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Bell E.T. — The Development of Mathematics |
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Calculus, controversy on 148
Calculus, differential 43 57 75 133—134 219 282—292
Calculus, functional 535
Calculus, Fundamental Theorem of 153
Calculus, infinitesimal 288
Calculus, integral 43 133—134 219 282—292
Calculus, Leibniz' 152
Calculus, Newton's 15 151 289
Calculus, operational 413 414
Calculus, propositional 561 576
Calculus, Ricci 357
Calculus, tensor 200 210 259 358 359 360 414 523
Calvin, (1509-1564) 111
Cantor, Georg, (1845-1918) 78 92 154 168 171 189 273—278 280 283 294 461 462 471 481 482 534 538 539 540 543 548 552 570 580 581 586 600n.
Cantor, M., (1829-1920) 595n. 597n.
Cardan, H., (1501-1576) 111 117 118 120 129 155 173 176 232
Carmichael, R.D., (1879-) 408
Carnap, R., (1891-) 559 568
Carnot, L.N.M., (1753-1823) 338
Carson, J.R., (1887-) 414
Cartan, E., (1869-) 250 251 440 451
Cartography 353—354
Castillon, G.F., (1708-1791) 554
Cat's cradle 323
Cataldi, P.A., (1548-1626) 476
Catenary 373
Catherine, Empress, (1729-1796) 366
Cattle problem 75
Cauchy's integral formula 487
Cauchy's integral theorem 487
Cauchy's problem 417—418
Cauchy, A.L., (1789-1857) 15 153 165 175 177 194—195 240 255 284 285 290—292 340 361 395 401 406—408 411 426 438 469 470 472 474 475 477—480 481 491—493 494 495 497 498 500 520 521 535 574 604n. 607n. 608n.
Cavalieri, B., (1598-1647) 43 137—138 548
Cayley's absolute 331
Cayley's algebra 268
Cayley, A., (1821-1895) 22 203 205 234 240 268 323—326 339 340 342 346 350—353 403 421 424—431 590 605n. 606n.
cell 457
Centroid 75 79
Cesaro, E., (1859-1906) 478
Chace, A.B., (1845-1932) 595n.
Chain, Jordan – Hoelder 264
Chain, theorem 256
Chance 154—155
Chapman, S., (1888-) 478
Characteristic 255
Characteristic, universal 149 160 291 334 553
Chartres 91
Chasles, M., (1793-1880) 340
Chinese 157
Christina, Queen, (1626-1689) 139
Christoffel, E.B., (1829-1900) 210 354 360 490
Chrystal, G., (1851-1911) 403
Church, A., (1903-) 572 576 577 609n.
Chwistek, L., (1884-) 571—572
circle 8 77—81
Circle of convergence 492 495
Circle, archetypal 73 159
Circle, modern geometry of 310—311
Circle, quadrature 406
Circle, squaring the 77—78
Circle, vicious 264
Cissoid 80
Clairaut, A.C, (1713-1765) 403 460 497 498
Clapeyron, B.P.E., (1799-1864) 521
Clarke, S. 554 595n.
class 273
Class, equivalence 271—273 465
Class, finite 273
Class, form 301
Class, geometrized 542
Class, infinite 169 171 172 225 273 565 575
Class, null 257 575
Class, ordered 275
Class, similarity 271—273
Class, sub 257
Class, super 257
Class, theory of 539
Class-inclusion 224 542 554
Class-number 316
Classes 259
Classes of points 264
Classes, algebra 578
Classes, number of 301 312 313
Classical groups, The by Weyl 432
Classification 217
Clebsch, R.F.A., (1833-1872) 348 428—430 499 509 521 608n.
Clifford, W.K., (1845-1879) 211 348 359 432 460 610n.
clock 166
Coefficients, Bessel's 383 399
Coefficients, binomial 119
Coefficients, Fourier's 518
Coefficients, undetermined 145
Cole, F.N., (1861-1927) 241
Collective 593
Communism 551—552
Commutative law 189 202 203
compass 321
Complete system of fluxions by Maclaurin 371
Complex, geometric 345
Complex, number 167 172 175-180 194 217 255 541 542
Complex, quadratic line 346
Complex, topologic 457
Complex, variable, functions of 178 361 371 469 485
composition 267
Computation, Greek 49 50 51
Conchoid 80
Cone 75
Conformal mapping 399
Congruence 167 464 577
Congruence, arithmetical 191-195 298
Congruence, binomial 229 309—311
Congruence, Gaussian 206 308—311
Congruence, geometric 345
Congruence, roots of 309
Conics 59 80 82 158 159 321 322
Conjecture, Goldbach's 316
Connected surfaces 486 505 607n.
Connectivity 505
Conservation 371 422
Conservation, system 374
Constant, logical 556
Constantinople 109 110
Constants, arbitrary 141
Constructibility 575
Constructibility, Kronecker's 278—281
Construction 321—322
Continuation, analytic 339—340 493 495
Continuity 13 18 195 219 272 292 295 324 472 479 552 571
Continuity, principle of 158 340 463
Continuous groups 240 401
Continuous variation 141
Continuum 171 272 276 277 279 294 539 566 580—581
Continuum of real numbers 292
contour 487 490
Contribution to the philosophy of notation, A. by Peirce 556
Contributions to the mathematical theory of evolution by Pearson 592
Convergence 461
Convergence, circle of 492 495
Convergence, conditional 305
Convergence, radius of 492
Convergence, tests for 475
Convergence, uniform 292 477
Convergence, vector 207
Coolidge, J.L., (1873-) 466 597n.
coordinates 136
Coordinates, curvilinear 522—523
Coordinates, cylindrical 384 522
Coordinates, elliptic 522
Coordinates, Gaussian 210 523
Coordinates, generalized 209 371 372
| Coordinates, homogeneous 140 345
Coordinates, line 344—345 346
Coordinates, special 521—524
Coordinates, spherical 384 522
Coordinates, systems of 343
Copernican theory 111
Copernicus, (1473-1543) 58 111 161 163 330
Corps 213
Corpus 213
Correlation 589—590
Correspondence, geometric 342 347
Correspondence, one-one 144 216 273 276
Cosmology 326 353 354 358 360
Cotes, R., (1682-1716) 176 177
Courant, R., (1888-) 528
Cours d'analyse by Cauchy 292
Covariance, principle of 422
Covariant 322
Covariant, algebraic 421 425—432
Cramer, G., (1704-1752) 346 425
Crelle, A.L., (1780-1855) 234 368 409
Cremona, L., (1830-1903) 323 324 325 326 347—348 504 509
Criminology 588 589
Critique of pure reason by Kant 549
Croissance 495
Cross ratio 59 338 349 350
Crusades 99
cube 77—79 127
Cubic 176
Cubic, binary 307
Curry, H.B., (1900-) 572
Curvature 328 332 358 359 440 446
Curvature, lines of 354—355
Curves and surfaces by J.W.T. Youngs 465
Curves, algebraic 141 505 506
Curves, continuous 276
Curves, cubic 346
Curves, nodal 514
Curves, normal 592
Curves, Peano's 387
Curves, plane 79 227
Curves, plane, algebraic 346
Curves, plane, cubic 141
Curves, plane, quartic 322
Curves, quartic 242 346 347 348
Curves, skew 80 346
Curves, space-filling 277
Curves, special 20 39 139
Curves, tangentless 278
Cut 225 277 279
Cut, branch 500—501
Cyclide 355
Cycloid 166 525
Cyclotomy 231 243
Cylinder 75
Cyzicus, (school) 56
Czuber, E., (1851-1925) 610n.
Daniell, P.J., (1889-) 555
Dante, (1265-1321) 109
Darboux, J.G., (1842-1917) 241 339 356 379 403 479 601n. 607n.
Darwin, C., (1809-1882) 253 589
Das Kontinuum by Weyl 566
Datta, B. 596n.
de Broglie, M., (1875-) 376
De Jonquieres, E. 347
de la Hire, P., (1640-1718) 159
de la Vallee-Poussin, C.J.(1866-) 314
de Maupertuis, P.L.M., (1698-1759) 374 565
de Moivre, A., (1667-1754) 176 583
de Saint-Venant, B., (1797-1886) 521
Decomposition theorems 260 261
Decomposition theorems, unique 223
Dedekind — Weber theroy 514
Dedekind, J.W.R., (1831-1916) 65 168 171 178 181 190 197 212 214 215 218 220 223 229 238 239 246 247 255 256 258 259 260—261 263 264 267 268 273 276 277 279 283 316 349 413 481 507 510 514 551—552 570 598n.
Deduction, mathematical 185
Deductive, proof 4 5
Deductive, reasoning 4 18 47 55 330 593
Definiteness, mathematical 215
Degen, C.F., (fl. 1817) 268
Degeneration 324
Dehn, M.W., (1878-) 45 335 456
del Ferro, S., (1465-1526) 118
Democritus, (460?-370? b.c.) 44—45 75 586 595n.
Denjoy, A., (1884-) 482
Denumerable Infinity 154 275
Denumerable Infinity, non- 195
Derivative 292
Derivative, generalized 536
Desargues, G., (1593-1662) 132 135 158—160
Desarguesian 158
Descartes, R., (1596-1650) 15 69 76 129 131 132 133 134 138—142 143 144 145 146 149 243 248 272 338 457 597n.
Descriptio by Brahe 162
Determinant 204 425—427
Determinant, infinite 537
Determinant, minimum 529
Determinism 582 587
Determinism, economic 365
Deuring, M. 600n.
Deviation, standard 592
di Fagnano, Conte, (1682-1755) 392
Diagram, Argand 184 206 315 486
Diagram, Wessel 184 206
Dickson, L.E., (1874-) 69 218 239 242 250 251 308 318 432 445 596n. 598n. 599n. 601n. 602n.
Diderot, D., (1713-1784) 600n.
Differences, finite 285 288 544
Differences, symmetric 555
Differential 288 292
Differential equations 525
Differential equations, algebraic 508
Differential equations, existence theorems for 411
Differential equations, infinite order 418
Differential equations, Lie, theory 435—438
Differential equations, linear 522
Differential equations, non-linear 412
Differential equations, structural theory 437—439
Differential equations, symbolic method 413—415
Differential equations, systems 415—418
Differential, algebraic 508
Differential, generalized 536
Differentiation, covariant 360
Differentiation, fractional 535
Dimensionality 326 342—344 461—462
Dimensionality, theory of 543
Dinostratus, (c. 300 b.c.) 596n.
Diocles (2nd cent. b.c.) 80
Diophantine analysis 68 187 298—301 302 535
Diophantus (date uncertain, c. a.d. 250) 39 49 57 68—69 98 127—128 173 298
Diophantus, Bachet's 156
Dirac, P.A.M., (1902-) 72 451 531 602n.
Dirichlet, P.G.L., (1805-1859) 215 223 231 293 302 303 306 311—313 316 535
Dirichlet, P.G.L., principle 388—390 402
Dirichlet, P.G.L., problem 388—390 491 496 526
Discorsi by Galileo 164
Discours by Descartes 138
Discreteness 12 544
Displacement, parallel 449 450
Displacement, virtual 375 450
Disquisitiones arithmeticae by Gauss 186 297 298 299 303 305 309 312 421
Disquisitiones generates circa superficies curvas by Gauss 358
Disraeli, B., (1804-1881) 244
Distance 163 253 350 359 461 541 542
Distance, postulate 351
Distance, projective 352
Distribution, normal 586
Distributive law 203 586
Divergence, vector 207
Divisibility 221—223
Divisibility, arithmetical 49 187 220 224 309
Divisibility, generalized 220—224
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