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Bell E.T. — The Development of Mathematics |
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War and mathematics 532—533
War, Hundred Years 109 113
War, World (second) 4 533
Waring's problem 316—318
Waring, E., (1734-1798) 291 316 407 597n.
Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? by Dedekind 551
Wave, equations 517
Wave, mechanics 211 529
Wave, probability 582
Wave, surface 346
Weber, H., (1842-1913) 240 241 499 507 510 514 529
Wedderburn, J.H.M., (1882-) 251 252 260 600n.
Weierstrass, (1815-1897) 150 153 168 254 273 276 277—279 284 308 378 379 388 418 471 478 481 491—493 495 496 497 503 510 530 534 548 565 604n. 608n.
Weierstrassian analysis 294
Weldon, W.F.R., (1860-1906) 590
Wessel diagram 184 206
Wessel, C., (1745-1818) 177—178 184 206
Wessel, Horst 598n.
Weyl, (C.) H., (1885-) 432 433 450 451 453 566 569—570 605n. 606n. 609n.
Whetstone of Witte, Recorde 129
Whitehead, A.N., (1861-) 216 549 559 564 567 572 573 578
Whitehead, J.H.C. 602n. 604n.
Whittaker, E.T., (1873-) 602n. 604n.
Widmann, J.W., (c. 1450) 97
Wiener, N., (1894-) 414 587
Wilczynski, E.J., (1876-1932) 356—357
William of Champeaux, (1070-1122) 92
William of Occam see "Occam"
Wilson, J., (1741-1793) 309
| Wittgenstein, L. 571
Woodger, J.H. 72
Wordsworth, W., (1770-1850) 581—582
Work 496
Work, virtual 373
World War II 4 533
World-lines 564
Wright, E.M. 596n.
Wronski, H., (1778-1853) 291 426
Yenri 425
Young, J.W., (1879-1932) 263 335 606n.
Young, Rosalind C. 607n.
Young, Thomas, (1773-1829) 84
Young, W.H., (1863-) 484 603n.
Youngs, J.W.T., (1910-) 465
Zahlentheorie by Dirichlet 303
Zariski, O., (1899-) 514 515 608n.
Zeno's paradoxes 63—64 150 279 280 548
Zeno, (495?—435? b.c.) 56 63 77 294 571 596n.
Zenodorus, (c. 150 b.c.) 602n.
Zermelo's axiom 484 485
Zermelo, E., (1871-) 484 580
Zero 31 51 181 202 220 253 255
Zero, divisors of 255 256
Zero, little 285 294 491 524
Zeuthen, H.G., (1839-1920) 340
Zurich Conference 580
Zwicky, F.(1898-) 574
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