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Bell E.T. — The Development of Mathematics |
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Introductio in analysin infinitorum by Euler 287
Intuition 45 464
Intuition, analytic 284
Intuition, departure from 512—515
Intuition, geometric 263 492
Intuition, original 559 570
Intuition, scientific 387—390
Intuition, space 466
Intuitionism 284 559—561 565—566 569—570
Intuitionists 560—561
Invariance 228 233 240 450
Invariant 321
Invariant, algebraic 211 340 421 438
Invariant, differential 440
Invariant, functional 536
Invariant, modular 308
Invariant, projective 59
Invariant, topologic 460
inversion 172-175
Inversion, geometric 347—348 504
Inversion, Jacobi's 503
Investigation into the laws of thought, etc., by Boole 259 554 573
Involute 166
Involution 158
Involution, geometric 349
Ionian school 56
Irreducibles 220 221
Isodorus, (c. 570-636) 86
Isomorphism, simple 216
Isoperimetric problem 79 402
Iteration 526
Jacobi, C.G.J., (1804-1851) 20 82 190 231 237 304 312 313 374 378 395 396 426 441 476 494 499 501 503 604n.
Jacobian 426
Jeans, J.H., (1877-) 596n.
Jeffreys, H., (1891-) 414 415
Jensen, J.L.W.V., (1859-1925) 409 475
Jerrard, G.B., (?-1863) 599n.
Jordan — Hoelder theorem 236 260 261 264
Jordan, C., (1838-1922) 236 239 241—242 260 276 323 445 460 599n. 600n.
Joshua 271
Jung, H.W.E. 514
Juxtaposition, additive 128
Kant, I., (1724-1804) 79 175 344 549 560 574
Kantorovich, L. 261
Karkhi, al, (c. 1010 a.d.) 99 128
Kekule, V.S., (1829-1896) 431
Kellogg, O.D., (1878-1932) 603n. 608n.
Kelvin and Dirichlet's problem 388—390
Kelvin, Lord (W.Thomson), (1824-1907) 206 388 455 529 603n. 604n. 606n.
Kepler's laws 161—164
Kepler, J., (1571-1630) 58 136 158 160—163 339
Keys, algebraic 195
Keyser, C.J., (1862-) 605n.
Khayyam, Omar, (d.c. 1123) 79 101
Khowarizmi, al, (9th cent.) 88 99 100—101 122 128 129 173
Kidinnu, (c. 340 b.c.) 38
Kinematics 439
Kirchhoff, G.R., (1824-1887) 456 521
Kirkman, T.P., (1806-1895) 241 323 455—456
Kleene, S.C., (1909-) 572 576 577
Klein, F., (1849-1925) 210 217 238 239 240 321 326 329 350 352—353 355 423 430 433 441—449 456 460 474 506 507 509 511—512 523 599n. 605n. 608n.
Kluegel, G.S., (1739-1812) 601n.
Knopp, K., (1882-) 607n.
Knots 455—456
Kobb, G. 513
Koenig, J., (1849-1913) 255
Koerper 213
Kowalewski, Sonja, (1850-1891) 418
Krampf, C., (?-1812) 601n.
Kronecker, L., (1823-1891) 170 176 178 182 186 195—196 197 209 212 214 215 219 226 227 228 229 231 237 238 239 246 255 275 277—279 303 312 313 349 397 399 413 426 429 462 510 552 561 565 566 569 570 575 576 599n. 600n.
Krull, W., (1899-) 600n.
Kuerschak, J., (1864-1933) 253
Kummer, E.E., (1810-1893) 197 218 220 221 223 227 228 229 305 475 599n.
L.C.M.("least" common multiple) 256 258
Lacroix, S.F., (1765-1843) 472
Lagrange, J.L., (1736-1813) 15 16 20 82 84 95 98 119 122 144 153 155 158 165 169 170 199 218 219 232—237 243 284 285 288 289 291 293 296—299 301 302 304 307 309 315—317 362—366 371 373 375 378 379 380 383 389 390 403 404 407 408 420 421 424 425 426 430 459 460 467 470 472 476 491 495 497 498 517—519 523 585 597n. 601n. 603n. 605n.
Laguerre, E., (1834-1866) 351 440 476
Lamb, Charles 533
Lambert, J.H., (1728-1777) 328 391 491 498 554
Lame, G., (1795-1870) 355 521—524
Landau, E., (1877-1938) 275 307 314 316 318 508 599n. 600n. 602
Landen, J., (1719-1790) 393
Landsberg, G., (1865-1912) 510 514
Laplace, P.S., (1749-1827) 111 113 153 155 170 192 362—366 390 404 407 410 416 426 460 518 523 525 526 535 583—584 585 603n. 610n.
Lasker, E., (1868-) 255
Latham, Marcia L. 597n.
Lattice 258 see
Lattice theory by Birkhoff 261
Lattice, algebraic 258 261
Lattice, Banach's 262
Lattice, Dedekind 258
Lattice, point 306 313
Lattice, special 261
Lattice, vector 262
Laurent, H., (1841-1908) 494
Law(s) of musical intervals 50
Law(s), associative 203—204
Law(s), commutative 189 202 203
Law(s), distributive 203 586
Law(s), inverse-square of attraction 162
Law(s), Kepler's 161—164
Law(s), Legendre's of reciprocity 222
Law(s), Pythagorean 50
Laws of thought by Boole 259 554 573
Leacock, S., (1869-1944) 248
leap year 85
Least, action 365
Least, restraint 375
Least, squares 395 586
Least, time 144 366 373
Lebesgue, H.L., (1875-1941) 472 480 482 485 607n.
Lecons sur la theorie generale des surfaces et les applications geometriques du calcul infinitesimal by Darboux 241
Lecons sur les coordonnees curvilignes et leurs diverses applications by Lame 522
Lectures on quaternions by Hamilton 201
Lefschetz, S., (1884-) 462 606n.
Legendre, A.M., (1752-1833) 165 219 222 243 296 299 302—304 309 314 334 378 394 395 403 518 523 586 603n. 604n.
Leibniz, G.W., (1646-1716) 15 127 131 132 133 134 135 138 147 148—151 152—153 154 157 176 185 243 271 273 281 283 284 290 291 295 334 341 374 399 400 413 425 472 480 481 548 553 574 577 597n. 604n. 607n. 609n.
Lemoine, E., (1840-1912) 321 323
Length 463
Leonardo of Pisa, (1175-c. 1250) 103 107 114 see
Leroy, E. 478
Levi, B., (1875-) 513
Levi-Civita, T., (1873-1941) 210 449 451
Levy, P., (1886-) 415 536
Liber Abaci by Fibonacci 103 107 114
Liber quadratorum by Fibonacci 114—115
Lie, M.S., (1842-1899) 15 82 233 239 240 250 265 357 375 401 423 431 437—438 440 441—442 443 558 605n. 606n. 608n.
Light, elastic-solid theory 521
Light, quanta of 574
Limits 43 219 272 283 289 292 295 472 539 552
Limits, theory of 289
Lindemann, C.L.F., (1852-1939) 78 275
Line 264
Line of curvature 354—355
Line, asymptotic 355
Line, at infinity 339
Line, coordinates 344—345 346
Line, geometry 344—345
Line, skew 324
Linearity 440 528 530—532 544
Linnaeus, (1707-1778) 248
Liouville's theorem 494
Liouville, J., (1809-1882) 275 494 526 535
Lipschitz, R., (1831-1904) 218 250 354 360 411
Listing, J.B., (1808-1882) 455
Littlewood, J.E., (1885-) 307 316 318 478
Lobachewsky, N.I., (1793-1856) 15 188 328 329 331 336 353 447
Loci, linear 80
Loci, plane 80
Loci, solid 80
| Logarithms 121 161 162
Logic, absolute 335
Logic, Aristotelian 572
Logic, combinatorial 572
Logic, infinite-valued 574
Logic, intuitionist 572
Logic, many-valued 556 557
Logic, mathematical 168 169 212 214 218 219 249 258 334 349 548 553—593
Logic, non-Aristotelian 92
Logic, symbolic 135 150 191 224 295 536 550 553—593
Logic, three-valued 573 574
Logic, traditional 335
Logic, two valued 265 571
Logic, unreliability of 565
Logicalism 559 563—566 570
Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung by Wittgenstein 568
Logische Syntax der Sprache by Carnap 568
logistic 49 50—51 572
Loop 500
Louis XVI, (1774-1793) 366
Loyola, (1491-1556) 111
Lucas, E.A., (1842-1891) 115
Lucretius, (95-51? b.c.) 586
Lueroth, J., (1844-1910) 509
Lukasiewicz, J. 573
Lunar theory 416 537
Luther, M., (1483-1546) 111
Macaulay, F.S., (1862-1937) 255
MacColl, H., (1837-1909) 557 558
Mach, E., (1838-1916) 72 598n.
MacLane, S., (1909-) 600n.
Maclaurin's theorem 285
Maclaurin, C., (1698-1746) 121 285 371 392 407 473 600n. 607n. 609n.
MacMahon, P.A., (1854-1929) 604n.
MacMillan, W.D., (1871-) 417
Magnete, De, by Gilbert 112
Magnitude 183 294
Magnitude, algebraic 239 255
Magnitude, extended 203 204
Magnus, L.I., (1790-1861) 347
Mahavira, (9th cent.) 95 173 175 176
Mahomet, (6th and 7th cent.) 86
Malfatti, G.F., (1731-1807) 599n.
Manifold 203 254 359
Manifold, group- 440
Manifold, n-dimensional 203 209—210 343
Manifold, number 203 343
Manifold, space-time 360
Mapping, conformal 488 490
Mapping, continuous 461
Marathon 52
Marcellus, (268?-208 b.c.) 74
March, H.W., (1878-) 414
Markoff, A., (1856-1922) 592
Mascheroni's geometry 321
Mascheroni, L., (1750-1800) 321
Mason, M., (1877-) 416
Mass 127
Mass, production 544
Mathematical analysis of logic, etc. by Boole 554
Mathematical logic by Quine 573
Mathematics and war 532—533
Mathematics, abstract 334
Mathematics, applied 160—166
Mathematics, consistency of 567
Mathematics, economic motive in 532
Mathematics, formal 335
Mathematics, formal, problem of 557
Mathematics, foundations of 338 564 570
Mathematics, meaning of 567—569
Mathematics, military 532
Mathematics, nature of 553
Mathematics, universal 553
Mathews, G.B., (1861-1922) 307
Mathieu, E., (1835-1890) 382
Matrices, finite 541
Matrix 204 562
Matrix, hermitian 308
Matrix, mechanics 206 211
Matrix-method 556
Matter 50 564
Maxima 143 373 376—378
Maxwell, J.C., (Clerk Maxwell, J.), (1831-1879) 206 207 322 466 586
Mayer, A., (1839-1908) 380 436
McCormack, T.J. 598n.
McLachlan, N.W., (1888-) 604n.
Measure 262
Mechanica by Euler 371
Mechanics 79 262 533
Mechanics, analytic 362—364 371—373
Mechanics, celestial 111 164 170
Mechanics, Laplace's 111 170
Mechanics, matrix 206 211
Mechanics, Newtonian 155 164 202 363 370—371 439
Mechanics, quantum 211 242
Mechanics, statistical 22 587
Mechanics, wave 211 529
Mechanique analytique by Lagrange 371
Medici 110
Menaechmus, (375?-325? b.c.) 57 75 453
Mendel, G., (1822-1884) 589
Menelaus, (1st cent.) 158
Menge 273 274 280 581 600n.
Mengenlehre by Cantor 172 278 461 542 548 552 581 586
Menger, K., (1902-) 262 264 265 543 574 609n.
Mensuration 75
Mensuration, Archimedean 46
Mensuration, Babylonian 40—42 46
Mensuration, Egyptian 42
Meray, G, (1835-1911) 168 278
Mercator, N., (1620-1687) 473
Mersenne, M., (1588-1648) 133 138 139
Metamathematics 229 452 557 572 575
Metaphysics 76 568 570—571
Method, abstract 247 266 269 512 544
Method, algebraic-arithmetic 513
Method, Hilbert — Schmidt 528
Method, matrix- 556
Method, modern scientific 164
Method, moments 592
Method, photoelastic 521
Method, postulational 70—72 120 212 326
Method, projection 159 323
Method, statistical 582 590
Method, uniform 36—37 119
Methoden der mathematischen Pkysik (Bd.1) by Courant and Hilbert 528 529
Methodology, Euclidean 178—182 336 586
Methodus incrementorum directa et inversa by Taylor 285 406
Metric geometry 41 69 326 329 351
Metric, projective 351—353
Meyer, W.F., (1856-1934) 605n.
Michalski, K. 92
Michelangelo, (1475-1564) 111
Michelson — Morley experiment 210
Middle, excluded 92 565 570
Miller, G.A., (1863-) 241 445 602n.
Milton, J., (1608-1674) 599n.
Mind, Eternal 73
Minima 143 373 376—378
Minkowski, H., (1864-1909) 70 302 305—306
Minus sign 96
Mittag-Leffler, (1846-1927) 494
modular system 227 246 259
Modulus 191 194 300
Moebius, A.F., (1790-1868) 200 345 430 460 598n.
Mohr, G. 321
Moigno, F.N.W., (1804-1884) 604n.
Moivre, theorem of 176
Moments, method of 592
Monge, G., (1746-1818) 326 339 354—355 366 410
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