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Bell E.T. — The Development of Mathematics |
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Functions, stream 497
Functions, theta 290
Functions, vector 204
Fundamenta Mathematicae 461
Fundamenta nova by Jacobi 304 396
Fundamental theorem, algebra 120 178 494
Fundamental theorem, analysis 485
Fundamental theorem, arithmetic 49 218 221—224 256
Fundamental theorem, calculus 153
Furstenau, E. 476
Furtwangler, P., (1869-1939) 599n.
G.C.D.("greatest" common divisor) 256
Galileo, (1564-1642) 15 18 82 113 132 154 163 164 178 217—273 364 519 540 569 602n.
Galois field 231 251 308
Galois imaginaries 311
Galois theory 212 214 218 229—231 238 240 246 255 305 321 399 401 423 429 431 437 466 579 599n. 608n.
Galois, E., (1811-1832) 178 186 197—198 206 212 214 218 234 236 237 242—244 357 436—438 448
Galton, F., (1822-1911) 589—590 610n.
Ganguli, S.K. 596n.
Gases, kinetic theory of 586
Gauss, C.F., (1777-1855) 15 45 49 52 57 84 112 120 125 148 156 167 170 176-179 180 182 186 187 188 191-192 194 195 197-198 200 206 211 217—222 229 231 242—244 245 250 254 255 267 284 291 292 296 297 299 300 302—305 310 313 314 315 317 319 326 354 358 375 379 388 392 394—399 407 410 421 424 426 438 440 456 460—461 464 474 475 477 490 491 496—498 521 586 597n. 598n. 601n. 602n. 603n. 606n. 607n.
Gelfond, A. 276
Gematria 54
Generality 18 79 169
Generalization 212—213 225
Generalization, finite 539
Generalization, principle of 539
Genetics 400 589
Gentzen, G. 575
Genus 504—506
Geodesic 328 331 379 439 450
Geodesy 58 358 491
Geometric object 444 446
Geometrie by Descartes 131 139
Geometrie de position by Carnot 338
Geometrie der Lage by von Staudt 348
Geometrie der Wirbelfelder by Foeppel 207
Geometry, abstract 248 333 466
Geometry, abstract, affine 262 264 265
Geometry, abstract, algebraic 20 187 224 228 326—327 348 349 429 499 501 503 509—510 512
Geometry, abstract, analytic 15 19 136 138—145 227 288 336
Geometry, abstract, arithmetized 280
Geometry, abstract, Babylonian 40
Geometry, abstract, bivector 449
Geometry, abstract, circle 310—311
Geometry, abstract, codified 442—446
Geometry, abstract, consistency of 548
Geometry, abstract, defined 419 443 452
Geometry, abstract, descriptive 354
Geometry, abstract, differential 19 206 211 326 353—360 370 379 515
Geometry, abstract, Egyptian 42 43
Geometry, abstract, elliptic 331
Geometry, abstract, enumerative 340 463
Geometry, abstract, Euclidean 327—329 331—333 364
Geometry, abstract, finite 335
Geometry, abstract, foundations of 210 212 215
Geometry, abstract, four-dimensional of Pluecker 166
Geometry, abstract, hyperbolic 329 331
Geometry, abstract, intrinsic 371
Geometry, abstract, line 344—345
Geometry, abstract, Mascheroni's 321
Geometry, abstract, metric 41 69 326 329 351
Geometry, abstract, n-dimensional 202—203
Geometry, abstract, non-Archimedean 76
Geometry, abstract, non-Euclidean 79 188 189 201 212 263 325—336 344 447 506 571 574
Geometry, abstract, non-Riemannian 19 354 448—449
Geometry, abstract, number 306—307
Geometry, abstract, on curves 348
Geometry, abstract, on surfaces 348
Geometry, abstract, parabolic 331
Geometry, abstract, postulates of 183
Geometry, abstract, projective 19 59 225 260 262 263 264 265 326 338—353
Geometry, abstract, projective differential 356—358
Geometry, abstract, pure 336 348
Geometry, abstract, pure projective 347
Geometry, abstract, Riemannian 358 359—360 448 449 450
Geometry, abstract, spherical 331
Geometry, abstract, synthetic 18 57 80 594
Geometry, abstract, synthetic projective 19 135 158—160 335 344
Geometry, abstract, Veblen's 451
Gerbert, (950-1003) 86 87—88 596n.
Gergonne, J.D., (1771-1859) 341—344 346 598n.
Gerhardt, C.I. 597n. 600n.
Germain, Sophie, (1776-1831) 608n.
Gibbon, E., (1737-1794) 596n.
Gibbs, J.W., (1839-1903) 204 207—211 587
Gilbert, Wm., (1540-1603) 112
Girard, A, (?1590-?1633) 176 178
God, Archbishop Hildebert's 92
God, C.G.J. Jacobi's 190
God, Florence Nightingale's 588—589
God, G. Boole's 555
God, G.W. Leibniz's 473
God, L. Kronecker's 170
God, Plato's 190
God, R. Bacon's 91
God, R. Dedekind's 190
God, S. Clarke's 554
Goedel, K. 283 553 557 572 574 575—576 577 581 600n.
Goepel, A., (1812-1847) 499 604n.
Goldbach's conjecture 316
Goldbach, C., (1690-1764) 316
Golden section 115
Gombaud, A. 155
Gordan, P., (1837-1912) 227 228 429 430 431 432 509 561
Goursat, E., (1858-1936) 604n.
Gradient 496
Graeffe, C.H., (1799-1873) 597n.
Graphs, chemical 456
Grassmann, H.G., (1809-1877) 168 180 195 198—206 207 208 209 211 231 342 425
Gravitation, Newtonian 389 447 470 533
Gravitation, relativistic theory of 210
Gravitation, universal 160 162
Great plague 146
Green's theorem 389 498
Green, G., (1793-1841) 112 389 606n.
Green, G.M., (1891-1919) 356
Gregory, D.F., (1813-1844) 181 414
Grossmann, M., (1878-1936) 210
Group 239—242 260 433
Group, characters 242
Group, continuous 240 401
Group, dual 246 259 263 267
Group, finite 233—234 260 322 432
Group, infinite 233
Group, Lie 265
Group, linear 507
Group, linear, congruence 311
Group, linear, homogeneous 241—242
Group, manifold 203 254 359
Group, order of 235
Group, orthogonal 432
Group, permutation 232 240 242 432 445
Group, postulates 215—216 240—241
Group, pseudo 446
Group, quotient 235
Group, solvable 233 236—237
Group, subgroup 234—259
Group, subgroup, normal 234 265
Group, subgroup, proper 235
Group, symmetric 233
Group, theory 545
Group, theory of finite 218
Group, topologic 463
Group, transformation 423 431—442
Group, translation 507
Growth 495
Grundlagen der Geometrie by Hilbert 334 335 568 575
Guichard, C., (1861-1924) 408
Guldin, P., (1577-1643) 59
| Haar, A., (1885-) 483
Hadamard, J., (1865-) 314 358 460 474 484 495 529 535 536 605n.
Halley, E., (1656-1742) 146 147 287
Halphen, G.H., (1844-1899) 439
Hamburger, M., (1838-1903) 412
Hamilton, W., (1788-1856) 555
Hamilton, W.R., (1805-1865) 20 82 178 179 182 184 189 198—206 207 208 209 212 231 374 459 601n.
Hankel, R, (1814-1899) 181 482 596n.
Hardy, G.H., (1877-) 73 314—316 318 478 596n.
Harmonics, ellipsoidal 523
Harnack, A., (1885-) 482
Harriot, T., (1560-1621) 174
Harrison, J., (1693-1776) 416
Hasse, H., (1898-) 599n.
Hausdorff, F., (1868-) 461 543
Heap 127
Heat, conduction 293 384 422 518 522
Heat, Fourier's 219 293
Heat, phlogiston theory of 54
Heat, theory of 165
Heath, T.L., (1861-1940) 595n. 596n.
Heaviside, O., (1850-1925) 207 413 584 605n.
Hedrick, E.R., (1876-) 607n.
Hegel, G.W.F., (1770-1831) 84
Heine — Borel theorem 484
Heisenberg, W., (1901-) 211 587
Hellinger, E., (1883-) 541
Helmert, F.R., (1843-1917) 592
Hensel, K., (1861-) 226 247 510 514
Herbrand, J., (1908-1931) 575
Hereditary 530
Hereditary genius by Galton 589
Hereditary phenomena 528
Hereditary phenomena, theory of 536
Heredity 589 592
Hermite, C., (1822-1905) 237 275 302 305 307 311 327 399 428 499 507 522 605n. 608n.
Heron, (2nd cent. b.c.) 38 58
Hertz, H.R., (1857-1894) 375
Hexagram, Pascal's 323 333
Heyting, A., (1888-) 572
Hierarchy of types 562
Hiero 74
Hilbert — Schmidt method 528
Hilbert, D., (1862-1943) 72 182-183 184 212 215 226 227 228 231 238 246 248 263 266 318 332—335 376 379 390 416 429 438 491 526—529 537 538 539 540 541 544 548 550 552 557 559 561 566 569—570 575—576 599n. 606n.
Hildebert, Archbishop, (11th cent.) 92
Hill, G.W., (1838-1914) 417 537
Hindenburg, C.F., (1741-1808) 290
Hindus 18 51—52
Hipparchus, (2nd half 2nd cent. b.c.) 38 58 136 163
Hippias, (4th cent.b.c.) 78 80
Hippocrates, (470?-? b.c.) 57 596n.
Hobson, E.W., (1856-1933) 196
Hoelder, O., (1859-1937) 236 260 445 478 599n. 600n see
Holonomic 372—373
Homomorphism 167
Hooke, R., (1635-1703) 162 519
Hopf, H.(H.), (1894-) 606n. 610n.
Hopper, V.F. 596n.
Horace 501
Horner, W.G., (1773-1827) 17 116
Horology 166
Horticulture 590—592
Hospital, G.F.A.l', (1661-1704) 284 285 374
Hotelling, H., (1895-) 591
Hudde, J., (1628-1704) 174
Hundred Years War 109 113 659
Huntington, E.V., (1874-) 335 599n. 600n.
Hurwitz, A., (1859-1919) 218 250 431
Huygens, C., (1629-1695) 149 156 166 282 553 609n.
Hydrostatics 75
Hypatia, (d. a.d. 415) 85—86 596n.
Hyperbola 59
Hyperboloids 75
Hyperdeterminant 425 427
Hyperquadrics 537
Hypocycloid 336
Hypothesis, ergodic 540—541
Hypothesis, Riemann's 315 316
Hysteresis 530
Icosahedron, regular 238 322
Idea, Eternal 54 73 159 463
Ideal 218 246 260 265 555
Ideal, algebraic 224
Ideal, arithmetical 503
Ideal, division 224
Ideal, number 223
Ideal, polynomial 227
Ideal, prime 171 224 260
Ideal, principal 224
Ideal, truth 547
Ideal, unit 224
Idempotent 249
Identity, abstract 217
Identity, analytic 339
Identity, Fibonacci's 103 268 307
Identity, square 268
Imaginaries, Galois' 311
Imaginaries, geometric 338 339 349
Imaginaries, points 339
Implication 554 557
Indeterminacy 262 571
Indicatrix 355
Indivisibles 43 137 272 548
Inequality, modern theory of 314
Inequality, triangular 253
Infeld, L., (1898-) 598n.
Inference, calculus of 555
Infinite 272—273
Infinite, descent 157
Infinite, mathematical 548
Infinite, paradoxes 294
Infinite, totality 193
Infinitesimal 289 295
Infinity, axiom of 5631
Infinity, denumerable 154 275
Infinity, non-denumerable 195
Inflection 346
Inquisition 132
Institutiones calculi differentialis by Euler 287
Institutiones calculi integralis by Euler 287
INTEGER 221 223
Integer, algebraic 167 171 218 221 223 260
Integer, complex 222
Integer, Gaussian 222
Integer, rational 193 221 223
Integral formula, Cauchy's 487
Integral, abelian 499 503 505 506
Integral, definite 75 292 293
Integral, elliptic 165 237 288 391—394 501 503 506 519
Integral, Eulerian 290
Integral, Hellinger 541
Integral, hyperelliptic 506
Integral, invariant 379
Integral, inversion of 395—396
Integral, minimized 374
Integral, Stieltjes 476—477
Integrale, longueur, aire by Lebesgue 482
Integration, Cauchy 480
Integration, complex 498
Integration, Denjoy 482
Integration, Lebesgue 482 541
Integration, Riemann 481—482
Integration, theory of 481—483 543
Integrity, domain of 236
intelligence tests 588
Intelligence, testing 585 588
International Mathematical Congress 321
Interpolation 37 406 407 475
Interpolation, trigonometric 517
Intersection, postulates of 264 369
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