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Bell E.T. — The Development of Mathematics |
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"Nothing, " Berkeley's 286
40 46 78 275
abacus 51 88 89 114
Abel, N.H., (1802-1829) 78 197—198 214 232 234 237 238 242—244 394 396 408 409 438 474 475 477—479 498 499 501 502 510 524 525 574 603n.
Abel, N.H., power series 315 414 501 502
Abel, N.H., theorem 315 414 501 502
Abelard, P., (1079-1142) 92 108
Absolute, Cayley 331
Absolute, geometric 351—353
Absolutism, mathematical 336
Absorption 262
Abstraction 260 261
Abstractionists 463
Abstractness 8—9 18 169 215 217 230 253 259
Abul-Wefa, (10th cent.) 103
Academy, Berlin 133
Academy, French 133
Academy, Royal Danish 177
Academy, Royal Irish 179
Academy, Turin 366
Acceleration 163 164
Action, least 365
Actuarial science 588
Adams, Henry, (1838-1918) 91
Addition 71 172 173 214 555
Addition, associative 542
Addition, formulas 58—59
Addition, logical 554—556
Addition, theorem 266 534
Addition, theorem, algebraic 534
Addition, vector 203
Adelard, (11th cent, a.d.) 86 88
Adjunction, algebraic 255
Adjunction, transcendental 255
Aggregate 273
Agriculture 590
Ahmes, (c. 1800 b.c.) 33 34 127
Al-Battani, (d. 929 a.d.) 103
Albert, A.A., (1905-) 591—592 599n.
Alcuin, (735-804) 86 88
Alembert's principle 371
Alembert, J. le R. d', (1717-1783) 178 283 393 404 472 473 497 517 602n.
Alexander, J.W., (1888-) 456 462 606n.
Alexandrian school, first 57
Alexandrian School, Second 58
Alexandroff, P., (1896-) 606n.
Algebra by Al-Khowarizmi 100
Algebra by Weber 240 241
Algebra of quantics 431
Algebra, abstract 22 168 228 231 259 308 330 401 432 453 466 502 550 555
Algebra, applied 209
Algebra, arithmetical 187
Algebra, associative 202 203 204 211 231
Algebra, Babylonian 35—39 125 272
Algebra, boolean 11 202 235 256 259—265 542 550 555 579
Algebra, Cayley 268
Algebra, classes 578
Algebra, common 212 213 555
Algebra, commutator 432
Algebra, division 251 252
Algebra, double 179
Algebra, Egyptian 39
Algebra, elementary 168
Algebra, fundamental theorem of 120 178 494
Algebra, general 208
Algebra, geometrical 211
Algebra, Hindu 94—106
Algebra, lattice 262
Algebra, linear 212 221 231 246 249—253 260
Algebra, matric 252
Algebra, modern 182 222 224 231 298 346 555 578
Algebra, Moslem 97—99 100—101 125
Algebra, multiple 180 208
Algebra, n-fold 539
Algebra, rhetorical 18 99 123
Algebra, sub 265
Algebra, symbolic 123
Algebra, syncopated 123
Algebra, tensor 204 209
Algebra, vector 168 187 206—207
Algebraic surfaces by Zariski 514
Algorithm, logical 554
Almagest by Ptolemy 82 102
Americal Journal of Mathematics 428
Amount 127
Ampere, A.M., (1775-1836) 112 606n.
Analysis situs by Poincare 459
Analysis, abstract 248 253 254 518 533—534
Analysis, arithmetization of 273—278 295
Analysis, asymptotic 318
Analysis, Cartesian 339
Analysis, classical 552
Analysis, combinatorial 20—21 134 242 290 405 407 544
Analysis, consistency of 567—575
Analysis, diophantine 68 187 298—301 302 535
Analysis, essential 312 313 314
Analysis, foundations of 280 571
Analysis, Fourier 509 517
Analysis, functional 524—528 533—537
Analysis, fundamental theorem of 485
Analysis, general 254 381 418 533 534 538—542
Analysis, harmonic 587
Analysis, inessential 312
Analysis, logical 546
Analysis, mathematical 18 39 41 219 286 565
Analysis, modern 298
Analysis, postulational 334—335
Analysis, situs 453 499 see
Analysis, submathematical 90—92 275 485 548 563 573
Analysis, tensor 357
Analysis, vector 204 207 208 209
Analysis, Weierstrassian 294
Analyst by Berkeley 286 287
Analytische-geometrische Entwickelungen by Pluecker 342 345
Anaximander, (6th cent.b.c.) 90
AND 556
angle 77—80 349
Angle, acute, hypothesis of 327—329
Angle, obtuse, hypothesis of 327—329 331
Angle, projective 352
Anharmonic ratio 59
Annihilator 431
Anthropometry 589
Antichrist 161
Antiphon, (c. 430 b.c.) 595-n.
Apercu historique sur l'origine et le developpement des methodes en geometrie by Chasles 340
Apollonius, (260?-200? b.c.) 19 57 80—83 114 136 159 248 340 347 351 595n.
Apollonius, translation of 114
Applications de geometrie et de mechanique by Dupin 355
Applications du calcul infinitesimal a la geometrie by Cauchy 292
Applied, algebra 209
Applied, mathematics, modern 160—166
Aquinas, Thomas, (1226-1274) 86 92 137 165 275
Arbogast, L.F.A., (1759-1803) 413
Archibald, R.C., (1875-) 595n.
Archimedes, (287?-212 b.c.) 44 45 46 51 52 55 57 58 74—76 80 84 134 148 154 267 304 305 364 397 480 546
Archimedes, axiom of 76 81 285 335 595n.
Area 463
Argand diagram 184 206 315 486
Argand, J.R., (1768-1822) 177 184 206
Argument 237
Aristarchus, (3d cent.b.c.) 111 595n.
Aristotle, (384-322 b.c.) 54 90 92 163 553 574 596n.
Arithmetic 167 193
Arithmetic, additive 296
Arithmetic, algebraic 187
Arithmetic, analytic 307 311—319
Arithmetic, commercial 114
Arithmetic, consistency of 266 553 575—577
| Arithmetic, foundations of 558
Arithmetic, fundamental theorem 49 218 221—224 256
Arithmetic, general 254
Arithmetic, generalized 231
Arithmetic, Higher 135 218 254 499 503
Arithmetic, modern 156—158
Arithmetic, multiplicative 296
Arithmetic, original 559
Arithmetic, postulates 183 266—267
Arithmetic, rational 213—214 220 221 224 296 302
Arithmetica 49
Aronhold, S.H., (1819-1884) 428 429 431
Ars Magna by Cardan 111 117 118 173
Arte combinatoria, De, by Leibniz 553
Artin, E., (1898-) 230 599n.
Aryabhatta, (6th cent.) 95 96 128
Assemblage 273
Associative law 203—204
Astrology 26
Astronomy 58 59
Astronomy, dynamical 164 362 585
Athens, school 56
Atomism 44
Atoms, vortex 455
Attraction, gravitational 164
Attraction, inverse-square law of 162
Ausdehnungslehre by Grassman 203 208
Autobiographia by Ramon y Cajal 24
Automorph 301
Aviation 533
Axes, principal 537
Axiom, Archimedes' 76 81 285 335 595n.
Axiom, Infinity 563
Axiom, reducibility 562—563 571—572
Axiom, trivial 264
Axiom, Zermelo's 484 485
Axiomatics 263
Babylon 601n.
Babylonians 174
Bachet's Diophantus 156
Bacon, Roger, (1214-1294) 91 596n.
Baire, R., (1874-1932) 423 472 484
Baker, H.F., (1866-) 608n.
Ball, W.W.R., (1850-1925) 595n.
Ballistics 22 117 365
Banach, S., (1892-) 253 262 542 580
Barnard, R.W., (1890-) 609n.
Barrow, I., (1630-1677) 145 146
Barycentric calculus 200 345
Barycentrische Calcut, Der, by Moebius 200 345
Basis 227
Basis, finite 256
Basis, theorem 429
Basis, theorem, Hilbert's 227—228
Bateman, H., (1882-) 606n. 608n.
Bayes, T., (?-1761) 583 585 591
Bede, the Venerable, (c. 673-735) 86 87
Beitraege zur Geometric der Lage by von Staudt 348
Beltrami, E., (1835-1900) 328 332
Bemerkungen zu Grundlagenfragen IV by Menger 262
Benzene ring 431
Bergson, H., (1859-) 84
Berkeley's "nothing" 286
Berkeley, G., (1685-1753) 286—287
Berlin Academy 133
Bernays, P., (1888-) 575 576
Bernoulli, Daniel, (1700-1782) 366 371 383 403 516—517 519 531 586
Bernoulli, James, (1654-1705) 373 374 377 380 383 392 402 407 473 475 516 519 583
Bernoulli, John, (1667-1748) 177 285 373 374 377 402 406 473 516—519 604n. 607n. 609n.
Bernoullis, the 153 383 403 472 473
Bernstein, B.A., (1881-) 555
Berwick, W.E.H., (1888-1944) 307
Besicovitch, A.S., (1891-) 608n.
Bessel's equations 384 404
Bessel, F.W., (1784-1846) 382 497 603n.
Bessel, F.W., coefficient 383 399
Bessel, F.W., functions 383—386 519 522 523
Betti's numbers 462 467
Betti, E., (1823-1892) 462
Bezout, E., (1730-1783) 196 426
Bhaskara, (12th cent.) 96—98 299
Bibliography of symbolic logic 550
Bicircular quartics 336 337
Binet, J.P.M., (1786-1856) 426
Binomial coefficients 119
Binomial theorem 284
Biometry 590
Bionomics 537
Birkhoff, G., (1911-) 258 261 262 265
Birkhoff, G.D., (1884-) 408 416 417 459 462 587 600n. 602n. 606n.
Birth control 589
Bitangents 322
Black Death 109 113
Black, C.W.M. 513
Blichfeldt, H.F., (1874-) 242 602n.
Bliss, G.A., (1876-) 380 603n. 607n. 608n.
Bobillier, E., (1797-1832) 346
Boccaccio, (1313-1375) 109
Bocher, M., (1867-1918) 355 523
Boethius, (c. 475-554) 54 86 87 88—89 92
Bohr, H., (1887-) 509
Bohr, N., (1885-) 608n.
Bolyali, J., (1802-1860) 15 329 330 331 336 353
Bolyali, W., (1775-1856) 15 179 263 329
Bolza, O., (1857-) 379 380 603n.
Bolzano, N., (1781-1848) 154 273
Bombelli, R., (16th cent.) 118 174 476
Bonaparte, Napoleon, (1769-1821) 321 338 366—368 610n.
Boole, G., (1815-1864) 256 259—260 334 403 406 414 421 424 430 431 554—558 609n.
Boolean algebra 11 202 235 256 259—265 542 550 555 579
Borel, E., (1871-) 472 474 478 484 495 581 593 600n.
Boundary 454—455
Boundary-value problems 106 211 385 520 521 523—528 531 534
Bouquet, J.C., (1819-1895) 608n.
Brachistochrone 373 377
Bradwardine, Thomas, (1290-1349) 137
Brahe, Tycho, (1546-1601) 58 161 162
Brahmagupta, (7th cent.) 95 96 173 299
Branch 500—501
Branch, cut 225 277 279
Bravais, A., (1811-1863) 601n.
Brianchon, C.J., (1783-1864) 323 341
Briggs, H., (1561-1631) 162
Brill, A., (1842-1935) 509
Bring, E.S., (1736-1798) 232 237
Brioschi, F., (1824-1897) 428
Briot, A.A., (1817-1882) 608n.
Brisson, B., (1777-1828) 413
Brocard, H., (1845-1922) 323
Bromwich, T.J.I'A., (1875-1929) 414 415
Brouillon project by Desargues 158
Brouncker, Lord W., (1620-1684) 298 473 476
Brouwer, L.E.J., (1882-) 461 462 467 485 543 548 550 559 560 565—566 569—570 575
Bryson, (5th cent. b.c.) 595n.
Budan, F.D. 524
Burali-Forti's paradox 279 573
Burali-Forti, C., (1861-1931) 279 552 561 573
Burgi, J., (1552-1632) 162
Burkhardt, H., (1861-1914) 608n.
Burnside, W., (1852-1927) 239 445
Bussey, W., (1879-) 335
Caesar, Julius, (100-44 b.c.) 85 451
Cajori, F., (1859-1930) 100 595n. 596n. 597n. 598n.
Calcul des fonctions by Lagrange 289
Calculus of inference 555
Calculus of logic by Boole 554
Calculus of variation 361 371—373 377—381 418 516 519—520 529 530 534 535 539 540
Calculus, absolute differential 357 358
Calculus, barycentric 200 345
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