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Peierls R. — Bird of passage: recollections of a physicist
Peierls R. — Bird of passage: recollections of a physicist

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Íàçâàíèå: Bird of passage: recollections of a physicist

Àâòîð: Peierls R.


This personal, anecdotal, and often humorous autobiography reads like a history of 20th-century physics, but with the added warmth of a very good novel. Peierls's personal contact with most of the giants of modern physics, including Bethe, Weisskopf, Bohr, Fermi, and Sommerfeld, provides a unique glimpse of events that have shaped much of our modern world. A distinguished physicist himself, Peierls spent most of his career in leading centers of physics in Europe, England, and America, including work with Robert Oppenheimer and the development of the first atomic bomb. Strongly recommended for most libraries. E. Robert Paul, History of Science Prog., Dickinson Coll., Carlisle, Pa.
Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc. — This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1985

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 351

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 31.10.2010

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Academic Assistance Council      95—96
Achondroplasia      221
Air raids      146—47
Air-raid precautions      143 146—47
Aitchison, Ian      291 326
Akers, W. A.      166
Alamagordo test      201—202
Allen, Jack      114—17
Allen, Ken      301
Amaldi, Edoardo      89
American Physical Society      274 315
Anderson, Herbert      196
Anti-ballistic missiles      285
Arms control      287
Arms, H. S.      162 252
Artsimovich, L. A.      286
Asahi Shimbun      263 265
Atalay, Bulent      306
Atom bomb      154
Atomic Scientists’ Association (A.S.A.)      282—84
Atomic train      283
Atoms for Peace      266
Baker, Nicholas      188 192
Baldin, A.      239
Band, Cyril      312
Barman, Lovis and l’enelope      247—48
Barwich, H.      225
Bathtub Row      189
Bauer, Edmond      108
Bauer, Etienne      108
Baykov, A.      139—46
Bayley, John      296
Beck, Guido      32 39 44—45 334
Beck, Rainer      306
Beg, Baqi and Nancy      231
Berlin University      17—21
Berman, R.      43 301
Bernstein, Jeremy      306
Bethe method      102
Bethe method in St. Antonicn      76
Bethe, Hans      23—24 30 59 218 326
Bethe, Hans in Los Alamos      191 196 200
Bethe, Hans in Manchester      99—104
Bethe, Hans, lectures      331
Bethe, Rose      191—93
Bhabha, H.      122—23
Bhaduri, R. K.      306
Birmingham      127—28 138 211 320
Birmingham, conferences      213—14 261—62
Birmingham, University      127—28 136—37
Blackett, Constance      95
Blackett, Patrick      61 95 278 309
Bleaney, Brebis      300
Blin — Stoyle, R. J.      257
Bloch, Felix      34—35 52—53 55 172
Blume, Martin      270
Bogolyubov, N. N.      267
Bohr, Aage      191 236 333
Bohr, Harald      57
Bohr, Niels      25 55—58 66 139—40
Bohr, Niels and "Maud" message      156
Bohr, Niels and fission      152—53
Bohr, Niels and heredity      58—59
Bohr, Niels and interpreter      266
Bohr, Niels and nationalism      58
Bohr, Niels and security      188
Bohr, Niels in England      180—81
Bohr, Niels, building      56
Bohr, Niels, collected works      333
Bohr, Niels, compound nucleus concept      134
Bomber trips      169—70 179—80
Bonnevay, Georges      216
Born, Max      26 123 263
Bothe, W.      19
Boxer, Mark      327
Bradfield, Margaret      303
Bragg, W. L.      96 101 209
Brake, Jessie      137
Brauer, Alfred      20
Break with Halban      179
Breit, Gregory      171 231—32
Brentano, J.      105—106 188
Breslau      5
Bretscher, Egon      35 53 76 114
Bretscher, Egon and plutonium      160
Bretscher, Egon at Los Alamos      191
Bretscher, Hanni      35 76
Brillouin, Leon      53
Brink, David      291 305
British party at Los Alamos      206
Broglie, I., de      41
Bronstein, M. P.      69
Brookhaven      313
Brown, Gerry      212 228 231—32
Brown, Traudl      232
Brueckner, Keith      268
Buck, Brian      305
Budget problems      186—87
Burkhardt, Hugh      275
Burt, Commander      223
Burt, Michael      305
Burton, C. G.      136
Butler, S.      242 328 336
Byers, Nina      240 331 335
Caianiello, E. R.      272
Caius College      219
Calderwood, Norah      132—33
Cambridge      90 92—95 115—26
Cambridge offer of a chair      208—209
Carathfodory, C.      23
Carillo, Professor      271
Carpenter Road      212
Casiels, J.      278
Casimir, H.B.G.      67 310—11
Castillejo, L.      238 291
Cavendish      92—93 118—19
CERN      280 304
Chadwick, James      118—19
Chadwick, James and fast neutrons      158
Chadwick, James at Los Alamos      191 201
Chan, Hong — Mo      258—59
Chandrasekhar, S.      117—18
Channel Islands conference      311—12
Cherwell, Lord      162 200 283
Chester, G. V.      229 290
Chretien      227
Clarendon Laboratory      300—301
Cleared by internment      150—51
Cleared by tribunal      145—46
Close, Frank      307
Club      35—36
Cockcroft, J. D.      93 115 119—21 214 236 278
Cohen, Karl      170—71
colleges      292—93
Colomb, Ruby      132
Columbia University      275—77
Compartmentalisation      178—79
Compound nucleus      134 228
Compton, A. H.      25 171—72
Condensed-matter physics      304
Cooke, Arthur      297
Copenhagen      55 57 139—40 330—34
Coppin, Andrew      318
Coppin, Chris      318
Coppin, Kitty Peierls      211 219—20 222 318
Coppin, Pippa      318
Cox, Christopher      295
Critical size      153—54
Critical size of uranium, estimate      154
Curie, Irene      88
Curie, Marie      100—101
Dalitz, R. H.      234 291 307
Darwin, C.      124
Das, A. K.      307—308
Dash, Greg      316
Davison, Boris      175 237—38
De Dominicis, Cyrano      332
de Witt, Cecile      269
Deacon, Richard      324
Debye, P.      38—39 43
Delbriick, Max      74—76
Departure from Birmingham      289—90
Deuteron Photoeffect      103
Diamagnetism      50 87
Differential analyser      105 164
Diploma course      258—59
Dirac, Margit (Mancy)      122
Dirac, Paul      26—28 118 310
Dirac, Paul, isotope, separation      112—13 121—22 162
Dirac, Paul, relativistic electron theory      57—58
Discrimination, racial      183 185
Dorfman, J.      68—69
Dyson, Freeman      234—35 267—68 274
Easthope, C.      116
Eddington, A.      118
Edgbaston      128 138 212
Education, primary      (see School)
Edwards, Sam      229 237
Ehrenfest, P.      54—55
Eidgendssische Tcchnischc Hochschule (E.T.H.)      40
Einstein, A.      25 337
Electric resistivity      52—53
Electro-weak interaction      303—304
Electron, bands      36
Electron, field energy      227
Electron, spin      48
Electron, theory of metals      27 34 52 80
Elliott, Roger      291 327
Ellis, Charles      119
Ellis, Keith      308
Embirikos, N.      31
Enemy alien      145 147 158
Engel, Micky      306
English Electric      279
Equilibrium rime      164 171
Ewald, Paul      191
Examination      259—60
Exiled      113 (see also Kannegiser Nina Peierls Genia)
Fachschaft      20
Fankuchen, I. and Dinah      126
Feather, N.      159
Feather, N. and plutonium      160
Feenberg, Eugene      78—79
Fellows, at Oxford      292
Fenchel, Werner and Kate      22
Fermi medal      335
Fermi, Enrico      28 86—88 171 191
Fermi, Enrico at atomic bomb test      202
Fermi, Laura      89
Ferretti, Bruno      233
Feynman, Richard      196—97
Fire service      147—49
Fission      152
Fission, spontaneous      199
Florence conference      309—10
Flowers, Brian and Mary      228 235—37 278—79 283
Fock, V. A.      276—77
Fokker, A. D.      55
Foot, Paul      325
Fowler, R. H.      35—36 92 108
Frenkel, Ya. I.      61—62
Frisch — Peierls memorandum      154 203
Frisch, Otto Robert      152 157
Frisch, Otto Robert at Los Alamos      191
Frisch, Otto Robert in Birmingham      153—55
Frisch, Otto Robert in Liverpool      159
Frisch, Otto Robert in pantomime      206
Frisch, Otto Robert, naturalised      183
Fuchs case and the press      225
Fuchs, Klaus      163 186 197 205 278
Fuchs, Klaus arrested      223—25
Fuchs, Klaus at Los Alamos      191
Fujioka, Y.      265—66
Fulda, Carl      11 141
Fulda, Ludwig      11 141
Galitsky, V.      239
Gamow, G.      60—61 93
Garcfa, G.      330
Garrido, L.      312
Gaseous diffusion      158
Geballe, Ron and Marj      314—15
Geneva conference      110
Gennes, P. — G., de      269
Germany, attitude toward      337
Glashow, S.      270
Goldhaber, Maurice      119
Goldstein, Sydney and Rose      124—25
Gorter, C. J.      330
Gowing, Margaret      155 173
Graduate students, selection      249—67
Graduate students, supervision      121 251
Graduate students, teaching      249— 54
Greminger, Hanna      53 (see also Bretscher Hanni)
Gross, Charlie      216 319—20
Gross, Derek      320
Gross, Gaby Peierls      97 125 213 319— 20
Gross, Gaby Peierls at Oxford      215
Gross, Gaby Peierls at school      139 209 215
Gross, Gaby Peierls in Canada      151
Gross, Gaby Peierls in Toronto      173
Gross, Gaby Peierls, wedding      216
Gross, Melanie      320
Gross, Monica      319—20
Gross, Rowena      320
Groves, General Leslie      178—79 184 201
Groves, General Leslie and bathtubs      197—98
Groves, General Leslie and isolation      190
Gunther      239—40
Gurney, Ronald      36
Haar, D. ter      290—91 305
Haas-van Alphen effect, de      87—88 116 17 265
Haber, Fritz      16
Habilitation      80
Halban, Els      160 (see also Placzek Els)
Halban, Hans von      159—60
Halban, Hans von break with Kowarski      174
Hall effect      36—37
Hartree, Douglas and Elaine      104—105 164
Harwell      277—79 324
Hayter, William and Iris      293
Heat conductivity      42—44
Heisenberg, W.      25—26 32—34 39-40 310
Henley, Ernest      331
Hindenburg      10
Hiroshima      203
Hirsch, Kurt      22
Hitler      90 143—44 203
Hodgson, Peter      301
Hogben, Lancelot      247
Homeless people      149—50
Hook way, Chris      319
Hookway, Joanna Peierls      221—23 318- 19
House-hunting      96—97 114 128 230 317
Houston, W. V.      24
Hove, L. van      273
Hoyle, Fred      135
Huck, R. J.      121
Humboldt      10
Hund, F.      39 44—45 310
Husain, D.      246
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