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Bell E.T. — The Development of Mathematics |
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Proposition, calculus of 561
Protosymbolism 128
Psellus, (1020-1100) 86 87
Pseudo-sphere 328 332
Ptolemy's epicycles 111
Ptolemy, (2nd cent.) 58 59 82 94 102 111 161
Pyramid, great 42 61
Pyramid, triangular 40
Pyramid, truncated 40 43—45 458
Pythagoras 50 53 55 56 60 75 82 89 169—173 219 269 349 544 548 569 574 582
Pythagorean 21
Pythagorean, brotherhood 50 54 55 60 81 163 271 279 283
Pythagorean, law 50
Pythagorean, numerology 60 71 564
Pythagorean, program 183-185 190 195 212
Pythagorean, theorem 9 40—41 69 140 359
Quadrangle, complete 338
Quadratics, n-ary 305
Quadratics, special 125
Quadratix 80
Quadrics, confocal 523
Quadrilateral, birectangular 327
Quadrilateral, complete 338
Quadrivium 60 89
Quanta 405
Quantics 432
Quantics, algebra of 431
quantity 291 294
Quantum theory 205 262 268 305 432 451 528 529 531 574 582
Quantum-mechanics 22 370 564 571
Quartics, bicircular 336 337
Quaternions 206—208 250 251 254 541 542
Quaternions, Hamilton's 168 189 200 201—202 204
Quaternions, Lectures on, by Hamilton 201
Quetelet, A., (1796-1874) 588—590
Quine, W.V. 563 572 573
Radon, J.R., (1887-) 483
Ramanujan, S., (1887-1920) 307 314
Ramon y Cajal, S. 24
Ramsey, F.P., (1903-1930) 571
Randomness 593
Range, general 540
Range, geometric 344—345
Raphael, (1483-1520) 111
ratio 40 164
Ratio test, Cauchy's 291
Ratio, "same" 64 65
Ratio, anharmonic 59
Ratio, cross 59 338 349 350
Ratio, prime and ultimate 144
Rationality, domains of 212
Rayleigh, Lord, (1842-1919) 604n.
Real variable, functions of 470—485
Reality, external 195
Reality, Platonic 564
Reasoning, deductive 4 18 47 55 330 593
Reasoning, inductive 4 5
Recherches sur diverses applications de l'analyse infinitesimale a la theorie des nombres by Dirichlet 311
Recherches theoriques modernes en calcul des probability by Frechet 592
Reciprocants, theory of 439
Reciprocity 222 229 230
Reciprocity, biquadratic 221 222 305
Reciprocity, cubic 305
Reciprocity, quadratic 303 310
Reciprocity, quadratic, Legendre's law of 222
Recorde 129
Reducibility, axiom of 562 563 571—572
Reductio ad absurdum 57
Reduction, continual 305 311
Reflexiveness 193
Regiomontanus (= J. Muelier), (1436-1476) 122
Regression 589
Reichenbach, H., (1891-) 574
Reidemeister, F. 456
Relation 193 211 577
Relation, equivalence 167 186 213—214 216 464
Relation, logic of 555
Relativity 206 210 422 443 528 531
Relativity, general 20 166 209 210 328 358 360 370 376 423 424 448 449 450
Relativity, special 70 210
Representation, conformal 491
Representation, parametric 348
Representation, theory 261
Residue 488
Resolvent 120
Restraint, least 375
Resume des lecons donnees a l'ecole polytechnique by Cauchy 292
Revolutionibus orbium coelestium, De, by Copernicus 111
Rhaeticus, G.J., (1514-1576) 122
Riccati, Count, (1676-1754) 403 603n.
Riccati, V., (1707-1775) 391
Ricci, M.M.G., (1853-1925) 210 354 357 360 468
Riemann — Christoffel, tensor 210 422
Riemann's hypothesis 315 316
Riemann, G.F.B., (1826-1866) 15 69 209—210 211 226 293 305 311 316 326 331 353 354 357 358 359 360 388 389 402 422 440 449 460 466 467 470 480 481 491 495 496 497 499—506 508 509 529 574 601n. 602n. 607n.
Riesz, F., (1880-) 542 607n.
Riesz, M., (1886-) 478
Rigor, absolute 295
Rigor, Weierstrassian 492
Ring 239 247 256 555 579
Ring of sets 261 265
Ring, benzene 431
Ring, ideals in 259
Ritt, J.F., (1893-) 438
Ritz, W., (1878-1909) 604n.
Robert of Chester, (12th cent.) 86 88
Robertson, H.P., (1903-) 359 609n.
Roch, G. 509
Root(s) of congruence 128
Root(s) of unity 232
Root(s), negative 120 173 174
Root(s), primitive 310
Root(s), separation of 524
Rope stretchers 44 68
Rosanes, J., (1842-1922) 348
Rosen, F. 100
Rosenhain, J.G., (1816-1887) 499 503
Ross, W.D., (1877-) 598n.
Rosser, J.B., (1907-) 572 573
Rotations 199 201 399
Rousseau, J.J., (1712-1778) 170 192 589
Royal Danish Academy 177
Royal Irish Academy 179
Royal Society of London 133 146
Ruffini, P., (1765-1822) 234 238
Rule of signs 145 173
Russell, B.(A.W.), (1872-) 216 280 294 548 549 557 559 561 563 564 567 573 578 587 599n.
Saccheri, G., (1667-1733) 327—328 336
Saks, E. 607n.
Salamis 52
Salmon, G., (1819-1904) 323 346 428 608n.
Sanford, Vera, (1891-) 595n.
Sargon 192
Sarton, G., (1884-) 595n. 596n.
Saturn's rings 586
Scheffers, G.W., (1866-) 250 441
Schlaefli, L., (1814-1895) 457 460
Schlick, M., (1882-1936) 568—569
Schmidt, E., (1845-1921) 527 529
Schnirelmann, L., (1905-1938) 316
Scholastics 91
School(s), Athens 56
School(s), combinational 291
School(s), Cyzicus 56
School(s), first Alexandrian 57
School(s), Ionian 56
School(s), mathematical 209
School(s), second Alexandrian 58
School(s), Viennese 79
Schroeder, F.W.K.E., (1841-1902) 556 558 579
| Schroedinger, E., (1887-) 211 529 531
Schubert, H., (1848-1911) 340 463
Schur, I., (1875-) 599n.
Schwartz, H.A., (1843-1921) 490
Schweikart, F.K., (1780-1857) 329
Scientific method, modern 164
Scientific societies 55
Section, golden 115
Sectiones conicae by de la Hire 159
Seeber, l.a. 301
Segment, parabolic 75
Segre, B. 269 324 513
Seki Kowa, (1642-1708) 425 605n.
Self-consistency 571
Selling, E., (1834-1920) 305
Semantics 568
Semisimple 252
Sequence, regular 276
Series 287
Series, Abel's power 315 414 501 502
Series, absolutely convergent 477
Series, alternating 291
Series, binomial 406 473
Series, conditionally convergent 445
Series, convergent 254 287 288 291 292 477
Series, differentiation of 477
Series, Dirichlet 509
Series, divergent 472 473—474 477 478 495
Series, Fibonacci 115—116
Series, Fourier 278 292—294 477 478 517
Series, geometric 76
Series, harmonic 473
Series, hypergeometric 291 508
Series, infinite 76 287 472—475 477—478
Series, integration of 477
Series, linear 348
Series, logarithmic 473
Series, Maclaurin 121
Series, partial fractions 288
Series, power 289 290 492—493 498
Series, recurring 407
Series, sum of 474
Series, Taylor's 121 289 495
Series, trigonometric 278 293 385 517 527
Servois, F.J. 413 398
Set 273
Sets of elements 260
Sets, fields of 261
Sets, rings of 261
Sets, Steiner 324
Severi, F. 348 510 514
Shanks, W., (1812-1882) 46
Sheffer, H.M., (1883-) 556 572
Siegel, C.L. 302 306 308 319
Sierpinski, W. 580
Signs, rules of 145 173
Similarity, class 271—273
Simplex, topologic 457
Simpson, T., (1710-1761) 284 584
Singh, A.N. 596n.
Singularity 486
Singularity, essential 492 493
Skew, curves 80 346
Skew, lines 324
Skews, J. 598
Skolem, T. 576—577
Smith, D.E., (1860-) 595n. 596n. 597n.
Smith, H.J.S., (1826-1883) 302 305 308 598n. 599n. 601n.
Social sciences 582
Solid, clastic 520
Solids, regular 71
Solomon's seal 322—323 324—325
Solution, by radicals 116 234
Solution, singular 342
Solution, transcendental 232
Sommerville, D.M.Y.(1879-1934) 602n.
Sophists, Greek 44 56
Sosigenes (1st cent.b.c.) 85
Space 195 261 264 265 343—344 359 446 450 454
Space, a priori 337
Space, abstract 253 326—327 343 350 359 533 538 541—542 592
Space, abstract topologic 543
Space, Banach 542
Space, Cartesian 462
Space, Euclidean 69 204 461
Space, four-dimensional 344—345
Space, geometrical 447
Space, higher 140
Space, Hilbert 538 543 587
Space, infinite-dimensional 537
Space, Leibnizian 332—333
Space, metric 483 542
Space, modular 265
Space, n-dimensional 203 371 539 592
Space, Newtonian 332
Space, number and 50
Space, polydimensional 22 277
Space, real 260 337—338
Space, Riemannian 370
Space, structure of 447
Space-time 446—447
Space-time, manifold 360
Spengler, O., (1880-) 91
Sphere 75 331
Spherics 79
Spheroids 75
Spinors 451
Spiral 80
Square roots 71
squares 50
Squares, least 395 586
Squaring circle 77—78
Stackel, P., (1862-1919) 498 608n.
Stationary 374
Statistics 587—593
Staudt, K.C.G., (1798-1867) 348—350
Steiner, J., (1796-1863) 323 324 340 345—347 350—351 504 606n.
Steinitz, E., (1871-?) 231 238 241 255
Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen by Dedekind 551
Stevinus, (Simon Stevin), (1548-1620) 112
Stieltjes, T.J., (1856-1894) 472
Stifel, M., (1487?-1567) 173
Stirling, J., (1696?-1770) 597n.
Stokes' theorem 390
Stokes, G.G., (1819-1903) 292 603n.
Stolz, O., (1842-1905) 482
Stone, M.H., (1903-) 550 555 578 609n.
Straightedge 321
String, vibrating 516
Structure 186—188 211—217 233 259—265 see
Structure of space 447
Structure, algebraic 256 258 309
Structure, arithmetical 550
Structure, general 216
Structure, same 214—217
Struve, W.W. 595n.
Study, E., (1862-1922) 105 431
Sturm — Liouville theory 528
Sturm's theorem 524
Sturm, J.C.F., (1803-1855) 524 526
Subalgebra 252
subclass 257
Subfield 255
Substitution, rational 232
Subtraction 71 172 214
Sum, direct 252
Sumeria 26—29
Summation formula, Euler's 473
Sundman, K.F., (1873-) 602n.
superclass 257
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