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Поиск книг, содержащих: Bravais lattices
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Cotton F.A. — Chemical Applications of Group Theory | 369 | Leach A.R. — Molecular Modelling Principles and Applications | 138—139 | Miessler G., Tarr D.A. — Inorganic Chemistry | 208 | Charles S.Barrett — Structure of Metals | 2 | Mclachlan D. — X-ray crystal structure | 6, 6, 63 | Cotterill R.M.J. — Biophysics: An Introduction | 84 | Guinier A., Mauguin C., Kathleen F.R. — X-Ray Crystallographic Technology | 74—85 | Bijvoet J.M., Kolkmeyer N.H., Macgillavry C.H. — X-Ray Analysis of Crystals | 13, 14, 81, 232 | Mariot A. — Group Theory and Solid State Physics | 37 | Dekker A.J. — Solid State Physics | 4, 6, 7 | Azaroff L.V. — Introduction to Solids | 37 | Pattabhi V., Gautham N. — Biophysics | 96 | Jones H. — Theory of Brillouin Zones and Electronic States in Crystals | 29, 30 | Meijer P.H.E. — Group Theory: The Application to Quantum Mechanics | 223 | Gedde U.W. — Polymer Physics (Chapman 1995) | 131, 132 | Marder M.P. — Condensed matter physics | 6 | Grosso G. (Ed), Parravicini G.P. (Ed) — Solid State Physics | 38, 42 | Kruegel E. — The Physics of Interstellar Dust | 203ff | Ma Z.-Q., Gu X.-Y. — Problems and Solutions in Group Theory for Physicists | 174, 180 | Lord E., Wilson C. — The Mathematical Description of Shape and Form (Mathematics and Its Applications) | 152, 156 |