Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Berman A., Shaked-Monderer N. — Completely Positive Matrices |
Предметный указатель |
graph 107
2-norm 2
Adjacency matrix 37
Angle between vectors 2
ARC 38
Block 33
Block design, balanced incomplete 69
Block design, complete 69
Block design, incidence matrix of 69
Book graph 101
Caratheodory's theorem 46
Cauchy — Binet formula 4
Cayley's formula 40
Characteristic polynomial 6
Chord 32
Chromatic number 36
Clique number 36
Clique, maximal 32
Completely positive graph 83
Completely positive matrix 61
Completely positive matrix, cp-rank of 139
Completely positive matrix, critical 67
Completely positive matrix, factorization index of 146
Completely positive matrix, i-minimizable 67
Completely positive matrix, rank 1 representation of 64
Completely positive quadratic form 68
Completion 56
Completion, CP 133
Completion, PSD 57
Component 33
Cone 41
Cone, circular 42
Cone, convex 42
Cone, dual 46
Cone, full 48
Cone, pointed 48
Cone, polyhedral 49
Cone, relative boundary of 44
Cone, relative interior of 44
Cone, reproducing 48
Cone, solid 48
Convex set 41
Copositive matrix 51
CP completion 133
cp-rank 139
Crown 97
Cut vertex 33
Cycle, odd 34
Diagonally dominant matrix 7
Diagonally dominant matrix, irreducibly 7
Diagonally dominant matrix, strictly 7
Digraph 38
Digraph, strongly connected 38
Direct sum of matrices 3
Directed graph 38
Directed graph of a matrix 38
Distance between vertices 32
DJL Conjecture 157
Dog-ear 122
Doubly nonnegative matrix 20
Doubly nonnegative matrix, diminishable 114
Edge, adjacent 31
Edge, end of 31
Edge, incident 31
Edge, vertex of 31
Edge-clique cover number 144
Eigenspace 6
Eigenvalue 6
Eigenvalue, simple 6
Eigenvector 6
Euclidean vector space 1
Excellent graph 122
Factorization index 146
G-partial matrix 56
G-partial matrix, CP 134
G-partial matrix, DNN 136
G-partial matrix, PD 60
G-partial matrix, PSD 57
Gersgorin's theorem 6
Graph 30
Graph, 175
Graph, 175
Graph, 107
Graph, bipartite 34
Graph, block of 33
Graph, block-clique 35
Graph, book 101
Graph, chordal 34
Graph, complement of 31
Graph, complete 31
Graph, complete bipartite 34
Graph, completely positive 83
Graph, connected 32
Graph, disconnected 32
Graph, excellent 122
Graph, isomorphic 31
Graph, k-colorable 36
Graph, k-connected 33
Graph, line graph of 37
Graph, line perfect 37
Graph, NCC 117
Graph, NLOC 97
Graph, PD completable 60
Graph, perfect 36
Graph, PSD completable 58
Graph, root graph of 37
Graph, simple 30
Graph, triangle free 34
Hadamard function of a matrix 130
Hadamard power 14
Hadamard product 13
Halfspace, closed 44
Halfspace, open 44
Hyperplane 44
Hyperplane, separating properly 44
Index of cyclicity 19
Inertia 7
Inner cycle of 181
Krein — Milman theorem 45
Kronecker product 14
Laplacian matrix 37
LU-completely positive matrix 123
M-matrix 21
M-matrix, inverse 127
Matrix realization, CP 83
Matrix realization, DNN 83
Matrix realization, symmetric 39
Matrix realization, symmetric nonnegative 39
Matrix, adjacency 37
Matrix, Cauchy 5
Matrix, Cauchy, symmetric 5
Matrix, comparison 3
Matrix, completely positive 61
| Matrix, copositive 51
Matrix, diagonally dominant 7
Matrix, diminishable doubly nonnegative 114
Matrix, doubly nonnegative 20
Matrix, doubly stochastic 127
Matrix, excellent 122
Matrix, G-partial 56
Matrix, G-partial CP 134
Matrix, G-partial DNN 136
Matrix, G-partial PD 60
Matrix, G-partial PSD 57
Matrix, Gram 11
Matrix, Hadamard function of 130
Matrix, Hankel 72
Matrix, Hilbert 5
Matrix, infinitely divisible 131
Matrix, irreducible 3
Matrix, irreducibly diagonally dominant 7
Matrix, Laplacian 37
Matrix, LU-completely positive 123
Matrix, nonnegative 18
Matrix, partial 56
Matrix, partial CP 133
Matrix, partial DNN 136
Matrix, partial PSD 57
Matrix, permutation 2
Matrix, positive 18
Matrix, positive definite 15
Matrix, positive diagonal 2
Matrix, positive semidefinite 9
Matrix, primitive 23
Matrix, reducible 3
Matrix, Stieltjes 24
Matrix, stochastic 127
Matrix, strictly diagonally dominant 7
Matrix, totally nonnegative 20
Matrix, totally positive 20
Matrix, triangular totally nonnegative 21
Matrix, triangular totally positive 21
Matrix, UL-completely positive 123
Matrix-tree theorem 38
Menger's Theorem 40
Minor, bordered 5
Minor, leading principal 3
Minor, left almost principal 124
Minor, principal 3
Minor, right almost principal 124
Moore — Penrose generalized inverse 4
n-cycle 32
NCC graph 117
Nested principal minors 16
NLOC graph 97
Non crossing cycle 122
Nonnegative matrix 18
Nonnegative orthant 1
Nonnegative rank 146
Nonnegative vector 1
Normalization 137
Partial CP matrix, meets the cycle condition 137
Partial CP matrix, normalization of 137
Partial DNN matrix 136
Partial DNN matrix, meets the cycle condition 137
Partial matrix, CP 133
Partial matrix, PSD 57
Partial matrix, symmetric 56
Path 32
Path, directed 38
Path, internal vertex of 32
PD completable graph 60
Perfect elimination ordering 35
Perron root 19
Perron vector 19
Perron — Frobenius theorem 19
PLSS property 98
Positive definite matrix 15
Positive diagonal congruence 3
Positive matrix 18
Positive semidefinite matrix 9
Positive semidefinite matrix, i-minimized 67
Positive semidefinite matrix, square root of 12
Positive vector 1
Property PLSS 98
PSD completable graph 58
PSD completion 57
Rank 1 representation 64
Rank 1 representation of support k 82
Rank 1 representation, minimal 139
Ray 45
Ray, extreme 45
Schur complement 24
Schur complement, generalized 27
Schur product 18
Separation, proper 44
Specification graph 56
Spectral radius 6
Spectrum 6
Square root of a matrix 12
Standard basis 2
Standard inner product 2
Strong perfect graph conjecture 41
Subgraph 31
Subgraph, induced 31
Subgraph, spanning 31
Subgraphs, disjoint 32
Subgraphs, intersection of 32
Subgraphs, union of 32
Submatrix, leading principal 3
Submatrix, principal 3
Support 1
Sylvester's Determinantal Identity 4
Sylvester's law of inertia 8
Totally nonnegative matrix 20
Totally positive matrix 20
triangle 32
Triangular totally nonnegative matrix 21
Triangular totally positive matrix 21
Turan's theorem 40
UL-completely positive matrix 123
Vector, extreme 45
Vector, nonnegative 1
Vector, positive 1
Vector, support of 1
Vertex 30
Vertex of a digraph 38
Vertex, adjacent 31
Vertex, degree 31
Vertex, incident 31
Vertex, neighbor 31
Vertex, pendant 31
Vertices, connected 32
Walk 32
Walk, closed 32
Walk, length of 32
Walk, open 32
Weak perfect graph conjecture 41
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