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Поиск книг, содержащих: Matrix, reducible
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Ames W.F. — Numerical methods for Partial Differential Equations | 104 | Ben-Israel A., Greville T. — Generalized inverses: Theory and applications | 33 | Lutkepohl H. — Handbook of Matrices | 270 | Brin M., Stuck G. — Introdution to dynamical system | 57 | Ramirez Alfonsin J.L. — Diophantine Frobenius Problem | 11, 200 | Goodman F.M., Harpe P. — Coxeter Graphs and Towers of Algebras | 1.3 | Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations | 250 | Cvetkovic D., Rowlinson P., Simic S. — Eigenspaces of Graphs | 232 | Kress R., Gehring F.W. — Numerical Analysis | 59 | Aldrovandi R. — Special matrices of mathematical physics (stochastic, circulant and bell matrices) | 26, 27, 50 | Minc H. — Nonnegative Matrices | 5 | Bjoerck A., Dahlquist G. — Numerical mathematics and scientific computation | 193 | Reeves C.R., Rowe J.E. — Genetic Algorithms: Principles and Perspectives. A Guide to GA Theory | 116 | Ortega J.M. — Numerical analysis: a second course | 102 | Liu B., Lai H.-J. — Matrices in Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Network Theory and Applications Volume 3) | 48 | Abramovich Y.A., Aliprantis C.D. — An Invitation to Operator Theory | 333 | Elden L. — Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications in Data Mining | 141 | Fuzhen Zhang — Matrix theory: basic results and techniques | 123 | Usmani R.A. — Applied Linear Algebra | 194 | Horn R.A. — Matrix Analysis | 360 | Schott J.R. — Matrix Analysis for Statistics | 294—295 | Berman A., Shaked-Monderer N. — Completely Positive Matrices | 3 | Rice J. — Matrix computations and mathematical software | 30 | Abramovich Y., Aliprantis C. — An Invitation to Operator Theory (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, V. 50) | 333 | Dennery P., Krzywicki A. — Mathematics for Physicists | 158 |