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Bell E.T. — The Development of Mathematics |
Предметный указатель |
Division 71 172 214 224 247
Division of transcendents 237
Division, ideal 224
Divisor of zero 255 256
Divisor, elementary 308
Divisor, maximal 235
Divisor, normal 234—235
Dmytryk, Madeleine 597n.
Doctrine of chances by DeMoivre 583
Doetsch, G., (1892-) 604n.
Domain of integrity 256
Domain of rationality 212
Dominicans 108
Double sixers 324
Douglas, J., (1897-) 380
Drach, J., (1871-) 437
Drawing, mechanical 354
Dresden, A., (1882-) 610n.
du Bois-Reymond, P., (1831-1889) 182 278 475 478
Duality, dynamical 376
Duality, generalized 342—344
Duality, logical 556
Duality, principle of 260 326 341—342
Dunne, J.W. 603n.
Dupin, E.P.C., (1784-1873) 555
Duplication 76—79
Dyadics 204
Dynamical, astronomy 164 362 585
Dynamical, system 372 374 375
Dynamics 163
Dynamics, functional 536
Dynamics, qualitative 459
Dynamics, topologized 166
e 275
Eckart, C., (1902-) 211
Economics, mathematical 537
Eddington, A.S., (1882-1944) 450 598n. 606n.
Einstein, A., (1878-) 25 72 166 210 354 360 448 449 450 451 531—532 544 550 566 574 598n.
Eisenhart, L.P. (1876-) 450
Eisenstein, F.M.G., (1823-1852) 229 304—307 424 531
Elastica 519
Elasticity 518—521 528—530
Electrodynamics 207
Electromagnetic theory by Heaviside 207
Electromagnetism, theory of 450
Electrons 574
Elementary principles in statistical mechanics by Gibbs 587
Elements by Euclid 9 45 49 65 68 71 83 89 146
Elements of quaternions by Hamilton 202
Elements, sets of 260
Elizabeth, Queen, (1533-1603) 112
ellipse 59
Ellipsoid, general 523
Empiricism 4
Energy, kinetic 373
Energy, potential 373
Engel, F., (1861-) 441—442
Engelbach, R. 595n.
English men of science, etc. by Galton 589
Ensemble 273
Enumeration 297
Envelope 345 355
Epicurus, (342?-270 b.c.) 586
Epicycles, Ptolemy's 111
Epistemology 76 79 549 587
Equality 126 193 213—214 577—578
Equations, Abelian 214
Equations, algebraic 126 173 198 212 230—239 323
Equations, algebraic, linear 212
Equations, algebraic, solved 229
Equations, Bessel's 384 404
Equations, binomial 197 222 243 309
Equations, Cauchy — Riemann 489 491 496 497
Equations, covariant 211
Equations, cubic 36 75 107 117—120 231
Equations, difference 402—409 516 525 535
Equations, differential 111 288 355 356 371 400—404 519 520 524 526 531 587
Equations, Diophantine 115 269 299
Equations, dynamical 374
Equations, electromagnetic 207
Equations, exponential 37—38
Equations, Fermat 298 299 307
Equations, Fourier 384
Equations, Fredholm's 525 527
Equations, functional 534—535
Equations, general algebraic 233—234
Equations, hypergeometric 412
Equations, indeterminate 68 95 298
Equations, infinite linear system 537
Equations, integral 524—530 534 536—539 540 544 587
Equations, integro-differential 529—530 536
Equations, irreducible 223 233
Equations, Lagrangian 373 375
Equations, Lame's 522—523
Equations, Laplace's 489 496 523 526
Equations, modular 238
Equations, Newton's solution 120—121
Equations, non-linear 533
Equations, nonic 238
Equations, numerical solution 116 120
Equations, optical 33
Equations, parametric 276
Equations, partial differential 354 516 523
Equations, Pellian 95 98
Equations, Pluecker's 345—346 505
Equations, Pythagorean 302
Equations, quadratic 34 120
Equations, quartic 107 117—119 231—232
Equations, quintic 231—232 236
Equations, resolvent 232
Equations, sextic 232
Equations, simultaneous, linear 37 173
Equations, simultaneous, quadratic 37
Equations, solution by radicals 116—117
Equations, Volterra's 525
Equations, wave 517
Equivalence, class 271—273 465
Equivalence, relation 167 186 213—214 216 464
Eratosthenes, (276?-195? b.c.) 58 89
Ergodic hypothesis 540—541
Erlanger Programm by Klein 353 433 443—449
Error, probable 586
Error, standard 589
Essai philosophique sur les probabilites by Laplace 585
Essai sur les transversales by Carnot 338
Essay on the application of mathematical analysis to the theories of electricity and magnetism by Green 389
Essay pour les coniques by Pascal 159
Euclid, (365?-275? b.c.) 8—9 19 41 49 57 68 73 82 88 180 220 248 264 269 281 314 315 327 331—332 334—335 336 350 353 544 546 577 595n.
Euclid, translation of 88 114
Euclidean methodology 178—182 336 586
Euclides ab omni naevo vindicatus, Saccheri 327 336
Eudoxus, (408-355 b.c.) 30 48 56 64 65 68 72 75 163 171 271 277 279 283 364 548
Eugenics 590
Euler and Jacobi 313
Euler and Maclaurin 407
Euler, L., (1707-1783) 10 22 111 140 153 157 176 178 196 199 218 219 222 232 243 261 268 284 285 287—288 296—299 302 304 309 311—313 315 316 326 354 358 371 374 378 383 392—394 398 403 404 456 457 460 472 475 476 491 497 498 517 519 528 534 544 597n. 598n. 601n. 603n. 607n.
Evans, G.C., (1887-) 609n.
Evolutes 166
Evolution of the concept of number 188
Evolution, mathematical theory of 592
Excluded Middle 92 565 570
Exercices de calcul integral sur divers ordres de transcendentes et sur les quadratures by Legendre 394
Exhaustion 43 63 76 425
Existence 214 228 278—281 485 563 565 576
Existence, theorems of 401
Expansion, asymptotic 478
Expansion, binomial 583
Expectation, mathematical 156
extrema 373
| Extremal 378
Factorials 409
Factors, integrating 402
Factors, linear 120
False position 34 39
Faraday, M., (1791-1867) 466
Fermat's last theorem 157 221 223 229 230 315 597n.
Fermat's theorem 157 230 309 311
Fermat, P., (1601-1665) 21 22 50 132 135 137 142—145 154—156 218 219 243 296 297 309 319 366 373
Ferrari, L., (1522-1565) 117 118 232
Ferrers, N.M., (1829-1908) 313
Fibonacci, (1175-c. 1250) 114 173 174 268 307
Fibonacci, his identity 103 268 307
Field 265 399
Field of sets 261
Field, abstract 184 253
Field, additive 531
Field, algebraic 231 238 292
Field, algebraic number 222 223
Field, commutative 231
Field, complete 255
Field, conservative 496
Field, electromagnetic 448
Field, finite 251
Field, functional 535
Field, Galois 231 251 308
Field, generalizations of 212
Field, gravitational 448 531
Field, magnetic 531
Field, number 214
Field, postulates for 214
Field, prime 255
Field, quadratic 95 302
Field, relative 246
Field, sub 255
Field, super 255
Field, superposable 531
Field, topologic 463
Field, unified 448 449
Fields, J.C., (1863-1936) 510
Finitism 570
Finitists 552
Fior, A. 118
Fischer, E., (1875-) 607n.
Fisher, R.A., (1890-) 583 590—591 604n. 610n.
Fit, goodness of 592
Fixed-point theorems 459
Flexure 519 521
Flow, irrotational 489
Flow, turbulent 13 489
Fluxion 144 284 285 286 287
Focus-directrix 59
Foeppl, A., (1854-1924) 207
force 164
Ford, L.R., (1896-) 608n.
FORM 3 18
Form, algebraic 227 421
Form, arithmetical 268—269
Form, arithmetical quadratic 297 302—306
Form, bilinear 250 308 529
Form, binary quadratic 95 301 399
Form, class 301
Form, congruential 308
Form, differential 355—360
Form, equivalent 300
Form, Grassmann's 542
Form, infinite quadratic 540—541
Form, infinity of variables 537—538
Form, linear 306
Form, n-ary m-ic 300
Form, quadratic 70 399 506 529
Form, quadratic differential 210
Form, reduced 300—301
Form, representation in 300
Formal logic by De Morgan 555
Formalism 172—175 284 566—568 570
Formalism, analytic 284
Formalism, Hilbertian 568
Formalists 182 211 557
Formula, Euler — Maclaurin 407
Formulaire by Peano 558—559
Forsyth, A.R., (1858-) 604n. 605n.
Foundations 265—266
Four-color problem 458
Fourier, J.B.J., (1758-1830) 165 170 219 292—294 366 385 518 524 601n. 603n.
Fourier, J.B.J., coefficients 518
Fourier, J.B.J., inversion formula 525
Fourier, J.B.J., series 278 292—294 477 478 517
Fractions 96 172
Fractions, continued 298 299 476—478
Fractions, generalized 476
Francesco, J. 604n.
Franciscans 108
Franсais, M.J.F. 413
Frechet, (R.) M., (1878-) 253 254 343 461 465 470 483 536 539 540 541 592 609n.
Frederick the Great, (1712-1786) 366
Fredholm, I., (1866-1927) 525 526 527 528 541 544
Free will 587—588 593
Freedom, degrees of 373
Freeman, A. 601n.
Frege, F.L.G., (1848-1925) 274 280 548 558 564 570
French Academy 133
Frobenius, G., (1849-1917) 239 242 250 251 308 412 432 445 600n.
Fubini, G.G., (1879-1943) 357
Fuchs, L., (1833-1902) 356 412 508
Fueter, R., (1880-) 604n.
Functionality, generalized 533—537
Functionals 378 419 530 533—537
Functions 32 141 272 283 288 289 570
Functions of lines 378
Functions, abelian 326 499 509
Functions, algebraic 226 346 508 509 510
Functions, almost periodic 509
Functions, analytic 290 486 493 497
Functions, arbitrary 293 516
Functions, arithmetical 306
Functions, automorphic 165 412 414 506—508
Functions, Bessel 383—386 519 522 523
Functions, beta 395
Functions, circular 106 236 288 391 506
Functions, elliptic 236 288 290 304 305 312 346 391—399 494 503 507 519 520 534
Functions, elliptic, modular 238 306 312 507
Functions, elliptic, theta 313 398 503
Functions, entire, transcendental 494—495
Functions, Euler's 310
Functions, Fuchsian 412
Functions, gamma 290 395
Functions, generating 407
Functions, harmonic 489 491 496 523
Functions, hyperbolic 497 506
Functions, hyperelliptic 277 321 346
Functions, infinity of variables 539
Functions, integral transcendental 494—495
Functions, Lagrangian 373
Functions, Legendre 523 527
Functions, logarithmic 162
Functions, Matheiu 386 523
Functions, meromorphic 494
Functions, multiform 499
Functions, orthogonal 106 527—528
Functions, periodic 106
Functions, periodic, doubly 165 236 391—399 503
Functions, periodic, multiply 20 499 503
Functions, periodic, quadruply 503 506
Functions, potential 389 390 470 489 490 496 526 539
Functions, propositional 557 561 562 576
Functions, rational 492
Functions, real variables 470—485
Functions, Riemann's zeta 315
Functions, Riemannian 496
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