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Bell E.T. — The Development of Mathematics |
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Superfield 255
Supernaturalism 189
Superposition, principle of 517 531
surface 140 463 513
Surface, closed 460
Surface, connected 486 505 607n.
Surface, cubic 322—323
Surface, Kummer's 346
Surface, quartic 346 507
Surface, Riemann 460 499—502 504—506 509
Surface, triply orthogonal 356
Surface, wave 346
Sutherland, H.G., (1882-) 25
Swift, J., (1667-1745) 286
Syllogism 295 555
Sylow, L., (1832-1918) 240 423 445
Sylvester, J.J., (1814-1897) 196 313 428 431 438 605n.
Symbolic logic and its applications by MacColl 557
Symbolism, algebraic 18 100
Symbolism, development of 122—130
Symbolism, logical 558
Symbolism, operational 96 97
Symbolism, Peano's 333—334
Symmetry 193
Syntax, logical 568
System der analytische Geometric by Pluecker 346
System of logistic by Quine 572
System, conservation 374
System, coordinates 343
System, differential equations 415—418
System, dynamical 372 374 375
System, modular 227 246 259
System, non-conservative 375
System, simultaneous 34
Systematische Entwickelung der Abhaengigkeit geometrischer Gestalten von einander by Steiner 347
Syzygy 427—428
Tables, arithmetical 31
Tables, logarithmic 58 162
Tables, numerical 38
Tables, trigonometric 102—103 121
Tables, truth- 556
Tait, P.G., (1831-1901) 201 205 206 207 208 455 598n.
Takagi, T. 599n.
Tangent, double 346
Tartaglia, N., (1500-1557) 117 118
Tauber, A., (1866-) 315
Tauberian theorem 314
Taurinus, F.A., (1794-1874) 329
Tautochrone 166 402 524—525
Tautology 568
Taylor's theorem 285 289
Taylor, B., (1685-1731) 285 364 406 516 602n.
Tchebycheff, P., (1821-1894) 314 583 602n.
Tensor, algebra 204 209
Tensor, analysis 357
Tensor, calculus 200 210 259 358 359 360 414 523
Tensor, Riemann — Christoffel 210 422
Tentamen, etc. by W. Bolyai 329
Terminology, uniform 124
Test, Cauchy's ratio 291
Testing, intelligence 585 588
Tests, for convergence 475
Tests, intelligence 588
Tetens, J.N., (1738-1807) 601n.
Thales, (6th cent, b.c.) 40 55 56 61 70 82
Theaetetus, (4th cent, b.c.) 71 596n.
Theorem(s) see also "Fundamental theorem"
Theorem(s), Abel's 315 414 501—502
Theorem(s), addition 266 534
Theorem(s), addition, algebraic 534
Theorem(s), basis 429
Theorem(s), basis, Hilbert's 227—228
Theorem(s), binomial 284
Theorem(s), Cauchy's integral 487
Theorem(s), chain 256
Theorem(s), de Moivre's 176
Theorem(s), decomposition 260 261
Theorem(s), existence 40
Theorem(s), existence, differential equations 411
Theorem(s), Fermat's 157 230 309 311
Theorem(s), Fermat's last 157 221 223 229 230 315 597n.
Theorem(s), fixed-point 459
Theorem(s), Green's 389 498
Theorem(s), Heine — Borel 484
Theorem(s), Jordan — Hoelder 236 260 261 264
Theorem(s), Liouville's 494
Theorem(s), Maclaurin's 285
Theorem(s), Picard's 508
Theorem(s), primes, ideal 316
Theorem(s), primes, number 314 316
Theorem(s), Pythagorean 9 40—41 69 140 359
Theorem(s), Stokes' 390
Theorem(s), Sturm's 524
Theorem(s), Tauberian 314
Theorem(s), Taylor's 285 289
Theorem(s), Thue, A. 308 311
Theorie analytique des probabilites by Laplace 583
Theorie by Fourier 293
Theorie der algebraischen Curven by Pluecker 346
Theorie des fonctions analytiques by Lagrange 289
Theorie des nombres by Legendre 303 334
Theory (theories) of finite groups 218
Theory (theories), binary quadratic class number 319
Theory (theories), class 539
Theory (theories), Copernican 111
Theory (theories), Dedekind — Weber 514
Theory (theories), differential equations, Lie's 435—438
Theory (theories), differential equations, structural 437—439
Theory (theories), dimensionality 543
Theory (theories), elastic-solid of light 521
Theory (theories), electromagnetism 450
Theory (theories), evolution, mathematical 592
Theory (theories), Galois 212 214 218 229—231 238 240 246 255 305 321 399 401 423 429 431 437 466 579 599n. 608n.
Theory (theories), group 545
Theory (theories), heat 165
Theory (theories), hereditary phenomena 536
Theory (theories), integration 481—483 543
Theory (theories), kinetic of gases 586
Theory (theories), limits 289
Theory (theories), lunar 416 537
Theory (theories), modern inequality 314
Theory (theories), perturbations 165
Theory (theories), phlogiston of heat 54
Theory (theories), Platonic of mathematical truth 54
Theory (theories), point sets 466
Theory (theories), potential 111 165 361 365 371
Theory (theories), primes 415
Theory (theories), probability 21 134 154—156 262 407 535 549 557 574 582—584
Theory (theories), proof 570 575 576
Theory (theories), quantum 205 262 268 305 432 451 528 529 531 574 582
Theory (theories), reciprocals 439
Theory (theories), relativistic of gravitation 210
Theory (theories), representation 261
Theory (theories), Sturm — Liouville 528
Theory (theories), transformation 357 398
Theory (theories), trees (Cayley's) 456
Thermodynamics 22
Thermopylae 52
Thomas, J.M., (1898-) 438 604n.
Thomas, T.Y., (1899-) 450 606n.
Thomson, W. see "Kelvin Lord"
Three bodies, problem of 165—166
Throws 349
Thue, A., theorem, (1863-1922) 308 311
Tides 164
Timaeus by Plato 50
Time 163 195 564
Time, least 144 366 373
Todhunter, I., (1820-1884) 610n.
Tolman, R.C., (1881-) 374 610n.
| Tonelli, L., (1885-) 536
topology 168 253 324 326 453—468 499 550 592—594
Topology, abstract 461
Topology, analytic 458
Topology, combinatorial 458
Torquemada, (1420-1498) 111
Torsion 521
Tractatus logico-philosophicus by Wittgenstein 568
Tractrix 328—329
Traite d'analyse by Picard 241
Traite de dynamique by d'Alembert 371
Traite des fonctions elliptiques et des integrales euleriennes by Legendre 394
Traite des proprietes projectives des figures by Poncelet 337 339
Traite des substitutions et des equations algebriques by Jordan 239
Traite du calcul differentiel et du calcul integral by Lacroix 472
Transcendental, adjunction 255
Transcendental, functions, entire 494—495
Transcendental, number 78 275 276
Transcendental, proof 279
Transcendental, solution 232
Transformation 450 463
Transformation, bicontinuous 454
Transformation, birational 326 338 342 347 504 514—515
Transformation, biuniform 454
Transformation, contact 375
Transformation, Cremona 326 504 505 515
Transformation, functional 360
Transformation, geometric 342
Transformation, homeomorphic 454
Transformation, infinitesimal 435—436
Transformation, linear 120 205 398 528
Transformation, quadratic 347
Transformation, theory 357 398
Transforms, Laplace's 584
Transitivity 193
Translation, Apollonius 114
Translation, Euclid 88 114
Translation, group 507
Treatise on electricity and magnetism by Maxwell 206
Treatise on fluxions by Simpson 284
Treatise on natural philosophy by Thomson and Tait 206
Trees, Cayley's theory of 456
Triangles in perspective 158
Triangles, differential 145
Triangles, modern geometry of 320—321
Triangles, similar 42 61 335
Triangular inequality 542
Triangulis, De, by Regiomontanus 122
Trigonometry 20 58 59 121—122
Trigonometry, analytic 176-177 288
Trigonometry, applied to geometry 121
Trigonometry, Hindu 101—106
Trigonometry, modern 27
Trigonometry, Moslem 101—106
Trigonometry, non-Euclidean 328—329
Trigonometry, spherical 105 592
Trigonometry, tables 102—103 121
Tripartite infinity of theology 54
Trisection 77—79 80
Trivium 60
Tropfke, J., (d. 1939) 595n. 596n. 597n.
Truth 554
Truth, absolute 362 547
Truth, eternal 19
Truth, ideal 547
Truth, two-valued 565
Truth-systems, m-valued 573
Truth-tables 556
Truth-value 556 571
Truth-value, indeterminate 557
Tschirnhaus, E.W., (1651-1708) see "Tschirnhausen E.W."
Tschirnhausen, E.W. (or Tschirnhaus), (1651-1708) 232 237
Tucker, R., (1832-1905) 323
Turbulence 587
Turin Academy 366
Types, doctrine of 561—562 571—572
Ueber die Hypothesen welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen by Riemann 359
Ulam, S. 483
Uncertainty principle 587
Uniformization 506
Union, postulates of 257 259 264
UNITS 220 222
Units, algebraic 223 299 307
Units, fundamental 246 249
Units, Hermitian 307—308
Units, hypercomplex 203
Unity 79 555
Unity, roots of 232
Universe 262
University, Berlin 378 492
University, Cambridge 108 146 160
University, Chicago 379
University, Naples 108
University, Oxford 108
University, Padua 108
University, Paris 108
University, Warsaw 580
Unknowns 126
Urysohn, P., (1898-1924) 609n.
Valuations 246
Value, absolute 253 542
Value, asymptotic mean 319
van de Waerden, B.L. 514
Van der Pol, B. 415
Vandermonde, A.T., (1735-1796) 426 599n.
Variable 141 272 283 562
Variable, function of real 470—485
Variable, general 540
Variable, generalized 381
Variable, multipartite 539
Variable, n- 432
Variable, separation of 402
Variation, calculus of 361 371—373 377—381 418 516 519—520 529 530 534 535 539 590
Variation, continuous 141
Variational principles 370—376
Veblen, O., (1880-) 263 335 450 451 462 605n. 606n.
Vectors 200 542
Vectors, addition 203
Vectors, algebra 168 187 206—207
Vectors, analysis 204 207 208 209
Vectors, convergence 207
Vectors, coplanor 199
Vectors, divergence 207
Vectors, function 204
Vectors, lattice 262
Velocity 163 164
Veronese, G., (1857-1917) 323 333
Versailles 166
Versuch ueber Pflanzenhybriden by Mendel 589
Vessiot, E.(P.J.), (1865-) 436
Viennese School 79
Vieta, F., (1540-1603) 107 119—122 129 141 174 232 342
Vinci, Leonardo da, (1452-1519) 111 596n.
Vinogradov, I.M. 315—316 318
Virgil, (70-19 b.c.) 602n.
Volterra, V., (1860-1940) 470 525—527 529—539 534—537 544 609n.
Volume 463
von Dyck, W., (1856-1934) 599n.
von Koch, H., (1870-1924) 537
von Mises, R., (1883-) 593
von Neumann, J., (1903-) 555 587 609n.
von Seidel, P.L., (1821-1896) 292
Vorlesungen ueber die Algebra der Logik by Schroeder 558
Vorlesungen ueber Zaklentheorie, by Dirichlet, Eleventh supplement and Dedekind 215
Vortex atoms 455
Vortsudien zur Topologie by Listing 455
Walker, Helen M., (1891-) 610n.
Wallis, J., (1616-1703) 129 177 298 406 475
Wantzel, P.L., (1814-1848) 77 234
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