Alexi 298 434—335 438—439 442 580
Stern, Alfred 69
Stoner, Edmund C. 152n 153 154f 160 201b 369
Strassman, Fritz 220
Strauss, Lewis 232 234
Stroboscope sensor 376
Strong force see "Nuclear force"
Struve, Otto 327 576
Suen, Wai-Mo 409
Sullivan, W.J. 576
Sun, compared with Earth and white dwarf 143
Sun, fate when it dies 159 161f 175 177f
Sun, origin of its heal 182 184 191
Sunyaev, Rashid 317—319 576
Super bomb see "Nuclear weapons research"
Superconductivity 231 339
Superfluidity 186—187 186n 208
Supernovae, as sources of gravitational waves 380
Supernovae, Baade — Zwicky discovery of 166—168
Supernovae, energy of 168 171 174f
Supernovae, photograph of 167
Supernovae, powered by stellar implosion to form neutron star 171 172f 173—175
Superradiance 433n
Synchrotron radiation 358—338 338f
Taber, Robert C. 578
Tamm, Igor 229—230 241
Tananbaum, Harvey 316
Taylor, Edwin F. 78 88 92b
Taylor, G.L. 567
Taylor, Joseph H. 392—393
Taylor, Maggie 390f
Teller, Edward 226—227 229 231—232 234—235 235n 239 241 243 243f 572 574
Tensor analysis see "Differential geometry"
Teukolsky, Roselyn 297 297f
Teukolsky, Saul A. 260f 261n 267 297 297f 298—299 319 427 431 571—572 574—576 582
Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics 240 341—342 498 577 377
Theoretical Minimum, Landau's 470—471
Theory see "Laws of physics"
Theory, misleading concept, so not used in this hook 86
Thermodynamics of black holes 427 436 442 445—446 see "Horizon" "Hawking
Thermodynamics, concept of 422
Thermodynamics, laws of 422—423 436
Thermodynamics, second law of 422—426 424b
Thermonuclear burning and evolution 197—198 228—229 575 see
Thorne, Alison Comish 267n 509 509n
Thorne, Bret Carter 484
Thorne, Kares Anne 264 484
Thorne, Kip Stephen 241—243 247f 261—268 278 280 296—298 297f 306—307 314—315 315f 369—372 371f 375—378 376n 379n 381—382 389—391 409—411 426—434 438—439 443 467—468 467f 481—482 481f 483—486 488—493 498—509 500f 503f 506f 509n 511 513b 514—521 518f 561 571—576 578—581 583
Thorne, Linda J. 264 484
Thought experiments 110—111 122 128 445—446 492—493 496 500—503 503n
Tidal gravity see "Gravity tidal"
Tides on ocean 35 57 61 93 105 106b 111—113 112f 362—365 364f 451
Time dilation, due to relative motion 37 66 68 71 76 78 84 565
Time machines (for backward time travel), as solutions to the Einstein field equation 499n
Time machines (for backward time travel), based on cosmic strings 521 521n
Time machines (for backward time travel), based on rapidly spinning matter 499n 521
Time machines (for backward time travel), based on wormholes 55—56 502—504 503f
Time machines (for backward time travel), creation of requires exotic material 499n
Time machines (for backward time travel), must accompany non-quantum creation of a wormhole (Geroch theorem) 497
Time machines (for backward time travel), paradoxes due to 508—515
Time machines (for backward time travel), possible if one can travel faster than light 498—499
Time machines (for backward time travel), publicity about 516
Time machines, destruction of when first activated, by radiation? No 505—507 506f
Time machines, destruction of when first activated, by vacuum fluctuations? Probably yes 56 516—521 518f
Time machines, destruction of when first activated, quantum gravity controls the answer 521 524
Time warpage see "Time dilation" see
Time warpage, as due to rubbery docks 397 400—401 403
Time warpage, concept deduced by Einstein 107
Time, besides the following entries see "Absoluteness of space and time" "Quantum nonexistence "Relativity
Tipler, Frank 499n 583
Toll, John S. 227 228f
Tolman, Richard Chace 165f 178 188 192 193b—196b 206 216 219 371
Topology, abortive introduction in Russia 471—472
Topology, as foundation for global methods 465
Topology, concepts of 463—465 464b—465b
Topology, use of to prove that singularities must occur 462—463 465
Topology, why introduced into physics by British 469—477
Torrence, Robert 295 573
Townes, Charles H. 334 366
Trautman, Andrzej 371f
Trimble, Virginia L. 306—307 576
Truman, Harry S. 227
Trutnev, Yuri 574
Turner, Louis A. 573
Tyson, John Anthony 371f
Uhuru X-ray telescope 311f 312f 314 316
Ulam, Stanslaw 227 229 231—232 234 241 243 243f 574
Ultraviolet radiation 23f
Uncertainty principle 372 373b—374b 375
Unification of all physical laws 325
Universe, expansion of 337
Universe, origin of see "Big bang"
Universe, speculations on travel to another 456—458 457f 473—474 484
Universe, steady-state theory of 460
Universe, structure of 301 302f
Universe, ultimate fate of 355—356 see
Unruh, Wilham G. 260f 376n 433 442 444b 579 580
Uranium 199 220—225 221b—222b 225 250
Uranus 94
Vacuum fluctuations and virtual particles 439—443 440f 441n 444b
Vacuum fluctuations, as cause of spontaneous emission of radiation 431b 432—433
Vacuum fluctuations, as destroyers of time machines 516—521
Vacuum fluctuations, as form of exotic material 491—492
Vacuum fluctuations, concept of 430—431 450b—431b 491—492
Van allen, james 376
van Stockum, W.J. 499n 583
Vikhireva, Klavdia [Klava] 231
VIRGO 392—393
Virtual particles 439—445 440f 441n 444b
Vishveshwara, C.V. 295 296
Vogt, Rochus E. 390—391 390f
Volkoff, George 192 193b—196b 196—197 199 202b 203f 206—209 211—212 216 569 571 572
Vorontsov, Yuri L. 376 578
Wade, Cam 316
Wakano, Masami 199 202—203 203f 203n 209 237 254 571 572 574 581
Wald, Robert M. 260f 298 406 437n 442 492 505 506f 507 574 579—580 583
Wali, Kameshwar C. 568—569
Watt, James 62
Wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle 373b
Wave-particle duality and vacuum fluctuations 439
Wave-particle duality, concept of 146
Wave-particle duality, history of ideas on 147b
Wave-particle duality, illustrated by X-rays and radio waves 322
Weak energy condition 508
Weber, Hrinrich Friedrich 60—62 64—65 68—69 564 565
Weber, Joseph 363—370 368f 371f 372 375 377—378 382—383 386 578
Webster, Louise 316
Weiner, C. 569
Weiss, Rainer 383 388 389 390f 391 578
Weyl, Hermann 567
Wheeler, John Archibald 78 88 92b 197—199 198f 200b 201b 203f 209—211 211f 220 222—223 226—229 228f 231—232 234—240 235n 244—246 253—254 256—257 261—262 263f 264—265 267—268 270 271f 272 273 277 277n 280 283 287b 288 288b 290 293f 295—298 300—301 341 366 369 422 423—426 431 435 437 442 444b 446 449—450 453 456 458—459 466 467f 476—477 479 479n 480—481 486 487f 492 494 497 518 520 523—524 527 561 563 569 571—576 579—581 582—583
Whipple, Fred L. 323—324 338 576
White dwarf stars see also "Sirius B"
White dwarf stars, Chandrasekhar's computations of 153—155
White dwarf stars, maximum mass 151—152 154f 156b—157b 161f
White dwarf stars, maximum mass determines fates of dying stars 159—160 161f 176—178 177f
White dwarf stars, mystery of 142—145
White dwarf stars, observations of 142
White dwarf stars, properties of 142 143f 150 154f 167f
White, Richard H. 239—241 374
White, T.H. 137 285
Whiting, Bernard 298
Wiita, Paul 260f
Wilets, Lawrence 227 228f
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